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face the music中文翻译,face the music是什么意思,face the music发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

face the music中文翻译,face the music是什么意思,face the music发音、用法及例句

1、face the music

face the music发音

英:  美:

face the music中文意思翻译


承担后果, 面对不愉快的局面

face the music双语使用场景

1、You'd better tell her the truth and face the music.───你最好告诉她真相并承担责任.

2、You have made your choice. Now you'll have to face the music.───既然你已做出抉择, 你就得勇敢地承担一切后果.

3、Now you have to face the music.───现在你得勇敢地面对困难.

4、You must face the music and take responsibility.───你必须勇敢地面对困难并且负起责任.

5、I must face the music and accept responsibility.───我必须勇于面对艰难,承担义务.

6、Mr. Allen betrayed a top secret, and had to face the music.───艾伦先生泄露一项最高机密, 因而必须接受责罚.

7、The others all ran off, leaving me to face the music.───其他人都跑掉了,留下我来挨罚。

8、We must stand together and face the music.───我们必须联合起来共同面对这个事实.

9、You have to face the music.───你要勇于承担后果.

10、After he was caught with the stolen goods, he had to face the music.───他偷窃物品被逮到, 他必须接受应得的惩罚.

11、There must be reward in daring to face the music.───承担后果一定有回报.

12、Come on now, buck up, face the music!───别这样丧气, 振作起来, 面对现实吧!

13、Sooner or later, I'm going to have to face the music.───迟早我得自己承担后果。

14、I must face the music and accept responsibility.───我必须勇于面对困难,承担责任。

15、Someday you're going to have to face the music for your actions.───总有一天,你将不得不承担自己的行为所带来的后果.

16、Success face the music, failure scared by taking consequence.───成功者勇于承担责任, 失败者害怕承担责任.

17、You've been caught cheating now you must face the music.───你的骗局已经戳穿--这下子你得自食其果了.

18、Sooner or later, I'm going to have to face the music.───迟早我得自食其果。

face the music相似词语短语

1、face the wall───面向墙壁

2、New Age music───新世纪音乐

3、face the reality───面对现实

4、Karnatak music───n.卡纳提克音乐

5、face the facts───面对现实;正视事实

6、coffee table music───咖啡桌音乐

7、race music───种族音乐

8、force the issue───强迫立即做决定

9、acoustic music───原声音乐


face the music是“勇敢地面对困难,现实;接受应得的惩罚”的意思。face the music面对现实直面困难面对困难接收惩罚相关短语:face to the music 面对着音乐 ; 面对音乐 Success Face The Music 成功者勇于承担例句:

1.I guess I'll have to face the music. 我想我得面对现实了。

2.Now what can I do?… I guess I have to face the music. 现在我该怎么办?……我想我只能吃这个苦头了。

3.It's your mistake. Now face the music. 这是你的错,现在该去承担责任了。

4.I must face the music and accept responsibility. 我必须勇于面对困难,承担责任。

5.The clerk realized he had been tricked, but he knew he had to face the music. 接待人员意识到自己中了圈套,但他知道他必须面对现实。

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