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one size中文翻译,one size是什么意思,one size发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

one size中文翻译,one size是什么意思,one size发音、用法及例句

one size

one size发音

英:  美:

one size中文意思翻译



单一尺寸; 单码; 均一尺寸

one size双语使用场景

1、Unlike cars, which are "one size fits all," a comfortable bicycle must fit like a shoe.───像汽车,总是一个样子。一辆舒适的自行车必须像一双鞋一样适合自己。

2、The point is, dream jobs aren't a one - size - fits - all kind of deal.───重要一点就是梦寐以求的工作不是 普适 的.

3、Creative Control and Flexibility: You're not limited to a single one - size - fits - all option.───控制创造性和灵活性: 你不局限于单一的千篇一律的选择.

4、We cannot tell the mother there is not one size fits all, "she said."───我们无法告诉这位母亲哪一种喂养方法是万灵药。

5、This shirt is one size smaller than that one.───这件衬衫比那件小一号.

6、The point is, dream jo aren a one - size - fits - all kind of deal.───关键的一点是要知道理想的工作并不是一刀切的买卖.

7、But, as with symbols and action, one size doesn't fit all when it comes to interpretation.───但是, 即使有这些象征和行为, 一种类型并不能解释所有的现象.

8、Only one color but not one size. Stuck at the bottom yet easily flies. Present in sun but not in rain. Doing no harm and feeling no pain.───它只有一种颜色但不是一个大小,粘住它的底部它也能很轻易地逃脱,它只出现在晴天而不出现在雨天,它既没有害处也不会觉得疼痛,它是什么?

9、Viscose flat top chef hat, flat thin non - woven top. Free air circulation, one size fits all.───植物纤维高平顶厨师帽, 产品华贵高雅, 轻便吸汗,头围大小可调节,帽顶采用薄型无纺布,透气性好.

10、The first order quantity: 500 dz pair in one color one size and in one lot.───起定量: 500打,单色,一种尺寸,一次性发货.

11、Stretch filament socks, availaBle in one size which, however, fits everyone.───弹力长丝无跟袜,只有一种尺寸但伸缩自如.

12、Physical proportions vary widely between individuals, yet we at mass - produced, one - size - fits - all desks.───尽管我们大家都是使用那种大批量生产的同一尺码的桌椅, 但每个人身体的比例都是有很大区别的.

one size相似词语短语


2、font size───n.字体大小

3、body size───身体大小;字体大小


5、of a size───大小一样

6、wrong size───错误的尺码


均码(one size)用德文、法文怎么说


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