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08-01 投稿


preaches 发音

英:[ˈpriːtʃɪz]  美:[ˈpriːtʃɪz]

英:  美:

preaches 中文意思翻译




preaches 短语词组

1、practice what one preaches ─── 身体力行,以 ─── 身作则

2、preaches for ─── 为…说教

3、preaches heretical ─── 宣扬异端

4、practise what one preaches ─── 身体力行,以 ─── 身作则

5、preaches epiphany ─── 主显节宣讲

preaches 词性/词形变化,preaches变形

动词过去式: preached |副词: preachingly |动词第三人称单数: preaches |动词过去分词: preached |动词现在分词: preaching |

preaches 相似词语短语

1、upreaches ─── 直立的

2、breaches ─── n.违背,违反;缺口;vt.违反,破坏;打破

3、peaches ─── n.桃子(peach的复数);v.检举,告发(peach的单三形式)

4、areaches ─── 地区

5、preachers ─── n.牧师;传教士;鼓吹者;n.(Preacher)人名;(英)普里彻

6、preacher ─── n.牧师;传教士;鼓吹者;n.(Preacher)人名;(英)普里彻

7、pleaches ─── vt.编织

8、preached ─── vt.说教;讲道;鼓吹;传道;反复灌输;vi.说教;讲道;鼓吹;宣扬;n.说教

9、reaches ─── n.河段;流域;边远地区;层;v.伸出;到达(reach第三人称单数)

preaches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. ─── 又差遣他们去宣传神国的道,医治病人。

2、By his own account, he does not simply disdain coffee; he rages against it, preaches of its evils, overturns coffee urns in restaurants. ─── 套用他的说法,他不只厌恶咖啡,还大骂咖啡,四处宣扬咖啡的弊端,在餐厅里打翻咖啡壶。

3、While you preach peace, you make it the business of your life to stir up dissension. ─── 你一边宣传和平,一边又利用和平来干你煽动纷争的营生。

4、He takes his lamps, stands before the mob, and preaches Jesus. ─── 他甘愿受苦,站在众人面前勇敢的传讲耶稣。

5、Don't preach me a lesson about patience. ─── 别训诫我有关忍耐的大道理; 别规劝我要忍耐。

6、He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen. ─── 他去国外向异教徒宣传基督教。

7、B He is hypocritical as he never does what he preaches. ─── 他为人虚伪,言行从不一致。

8、They might like him even more if they knew an obscure but intriguing fact about him: he actually practises what he preaches. ─── 他们也许会更加喜欢他,加入他们知道一个模糊但是令人兴奋的事实:他实际上实践了他所宣扬的事情。

9、You are in no position to preach to me about efficiency! ─── 你没有资格对我大谈什麽效率问题!

10、It is not the author's business to preach ,but to give a real ,historical picture of life . ─── 作者的责任不在于说教,而在于展现一幅真实的具有历史意义的生活画面。

11、If cold showers are so good for the health, why don't you practise what you preach and take one yourself each morning? ─── 如果冷水淋浴对健康有益,那你为什么不照你说的去做,每天早晨冲个冷水澡呢?

12、Fred Kofman is a living example of what he preaches, a man of sensitivity, impeccability, and keen consciousness. ─── 弗雷德卡夫曼就是他说教的活例子,一个敏感、无缺点并且热衷意识的人。

13、They continue to preach their gospel of self-reliance. ─── 他们继续倡导自立的信条。

14、What it means is “practice what you preach. ─── 它所意指的是“实践你所说的。”

15、Because it is relatively hot and dense compared with political preach, the visitors do not quite like to go. ─── 因为天气较热和政治说教比较浓厚,游客都不大愿意去。

16、Therefore whether it is I or they, so we preach and so you have believed. ─── 11所以,不拘是我,是众使徒,我们如此传,你们也如此信了。

17、But he preaches as black, which I think is a lie. ─── 你是应该相信戈尔,还是相信天气频道的创办者呢?

18、They preach idealism whereas we advocate meterilsm. ─── 他们讲唯心主义,我们讲唯物主义。

19、One of a group made up especially of the12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel. ─── 使徒,门徒尤指耶稣基督选出传布福音的十二个门徒之一

20、A man is no right to stand and preach if his home is not in alignment with the Word of God. ─── 如果与家庭生活矛盾,没有甚么对上帝的事奉是有价值的。

21、Some preach abstinence yet turn a blind eye to polygamous marriages, adultery and genital mutilation. ─── 一些人一边鼓吹节欲一边却对一夫多妻,通奸和摧残生殖器的行为视而不见。

22、One should not preach down criticism. ─── 不应该公开压制批评。

23、And how shall they preach, except they be sent? ─── 15若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢?

