respected 发音
英:[rɪˈspektɪd] 美:[rɪˈspektɪd]
英: 美:
respected 中文意思翻译
respected 常用词组
respected ideas ─── 公认理论;权威理论
be respected as ─── 被尊为...
respected 短语词组
1、respected professor ─── 尊敬的教授
2、respected shop ─── 受人尊敬的店铺
3、respected figure ─── 尊敬的人物
4、respectable respectful respected ─── 尊敬的 ─── 尊敬的 ─── 尊敬的
5、respected man ─── 受人尊敬的人
6、respected shops ─── 受人尊敬的商店
7、respected source ─── 尊敬的消息来源
8、gray hairs should be respected ─── 应尊重白发
9、be respected by others ─── 被他人尊重
10、more respected ─── 更受尊重
11、respected respectable ─── 尊敬的 ─── 尊敬的
12、respected sources ─── 尊敬的消息来源
13、respectable respected ─── 受人尊敬的
14、be respected ─── 被尊重赢得尊重
15、deserve to be respected ─── 值得尊重
16、be respected by ─── 受到尊重
respected 词性/词形变化,respected变形
过去分词:respected 原型:respect 过去式:respected
respected 相似词语短语
1、respecters ─── n.尊敬的人;势利的人
2、inspected ─── v.检查;调查(inspect的过去式);adj.已检查
3、prospected ─── n.前途;预期;景色;vi.勘探,找矿;vt.勘探,勘察
4、respecter ─── n.尊敬的人;势利的人
5、resected ─── vt.切除;割除
6、expected ─── adj.预期的;预料的;v.预期;盼望(expect的过去分词)
7、unrespected ─── 未预料
8、reselected ─── 重新选定
9、reinspected ─── vt.再考察;再视察
respected 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He was a popular and respected teacher. ─── 他是位受人欢迎和尊敬的老师。
2、He is a selfish, uncouth fellow, who has no respect for anyone. ─── 他是个自私、没教养的家伙,对人一点也不尊重。
3、He was such a selfless man; everybody respected him. ─── 他是这样一个大公无私的人,人人都尊敬他。
4、He was greatly respected, and his brother as much despised. ─── 他很受人们的尊敬,而他的兄弟则受到同等的蔑视。
5、He was a good neighbor and be well respected for honoring his word. ─── 他和邻里的关系处得很好,由于说话算话而很受人尊敬。
6、Regarded with respect; esteemed. ─── 受尊敬的; 得到好评的
7、He was greatly respected by his brother officers. ─── 他非常受军官同僚的敬重。
8、He was respected for his integrity. ─── 他因他的操守被尊敬。
9、He is respected by everybody. ─── 他受到每个人的尊敬。
10、They respected diplomatic immunity as valid. ─── 他们承认外交豁免权有效。
11、Agencies which transgress this principle are not widely respected. ─── 与此原则背道而驰的**商势必无法广受尊崇。
12、He is respected by everyone. ─── 他受到了大家的尊重。
13、He has a great respect for his father. ─── 他很敬佩他的父亲。
14、He was respected by great and small. ─── 他为上下所敬重。
15、The rate of change of velocity with respect to time. ─── 加速度速度相对于时间变化的速率
16、He liked me and respected what I had accomplished at Ford. ─── 他很喜欢我,对我在福特公司所做的一切怀有敬慕之感。
17、He is respected by his villagers for his wisdom. ─── 他因为他的智慧而受到村民们的尊敬。
18、was clear to me that he respected his boss. ─── 在我看来,显然他尊重他的老板。
19、He is respected for his firm stand. ─── 他因立场坚定而受到尊敬。
20、All respected him for his integrity. ─── 他为人正直,大家都尊敬他。
21、He was much and deservedly respected. ─── 他非常受人尊敬而且是该当的。
22、You should show greater respect for your elders and betters. ─── 你应该对长辈和上级尊重些。
23、Russia joined five leading Western powers on Thursday in calling on Yugoslavia to respect democratic norms and warning Belgrade to refrain from political violence in Serbia or against Montenegro. ─── 俄罗斯周四加入五个西方主要国家的行列,同声呼吁南斯拉夫尊重民主规范,并警告贝尔格勒当局不要在塞尔维亚及蒙地内哥罗境内进行政治迫害。
