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08-01 投稿


grievance 发音

英:[ˈɡriːvəns]  美:[ˈɡriːvəns]

英:  美:

grievance 中文意思翻译



grievance 词性/词形变化,grievance变形


grievance 常用词组

grievance procedure ─── 冤屈投诉程序;苦情处理制度;抱怨程序;申诉程序

grievance 短语词组

nurse a grievance

1. 心怀不满

Nursing a grievance makes you bitter.


1、grievance procedure and remedy ─── 申诉程序和补救措施

2、have a grievance against sb ─── 抱怨(某人)

3、grievance procedure ─── 冤屈投诉程序;苦情处理制度;抱怨程序;申诉程序

4、small grievance ─── 小冤情

5、redress for grievance ─── 申诉补偿

6、grievance system ─── 申诉制度

7、grievance committee ─── [经] (处理改良工作状况的)工人委员会

8、grievance interview ─── 冤情采访

9、grievance theory ─── 冤情理论

10、Grievance and Employment Policy Boa ─── 冤情和就业政策

11、grievance flooding ─── 冤情泛滥

12、the personal grievance ─── 个人申诉

13、Grievance and Employment Policy Board ─── 申诉和就业政策委员会

14、the personal grievance provision ─── 个人申诉条款

15、grievance mechanism ─── 申诉机制

16、redress of a grievance ─── [法] 纠正冤情, 平反冤案

17、grievance day ─── 委屈日

grievance 相似词语短语

1、freelance ─── n.自由作家;自由记者;adj.自由投稿的

2、grievances ─── n.抱怨,不平(grievance的复数形式);垒块

3、grievants ─── n.提出不满意见交付仲裁者;申诉人

4、creance ─── 细皮条

5、brisance ─── n.(炸药的)爆破力;(炸药的)破坏力

6、grieve ─── vt.使悲伤,使苦恼;vi.悲痛,哀悼;n.(Grieve)人名;(英)格里夫

7、arrivance ─── 到达

8、grievant ─── n.提出不满意见交付仲裁者;申诉人

9、crepance ─── n.交突伤

grievance 习惯用语

1、have a grievance against sb. ─── 怀恨某人; 对...心怀不满

2、nurse a grievance against sb. ─── 怀恨某人; 对...心怀不满

3、pour out grievance ─── 诉苦

4、rip up old grievances ─── 重提旧怨; 翻出老帐

5、air one's grievance ─── 诉说自己的苦衷; 发泄不满情绪

grievance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was glad of an opportunity of ventilating his grievance. ─── 他很高兴有一个抒发不满的机会。

2、Has been recalled little bit, see the light-emitting punctuation, so many tears in a grievance. ─── 回忆起曾经过的点点滴滴,看到了那个发光的标点,于是泪水中又多了一份委屈。

3、He finally redressed the grievance and vented his spleen. ─── 他终于伸冤吐气了。

4、Most people who have once said so must have tasted the sweets called AMBITUITY transferred to grievance by the taste goblets. ─── 但凡说这句话的人,必定是尝过了那暧昧的糖,但味蕾的甜转化为心头的伤的人。

5、Some people form all their friendships based on a common complaint or shared grievance. ─── 一些人把所有的友谊都建立在共同的抱怨或不满之上。

6、But logic, alas, may count for less than political grievance. ─── 可逻辑,唉,和政治上的怨愤比起来就算不得什么了。

7、He took the dose down with a grievance. ─── 他苦着脸吞下了那付药。

8、The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences. ─── 司机们的主要不满是加诸在驾驶执照上的更高的费用。

9、He'd been harbouring/nursing a grievance against his boss . ─── 他一直对老板心怀不满.

10、Out of it, better go in and join the group around the piano and forget my grievance. ─── 最好的办法就是,忘掉自己的委屈,加入他们,和大家一起围着钢琴玩。

11、Don't lament to a friend about any grievance regarding your mate, or it may be hard to rectify your relationship. ─── 不要向朋友抱怨你的伴侣,那样不利于改善你们的关系。

12、The personnel manager promises he will look into the grievance of the office staff . ─── 人事经理答应他将调查公司职员的疾苦。

13、Sufferred grievance, how does ability let him not sadness? ─── 受了委屈,怎样才能让自己不悲伤?

