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assembled in china中文翻译,assembled in china是什么意思,assembled in china发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

assembled in china中文翻译,assembled in china是什么意思,assembled in china发音、用法及例句

assembled in china

assembled in china发音

英:  美:

assembled in china中文意思翻译



assembled in china双语使用场景

1、Many export parts and components that are then assembled in China for re-export.───许多出口的零部件在中国组装后被输出。

2、Today, a component made in Asia is frequently plugged into a television or mobile phone being assembled in China, then sold on to the U.───如今,亚洲生产的某个元件常常会用到中国装配的电视或手机上,然后在美国或其他国家的市场上销售。

3、The company did not name the offending factories, or say where they were based, but the majority of its goods are assembled in China.───苹果没有指出这些违规的工厂,也没有说出他们具体的位置,但是它的大部分产品在中国组装。

4、It's an obvious play on the DESIGNED BY APPLE IN CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLED IN CHINA wording that you'll find on the back of your iPhone.───这是很显然的秀,能在你的iPhone背面看到的句子“苹果在加州设计,聚合在中国”。

5、Written on the back of my iPod are the words, "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China."───我的iPod背后写着,“加利福尼亚苹果公司设计,中国制造”。

6、Elaborate supply chains now span many borders: South Korean goods may be assembled in China, using machines from Japan.───而当今的复杂供应链已经跨国运作:韩国货也许会放在中国装配,用的却是日本机器。

7、Written on the back of my iPod are the words, "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China. "───我的iPod机子背面就写着:由加利福尼亚苹果公司设计,于中国组装。

8、The fact that Apple computers are all assembled in China doesn't seem to matter to many customers.───苹果电脑在中国被装配的事实似乎对顾客没有任何影响。

9、The site charges a 20 percent premium for made-to-order shoes, which are assembled in China and are not returnable.───该网站对定做鞋另外收取20%的费用,这些鞋在中国生产且不可退货。

assembled in china相似词语短语


2、assembly line───装配线;[工经]流水作业线

3、Dresden china───德累斯顿中国

4、assembled throng───聚集的人群

5、assembly point───组装点,安全点;集合地点

6、assessed incomes───评估收入

7、ensemble acting───合奏表演


9、assessed income───评估所得

Designed byapple in cali for nia Assembled in china是什么意思

Designed by Apple in Carlifornia. Assembled in China.


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