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best man中文翻译,best man是什么意思,best man发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

best man中文翻译,best man是什么意思,best man发音、用法及例句

best man

best man发音

英:[ˌbest ˈmæn]  美:[ˌbest ˈmæn]

英:  美:

best man中文意思翻译



best man双语使用场景

1、I want the best man for the job and will pay the best wages; money ( is ) no object.───我要一个最适合干这项工作的人,我将付给他最高的工资, 钱不成问题.

2、The bridegroom and best man wore white carnations in their buttonholes.───新郎和男傧相的纽扣孔上都插了一朵白色的康乃馨.

3、Besides Ai Fukuhara , the Wang Nan this wedding ceremony's best man is also a colleague.───除了福原爱之外,王楠这次婚礼的伴郎也是一个圈内人.

4、Their best man came on to bowl.───他们的最佳球员上场了.

5、Also his maturity and approach shows me that he is the best man for the job.───而且他很成熟,人缘也好,让我觉得他是最佳人选.

6、I acted in the capacity of backer, or best man , to the bride groom.───我充当陪新郎的, 也就是男傧相.

7、The best man in the world is hardly good enough for any woman.───世界上最好的男人是,对于女人来说很难有足够好的!

8、If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.───吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人.

9、He was the best man for the job, a true diamond of the first water.───他是这份工作的最佳人选, 一流棒的人选.

10、He is without question the best man for the job.───毫无疑问,他最适合干这份工作.

11、Jack is the best man to fill the vacancy.───杰克是填补这一空缺的最佳人选.

12、In his absence, the task would fall to the best man.───在他缺席时, 任务可能落到伴郎身上.

13、I've put you forward as the best man for the job.───我已经提名你为这项工作的最佳人选.

14、He is the best man who can finish the assignment.───他是能完成这项任务的最佳人选.

15、Our best man was sent to treat with the native leaders.───我们最能干的人被派去和当地领导人谈判.

16、They've assigned their best man to the job.───他们指派了最优秀的人担任这项工作。

17、Who is going to be your best man?───谁将担任你的男傧相?

18、Because of love, he believes he is the world's best man!───因为有爱, 他相信自己是世界上最棒的男人!

19、Thanks. Will you be our best man?───谢谢. 你能做我们的傧相 吗 ?

20、When he got married, he asked his best friend to be his best man.───结婚的时候, 他请最好的朋友做他的伴郎.

21、My brother is the best man on the court.───我哥哥是球场上的高手.

22、Michael: Billy, you are my best man!───迈克尔:比利,你是我最好的哥们!

23、He's the best man for the job.───他是担任这项工作的最佳人选。

24、Dress for bridesmaid and jackets for best man.───可以要求配套里包括伴娘伴郎的衣服.

25、They made me their best man.───他们让我做男傧相!

26、At weddings the best man will always make a toast.───在这个婚宴上一般是伴郎他来说祝酒词.

27、I'm the best man for the job, I hope.───希望我是那份工作的最佳人选。

28、Assign your best man to the job.───把你们最能干的人派去做那项工作.

29、In more elaborate weddings the best man will be assisted by several groomsmen and a ringbearer.───在更为盛大的婚礼上,伴郎会由几个男傧相和一名男花童相伴.

30、The bridegroom and the best man wore white carnations in their buttonholes.───新郎和男傧相的钮孔上都戴了一朵白色的康乃馨.

31、Who is the best man to advise me on this question?───就这个问题谁是我最好的顾问 呢 ?

best man相似词语短语

1、best team───最佳团队

2、batty man───巴蒂曼

3、best way───最佳方法

4、yes man───唯唯诺诺的人;唯命是从的人

5、rest mass───[相对]静止质量

6、best deal───最好的价钱

7、best men───男傧相


就玩家水平和技术而言,个人认为还是战旗的Lyingman更胜一筹。BEST KILLER:是目前中国第一个,也是唯一的逡辑推理游戏赛事体系;参赛选手均为中国顶级逡辑推理精英,比赛衍生的BEST KILLER联盟制定开规范了比赛计分标准规则;联盟坚定以推广普及逡辑推理游戏为核心目标,打造中国新的休闲游戏生态。《Lying Man》是由战旗TV出品,NiceTV制作的一档电竞真人秀娱乐节目,每期将会邀请多位电竞明星大咖作为嘉宾,让他们一起玩时下流行的互动语言游戏,也许他们在游戏上是翘楚,但是来到了《Lying Man》的世界中究竟谁是“渔夫”,谁是“鱼”?一起来节目中寻找答案吧!

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