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show sb around中文翻译,show sb around是什么意思,show sb around发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

show sb around中文翻译,show sb around是什么意思,show sb around发音、用法及例句

1、show sb around

show sb around发音

英:  美:

show sb around中文意思翻译




show sb around双语使用场景

1、show sb around one's school───带某人参观学校

2、Show Sb around the shopping mall───领某人逛购物中心

3、Please show me your homework. Please show your homework to me. show sb around some place───请把你的家庭作业给我看看。请把你的家庭作业给我看看。

4、show sb. around our school───如果是带某人参观就

show sb around相似词语短语

1、horse around───胡闹;哄闹;鬼混

2、shows around───带领…参观

3、showed around───带领…参观

4、shops around───逐店进行搜购

5、show around───带领…参观

6、shown around───带领…参观

7、showing around───带领…参观



1、show sb around…带领某人参观…

I'll show you around my school when you come.

2、show off 炫耀

Don't show off in front of your classmates.

3、show up露面

I was doing my homework, my cousin showed up.

4、on show(被)展示

The famous painting is on show these days.

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