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scorched earth中文翻译,scorched earth是什么意思,scorched earth发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

scorched earth中文翻译,scorched earth是什么意思,scorched earth发音、用法及例句

scorched earth

scorched earth发音

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scorched earth中文意思翻译



n.军队撤退时销毁一切敌军可利用之物; 焦土

scorched earth双语使用场景

1、Scorched earth policy.───焦土战术。

2、Scorched Earth : Ability to make impassable terrain, enviornment based defenses.───焦土战术: 用于制造不可通过地形的技能, 地形防御.

3、Nokia v. Apple. The battles are typically high - stakes, complicated, and scorched - earth intensity.───这些诉讼大战往往是高风险 、 高强度并且十分复杂的.

4、When the earth changes into the scorched earth, the war considers the end finally.───当大地化为焦土, 战争终告终结.

5、After so much scorched earth can either side claim victory?───经历了这么多纷争,哪一方能宣称自己是胜者?

6、We will pursue our own 'scorched earth' policy "(Lewis, 221; 224)."───我们将实行“焦土政策”。

7、The house of the unbelievers shall be razed and they shall scorched earth.───不信者的房子将被烧毁,这些人将会被烤焦.

scorched earth相似词语短语

1、Mother Earth───(孕育万物的)大地

2、sconcheon arch───叉形拱

3、scorched-earth policy───n.焦土政策(战争中实行的一种自我破坏政策)

4、parched earth───干涸的土地

5、red earth───红土,[土壤]红壤

6、scorched earth policy───n.焦土政策(战争中实行的一种自我破坏政策)

7、scorched earth policies───n.焦土政策(战争中实行的一种自我破坏政策)

8、scorched earths───焦土策略(比如军队撤退时销毁一切敌军可利用之物)

9、bare earth───裸地


孤岛(The lsland)→焦土(Scorched Earth)→畸变(Aberration)→灭绝(Extinction)→创世纪1(Genesis Part 1)

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