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whipped cream(whipping cream中文翻译,whipping cream是什么意思,whipping cream发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

whipped cream(whipping cream中文翻译,whipping cream是什么意思,whipping cream发音、用法及例句)

whipping cream

whipping cream发音

英:[ˈwɪpɪŋ kriːm]  美:[ˈwɪpɪŋ kriːm]

英:  美:

whipping cream中文意思翻译




whipping cream双语使用场景

1、Beat whipping cream until thick.───鲜奶油打起备用.

2、Heat whipping cream, 100 g milk, coconut milk and sugar in a sauce pan until slightly boil.───将淡忌廉 、 100克牛奶 、 椰子奶及糖置于锅中,用中火煮至微滚.

3、Chop four ounces of semisweet chocolate and combine with a half-cup heavy whipping cream in a microwave safe bowl. Heat on high for one minute and stir until chocolate and cream are full incorporated.───度,在里面涂上四层6盎司的不粘锅泡沫,撒上一大汤匙糖,把四盎司巧克力剁碎,掺上半杯纯奶油,放进微波炉里加热一分钟,搅拌至巧克力和奶油充分混合。

4、Use whipping cream for dry and irritated skin, or skim milk for oily skin.───打泡奶油适合用于干燥和受刺激的皮肤, 脱脂牛奶适合用于油性皮肤.

5、He is whipping cream.───他正在搅打奶油。

6、Bring heavy whipping cream just to a boil and remove from heat.───带给重鞭打乳脂就为了沸腾并且从热搬迁.

7、We serve whipping cream today.───我们今天供应可供搅打的奶油.

whipping cream相似词语短语

1、whip cream───鲜奶油;掼奶油(等于whippedcream)

2、whipped creams───n.掼奶油(搅打至松软的奶油)

3、shipping clerk───货物打包及装运者;运务员(负责监管和记录货物运输的)

4、shaving cream───刮胡膏,剃须膏

5、whipping creams───鲜奶油;掼奶油(等于whippedcream)

6、whipped cream───n.掼奶油(搅打至松软的奶油)

7、shipping room───码头发货仓库

whipping cream可以直接吃的吗?

whipping cream可以直接吃,但是不太好吃,最好加糖打发后食用。

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