24、English: If the beard were all, the goat might preach. ─── 中文:如果胡须能说明问题,山羊也可讲道。

25、To preach tediously and didactically. ─── 令人生厌地训诫和说教

26、A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach. ─── 一大群人聚集起来听他布道。

27、At the press conference the president can converse with the public rather than preach to it. ─── 在记者招待会上总统可以同公众对话而不是向公众说教。

28、And he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. ─── 又差遣他们去宣传上帝国的道,医治病人

29、If the beard were all ,a goat might preach. ─── 如果胡子说明一切,那么山羊也能说教。

30、But how about a man who preaches liberation and yet when his daughters are seeking marriage partners, can show himself the very caricature of the heavy Victorian father? ─── 一个自吹是思想解放的人怎么能在他女儿寻找婚姻伴侣时,却显出一副维多利亚式的严父模样呢?

31、What did he preach about [on] ? ─── 他宣讲了什么?

32、He preaches the same sermon every Christmas. ─── 他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨。

33、He always tells me to be diligent but he himself doesn't practice what he preaches. ─── 他总是叫我们勤奋学习,但他自己却没有身体力行。

34、Most of the open churches in China still faithfully preach the Word of God. ─── 其实绝大多数的教会仍然忠心地传讲神的话语。

35、He devoted his life to preach Buddhism . ─── 他献身于宣扬佛教。

36、Missionaries go around the world to preach the Word. ─── 传教士走遍世界各地宣扬福音。

37、They preach peace while prepare for war. ─── 他们一方面鼓吹和平,一方面准备战争。

38、You should practise as well as preach, Mr. Arabin. ─── 你应该既讲道理又实践,阿拉宾先生。

39、You practice what you preach; you walk your talk. ─── 你实践着自己所说的,你走你的路。

40、The priest always preaches on grace to a large congregation. ─── 牧师经常向广大会众讲关于恩典的道理。

41、He was to preach the doctrines, and I was to confound all opponents. ─── 他负责布道,我则与对手辩论。

42、He risked his life to preach in the newly-found America. ─── 他冒着生命危险在新发现的美洲大陆上传教。

43、But the media controlled by the Party preach atheism. ─── 但是党控制的媒体在宣传无神论呀。

44、Testimony of the Holy Spirit does not supplant need to preach. ─── 圣灵的见证并不取代讲道的必须性。

45、Why don't you practise what you preach? ─── 你为什么不躬行已言呢?

46、A good teacher shall encourage rather than simply preach. ─── 好的老师不仅仅只是说教,(更)应该鼓励(学生)。

47、If the beard were all, a goat might preach. ─── 如果胡子就是一切,山羊也能布道了。

48、It has pleased them to believe and to preach the belief that we are a decadent and degenerate people. ─── 他们满以为我们腐化堕落并如此大肆宣扬。

49、He won't support us willingly, he'll preach against us, and he'll despise our revolution. ─── 他不会甘心情愿支持我们,一定会把我们教训一顿,对我们的革命瞧不上眼。

50、To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. ─── 19报告神悦纳人的禧年。

51、Only the rich preach content to the poor. ─── 只有富人宣扬穷人满足.

52、From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. ─── 从那时候耶稣就传起道来,说,天国近了,你们应当悔改。

53、Let us, even to the wearing of our tongues to the stumps, preach and pray. ─── 只有祷告领袖能带出祷告同工...祷告的讲台才能产生祷告的座椅。

54、Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me. ─── 你起来往尼尼微大城去,向其中的居民呼喊,因为他们的恶达到我面前。

55、Missionaries should not preach incorrect doctrine. ─── 传教士不应该宣讲错误的教义。

56、Aristotle preaches the need for self-actualization which, like his colleagues, exhorts the use of reason over desires. ─── 亚里士多德倡导自我实现,像他上面那两位同事一样,他力劝使用理智战胜欲望。

57、His pastor for two decades preaches “God damn America”. ─── 他有二十年交情的杰拉米怀特牧师宣扬“上帝诅咒美国”的论调。