14、And if that view becomes more respectable, so too does a defensive Muslim reaction, which is often tinged with geopolitical grievance. ─── 如果那种观点得到越来越多人的支持,那么也会有越来越多来自穆斯林的防御性反应,这通常带有地缘政治的怨恨。

15、Amongst the criminals employed by her husband had been one who nursed a grievance. ─── 在她丈夫雇用的犯人中,曾有一个心怀不满。

16、Any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help. ─── 凡蒙受政府冤屈的个人都可以申请保护。

17、If, then, Demetrius and his fellow craftsmen have a grievance against anybody, the courts are open and there are proconsuls. They can press charges. ─── 38若是底米丢和他同行的人,有控告人的事,自有放告的日子。(或作自有公堂)也有方伯,可以彼此对告。

18、Lydia had always nursed a grievance against her cousin. ─── 丽迪亚对她的表哥一直怀有抱怨情绪。

19、The grievance or preconflict stage ─── 前冲突阶段

20、To be enemies because of grievance ─── 为冤结仇

21、be full of complaints [grievance] ─── 一肚子怨气

22、He had been nursing a grievance against his boss for months. ─── 他几个月来一直对老板心怀不满。

23、Why grievance procedures are inappropriate for dealing with bully? ─── 为什么发牢骚对付不了恃强凌弱者呢?

24、Grievance : n. He has been nursing a grievance against his boss. ─── 他对他的老板一直冤屈不平。

25、The worst thing you can possibly do to a woman be to deprive her of a grievance . ─── 你能够对一个女人做得的最坏的事,夺去她的伤心事。

26、followed set procedures for filing a grievance. ─── 以平息怨恨的约定步骤进行

27、To redress a grievance and wipe out a disgrace ─── 伸冤雪耻

28、The former grievance is melted like ice ─── 前嫌冰释

29、To repudiate a previous grievance ─── 休弃前嫌

30、Proactive environmental cooperation could help dampen an important source of grievance that is aggravating these types of social division. ─── 先期的环境合作则能在一定程度上消除加剧这种社会划分的不公平因素。

31、Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. ─── 你为何使我看见罪孽.你为何看著奸恶而不理呢.毁灭和强暴在我面前.斗又起了争端和相斗的事。

32、But the official has now been accused of using similar language when addressing a player and, if guilty, his grievance with McFadden would be seriously undermined. ─── 可是这位裁判现在正被指控用类似的语言来侮辱球员。

33、Northwest said the cost of the extra pay will be offset by the value of other work rule changes and grievance settlements. ─── 西北航空表示,成本的额外支付,将抵消价值的其他工作规则变化冤情定居点。

34、He died with a grievance in his heart. ─── 他饮恨而终。

35、Mr Brown said: "When Russia has a grievance over an issue such as South Ossetia, it should act multilaterally by consent rather than unilaterally by force. ─── "布朗先生说: “当俄罗斯有超过申诉的问题,如南奥塞梯,它应法多边同意的,而非单方面的武力” 。

36、You were found guilty in a fair trial and you've served your sentence; there's no point in nursing a grievance. ─── 在公正的审判中,你曾被判定有罪,并且你已经服刑,现在没有必要心怀不满了。

37、Consider this thought when next you feel tempted to nurse a grievance: that life is too short to be little! ─── 下次你心生怨言时,想想这一点:“人生苦短休斤斤

38、You should wait until we have a staff meeting; that's the time to air any grievance you may have. ─── 你应该等到我们召开工作人员会议,那可能是你申诉苦情的时候。

39、Work with HR team to plan &implement recognition program and ensure company regulation compliance. Handling employee grievance. ─── 和HR团队一起,计划和实施员工认同方案,并确保公司规章制度的遵从。处理各种员工投诉。

40、A grievance is difficult to redress ─── 冤屈难伸

41、Today, Wu's grievance has been redressed. ─── 今天,吴晗的冤案早已得到平反昭雪。

42、Day began with the whire of the malingers and the glum face and fixed eyes of the man with a grievance. ─── 到处都是泡病号的工兵的诉苦声和牢骚满腹的阴郁的面部及呆滞的眼神,一天就这样开始了。

