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head home中文翻译,head home是什么意思,head home发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

head home中文翻译,head home是什么意思,head home发音、用法及例句

head home

head home发音

英:  美:

head home中文意思翻译



head home双语使用场景

1、Head home and get a great job.───回居住地找一份不错的工作.

2、Still no definite word on when released hostage Jill Carrol will head home.───获释后,吉尔?罗尔何时回国尚无确切的消息.

3、We will knock off and head home early.───我们会要尽早结束回家.

4、After the meeting, I was getting ready to head home.───会谈之后,我即准备回家。

5、I decided to abandon fishing and head home before I froze to death.───我决定放弃钓鱼并立即回家,否则我会被冻死的.

6、They try to head home but engine won't start.───他们努力向家驶去,但是发动机再也不能发动起来.

7、After class, they rehearse with the marching band and then head home for dinner.───下课后, 他们和行进乐队一同排练,然后回家吃晚饭.

8、I realise, as I head home, still in a daze, that I don't know who to call.───在回家的路上,我仍然处于发呆状态,我意识到我不知道给谁打电话。

9、Tens of millions of people collar city - dwellers and rural migrant workers - head home for family reunions.───数百万外地学生、白领和务工人员每年都会赶在春节来临前回家与家人团聚.

10、I think we'd better head home.───我想我们最好上路回家啦.

11、if I am a burglar, you'd better head home right now.───我若真是个盗贼,你最好现在就回家。

head home相似词语短语

1、near home───离家近,在家附近

2、head money───人头钱


4、head louse───头虱

5、head tone───头音

6、head shops───总店;出售毒品的商店

7、remand home───少年拘留所

8、head bowed───低着头

9、head tones───头音

get home 和return home都是回家,有什么区别么

1. get home = reach/arrive home,强调结果,即“达到了家里”;

2. return home = go/come back home,强调动作和“回”的特点,即“回到家里来/去”。

3. head home意思是“朝家里行进”,只强调行进的方向/目标是家。

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