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我想打死你(i want to kill you中文翻译,i want to kill you是什么意思,i want to kill you发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

我想打死你(i want to kill you中文翻译,i want to kill you是什么意思,i want to kill you发音、用法及例句)

1、i want to kill you

i want to kill you发音

英:  美:

i want to kill you中文意思翻译



i want to kill you双语使用场景

1、Help. . . I want to kill you.───帮忙…我跟你拼了

2、a guy next to her also echoed: Be careful, I want to kill you.───她旁边的一个男的也附和说:你给我小心,我要杀死你。

3、Not in a bad way, though, not in the I-am-psychotic-and-I-want-to-kill-you way.───尽管不是很严重,也不是处于我是精神病患者我要杀了你的状态。

4、The Joker: I want to kill you? what would I do without you. you complete me.───小丑:我要杀死你?没有你我能干什么。你成就了我。

5、I want to kill you, the ecology can attain done in complete secrecy, am I so also stupid and make people know?───我要杀你,自然可以做到神不知鬼不觉,我还会傻到让人知道吗?

6、I want to kill you like they do in the movies───我要像**里的他们那样杀死你

7、Xie Jianxian, I want to kill you!───邪剑仙,我想杀了你!

8、I want to kill you and slice you.───我想要杀死你并把你切成薄片。

9、The fucking moron, I want to kill you! Cocksucker!───你妈的,我要杀了你!贱人!

i want to kill you相似词语短语

1、in at the kill───在杀戮中

2、fit to kill───极度地;大大地;十分显眼地;过分地

2、nba励志语录 nba励志语录介绍











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