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videogames是什么意思(video game中文翻译,video game是什么意思,video game发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

videogames是什么意思(video game中文翻译,video game是什么意思,video game发音、用法及例句)

video game

video game发音

英:[ˈvɪdioʊ ɡeɪm]  美:[ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm]

英:  美:

video game中文意思翻译




video game双语使用场景

1、The bundle includes the video game console and four popular games.───这个搭售商品包括游戏主机和四款热门的游戏.

2、The first video game was invented about 25 years ago.───第一个游戏大约是在25年前发明的.

3、What's your opinion about video game playing?───关于电视游乐器玩的你意见是什么?

4、Colin: Correct. They turned the video game into a movie.───科林: 没错. 他们把一个视频游戏变成了一部影片.

5、My new video game player came with three game cartridges included.───我的新电子游戏机附有三盘游戏带.

6、It'll tell you exactly what you need to know about paid video game beta testing.───如果你真的想知道如何成为一个视频游戏测试仪,这篇文章可以帮助你指路.

7、B : How about this video game?───这个电视游戏如何?

8、Winner of G 4 Video Game Vixen for Dressed to Kill even though she hardly wears anything.───G4视频游戏以穿着杀人的胜利者,即使她几乎什么都没穿.

9、Another adventure film, Prince of Persia, comes from a popular video game.───另一部冒险片《波斯王子》则是根据颇受欢迎的电玩游戏改编而成.

10、Video game machines are always popular with children.───电子游戏机永远是孩子们的热门货.

11、Video game staff needed to input the number: 45.9.───视频游戏所需投入人员数目是: 45.9名.

12、He hardly ever plays video game.───他几乎从不玩电脑游戏。

13、Not to lay all this at the doorstep of a trifling video game, you understand.───请你理解,我也不是要把所有这些都归罪于一个有点儿不足道的电脑游戏.

14、As far as I am concerned, video game always seems better for killing time.───就我来说, 电视游戏似乎总是更能消磨时间.

15、Video game: a game played on a computer or console like Play Station.───电子游戏: 在电脑上或诸如游戏站的控制台上玩的游戏.

16、The problem with video game is that they're addictive.───电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾.

17、This video game machine has broken down.───这台游戏机坏了.

18、Let's take another stab at this video game.───让我们再玩一次这个游戏.

19、Bring a video game. Play with the volume at max level.───带上一个游戏机. 玩的时候注意把音量开到最大.

20、Mason Wyler : I'm a big video game nerd ! PlayStation 2, PSP, and PC games.───我是一个游戏痴,PS2, PSP, 电脑游戏都是我的最爱.

21、And another problem is, the client that how extends video game group?───而另一个问题则是, 如何拓展视频游戏的顾客群 呢 ?

22、I like watching a video game.───我喜欢看电子游戏。

23、Let's play a video game together.───我们一起玩视频游戏吧。

24、I play a video game.───我玩游戏机.

25、While the medical community currently does not recognize video game addiction as a mental disorder.───目前医学界还没有将电子游戏瘾认定为一种心理紊乱.

26、They are totally abandoned to the video game.───他们完全陷入了计算机游戏.

27、It eventually came out on top, and helped shape the legal precedent for video game law.───它最终还是技高一筹, 并帮助形成了对视频游戏的版权法的法律先例.

28、May I go to play a video game now?───现在我可以去玩电子游戏 吗 ?

29、The electronics shopping center has various video game cards for sale.───电子商城里有各式各样的游戏卡出售.

30、GD: If you could cuddle with one video game character, who would it be and why?───记者: 如果你可以拥抱一位电子游戏角色, 你会选择谁?为什么?

video game相似词语短语

1、die game───宁死不屈

2、video tapes───[电视]录像磁带

3、video games───电子游戏;视频游戏;电动游戏

4、video tape───[电视]录像磁带

5、video gaming───视频游戏;电视游戏

6、video art───录像艺术;视频艺术

7、video camera───摄影机

8、video call───视频通话

9、video taped───v.将……录到录像带(或录影带)上(videotape的过去式及过去分词)



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