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pecking order中文翻译,pecking order是什么意思,pecking order发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

pecking order中文翻译,pecking order是什么意思,pecking order发音、用法及例句

pecking order

pecking order发音

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pecking order中文意思翻译




pecking order双语使用场景

1、There are no big changes in the pecking order.───的排序没有大的变动。

2、New Zealand is at the top of the pecking order of rugby nations.───新西兰在橄榄球国家中首屈一指。

3、Newcomers have to accept their position at the bottom of the pecking order.───新来的人论资排辈只好屈居于最底层.

4、The pecking order changes every now and then but It'still seems to work!───愿我们相敬如宾、相亲相爱地共度一生!

5、He knew his place in the pecking order.───他知道自己在排序中的位置。

6、That's a step up in the corporate pecking order for Pepsi's food di - vision.───依在公司中的重要程度排次建立了百事食品业务部门.

7、No, it's just the pecking order at our office.───不是, 在我们办公室只是有个先来后到的顺序罢了.

8、Statistic Trade - off Model and Pecking Order Theory are two primary genres of research on capital structure.───在研究的过程中逐步形成了两大流派:静态均衡模型和啄食顺序假定,几乎所有的研究都可以被涵盖其中.

9、Viewing the entrepreneurs and banks by graphic solution, the paper analyses the pecking order theory.───本文从逆向选择角度,利用图解及数学模型分析解释了企业优序融资理论.

10、The pecking order continues to change.───尊卑次序继续发生改变.

11、To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office.───为了攀爬上更高的等级, 一些人晚上和周末也在办公室苦干.

12、He knew his place in the pecking order.───他知道自己排老几。

13、The guy at the bottom of the pecking order takes shit from everybody.───那个地位最低的家伙必须受每个人的气.

14、Their taxes would leave the pecking order intact and envy undiminished.───他们的税收将保持等级次序的完整性,羡慕也不会减少.

pecking order相似词语短语

1、batting order───打击顺序;击球次序;击球员上场顺序

2、picking over───vt.挑选;仔细检查……以便选出优品分档挑选

3、working orders───正常运转状态;操作顺序

4、receiving order───n.接管令,法院委派破产管理人行动的委任状

5、peck order───喙序;啄的等级

6、the pecking order───啄食令

7、working order───正常运转状态;操作顺序

8、decking over───甲板上铺板

9、pecking orders───[禽]啄序;社会等级(等于peckorder)


“啄食顺序理论” (The Pecking order Theory),即企业融资遵循内源融资>债务融资>股权融资 的先后顺序。简而言之,企业筹资先依靠于内部融资,再求助于外部融资。

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