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08-01 投稿


ceding 发音

英:[[ˈsiːdɪŋ]]  美:[[ˈsiːdɪŋ]]

英:  美:

ceding 中文意思翻译



ceding 词性/词形变化,ceding变形

动词第三人称单数: cedes | 动词过去式: ceded | 动词现在分词: ceding | 动词过去分词: ceded |

ceding 短语词组

1、ceding back ─── [网络] 退回

2、ceding parry ─── 顺势转移刺

3、ceding company ─── [经] (再保险)分保公司

4、ceding commissions ─── 让渡佣金

ceding 相似词语短语

1、acceding ─── vi.加入;同意;就任

2、receding ─── vi.后退;减弱;vt.撤回

3、coding ─── n.译码;v.把…编码(code的ing形式)

4、-ceding ─── vt.放弃;割让(领土)

5、reding ─── v.提意见,提忠告(rede的现在分词);n.(Reding)(美、比)雷丁(人名)

6、-cading ─── 卡丁

7、inceding ─── 煽动

8、seceding ─── vi.脱离;退出;vt.从…中脱离;割让

9、-ciding ─── 苹果酒

ceding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cede power and bind them in, and interests and problems are shared. ─── 交出权力并把它们吸收进来,则利益与问题被共享。

2、Address of mailing of same domain name is arranged together, throw into confusion location of cede territory of address, amalgamative address, cent and worry unnecessarily repeat letterhead function. ─── 同一域名邮件地址整理在一起、打乱地址、合并地址、分割地址与过虑重复地址等功能。

3、“If you deny you are in power, you cannot cede power,” he argues. ─── “如果你否认在掌权,那你就无法放弃手中的大权,”他这样主张。

4、Mr Hu will be pleased that Western countries appear willing to cede control over appointments of the heads of the IMF and World Bank, traditionally awarded to Europeans and Americans respectively. ─── 传统上这两个位置将会分别指定给欧洲人和美国人。

5、cede insurance ─── 分保

6、But for now it is ceding more sophisticated engineering to Volvo's Swedish operations, an aspect of the plan that could help allay fears of lost jobs in Sweden. ─── 不过,目前公司同意将把生产高端发动机的工作留在瑞典,以此缓和瑞典方面对工作流失的担忧。

7、ceding managerial authority of scenic areas ─── 景区经营权转让

8、42. The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation. ─── 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。

9、He was ceding line but more slowly all the time. ─── 他正在放出钓索,然而越来越慢了。

10、But the Chinese government has no intention of ceding all of that future business to foreign aircraft makers. ─── 但中国政府没有意图对将以后所有的业务分给外国飞机制造商。

11、I have to say, on both occasions I got the impression the parents were relieved to cede authority to us to save their child's life. ─── 我不得不说,那些父母给我的印象是他们宁愿看着自己的孩子忍受痛苦,甚至是死亡,也不愿让我们救治。

12、The paper discussed the Problem on processing Chinese cede in Java Programming Language with detail, themethod of solving the problem is addressed, the translation of unicode with Chinese code is implemented. ─── 文中详细讨论了Java语言在处理汉字时所存在的问题,给出了解决问题的方案,实现了Unicode字符集与汉字内码字符集的相互转换的Java类。

13、The author does not cede the floor, observing her characters almost as insects under a glass cover. ─── 作者并没有脱离地面,她往往像玻璃盖下的昆虫一样观察她的人物。

14、If the entire web is a platform, why would a developer choose to cede control over his app by locking himself into a single, third-party platform? ─── 如果整个的网络就是一个平台,那么为什么开发者会选择放弃自己应用程序的控制力,而将自己锁定在一个独立的第三方的平台上面呢?

15、Of course, we could live like this.But why not stop this isolation without ceding past achievements? ─── 当然,我们可以继续这般我行我素.但何不在坚守过往胜利的同时,将孤立的局面一并打破呢?

16、Does not cede to each other ─── 两不相能

17、India does not recognize Pakistan's ceding historic Kashmir lands to China in 1964; ─── 印度不承认巴基斯坦的历史性割让克什米尔地政中国在1964年;

18、Some Afghan and Western officials said the attack could be an early warning about the risks of ceding ground as the U. ─── 一些阿富汗和西方国家官员说,美军遭受的此次打击可能是对驻阿联军放弃地面军事行动的风险发出的初步警告。

19、To make excuses in order to cede ─── 推辞退让

20、It's ceding precious ground," says Mike Dunne, a car analyst who focuses on Asian markets. ─── 聚焦亚洲市场的汽车业分析师迈克·邓恩表示:“它在放弃宝贵的地盘。”

21、distributed source ceding ─── 分布式编码

22、In a license agreement of the kind discussed here, the developer will retain copyright ownership, but it may be asked to cede to the publisher the trademarks in the game. ─── 如果发行商否定了开发商某阶段的工作成果,开发商唯有返工,这将令项目的实际进度落后于最初制定的时间表,从而影响开发商预付款的到位情况。

23、Are we going to be as graceful in ceding power, if that scenario continues to play out, as Britain was to us? ─── 如果那种局面继续发展下去,我们是否还要像过去的英国那样,在势力范围被分割时还表现得温文尔雅呢?

