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valentines day(valentine s day中文翻译,valentine s day是什么意思,valentine s day发音、用法及例句)

04-01 投稿

valentines day(valentine s day中文翻译,valentine s day是什么意思,valentine s day发音、用法及例句)

valentine s day

valentine s day发音

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valentine s day中文意思翻译



valentine s day双语使用场景

1、Although it shouldn't be, Valentine's Day tends to be the one day a year people go all out to show their partner how much they love them.───尽管不应该这样,但是情人节还是人们趋向于一年一次敞开胸怀表达他们是多么的爱着对方。

2、Make Valentine's Day a day to remember by showing your partner how much you love them.───让情人节成为向心爱的人表达深深爱意的,有纪念意义的一天。

3、"I'm in it to help people enjoy Valentine's Day in a tough economy, " she said.───她说:“我这麽做是为了帮助人们在严酷的经济形势下享受情人节。”

4、Valentine "s day of YuDanDan textual research of love that day, lost the I love! One drink bar! Out, by white van sudden strength potential" kiss "dizzy."───情人节的这天于丹丹考证爱情的这一天,输掉了本人的爱情!一个人酒吧买醉!出来时,被白色面包车突如其来的劲势“吻”的晕了过去。

5、My girlfriend dumped me the day after the Valentine 's Day.───我女朋友在情人节第二天把我甩了。

6、Jo: : Annie Reed from Baltimore wants to meet us at the top of the Empire State Building on Valentine 's Day.───乔:巴尔的摩的安妮·里德想和我们情人时节在帝王大夏顶楼见面。

7、This Valentine's Day, we dissect the hidden meaning behind everything from chocolates to jewelry so you know exactly what you're getting.───在这个情人节,让我们仔细分析每一件礼物背后所隐藏的含义——从巧克力到珠宝,好让你们知道究竟你们在节日收到的是什么!

8、But the farmers and florists who market them hope that customers know just how much of their love and hard work goes into Valentine's Day.───但是农场主和负责行销的花农希望顾客们知道在情人节中他们倾注了多少爱和多少努力。

9、I don't want you to leave us. Please think about our love for you on Valentine 's Day.───我不希望你离开我们。请你在情人节里想想我们给你的爱。

valentine s day相似词语短语

1、Valentine's day───n.情人节(每年2月14日)

2、St Valentine's Day───情人节

3、Saint Valentine's Day───n.情人节

4、Valentines days───情人节




8、valentine card───情人节卡片

9、valentine cards───情人节卡片

valentines day是什么意思

情人节 就是今天

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