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diversity and distributions中文翻译,diversity and distributions是什么意思,diversity and distributions发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

diversity and distributions中文翻译,diversity and distributions是什么意思,diversity and distributions发音、用法及例句

diversity and distributions

diversity and distributions发音

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diversity and distributions中文意思翻译



diversity and distributions双语使用场景

1、The changes of plant abundance distributions and the loss of moderate abundance species better accounted for the effect of soil salinization on the plant diversity of L, chinensis grassland.───其植物多度分布格局的变化随着土壤盐碱化的加重导致个体数量居中种类的缺失,该结果较好地解释了土壤盐碱化对羊草草地植物多样性的影响;

2、The distributions of breeding density, number of species, richness index and diversity index were coincident in time series. But the distribution of evenness index was irregular.───粉螨的孳生密度、物种数、丰富度指数及多样性指数在时序上的分布较为一致,而物种均匀度则较不规则。

3、the niche technology will increase the diversity of the species and cause community to evolve in the direction of individual distributions with high qualities.───小生境技术通过维护群体中小规模低适应度物种的生存,增加了物种多样性,使群体向优质个体分布良好的方向进化。

diversity and distributions相似词语短语

1、Gaussian distributions───[天][统计][数]高斯分布

2、community antenna distributions───共有天线分布

3、Student t distributions───t分布

4、Poisson distributions───[数]泊松分布

5、percentage distributions───[统计]百分数分布;[会计]分配百分比

6、binomial distributions───[数]二项分布

7、Bernoulli distributions───伯努里分布;二项分布(等于binomialdistributiion)

8、Gaussian distribution───[天][统计][数]高斯分布

9、community antenna distribution───共用天线分布

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