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salad bowl中文翻译,salad bowl是什么意思,salad bowl发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

salad bowl中文翻译,salad bowl是什么意思,salad bowl发音、用法及例句

salad bowl

salad bowl发音

英:  美:

salad bowl中文意思翻译



salad bowl双语使用场景

1、Friends are the Bacon Salad Bowl of Life.───朋友是生活这道菜中的咸肉末.

2、Massager, Wooden Tray, Chop Stick , Salad Bowl, Tooth Pick, Massage Equipment, Can Opener Tong Massager.───采购产品按摩器, 木制的盘子, 肉片根, 沙拉碗, 牙齿精选, 按摩设备, 开罐器.

3、Smear a little olive oil over the inside of the salad bowl.───在色拉碗的内壁上抹一点橄榄油。

4、Jim and I want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl set.───我和Jim非常感谢你送的漂亮的色拉盒.

5、Mix the lettuce and the cucumber in a salad bowl.───在沙拉碗里拌好莴苣和黄瓜。

6、Wooden Household, Kitchenware, Chopsticks, Gift Set, Salad Bowl, Tray Home Appliances.───采购产品木制的家庭, 厨房用具, 筷子, 礼物, 沙拉碗, 家用电器.

7、prevention may lie in a salad bowl or a plate of fruit.───预防作用就在于一个沙拉盘或水果盘。

8、In a salad bowl, mix the tomato and cucumber wedges.───西红柿和黄瓜切小块放入沙拉碗里.

9、Place the lettuce and cucumber in a salad bowl.───把生菜,黄瓜先铺入沙拉碗.

10、Can you help me place the cucumber, green pepper and onion into a large salad bowl, and then salt them?───你能帮我将黄瓜,青椒和洋葱放在大的色拉碗中,然后加盐腌吗?

salad bowl相似词语短语

1、salad oil───色拉油

2、salad bars───色拉自助柜;凉拌菜自助长条桌

3、slop bowl───泔水碗

4、salad fork───生菜叉;糕点叉

5、salad oils───色拉油

6、salad bowls───色拉盘

7、sugar bowl───糖罐子

8、shallow bowl───浅浮槽

9、salad bar───沙拉吧,沙拉台




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