afford 发音
英:[ə'fɔːd] 美:[ə'fɔrd]
英: 美:
afford 中文意思翻译
afford 网络释义
vt. 给予,提供;买得起n. (Afford)人名;(英)阿福德
afford 词性/词形变化,afford变形
动词第三人称单数: affords |动词过去式: afforded |动词现在分词: affording |动词过去分词: afforded |
afford 短语词组
1、can not afford ─── 买不起承受不起
2、afford employment to ─── 为…提供就业机会
3、can not afford to do sth ─── 负担不起做某事
4、cannot afford to do so ─── 负担不起这样做
5、Afford Service Member Opportunity to Apply for Ordinary Leave ─── 为会员提供申请普通假期的机会
6、can afford to do something ─── 有能力做点什么
7、cannot afford to ─── 负担不起
8、can not afford it ─── 负担不起
9、can not afford to do ─── 做不起
10、can afford ─── [经] 买得起
11、cannot afford to do sth ─── 负担不起做某事
12、afford proof ─── [法] 提供证据
13、can not afford to buy ─── 买不起
14、can ill afford ─── 花不起…,买不起…
15、can afford to do sth ─── 有能力做某事
16、Afford Service Member Opportunity t ─── 服务会员机会t
17、afford sb an opportunity ─── 给某人一个机会
18、cannot afford to do something ─── 不能做某事
19、afford satisfaction to ─── 使…满足
afford 相似词语短语
1、Stafford ─── n.斯塔福郡(英格兰中西部一郡)
2、afforded ─── vt.买得起;给予,提供;n.(Afford)(英、美)阿福德(人名)
3、affords ─── vt.买得起;给予,提供(afford的第三人称单数)
4、afforced ─── vt.加强阵容
5、Salford ─── n.索尔福德(英国英格兰西北部港市)
6、affoords ─── 传送
7、Trafford ─── n.特拉福德(姓氏);特拉福德(英格兰的一个都市自治市)
8、Lifford ─── n.利福德(地名)
9、affoord ─── 下载
afford 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He says he really can't afford to wait another day. ─── 他说他确实一天也等不了啦。
2、What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay? ─── 你最多能出多少钱?
3、we afford a new car? ─── 我们买得起一辆新车吗?
4、I'll get along with a bicycle until we can afford a car. ─── 在我们买得起汽车以前,我将继续用单车凑合凑合。
5、Can you afford this much (ie as much as this)? ─── 你花得起这麽多钱吗?
6、The nation could not afford frivolous and lavish promises. ─── 国家不能轻易和过分地许诺。
7、He cannot afford to offend his employer. ─── 他不能得罪他的雇主。
8、He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. ─── 他告诉我公司无法支付如此巨额的工资。
9、Stop playing about with those girls, you can't afford to waste any more tine. ─── 别在同那些女孩子瞎混了,你可再不能浪费时间了。
10、Now this is our big chance to take the enemy pillbox and we can't afford to miss out. ─── 好,这是我们夺取敌人碉堡的好机会,千万不能错过。
11、You can't afford to give a condemnation. ─── 你根本没有资格指责别人。
12、He can't afford to disoBey his Boss. ─── 他可不敢违抗老板。
13、She could well afford to pay for it herself. ─── 她自己完全买得起。
14、I can't afford to run a car on my salary. ─── 凭我的薪水我是开不起汽车的。
15、With only two days to go we can't afford to relax. ─── 只有两天时间了,我们可不能松懈.
16、A married man can't even afford a good port. ─── 一个结了婚的人甚至连好的葡萄酒也喝不起。
17、He is so poor that he cannot afford to buy a house. ─── 他很穷买不起房子。
18、If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts. ─── 他若能买得起豪华的快艇,就更能匀出钱来还债了。
19、He couldn't afford the fare; he thumbed his way all over Europe. ─── 他付不起车费,於是他搭便车走遍欧洲。
20、You can probably afford this one. ─── 你可能负担得起这栋房子。
21、But the subway have so many obvious advantage that no one except the rich can afford not to use it. ─── 但是地铁有许多明显的优点。除了有钱人,没有谁可以不乘地铁。
22、He says he can perfectly well afford to support the child. ─── 他说他有足够的经济能力来供养这孩子。
23、Only the well-to-do could afford to patronize them. ─── 只有富人才能资助他们。
24、A new bicycle is out of the question we can't afford it. ─── 买新自行车的事谈不到--我们买不起
25、Practically speaking, we can't afford it. ─── 实际说来,我们买不起这东西。
26、They could ill afford to lose any more staff. ─── 他们再也不能损失员工了。
27、Do the law of his country afford him a remedy ? ─── 他的国家的法律使他得到赔偿了吗?