43、However, two working days after submission of the grievance in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 21 of Article 2, either party may refer the dispute to independent review. ─── 但是,在依照第2条第21款的规定提交不满意见2个工作日后,双方中每一方均可将争端提交进行独立审查。

44、To shout one's grievance and Beat the drum ─── 喊冤鸣鼓

45、My grandmother didn't tell a bit of her grievance to him and greeted him like an old friend. ─── 他们又在一次见面了,祖母没有把她的委屈一股脑儿地诉他,还像老朋友似的和他打招呼。

46、Turning round and round in the small rooms, life seemed just one big grievance. ─── 在小屋里转转着,他感到整个的生命是一部委屈。

47、He was, above all, sympathetic, and the sight of Carrie wandering out, he knew not where, affected him, despite his grievance. ─── 他这人特别富有同情心。 所以虽然满腹委屈,但是看到嘉莉要离家出走,不知会飘零到哪里去,心就不由得软了。

48、Why hast thou shewn me iniquity and grievance, to see rapine and injustice before me? and there is a judgment, but opposition is more powerful. ─── 为什麽你使我见到邪恶,人受压迫,而你竟坐视?在我面前,只有迫害和残暴,争吵不休,辩论迭起。

49、He extravagantce give him a sense of grievance. ─── 他的挥霍使他感到不满。

50、Employee Grievance System Procedures and Records ─── 员工申诉系统程序及记录

51、She vented her grievance before them ─── 在他们面前她发泄了心中的不满。

52、They were supported, perhaps, by the poorer class with a grievance. ─── 他们也许受到心怀不满的贫民阶级的拥护。

53、When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? ─── 你们中间有彼此相争的事,怎敢在不义的人面前求审,不在圣徒面前求审呢?

54、His sense of grievance will not be helped if he analyses the last three seasons. ─── 他过去三个赛季的经验告诉他,所有上诉都是徒劳的。

55、The degree of the tortfeasor's fault is to be taken into account only where it significantly contributes to the grievance of the victim. ─── 侵权行为人的过错程度只有在对造成受害人的痛苦起到了显著作用时才加以考虑。

56、If at ordinary times you are taller to the evaluation of boss, because be on a bagatelle,did not suffer grievance to resent to boss, even be troubled Yu Huai. ─── 假如平时你对上司的评价较高,就不要因为在一件小事上受了委屈就对上司不满,甚至耿耿于怀。

57、Sino-Russian's Grievance Knots in National Benefits ─── 国家利益是中苏恩怨的死结

58、To strike the drum to tell grievance ─── 击鼓鸣冤

59、A strong emotion,a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance. ─── 一种强烈的情绪,一种导向某种真实的或假想的痛苦的情绪。

60、The worst thing you can possibly do to a woman is to deprive her of a grievance. ─── 你能够对一个女人做得到的最坏的事,是夺去她的伤心事。

61、To cherish grievance and Bear injustice ─── 含冤负屈

62、He aired his grievance in the newspaper. ─── 他在报纸上为自己鸣不平。

63、The internal justice system has also been extensively expanded and updated, and, in addition to the post of Ombudsman, includes a Joint Grievance Panel and a Rebuttal Panel. ─── 内部司法系统也有所扩大和更新,除监察员职位外,现还设有抱怨事件联合审议小组和抗辩审议小组。

64、Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive. ─── 为了提醒你自己宽恕是一个高尚的选择,你不要对你的冤屈经历耿耿于怀。

65、He pledged secretly, for land fine jade, from now on any grievance, no matter clenches teeth to swallow down. ─── 他暗暗发誓,为了陆璐,今后不管受什么委屈,都咬着牙一口吞下。

66、But in many other places, too, Muslim grievance has been yoked to a broader anti-capitalist or anti-globalist movement whose leitmotif is loathing of the Bush administration and all its works. ─── 同样在其他地方,穆斯林的不满情绪亦开始与反资本主义或反全球化运动发生化学反应,这些运动的共同标签就是“憎恨布什政府及其所作所为”。

67、He was chosen to voice their grievance. ─── 他被选去表达他们的不满。

68、Does the company have a formal grievance procedure(= a way of telling sb your complaints at work)? ─── 公司有正式投诉程序吗?

