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power sources中文翻译,power sources是什么意思,power sources发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

power sources中文翻译,power sources是什么意思,power sources发音、用法及例句

power sources

power sources发音

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power sources中文意思翻译



power sources双语使用场景

1、We may be able to make very very small power sources out of them.───我们应该可以从这些热浪中制作出十分小的电源。

2、ALL the power sources needed by the product come from solar energy, no any other auxiliary power sources needed, 100% green product.───完全采用太阳能作为动力能源,没有任何其它辅助电源,100%绿色产品。

3、A variety of alternative power sources would make the building self-contained.───多种替代能源可使建筑自给自足。

4、Black Start refers to the starting of a power system with its own power sources, without the assistance from external power supplies.───黑启动,是指依靠系统内部的电源,而不借助外部的电力进行的启动。

5、Meanwhile, the city is also cleaning up its power sources.───与此同时,上海还在整顿其电力资源。

6、Addition to using the automatic matching of emulsion by extension, could be used as temporary power sources used for light pumping system.───此外,还把乳化液自动配比推而广之,应用于可作为临时动力源的轻型泵站系统。

7、Sunlight can be inconsistent, so solar is often used in conjunction with other power sources.───太阳光可能并不总是步伐一致的,所以太阳能经常与其它能源结合使用。

8、If the technology catches on, it will open up vast areas of the planet's surface to one of the best low-carbon power sources available.───假若这项技术得到普及,它能以广大的地球表面提供予拓展最上成的低碳能源之用。

power sources相似词语短语

1、power lunches───商业午餐

2、power surge───动力高峰

3、power series───[数]幂级数

4、point sources───点声源

5、open source───开放源码;开放资源

6、open sources───开源(opensource的复数)

7、point source───点声源

8、closed sources───封闭来源

9、power surges───电涌(powersurge的复数)


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