28、The only way a woman can provide for herself decently is to be good to some man that can afford to be good to her. ─── 女人为自己(老后)的体面作准备的唯一办法,是好好儿地对待一个有充分能力体贴她的男人。
29、They cannot afford to specialize on its food. ─── 它们不能把自己的食物局限于某一种类。
30、No country can afford to neglect education. ─── 任何国家都不容忽视教育。
31、The price is way above what we can afford. ─── 价格高得我们绝对付不起。
32、He can hardly afford an apartment. ─── 他买不起一套住房。
33、I can't afford a holiday this summer. ─── 今年夏天我无法度假。
34、We can't afford to go abroad this summer. ─── 今年夏天我们没有足够的钱去国外。
35、She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it. ─── 她为抛弃婴儿事辩称自己抚养不起。
36、Although it is cheap, he still can't afford it. ─── 尽管便宜,他还是付不起钱。
37、Can you really afford this amount? ─── 你真付得起这个总数吗?
38、We would give more examples if we could afford the space. ─── 假如我们能匀出篇幅来,就可以多举些例子了。
39、They can ill afford the multifarious expenses. ─── 他们无力承担这些五花八门的开支。
40、He's not the sort of man you can afford no reckon. ─── 他不是那种你可以置之不理的人。
41、You just can't afford to let her hang-ups cheapen our relationship. ─── 你也不应该毫不容情地让她成为阻止我们相好的障碍。
42、He can't afford a new house,and no more can I. ─── 他买不起新房,我也买不起。
43、What do you mean, he can't afford it? He's absolutely rolling (in money)! ─── 你这是怎麽说,他负担不起? 他可有的是钱!
44、Well, I can not afford to displease my boss. ─── 哎,我可得罪不起我的老板。
45、People who are out of work cannot afford to scoff at any job. ─── 失业的人就不能看不起任何工作。
46、In my line of business you can't afford to carry large stocks of goods which may soon be out of date. ─── 在我做的这种买卖内你可买不了大批存货,因为它们可能很快就过时了。
47、Because China could not afford any more disorder or unrest. ─── 因为中国不能再折腾,不能再动荡。
48、You can ill afford to waste your money. ─── 你是经不起浪费你的金钱的。
49、Her loiters afford a clue to her intentions. ─── 对于她的意图她的信件提供了一条线索。
50、They want to start a family but can't afford it at the moment. ─── 他们想生个孩子,但暂时还养不起。
51、They can't afford to equip their army. ─── 他们无力装备自己的军队。
52、I can't afford to neglect my work. ─── 对工作我一点也不能疏忽大意。
53、The firm cannot afford to carry passengers. ─── 公司养不起白吃饭的人。
54、How on earth can she afford that? ─── 她怎么可能负担得起呢?
55、Can't you get it into your thick skull that we can't afford it? ─── 你这个笨脑瓜难道不明白我们买不起吗?
56、You can't afford (ie are not in a position to spend) 90. ─── 你可不能花90英镑。
57、Nowadays few working parents can afford a housekeeper. ─── 如今很少有工作的父母雇得起女管家的。
58、Eg.They can't afford to equip their army properly. ─── 他们无力把军队好。
59、Only some of the farms could afford to buy large agricultural machinery. ─── 只有某些农场有条件购买大型农业机械了。
60、We can't afford to wait. ─── 我们等不起。
61、He can' t afford a new car, and no more can I. ─── 他买不起新车,我也买不起。
62、He'd go there now if he could afford it. ─── 如果抽得出时间的话,他现在会到那儿去的。
63、"You can't afford to ignore them, Chung-wei! ─── “不过,仲翁,你不要太写意!