24、Apple can't use another platform vendor's API without ceding control of its destiny to an outside entity. ─── 采用其他平台供应方的API,就等于将命数交于他人之手,苹果不会这么做。

25、Ceding Ventilation and Heat- Insulation ─── 吊顶棚通风隔热技术

26、Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in 1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria. ─── 在1993年,克林顿害怕听到拉宾这位前将军愿意为了与叙利亚的和平放弃戈兰高地。

27、China never recognised Britain's 99-year lease on the New Territories granted in 1898 nor indeed the treaties ceding Hong Kong island and Kowloon in perpetuity. ─── 中国肯定没承认把新界租给英国88年,也没承认真正的签订永久割让香港岛和九龙的条约。

28、Britain, notably, does not accept that everything about the Anglo-Saxon model has failed, nor is it about to cede more power to Brussels. ─── 值得注意的是,英国并不接受“盎格鲁-萨克逊模式已经破产”的说法,也不愿将权力移交给布尔塞尔。

29、A ceding or surrendering, as of territory to another country by treaty. ─── (领土的)割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土

30、Brazil rejected a request from Argentina to cede some of its contracted shipments of natural gas from Bolivia. ─── 巴西否决了阿根廷的一项要求:转让玻利维亚天然气的部分合同发货。

31、He'll cede, he'll talk a good game, and probably won't be enough of a mitigating factor to deny the Lakers another championship. ─── 他会让步,他会打好比赛,他可能不足以成为湖人卫冕之路上的不安因素。

32、To cede some degree of autonomy need not set a dangerous precedent, nor need it be a Trojan horse for full independence. ─── 放弃自治权上的某些标准,并不会形成什么危险的范例,也不会让自治权成为独立的种子。

33、ceding company ─── 分出公司

34、But the Ruhr is split into 53 municipalities, many of them reluctant to cede power or share resources. ─── 但是鲁尔区被分了53个自治市,其中很大一部分都不情愿让出权力或者共享资源。

35、When you move from indoors to outdoors you're ceding an element of control over the light. ─── 当你从室内转移到室外时,你控制光的能力就被削弱了。

36、embedded block ceding ─── 嵌入式块编码

37、cede 39 ─── 39码

38、To boost revenue, Mr. Mukherjee said, the government will continue to sell stakes in state-run companies without ceding control. ─── 为了增加收入,慕克吉说政府将在不出让控股权的前提下,继续出售国有企业股份。

39、But to truly immerse a player in a gameworld means giving them choices, and that freedom means ceding control to gamers, which is something that makes developer’s nervous. ─── 但为了要真正让玩家沉浸入一个游戏世界中意味着给他们以选择,这种自由意味着将控制让给玩家,这让游戏开发者很紧张。

40、Though Sudai's viewpoint is well reasoned and argued, the craven king of Wei still cede the tract of Wei to Qin as per those ministers' suggestion because he merely consider the current peace. ─── 尽管苏代讲得头头是道,但是胆小的魏王只顾眼前的太平,还是依大臣们的意见把魏国大片土地割让给秦国。

41、to cede territory and ask for peace ─── 割地求和

42、On the basis of understanding allkinds of ceding techniques, the system choose DCT technique. ─── 在熟悉和比较了各种图象编码技术的基础上,本系统选取的是DCT变换编码。

43、Ceding sovereignty to Europe is a political hot potato in Britain. ─── 对英国政坛来说,放弃欧盟主权可谓是一块烫手的热山芋。

44、Why not take into account the rent and also to cede territory is also not it? ─── 为什么没有考虑到租地要还而割地是可以不还的?

45、A country with an uncompetitive exchange rate will struggle to sell its wares abroad and will also cede its home market to foreign firms. ─── 一个汇率没有竞争力的国家,则会难以向国外出售他的商品,也不得不割让本国市场给外国公司。

46、cede to ─── 割让

47、Historically this has been strongly supported in Britain, as seen in our reluctance to cede power to the courts or the European Union. ─── 在历史上,这条原则得到了英国的坚决拥护,我们不愿把权力交给法院或欧盟,就体现了这一点。

48、If the company goes public for a high value, the VCs only keep their cash flow rights, ceding the majority of control to the entrepreneurs. ─── 如果公司溢价上市,创投资本家通常只保留资金支配权,而放弃对创业者占多数的控制权。

