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i am not sure(im not sure中文翻译,im not sure是什么意思,im not sure发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

i am not sure(im not sure中文翻译,im not sure是什么意思,im not sure发音、用法及例句)

im not sure

im not sure发音

英:  美:

im not sure中文意思翻译



im not sure双语使用场景

1、B: Im not sure. You know this kind of jeans are very popular and sells quickly. Please wait a moment. Ill check our stock.───我还拿不准。你知道,这种牛仔裤非常流行,卖得也快。请稍等,我去看看我们的存货。

2、Im not sure what that is.───我不太清楚那是什么。

3、Then I got an idea to make it, but Im not sure if it works, so, here it comes.───于是我想办法做了一下,但不确定是否能够正常工作,如下所示。

4、Im not sure how much these things normally cost but I AM SHOPPING ROUND. I am looking around the net for good offers on getting this done.───林不知道这些东西通常多少成本,但我是购物回合。我环顾就得到这个做得不好,提供网。

5、This is the main idea that I am trying to put together, but Im not sure how much more information is needed upfront to you.───这是主要的想法,我想他们放在一起,但我不能确定有多少前期需要更多的信息给你。

6、CEO: Ive read your report, and Im not sure I agree with you.───我曾经看了你的报告,我的看法能够跟你有所不同。

7、You were upset and said if Im not sure about our relationship, we probably not get married.───你当时不高兴并说,如果我对我们的关系不确定的话,也许不应该结婚。

8、Judge Harkin: Im not sure, but I believe Im buying lunch.───法官哈金:我不太断定,但是我信任我在买午餐。

9、Im not sure. He kept beating around the bush.───我不确定。他一直在拐弯抹角。

im not sure相似词语短语




4、make sure───确信;证实



7、for sure───adv.确实;毫无疑问地



I am not的缩写?

缩写:I’m not

例句:1、I'm not sure if the book you mentioned is still available.


2、I'm not good at English.


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