69、Chatted for an evening with my younger sister, about before andothers' gratitude and grudges, but also has own grievance also to haveown error, now I think very crisply! ! ! ! ! ! ─── 和我小妹聊了一晚上,关于以前和别人的恩怨,还有自己的委屈还有自己的过失,现在我觉得很爽!!!也!!!

70、He sobbed and complained about his grievance. ─── 他抽啜着诉说自己的委屈。

71、She did not comprehend it; and hard work I had to obtain a promise that she would not lay the grievance before her father. ─── 她不能理解这个;我费了好大劲才使她答应她不告到她父亲那儿去。

72、I am being angry sad am not willingly think the grievance! ─── |首页|壹篇满满的想对记忆说的话....

73、If you are a loose fish and unwrap the candy and taste it sweet, grievance must be awaiting you somewhere in the corner. ─── 你放荡不羁,剥开它尝到了甜,就注定有忧伤在角落里等待着。

74、The husband is covering face, grievance ground says: "What time, make market economy now, open livened, you still use planned economy that one bushing I, let me do not have own advantageous position. ─── 丈夫捂着脸,委屈地说:“都什么年代了,现在搞市场经济,开放搞活了,你还用计划经济那一套管我,让我没有一点自主权。”

75、However, the branch shall endeavor to redress the grievance within one month from the date of receipt of the complaint. ─── 分行应当设法在收到投诉日起一个月内采取补救措施。

76、"There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law" (Abraham Lincoln). ─── “在暴民法下没有一项冤屈是适合平反昭雪的” (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。

77、G.Wodehouse's famous remark that it is never difficult to distinguish between a Scotsman with a grievance and a ray of sunshine. ─── 他说,“我为英国人感到遗憾,他们不仅是享受痛苦,他们还和痛苦相处甚欢。”

78、He had been nursing a grievance against his boss for months. ─── 他几个月来一直对老板心怀不满。

79、It is easy for others to accept when you speak out your dissatisfaction and grievance with a merciful heart and a gentle bearing. ─── 四六、请你用慈悲心和温和的态度,把你的不满与委屈说出来,别人就容易接受。

80、Both sides feeled a sense of grievance. ─── 双方都觉得自己很委屈。

81、But a competition's scat singing conclusion, Li Jinyu felt some grievance, always disposition extroversion's he held the tears to ask: “where has plays soccer like this. ─── 但比赛的哨声一结束,李金羽感觉有些委屈,一向性格外向的他噙着泪水问:“哪有这样踢球的。”

82、Do you mean the minimum period ? If you have any grievance ask your RC in the II to III promotion board. For how long have your interview been taken ? ─── 各处乡村各处例?升二级多久才可以上三划啊?成人单位和少年团本部的制度会否唔一样?(晋升年期,要求......等等

83、Immediately upon receipt of oral complaint by any staff, should become attentive to the complainant, and should try to understand the grievance. ─── 任何职员接到口头投诉后,应立即关注该投诉者的需求,?张?宄???什麽会提出投诉。

84、He will not easily forget his grievance. ─── 他不会轻易忘掉他的委屈。

85、to suffer a wrong; to have a grievance ─── 含冤

86、He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days. ─── 他说我是个忘恩负义的无耻小人,直到死的时候他还是心怀不满。

87、They had a legitimate grievance. ─── 他们的委屈是合乎情理的。

88、For example, someSenileThe person fails to add endowment of go to work before retire for oneself, judge on title, the house on cent and all the day downhearted, feel grievance, depression, indignant. ─── 例如,有些老年人为自己在退休前未能加上工资,评上职称,分上房子而整天闷闷不乐,感到委屈、压抑、愤怒。

89、However, it brews a dense feeling that flows through the air, liquefies slowly and freezes.The residual is called the crystal of grievance. ─── 但是它酿造的太浓密就在空气里流动,慢慢的液化、凝固,残留的是叫做忧伤的晶体。

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