49、ceding relief ─── 割让式救济

50、Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king. ─── 1466年条顿骑士团再次被波兰人打败,并被迫向波兰割让土地,成为波兰国王的附庸。

51、and few of them want to cede power to multilateral organisations. ─── 他们中很少有人希望把权力让渡予多边组织。

52、hoi2.txt: Event 66, fixed event to correctly cede provinces to Germany or Italy depending on who controls them. Added some missing provinces to cede list. ─── 基本历史事件:修正英国投降事件,正确地把省份割让给德国和意大利(谁占领就割让给谁)。割让省份列表增加了一些遗漏的省份。

53、Unwilling to cede a lucrative new market, traditional ad companies are fighting back. ─── 传统**公司不愿放弃利润丰厚的新市场,纷纷进行反击。

54、Exhibitor failing to exhibit without reporting or ceding the exhibition date without approval of the center is not allowed to file any exhibition application within two years. ─── 无故不展出者或未经本馆同意自行顶让展期者,二年内不得再提出展览申请。

55、In this paper, some technology of improving diskcapacity by RLL (2, 7) code is introduced. A generalconstruction to realize the (2,7) cede in the8.9cm FDD is proposed. ─── 本文介绍了用(2,7)码提高磁盘容量的若干技术,提出一种用于软盘驱动器的(2,7)码适配器的整体构思。

56、Will they, as usual, cede to economic pragmatism, or will they gather the strength to put our highest ethical and political values above short-term economic interests? ─── 它们按常例会不会根据经济实用主义而做出让步?或者它们也可能会团结起来为了我们高尚的道德和政治价值的实现而放弃短期的经济利益?

57、In this peper BNF was used to induce the formal grammar rules of general G cede, and furthermore a practical algorithm block diaguam for its lexical and syntactic analysis was provided. ─── 本文通过对一般形式G码用巴科斯范式表示法,归纳出其形式文法规则,并对其规则的词法分析和语法分析给出了实际算法框图。

58、Lego said that it was leaving its Legoland theme parks business to concentrate on construction toys, ceding its theme parks to investors intending to create a giant family entertainment group. ─── 乐高公司表示,该公司将放手乐高主题乐园事业,以便专心制造玩具,乐高主题乐园将让渡给有意创造一个庞大家庭娱乐集团的投资人。

59、Indeed, there is evidence that when a patent expires the ex-patentee will actually increase price, ceding the low-price end of the market to the generics. ─── 实际上,有证据证明当专利权届满后,先前专利权拥有者将事实上提高价格,放弃低价市场给予其它制造商。

60、A thousand or more candidates from all 18 provinces including Taiwan who had assembled in Beijing for the Imperial Examination signed a strongly-worded petition opposing the ceding of Taiwan. ─── 在北京会试的包括台湾在内的十八省千余举人“公车上书”,反对割台。

61、Synonyms abnegate, cede, relinquish, renounce, resign, step down (from), surrender Related Words abjure, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, waive;forsake, give up, hand over, yield; ─── 动词ABNEGATE:正式地放弃某个职位或者权威地位 名词:对于过去曾经享有享用的某种事物进行放弃或者拒绝 单词abdicate可以用作同义词。

62、Some politicians, including the head of the congressional committee that oversees the SEC, worry about ceding standard-setting power to the IASB. ─── 包括监督SEC的国会委员会首领在内的一些政客担心这是将标准制定的权力让与国际会计准则委员会。

63、CEO Tim Cook also previously stated that Apple would not be " ceding any market" and that "price is a big factor in the prepaid market. " ─── 苹果现任CEO蒂姆·库克此前表示苹果绝不会“放弃任何一块市场”,“价格是预付费市场的重要因素”。

64、Branches of domestic insurance companies may not go through the formalities for purchase and payment of foreign exchange under overseas reinsurance ceding. ─── 境内保险公司的分支机构不得办理境外再保险分出业务项下购汇手续。

65、On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused the Pakistani government of ceding more and more territory to the Taliban. ─── 星期三,美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿指责巴基斯坦政府把越来越多的领土割让给塔利班。

66、Gaming "isn't a core area for either AOL or RealNetworks, but neither wanted to cede it to Microsoft," says John Corcoran, an analyst at CIBC Markets in Boston. ─── 据波士顿CIBC市场调查公司的一名分析家说:“游戏并不是AOL和RealNetworks公司的核心业务,但他们不想对微软拱手相让。”

67、But a key stumbling black continues to be U. S. reluctance to cede any power in Iraq. ─── 但是美国不愿意放弃在伊拉克的任何权力,仍然是一个重要的绊脚石。

68、cede insurance technique ─── 分保技术

69、cede territories and pay reparations ─── 割地赔款

70、Entrepreneurs in the region are known to be reluctant to cede control to private equity. ─── 不过,私人资本运营基金仍需要依赖它们作为积极投资者的技巧来创造价值。

