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The mess中文翻译,The mess是什么意思,The mess发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

The mess中文翻译,The mess是什么意思,The mess发音、用法及例句

1、The mess

The mess发音

英:  美:

The mess中文意思翻译



The mess双语使用场景

1、He saw Spitz run out his scarlet tongue in a way he had of laughing; and he saw Francois, swinging an axe, spring into the mess of dogs.───他看见Spitz吐着猩红色的舌头,一如他狂吠时那样,还看见Francois挥舞着斧头冲向那群狗。

2、She looked despairingly at the mess.───她一看这乱糟糟的样子,心就凉了。

3、But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess.───不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。

4、monitor tried to make up for the mess by reorganizing the class event as students were not interested in the original one.───班长试图通过重新组织活动来弥补混乱,因为学生们对原来的活动不感兴趣。

5、Somehow, I had found a way to let myself out of the mess. And I made it home.───从某种程度上说,我总算找到了一种让自己人混乱中解脱出来的办法。那就是呆在家里。

6、Beloved if this goal had already been reached, there would be no earth and there would be not the mess of the human dream that you know.───至爱的,如果这个目标已经达到,就不会有地球,也不会有你们所知道的人类梦想中的这一切混乱。

7、None of that excuses the mess it has made of its banking system.───地中海国家没有一个原谅这种银行体系制造的混乱。

8、One day, however, the bottle tipped over and she released her grip on the dog for just a moment to wipe up the mess.───然而有一天,因为瓶子倾斜,使得液体流到地面,她只好先把狗放开,准备清理地面。

9、And muggins here had to clean up all the mess.───而我这个傻瓜现在不得不清理这个烂摊子。

The mess相似词语短语

1、the West───西方世界(美国与西欧);西部

2、the Fens───沼泽地

3、the press───报刊(总称);新闻界

4、the bass───贝司

5、the Dems───民主党

6、the most───最…

7、the best───最好的







1. England's European Championship plans are in a right mess.


2. A waiter mopped up the mess as best he could.


3. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.


4. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess.


5. I have to get to the bottom of this mess.


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