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捕鱼的英文(fishing nets中文翻译,fishing nets是什么意思,fishing nets发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

捕鱼的英文(fishing nets中文翻译,fishing nets是什么意思,fishing nets发音、用法及例句)

fishing nets

fishing nets发音

英:  美:

fishing nets中文意思翻译



fishing nets双语使用场景

1、Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico. The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea.───在墨西哥A海岸潜水员拯救了一只被渔网缠绕的成年驼背鲸,位置在离海一里左右的地方。

2、The fishing nets are weighted with lead.───这些渔网是靠铅坠下沉的。

3、millionaire arrived at the beach, see fishermen to lie on the beach in the sun, leisurely fishing nets lost in the side.───富翁来到海边,看见渔夫躺在沙滩上悠闲地晒太阳,渔网渔船丢在一边。

4、Many dolphins die each year from entanglement in fishing nets.───每年都有许多海豚被捕鱼网缠绕致死。

5、I found in fishing nets. - He said the stories, which .───我在渔网里找到的-吹吧,就吹吧。

6、Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown.───动物被缠在渔网里淹死了。

7、Found that he is indeed a three-day fishing nets drying for two days, what do not adhere to, there is no patience, no perseverance.───发现自己真的是三天打鱼两天晒网,什么事都坚持不了,没有耐性,没有毅力。

8、The adult male was tangled in fishing nets about a mile out to sea. Divers think the whale may have been tangled there for up to two months.───这头成年雄性鲸鱼在距离海岸一英里处的渔网里挣扎,潜水员们猜测它已经在那里挣扎了两个月以上。

9、The walls are made of tightly packed straw bales held together with bamboo pins and covered with fishing nets.───竹针和渔网紧包稻草包用以筑墙。随之在这些上面覆盖一层黏土质的石膏。

fishing nets相似词语短语

1、fishing net───渔网

2、fishing out───掏出,摸索出;捕尽鱼

3、fishing lines───钓丝,钓鱼线

4、fishing ports───渔港

5、fishing fleets───渔船队

6、fishing boats───渔船

7、fishing gear───钓鱼用具;打捞装置



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