71、Despite all this, it still seems too early to cede America's future to the Lone Star state. ─── 尽管如此,将美国的未来押注在一枝独秀的德州身上尚言过早。

72、AIG would pay a penal interest rate and cede to the state an equity stake of just under 80%. ─── AIG要支付一个惩罚性利率并把近80%的股权转给政府。

73、Mr Cui said it should be possible to come up with a "practical formula" that would allow the two countries to share gas reserves without ceding ground on territorial or legal questions. ─── 崔天凯表示,提出一个共享天然气矿藏的“可行方案”,而两国不必就领土或法律问题让步,这种可能性是存在的。

74、For years, American carmakers have focused on larger vehicles, almost ceding the small car market to foreign brands. ─── 多年来,美国的汽车制造商都把焦点放在更大的汽车上,几乎把小车市场拱手让给外国汽车生产商。

75、I am not free to cede or support to cede China’s territory. ─── 我不能自由地割让或支持割让中国的领土。

76、Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has threatened to ditch the proposed unity government if President Robert Mugabe refuses to cede control of key ministries. ─── 前南非总统姆贝基将在哈拉雷酒店为此次谈话做调解工作,谈判者比他们党派的**来的都要早到酒店。

77、pseudo random noise cede ─── 伪随机码

78、cede territory ─── 割让领土

79、a ceding or surrendering,as of territory to another country by treaty ─── 割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土

80、China never recognised that agreement, nor indeed the treaties ceding Hong Kong island and Kowloon in perpetuity. ─── 中国从未承认这份协议,这些条约也没有把香港岛和九龙永久割让。

81、To cede to the worthy and yield to the able ─── 推贤让能

82、II in Hong Kong, which is a term that should be returned to us because Japan is not cede territory to rent, lease not to the problem. ─── 二 不会像香港哪样租期到了就要还给我们,因为日本是割地不是租地,没有租期到了问题。

83、It added that, even if national legislators duly become more active, there are limits to the powers that they can cede to Europe. ─── 它还补充道即使国家立法者不宜时机地活跃,他们能让与欧洲的权利也有限制。

84、integer ceding ─── 整数编码

85、It would be a shame to head down the UK's road by ceding global leadership to generate short-term cost savings. ─── 遗憾的是它正在沿着英国的道路前行,为了谋求短期的节省成本而放弃世界的领导权。

86、ceding insurer ─── 承保人

87、cessionary state; ceding state ─── 割让国

88、cede territory to a neighbouring state ─── 把领土割让给邻国.

89、The incompetence of the government of the late Qing dynasty made us cede territories and pay indemnities again and again. ─── 晚清政府的无能使得我们一再的割地、赔款。

测量   [cè liáng]什么意思近义词和反义词是什么英文翻译是什么

测量   [cè liáng]


用仪器测定地形、物 *** 置或温度、速度、功能等物理量



晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·灵帝纪上》:“ 叔度 汪汪如万顷之波,澄之而不清,桡之而不浊,其器深广,难测量也。” 前蜀 韦庄 《和郑拾遗秋日感事一百韵》:“国运方夷险,天心讵测量。” 宋 叶适 《叶岭书房记》:“书之博大广远不可测量如此。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第十四章:“忠厚老诚的 秀兰 ,用眼睛测量著 改霞 的心底。”


清 孙诒让 《周礼政要·通艺》:“窃谓:宜令各国小堂先以浅近适用算术,如开方、弧矢及代数、比例诸术,普教诸学生,以为测量制造之基础。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第一○五章:“垒坝那会儿,是非常匆忙的,既没用仪器测量,也没有什么设计,就是把老石匠 喜老头 搀到那儿一指点,大伙儿就干起来了。”


测量是按照某种规律,用数据来描述观察到的现象,即对事物作出量化描述。测量是对非量化实物的量化过程。在机械工程里面,测量指将被测量与具有计量单位的标准量在数值上进行比较,从而确定二者比值的实验认识过程。 更多→ 测量




丈量 勘测 衡量


丈量 勘测 衡量 测绘 水准仪 经纬仪 测量学


测量学 大地测量 测量标志 测量船 测量觇标 测量标石 测量的测的四字词语 测量的测的四字词


翻译:Activity time


英[ækˈtɪvəti]  美[ækˈtɪvɪti]

n. 活动; 活跃,敏捷; 活动力; 教育活动;

[例句]You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching.




英[taɪm] 美[taɪm]

n. 时间; 次; 时代; 时刻;

vt. 为…安排时间; 测定…的时间; 调准(机械的)速度; 拨准(钟、表)的快慢;

vi. 合拍; 和谐; 打拍子;

[例句]Time passed, and still Ma did not appear


第三人称单数:times 复数:times 现在分词:timing 过去式:timed

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