earned 发音
英:[ɜːrnd] 美:[ɜ:nd]
英: 美:
earned 中文意思翻译
earned 常用词组
interest earned ─── 已获利息
earned income ─── 劳动收入;已获收益
earned 短语词组
1、adjusted earned income ─── [经] 调整后已获
2、earned profit ─── [经] 经营利润, 已获利润, 营业内利润
3、earned surplus reserve ─── [经] 营业盈余准备
4、discount earned ─── [经] 折扣收入
5、earned income ─── [经] 经营收益, 已获收益, 劳力收入
6、commission earned ─── [经] 获得手续费
7、earned revenue ─── [经] 已赚营业收入
8、dated earned surplus ─── [经] 注明日期的已获盈余(营业盈余)
9、earned run average ─── 投手责任得分率
10、dividend earned ─── [经] 股利(息)收入
11、commissions earned on consignment ─── [经] 代销佣金收入
12、appropriation of earned surplus ─── [经] 营业盈余的拨用
13、earned premium ─── [经] 已得溢价, 已净得保险费
14、earned interest ─── [经] 已得利息
15、earned surplus ─── [经] 已获盈余, 保留盈余, 经营盈余
16、earned run n. ─── [体]投手责任失分
17、commissions earned ─── [经] 佣金收入
18、earned income credit ─── [经] 经营收益贷项, 挣得收益减免
19、dividends earned ─── [经] 股利收益
earned 同义词
earned 反义词
earned 词性/词形变化,earned变形
过去分词:earned 原型:earn 过去式:earned
earned 相似词语短语
1、eared ─── adj.有穗的;有耳的;有把的;v.听;抽穗(ear的过去分词)
2、dearned ─── 亲爱的
3、larned ─── vt.学习;记住;教;vi.记住;学(等于learn);n.(Larn)(美、澳)拉恩(人名)
4、learned ─── adj.博学的,有学问的;学术上的,学者的;通过训练形成的,学到的;v.学,学习;听到,得知;记住,熟背;认识到;(非正式)教导(某人)(learn的过去式和过去分词);n.(Learned)(美)勒尼德(人名)
5、yearned ─── vi.渴望,向往;思念,想念;怀念
6、earner ─── n.赚钱的人
7、warned ─── adj.已警告的;v.警告(warn的过去分词)
8、darned ─── adj.岂有此理的;可恨的;该死的(等于darn或durned);adv.可恨地;岂有此理地;非常地(等于darn或durned);v.织补(darn的过去式和过去分词)
9、yarned ─── n.纱线;奇谈,故事;vt.用纱线缠;vi.讲故事
earned 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He earned his bread by writing novels. ─── 他靠写**维生。
2、How did you earn your daily bread when you were there? ─── 你在那里的时候靠什么为生?
3、He would spend all he earned on books. ─── 他总是把挣来的每分钱都花在买书上。
4、A rank he earned with his fists. ─── 他用拳头打出自己的天下。
5、Don't get even. Just get out with your hard-earned professionalism still intact. ─── 只是带着你辛苦得到的职业风度安静的离开。
6、His brave act earned him the name of a hero. ─── 他的英勇行为使他赢得英雄的称号。
7、He earned enormous sums of money. ─── 他挣得的钱极多。
8、He earned a large sum of money. ─── 他赚了一大笔钱。
9、Ve certainly earned your retirement. ─── 你确已理当退休了。
10、His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory. ─── 他在那场战斗中的英勇事迹为他赢得了永恒的荣誉。
11、They earned enough to buy their clothes and books. ─── 他们挣得的钱足够买衣服和书本了。
12、He earned four A's in the final examinations. ─── 他期末考试四门功课得优。
13、He earned all his money with honest sweat. ─── 他的钱都是诚实劳动赚来的。
14、He received more than he has earned. ─── 他得到超过应得的报酬。
15、He has earned a large sum of money. ─── 他赚了许多钱。
16、So Samson, who earned a pound a month, was docked two shillings. ─── 于是萨姆逊一个月一镑的薪金给扣除了两个先令。
17、He wrote more than30 books and must have earned a bomb. ─── 他写了30多本书,一定挣了一大笔钱。
18、He earned a high reputation for his learning. ─── 他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。
19、He earned a little money by waiting at table in the university. ─── 他在大学里靠侍侯别人吃饭来挣点钱。
20、His eccentricities had earned for him the nickname " the Madman " . ─── 他的怪癖已使他得到“疯子”的绰号。
21、He has earned quite a bit of money. ─── 他已赚了相当多的钱。
22、Vanessa was the first girl, and possibly the last, who earned the right to be a part of my world. ─── 瓦妮莎是有权进入我的生活的第一个女孩,也可能是最后一个。
23、His excellence in baseball earned him a scholarship. ─── 他因擅打棒球而获得奖学金。
24、They earned a fortune among themselves. ─── 他们共同努力发了财。
25、His crimes earned him considerable notoriety. ─── 他因犯罪而声名狼藉.
26、Ivan earned a spot on this team for his hard work. ─── 伊凡凭着努力赢得了这个队的一席之位。
27、The money they get from fruit-picking is often a supplement to incomes earned in the town. ─── 他们靠采摘水果所得的钱常常是城里所挣收入的补贴。
28、As a ghost writer, he earned a lot of money. ─── 他作为代笔人挣了一大笔钱。
29、How does he earn his bread and butter? ─── 他怎样谋生?
