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team building中文翻译,team building是什么意思,team building发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

team building中文翻译,team building是什么意思,team building发音、用法及例句

1、team building

team building发音

英:[ˈtiːm bɪldɪŋ]  美:[ˈtiːm bɪldɪŋ]

英:  美:

team building中文意思翻译




team building双语使用场景

1、It is lack of leadership skills, neglects emotional management andhampers the process of team - building.───缺乏领导艺术, 忽视情感管理,缺乏对各种领导方式的综合灵活运用,影响团队建设的推进等.

2、Good ability of communication , team building and conflict coordination, good team player.───沟通 、 团队、冲突协调能力强,团队领导力.

3、Therefore, we should implement team - building step - by - step based on according with mentality, cognition, emotion, faith.───所以, 应在心理 、 认知 、 情绪 、 信念趋同的基础上,有步骤地实施团队建设.

4、Leadership and team building skills.───领导和组建团队能力.

5、Team building, motivation, and performance feature widely in modern business-speak.───团队建设、激励和绩效充斥在现代商业语言中。

6、Therefore, people oriented team building, team management and customer service are always our springboard and foothold.───因此, 致力于以人为本的团队建设 、 团队管理、客户服务始终是我们一切工作的出发点和落脚点.

7、That's the first step toward team building.───这些是你建立团队的第一步。

8、Strong man - management and team building skills.───有力的人员管理和团队建设能力.

9、Ability to motivate others and team building.───能有效激励成员,建设团队,能良好的协调部门内及各部门的关系.

10、Strong interpersonal communication, motivational and team building ability.───优秀的人际沟通 、 员工激励、团队建设能力.

11、Team building and management, including but not limited business training and performance non - routine check.───团队建设与日常管理, 包括但不限于业务培训、不定期绩效考核等.

12、And it's sort of like a team building thing.───这也类似于建设团队的一方面。

13、Role: Technology leader proven team - building and leadership ability toa fast - growing digital media services company.───需要担当的角色: 快速发展的电子媒体公司的技术领头人需要具有建立、领导公司技术团队的能力.

14、Strong interpersonal and team building skills.───良好的人际关系以及团队组织能力.

15、Attail end of 12 hours of team - building exercises and workshops, I am all teamed out.───经过12个小时的团队建设和努力, 我完全被团队出去了.

16、Skills: Technical skills; Team - building skills; Communication skills; Power of execution; Motivation & coaching skills; People management skills.───个人技能: 专业技能 、 团队建设技能 、 善于交流、有执行力 、 激励 及 指导技能 、 人员管理能力.

17、Excellent team building and leadership skills.───出色团队组建及领导技能.

18、Applicants must have strong communication and team building skills offers goodand other benefits.───申请人必须有很强的沟通能力和团队建设能力.

team building相似词语短语

1、tall building───高层建筑物

2、tenement building───出租住宅;唐楼

3、system building───体系建筑;制度建立

4、seam binding───滚滚条


6、new building───新建筑物


2、team building什么意思?

team building




Executive ability is the core competitiveness of team building in newly-merged or newly-established technical colleges.



The advantages of video games and the skills that are developed are wanted by employers-analytical thinking, team building, multitasking and solving problems in stressful situations are all key advantages in forming a well rounded student and a smart human being.


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