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not true中文翻译,not true是什么意思,not true发音、用法及例句

04-01 投稿

not true中文翻译,not true是什么意思,not true发音、用法及例句

not true

not true发音

英:  美:

not true中文意思翻译




not true双语使用场景

1、Not true," the Duchess cut in.───不是真的,”公爵夫人插话道。

2、It was not true that she said she had never met him before.───第二句,她说她以前从来没有见过他,这不是真的。用限定性定语从句。

3、It's not true so much these days, but you did used to see whole classes of children sitting in silence.───现在这种景象已经不多见了,但是你过去常常看到整班的孩子都安安静静地坐着。

4、Let me tell you this is not true, The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell.───让我告诉你,这不是真实的,世界上有很多非常有钱,但却痛苦的人,如果他们生活在地狱。

5、Answer: Due to the power of attachment and delusion, it's not true that it's easy to let go of the painful in every case.───答:缘于爱情和幻想那强大影响力,并不是每个人都可以轻松地放手。

6、The Cold War stereotype of China as a country of obedient, orderly followers may have never been true, but it's certainly not true now.───冷战时期有关中国是个顺从、有序的国家的陈旧观念也许从来就不是真的,起码现在肯定不是。

7、Not true!' she said with conviction.───不真实!”她肯定地说道。

8、That is simply not true!───那根本不是真的!

9、It seems to me not true to write that Italy is " trying to reduce [its] dependence on nuclear electricity" .───依我看来,意大利“正在试图减少对核能发电的依赖”这并不是事实。

not true相似词语短语

1、hold true───适用;有效


3、come true───实现,成真;成为现实

4、not that───并非;并不是说

5、in true───(安装、调整等)正确;精确

6、to true───真的吗

7、boot tree───n.鞋楦



not true的同义词?

同义词可以是false,not true意思是不是真的;并非事实;不真实。它和false意思相同。

意思相近的还有wrong;not correct等。

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