64、Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small. ─── 有人认为我们的政治制度是如此的微不足道,因为在和平年代,我们所争论的话题都是无关紧要的。
65、He could barely afford the fare. ─── 他几乎付不起车费。
66、I don't think you can afford to say it's all sequential, build out a store network and then do the internet, " he said. " ─── 我认为,你不能说这完全是有续的,先建设门店网络,随后进行网络销售。
67、He said he couldn't afford such an expensive birthday present for his brother. ─── 他说他负担不起帮他兄弟买那么贵的生日礼物(过去时)。
68、He can comfortably afford the extra expense. ─── 他支付这些额外的费用毫无问题。
69、Most of us have no idea how much car we can afford except by looking at how much it would cost us each month. ─── 而我们中的大多数人并不知道自己能否负担起某辆车,直到我们看见最后算出来每个月应当支付的还贷金额。
70、They can't afford a home help, so they have to do for themselves. ─── 他们请不起女佣人,所以只好自己做家务活。
71、Are you able to afford the time for a holiday ? ─── 你能抽出时间去度假吗?
72、If I could afford a pair of $475 shoes, I thought, I would be sitting in first class. ─── 要是我买得起475美元的鞋子,我想,我肯定会坐在头等舱的。
73、We cannot afford another slip-up like this one. ─── 像这样的差错我们再犯不得了。
74、We just can't afford not to streamline. ─── 不改革,不行。
75、Can you afford to lend me some money? ─── 你能借给我一些钱吗?
76、We wish we could afford to buy a new car. ─── 但愿我们能买一辆新车。
77、They did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. ─── 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。
78、It will afford me a great pleasure to have dinner with you. ─── 与你们共进晚餐将是我的一大乐事。
79、Only the well-to-do can afford these houses. ─── 只有富人能买得起这些房子。
80、A person of your means can afford it. ─── 像你这样有钱的人才买得起.
81、I cannot afford the loss of a single hour. ─── 一小时我也不能损失。
82、Frankly I can not imagine how any manager can afford to get rid of it. ─── 坦率地说我不能想象哪个经理能摆脱得了它。
83、When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford. ─── 如果一个人厌倦了伦敦,他一定厌倦了生活,因为在伦敦有人生能赋予的一切。
84、She can't afford to buy a computer. ─── 她买不起电脑。
85、She could not afford to displease her boss. ─── 她得罪不起她的上司。
86、Only wealthy people could afford to be treated with it in the old society. ─── 在旧社会只有有钱人才有条件用它进行治疗。
87、If you are going to marry my daughter, I must ask if you can afford to maintain her in the manner to which she has been accustomed? ─── 如果你打算娶我的女儿,那我就必须问问你是否能维持她原来习惯的生活方式?
88、Only a man of means could afford such a big house. ─── 只有富人才买得起这样的大宅第。
89、We are grateful for whatever amount you can afford. ─── 你买得起多少,我们都欢迎。
afford主要的意思是承担、承受,而supply的意思是提供,常用supply sb sth 或者supply sth for sb。
这句话的意思是 她必须努力工作去养家。用afford the family有承担家庭开支的意思 。类似的句子还有 He works hard to afford the pay。
supply一般在被提供对象处于缺乏某种东西的情况下,例如supply guns for the amy,通常翻译为提供、补充。
各月份一月January Jan. 二月February Feb. 三月Match Mar.四月April Apr. 五月May May 六月June Jun.七月July Jul. 八月August Aug. 九月September Sep./Sept.十月October Oct. 十一月November Nov. 十二December Dec. spare :及物动词 vt.
1. 分出,腾出(时间,人手);分让(多余的东西)[(+for)]
2. (常用于否定句或疑问句)节约,省用;吝惜
3. 用不着;略去,省掉
4. 使免遭;免去;解除
5. 饶恕,赦免;不伤害
6. 剩下。
不及物动词 vi.
1. 节约,俭省
2. 宽容,饶恕;不伤害
形容词 a.
1. 多余的,剩下的;空闲的
2. 备用的
3. 节约的;少量的;贫乏的[(+of)]
4. 瘦的
名词 n. [C]
1. 备用品
2. 备用轮胎3. 英(机器等的)备用零件 afford:及物动词 vt.
1. (常与can,could,be able to连用)买得起;有足够的...(去做...)[+to-v]
2. 书提供,给予
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