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all the best中文翻译,all the best是什么意思,all the best发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

all the best中文翻译,all the best是什么意思,all the best发音、用法及例句

all the best

all the best发音

英:  美:

all the best中文意思翻译




all the best双语使用场景

1、All the best bargains were snapped up within hours.───所有最划得来的便宜货几小时之内就被抢购一空了。

2、Hi there, nice to meet you and wish you all the best.───你好,很高兴认识你,希望你一切顺利!

3、When they returned to Tuol Sakor, they found all the best land taken by squatters.───当回到图尔沙科尔时,他们发现那些最好的土地全都被人侵占了。

4、All the best ! Zhao Shaoxiong That was on the front of the page.───赵少雄一月 二四 中日”

5、The big clubs siphon off all the best players.───大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了.

6、Angus: I suppose because they have all the best arias.───安格斯: 我想,这是因为最优美的歌曲,都由高音演员唱吧?

7、I wished her all the best and there she went.───我给了她最美好的祝贺,她便出发了.

8、I wish all the best to everyone in your family.───祝愿你的家人万事如意.

9、The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.───最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。

10、However , all the best mooring were occupied by local fishing boats.───凡是可以泊船的地方早已被当地渔船占去了.

11、All the best bonnets of the city were there.───城里戴最漂亮的无边女帽的妇女全都到场了.

12、They manage to sign up all the best performers.───他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订合同.

13、Does private education skim off all the best students from the state system?───私立学校是不是会把公立学校最好的学生都挖走?

14、Wish him all the best, and tell him we miss him.───祝他一切顺利,告诉他我们想念他。

15、All the best , then, Marie, and we'll see you in two weeks.───那么祝你一切顺利, 玛丽, 我们两周后再见.

16、Thanks for the interview Dennis and all the best for your career!───感谢你接受采访,祝你事业顺利!

17、All the best in your new job!───祝你的新工作一切顺利!

18、T : Farrah , I'm proud of you. All the best to you.───法拉, 我真为您自豪. 祝您一切顺利.

all the best相似词语短语

1、with the best───跟任何人一样好

2、all the rage───时尚;风行一时的事物

3、all for the best───有好结果

4、all the more───adv.更加

5、fly the nest───离开父母

6、all the bests───所有最好的

7、all the go───最流行的

8、for the best───出于好意

9、take the test───参加考试

all the best 2020是什么意思


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