24、The difference between two points in a system which differ in one respect. ─── 一个系统中在某方面不同的二点之间的差异。
25、They treated me with respect. ─── 他们对我很敬重。
26、He was greatly respected by his brother doctors. ─── 与他共事的医生对他非常尊敬。
27、With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet. ─── 关于你的询问,兹附上有关说明资料。
28、He is a respected and beloved leader. ─── 他是一位受人尊敬和爱戴的领导。
29、He was much respected by his comrades and all the people. ─── 他是同志们和人民很尊敬的人。
30、He respected the dust of our leader. ─── 他瞻仰了我们伟大领袖的遗
31、The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current. ─── (同步电动机的)速度偏差同步电机运行速度的周期性变化
32、Dear students and respected peoples! ─── 亲爱的同学们和尊敬的人们!
33、He is a respected artist in his country. ─── 他在他的祖国是一个受人尊敬的艺术家。
34、Grey hairs are respected in China. ─── 在中国,老年人受到尊敬。
35、He had become a well-loved and respected member of staff. ─── 他已成为深受人们爱戴和尊重的职员。
36、He was held in respect by everyone. ─── 他受到大家的尊重。
37、His actions made him universally respected. ─── 他的行为使他受到普遍尊敬。
38、His actions made him respected. ─── 他的行为使他受到尊敬。
39、He was a respected academic and above suspicion. ─── 他是一位受敬重的学者,不能受怀疑。
40、He'd always respected Sir Win? ston Churchill, and patting small versions of him on the bottom had al? ways seemed ungracious. ─── 他一向尊敬温斯顿丘吉尔先生,他觉得拍小号丘吉尔的屁股实在是大不敬的事情。
41、He wanted to obey the laws and to be respected. ─── 他恨不得也能循规蹈矩而受人尊敬。
42、His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his colleagues. ─── 他专心致力於教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。
43、You must shape your course differently if you want to be respected. ─── 你要想别人尊敬你,你就得改弦更张。
44、He is well-liked and respected banker. ─── 他是一个受欢迎和尊敬的银行家。
45、Mr. Paul was highly respected because he slighted no one. ─── 保罗先生非常受人尊敬,因为他不轻视任何人。
46、He found all his family well and hearty; but they all shook a cloth in the wind with respect to toggery. ─── 他看到他全家都很健壮; 但是在服装方面,他们个个都穿得破破烂烂的。
47、A human being considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature. ─── 兽性,动物性一个人身体方面的特性,与精神和性情相对的方面
48、He respected people who faced up to their own failings. ─── 他尊重能勇于承认失败的人。
49、So the king respected and trusted him. ─── 因此国王尊重它,信任它。
50、She gave it to Paulinus, a good-looking friend of the emperor, whom she respected on account of his learning. ─── 她拿去给了波莱纳斯:波莱纳斯是狄奥多西的朋友,样子俊美,以其学问获得欧多西亚敬重。
51、He is respected for his noble character. ─── 他人格高尚因而受尊敬。
52、Deeply he respected her for her constancy. ─── 他深深敬仰她的坚贞如一。
53、A dirty boxer will never be respected. ─── 一个不守规则的拳击手绝不会受人尊重。
54、It's easy to say that a respected newspaper like the China Times has the freedom to report. ─── 要说像中国时报这样广受推崇的报纸,拥有出版任何新闻的自由,谁都会同意。
55、I respect him all the more because he has faults. ─── 因为他有缺点,我反而更尊敬他。
56、Anyone can join the club, without respect to class, race, or sex. ─── 任何人,无论阶级、种族或性别,都可以加入该俱乐部。
57、His opinion differs from mine in one respect. ─── 他的意见和我的有一点不同之处。