30、He has always earned an honest living. ─── 他一贯堂堂正正地谋生。
31、He earned his own upkeep at a very early age. ─── 他很小就自食其力了。
32、We finally managed a hard-earned draw. ─── 我们终于追成了平局。
33、He earned great success in Europe as a musician. ─── 作为音乐家,他在欧洲取得了巨大的成功,
34、He has earned as much money as I have. ─── 他赚的钱和我赚的一样多。
35、He earned his living cutting firewood in the hills. ─── 他靠在山上砍柴为生。
36、He tried to earn more money to provide for a large family. ─── 他设法多挣钱以供养一个子女众多的家。
37、We stopped for a well-earned rest. ─── 我们停下来作个应有的休息。
38、A penny saved is a penny earned. ─── [谚]省一文就得一文。
39、In order to earn enough money, he worked late into the night. ─── 为了赚到足够的钱,他工作到深夜。
40、The family together earned one hundred dollars a week. ─── 一家人合在一起每星期挣一百美元。
41、His uncle promised him $100 if he could earn a like sum. ─── 他的伯伯答应给他一百美元,如果他能自己挣到同样数目的钱的话。
42、His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke. ─── 他因为没有礼貌而受到责备。
43、He earned money at the sacrifice of his health. ─── 他赚了钱却付出了健康的代价。
44、He earned 2,000 pounds in one scoop. ─── 他一下子赚两千英镑。
45、We earned it! The buffalos answered in unison. ─── “我们工作赚取到的!”水牛们齐声回答。
46、When he asked me how much money I earned, I told him to mind his own affairs. ─── 当他问我赚了多少钱时,我叫他别管闲事。
47、You've certainly earned your retirement. ─── 你确已理当退休了.
48、Their second gig earned them a rave review. ─── 他们第二场演奏赢得了好评。
49、He earned his living as a teacher. ─── 他当教师维持生活。
50、His flamboyance earned him instant media attention. ─── 他的浮夸招摇立即引起了舆论界的注意。
51、His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician. ─── 他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。
52、You just earned your weight in gold, Malcolm. ─── 你可帮了大忙, malcolm。
53、He earned his living as a fisherman. ─── 他以打鱼为生。
54、He earned a lot by scalping. ─── 他在倒卖股票的生意中赚了一大笔。
55、He has gone away with all the money I've earned. ─── 他把我赚的钱全都卷走了。
56、He earned a reputation for diligence. ─── 他赢得了勤勉的美誉。
57、He earned a reputation as an expert on tax law. ─── 他赢得了税法专家的美名。
58、His defiance has earned the respect of his peers. ─── 他的挑战已获得了同龄人的尊敬。
59、He was counting out his money earned by hard work. ─── 他在清点他的血汗钱。
60、His honesty earned the admiration of his friends. ─── 他的诚实得到了朋友们的赞扬。
61、They control your lives completely: what you think, read, study, and what you purchase with your hard-earned cash. ─── 他们完全控制了你们的生活:你们所想的,读到的,学习到的,还有你们努力想要赚足钞票去购买的。
62、They earned their stripes in kuwait. ─── 他们的军衔是在科威特获得的。
63、He earned confidence by fair dealing. ─── 他以公正行为获得信赖。
64、He earned a living by casual labour. ─── 他靠打短工度日。
65、He earned a precarious living as an artist. ─── 作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。
66、His fair dealing earned our confidence. ─── 他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
67、He earned a reputation for integrity. ─── 他挣得正直之名。
68、There can be no doubt that Asia has earned a central place in the world economy. ─── 无疑,亚洲已在世界经济舞台上获得中心位置。
69、He earn a high salary as an accountant. ─── 作为一名会计,他拿的薪水很高。
70、By1977,his loyalty earned him the vicepresidential post. ─── 1977年,他的忠诚使他获得了副总统职位。
71、Mr Swanson earned seven million dollars last year . ─── 但是教师们也将互联网作为发现抄袭的一条途径。
72、Meanwhile, the president is jeopardising one of his most popular traits: hard-earned credentials as a warrior against corruption. ─── 同时,总统正危及他最受欢迎的品质之一:得之不易的反腐败战士的名声。
73、The film earned him international fame. ─── 这部影片为他赢得了国际声誉。
74、He earned a fat salary with an investment bank. ─── 他在一家投资银行挣有优厚的薪水。
75、He must have earned a large sum of money. ─── 他一定是挣了一笔巨款。
76、He has earned a bad name for himself there. ─── 他在那里弄得很臭。
77、He earned a bare living by his hard work. ─── 他辛辛苦苦地工作仅够糊口。
78、He earned his place in the history book. ─── 他已经名垂青史。
79、His accomplishments earned respect for him. ─── 他的成就赢得了人们的尊敬。
80、His achievements earned him respect and admiration. ─── 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。
81、I'll do anything within reason to earn my living. ─── 为了谋生,只要是正当的事我什麽事都做。
82、He earned international acclaim for his poetry. ─── 他以他的诗获得国际间的拥戴。
83、His honesty earned him great respect. ─── 他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。
84、He had earned their lasting enmity. ─── 他招致他们长期的敌视。
85、He has earned his place in history. ─── 他争取到了自己在历史上的位置。
86、He earned his doctorate in philosophy. ─── 他获得了哲学博士学位。
87、He toiled all day long but earned very little. ─── 他整天劳碌但挣得很少。
88、His victory in the tournament earned him $50000. ─── 他在这次锦标赛中获胜,挣得了5万元。
89、At (the) most I might earn 250 a night. ─── 一晚上我至多可挣250英镑。
Greatness is never a given. It must be earned. 帮忙翻译一下
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