58、It is monstrous to preach hatred. ─── 向人们鼓吹仇恨,这种行径太可恶了。

59、Oh rats! I'm afraid dad's going to preach again. ─── 哎呀呀,恐怕爹爹又要谆谆劝诫啦。

60、He preaches that we are all the children of God. ─── 他宣讲说我们都是上帝的子孙。

61、Preach peace while prepare for war. ─── 他们一方面鼓吹和平,一方面准备战争。

62、But what a religion preaches and how its followers behave are two completely different things. ─── 但是,一个宗教宣扬的教义和追随者的行为却是两回事,不能混为一谈。

63、Her sadness stung him like a spider. "I wish you would preach to me forever," said Han Fei-tzu. ─── 她的哀伤如蛛螫刺痛他。“我希望你永远对我说教。”韩非子说。

64、Do not preach up such boys so much. ─── 不要把这样一些孩子捧得太高了。

65、But what I realized is everything I would be taught in business school would be the opposite of the approach that Al preaches. ─── 但随后我意识到商学院能教我的一切都和AlRies以前给我的教导恰恰相反。

66、Hence the saying: When Sheng Gong preaches, insensate stone will nod in agreement. ─── “生公说法,顽石点头”,就指这件事。

67、Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. ─── 11不拘是我是众使徒,我们如此传,你们也如此信了。

68、He is hypocritical as he never does what he preaches. ─── 他为人虚伪,言行从不一致。

69、If the beard were all,a goat might preach. ─── 如果胡子是一切,山羊也可以说教。

70、For decades, billionaire businessman David Murdock has practiced what he preaches. ─── 亿万富翁大卫.莫达克(DavidMurdock)在过去的几十年里做到了言行一致。

71、It is not the author's business to preach,but to give a real,historical picture of life. ─── 作者的责任不在于说教,而在于展现一幅真实的具有历史意义的生活画面。

72、It may be to sing, write, teach, paint, mentor, preach, defend or befriend. ─── 你的特长可能是唱歌,写作,教书,绘画,劝导,步道,辩护或交友。

73、They do not preach these principles, but they are implicit in the writing. ─── 他们不宣扬这些原则,但他们在作品中隐含了。

74、"Shucks, they don't ALL of 'em preach the same day -- only ONE of 'em. ─── 你可以一开头便说清楚嘛,也好节省些时间。”

75、Must be able to preach in Chinese, preferable both in Mandarin and Cantonese. ─── 可以用中文讲道。能兼用国语及粤语者,优先考虑。

76、Paul. He had never seen Jesus nor heard him preach. ─── 他从来没见过耶稣,也没听过他布道。

77、They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism. ─── 他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。

78、I believed that God had called me to preach, to be a pastor, in spite of my terror. ─── 但我要相信那看不见的,我相信是神呼召我当传道。

79、They don't practise what they preach. ─── 他们说的一套并不实行。

80、After the resurrection and judgement, those who are saved will help Jesus preach to the nations. ─── 在复活和审判后,那些得救的人将帮助耶稣向全世界各国传道。

81、He realized that his calling was to preach the gospel. ─── 他体悟到宣讲福音是他的使命。

82、If the beard were all, the goat might preach. ─── 如果长胡就好,山羊也可讲道。

83、You, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? ─── 你既是教导别人,还不教导自己吗?你讲说人不可偷窃,自己还偷窃吗?

84、The witch was very rude and greedy but she always liked to preach her nobility. ─── 可巫婆非常的粗鲁和贪婪,总是喜欢吹嘘她的高贵。

85、He preaches a "rupture" with past policies and an overhaul of the "social model". ─── 他声称要颠覆以往的政策并重新审视社会模式。

86、There are obvious discrepancies between what you practice and what you preach. ─── 你言行不一。

87、Teach and preach these principles. ─── 你要以此教训人、劝勉人。

88、I ask you to give me another chance to do USM students, I will not live up to you, and commitment to what it preaches above. ─── 我请求您再给我一次做USM学生的机会,我一定不会辜负您,并且对以上的承诺言出必行。

89、If cold showers are so good for the health,why don't you practise what you preach and take one yourself each morning? ─── 如果冷水淋浴对健康有益,那你为什么不照你说的去做,每天早晨冲个冷水澡呢?

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