58、His work is good in respect of quality but bad in respect of quantity. ─── 他的工作品质好但数量不够。
59、The lesser poets are not respected like the great ones. ─── 名气稍逊的诗人。
60、A highly respected woman who is a mother. ─── 受人尊敬的身为母亲的妇女
61、I think you'd agree he's a very respected columnist. ─── 我想你可能会同意,他是个十分受人尊敬的专栏作家。
62、Being upright, honest and selfless, he is respected by people. ─── 他廉正无私,受人尊敬。
63、He felt a gratifying sense of being respected and appreciated. ─── 他因受人尊重和赏识而感到满足。
64、He said France always respected China and was glad to see the unprecedented achievements that China had made in development. ─── 法国始终尊重中国,对中国发展取得史无前例的成就感到由衷高兴。
65、A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. ─── 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的突然变化的政治主张或态度
66、I admired and respected her -- for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her devotion to her two boys. ─── 我赞赏和尊敬她——她对人们的热情和承诺,尤其是她对她的两个儿子的付出。
67、One of Shanghais more respected jazz bars, this ... ─── “听爵士乐的好地方”,是“上海最老牌的爵士酒吧”。这里...
68、His landlordly rights should be respected. ─── 他地主的权利应该受到尊重。
69、He replied vivaciously:-- "Yes, respected sir. ─── 他兴冲冲地回答说:“是呀,我的尊贵的先生。
70、"Islam was whatever they said it was, " he said. "They did not respect the holy book. They respected nothing but their own desires. " ─── “他们说伊斯兰是什么,它就是什么,”他说。“他们并不尊重古兰经。除了他们自己的欲望,他们什么都不尊重。”
71、He was a realist because he recognized and respected power. ─── 他之所以是一位现实主义者,因为他承认和尊重权力。
72、Everybody can come to this school, without respect to class, race, or sex. ─── 不论阶级,种族,性别,人人都可进这所学校上课。
73、If they had any respect for human life they wouldn't do such terrible things. ─── 他们如果还顾及人的生命就不会做出这样可怕的事来。
74、He is highly respected by everyone for his integrity. ─── 他因清廉而深受大家的尊敬。
75、The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus. ─── 产位,(胎儿)先露位置分娩时胎儿在子宫中相对于子宫口的位置
76、Their contribution, whether large or small, was respected. ─── 他们的贡献,不管大小,都是受到尊重的。
77、Respected or adhered to because of age or age-old observance. ─── 古老而受到尊敬的因古老或长期遵守而受尊重或被坚持的
78、They respected every opinion he held. ─── 他们尊重他的每一个意见。
79、The people's teachers ought to be respected. ─── 人民教师理应受到尊敬。
80、You think I should be respected! ─── 你们应该尊重我的想法吧!”
81、All creatures on carth should be respected. ─── 世上所有的生命都应该得到尊重。
82、He was particularly respected for his great age. ─── 他因年高而特别受人尊敬。
83、They were both intellects whose work was widely respected. ─── 他们俩都是才华出众的人,其工作深受大家的尊敬。
84、His deed claims our respect. ─── 他的行为值得我们尊敬。
85、Good and bad alike respected the teacher. ─── 不论好人与坏人都尊敬那位老师。
86、He is respected as a great scholar of history. ─── 他作为一位伟大的历史学者而受尊敬。
87、Relating to, measured from, or with respect to the center of the earth. ─── 与地心相关的,从地心测得的,关于地心的
88、Carl is an officer vastly respected by the soldiers. ─── 卡尔是一位深受士兵敬爱的军官。
89、A country will not be respected if it violates. ─── 一个国家如果不遵守国际协议就不会受到尊重。
A respected leader.
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