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pull over 什么意思中文(pull over中文翻译,pull over是什么意思,pull over发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

pull over 什么意思中文(pull over中文翻译,pull over是什么意思,pull over发音、用法及例句)

1、pull over

pull over发音

英:  美:

pull over中文意思翻译




pull over双语使用场景

1、The man decided to pull over to see if he could help.───这名男子决定把车停下来,看看他是否帮得上忙.

2、The tourists signaled the driver to pull over.───游客们招呼司机把车开到路边.

3、He shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let him through.───他对拖拉机手高叫,要他靠边走,好让自己超过去.

4、B: Pull over quickly, otherwise you could seize the motor.───马上停车, 不然会烧坏发动机的.

5、Pull over side of the road when you hear a siren.───当听到警报器的声音时,把车停靠在路边.

6、He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.───他注意到后面一辆蓝色福特车里的一个男人示意他靠边停车。

7、Joe, please swallow your pride and pull over to askdirections!───乔, 请你放下身段,停车问路吧!

8、Josh made the cruise boat pull over in Puerto Vallarta.───乔希让我们的游艇在派亚达港口停泊!

9、Pull over after you turn right at this stop sign.───在停车线右转后靠边停车.

10、I shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let me through.───我向拖拉机手喊,要他把拖拉机开到路边让我过去.

11、The cop ordered him to pull over.───警察命令他停车在路边.

12、Pull over, take off your helmet and show me your license.───靠边停, 脱下安全帽,出示你的驾照、行照.

13、Excuse me, sir. Please pull over.───对不起, 先生, 请靠边停车.

14、And if we have time, we will often pull over and pick it up.───只要时间来得及,我们总是将车开到路边并将垃圾捡起来。

15、The patrolman signaled for the speeding driver to pull over.───巡警发出信号警告那名超速驾驶的司机靠边停下.

16、Please pull over to the curb.───请把车开到路边.

17、Pull over to the station and fill up on fuel.───拉扯对驻地并且填满在燃料.

18、Please pull over and stop over there.───请靠边停车,在那儿停下。

pull over相似词语短语

1、mulls over───仔细考虑

2、pulled over───把…开到路边;开到路边;靠边停车;靠岸

3、pull overs───n.套头毛衣;运动时穿的长袖毛线套衫;套衫(pullover的复数形式)

4、mull over───仔细考虑

5、pulls over───把…开到路边;开到路边;靠边停车;靠岸

6、spill over───溢出;被迫使出来


2、pull out ,pull through,pull over,pull up的意思分别是?最后有例句,谢谢?

pull out n.拔(撤离,折叠的大张插页,飞机进场重新飞起)


The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.


A car suddenly pulled out in front of me.


pull through vt.渡过(脱离,使...脱险)


He will pull through his illness soon.


If we can pull through this recession,we will be in good shape.


pull over a.套领的


I shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let me through.


Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.


pull up n.拉起(张力,停止,正偏,停车处)


It was a hard pull up to the mountain hut.


I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers.


The driving instructor told me to pull up at the post office.


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