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going forward中文翻译,going forward是什么意思,going forward发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

going forward中文翻译,going forward是什么意思,going forward发音、用法及例句

going forward

going forward发音

英:  美:

going forward中文意思翻译



going forward双语使用场景

1、The building of the reservoir is going forward without any trouble.───水库建设工程进展顺利.

2、The building of the dam is going forward without any trouble.───水坝建设工程进展顺利.

3、The troops were going forward quickly.───部队在疾步行军.

4、Keep going forward and there are the office buildings you're looking for.───再向前走就是你要找的楼堂馆所.

5、There are ways to address these issues, going forward.───有一些办法来解决这些问题, 向前迈进.

6、What's going forward over there?───那边在干什么?

7、And going forward, Charlie, they feel caught in a bind.───向前看, 查理, 他们会有被束缚的感觉.

8、They are following up their victories and going forward.───他们正乘胜前进.

9、We'll leave Dida and Ancelotti to speak, we are going forward.───接下来让迪达和安切洛蒂来说, 我们在继续前进.

10、They stopped a few moments looking on, amused and interested in what was going forward.───他们站住了,看一会儿, 给眼前发生的事逗乐了,发生了兴趣.

11、Keep going forward, even in the tough time, and never give up.───即使在最困难的时候也要勇往直前, 决不放弃.

12、The work is going forward well.───工作进展顺利.

13、Can we sustain our growth and development going forward?───我们能否持续发展,继续向前迈进?

14、The gentleman going forward while the lady follows backward.───由男士领舞,女士跟随,向后移步.

15、Arbeloa was going forward and then we had some problems in defence.───阿贝罗阿更多的参与进攻,我们的后防出现了点问题.

going forward相似词语短语

1、bring forward───提出;提前;结转

2、coming forward───涌现;自告奋勇;被提出来讨论

3、locking forward───向前锁定

4、brings forward───提出;提前;结转


6、fasting forward───快进

7、going towards───走向

8、buying forward───购买期货;买入期货

9、to bring forward───提出


FTY(First time yield)是第一次就把事情做对,由没有经过返工返修便通过的过程单位数而计算出的合格率。

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