duplicity 发音
英:[duːˈplɪsəti] 美:[djuːˈplɪsəti]
英: 美:
duplicity 中文意思翻译
duplicity 短语词组
1、duplicity cast ─── 口是心非
2、duplicity theory ─── [医] 二元视学说
3、duplicity imdb ─── 口是心非
4、duplicity hs ─── 口是心非
5、duplicity wattpad ─── 重复性沃特帕德
6、duplicity movie ─── 口是心非电影
7、duplicity define ─── 口是心非
duplicity 词性/词形变化,duplicity变形
duplicity 相似词语短语
1、duplicately ─── 复制地,二重地
2、duplicitous ─── adj.奸诈的;双重的;搞两面派的
3、duplicities ─── n.口是心非;表里不一;不诚实
4、dupability ─── n.受骗的性格;易受骗
5、duplicate ─── vt.复制;使加倍;n.副本;复制品;adj.复制的;二重的;vi.复制;重复
6、complicity ─── n.共谋;串通;共犯关系
7、publicity ─── n.宣传,宣扬;公开;广告;注意
8、implicity ─── n.不怀疑;隐晦,含蓄
9、duplexity ─── 二重性
duplicity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、NIV] The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity . ─── 3[和合]正3直人的纯正,必引导自己;奸诈人的乖僻,必毁灭自己。
2、21 There is a shrewdness keen but dishonest, which by duplicity wins a judgment. ─── 有一种奸滑的聪明,也是不义的;有一种人,为讨人喜欢,竟妄下论断。
3、Cultural translation that processes duplicity involves deep structure language systems. ─── 文化翻译具有双重性,它涉及到深层的语言体系问题。
4、If you lose control of Duplicity, put all cards on it into owner's graveyard. ─── 若你失去口是心非的操控权,则将在其上所有的牌放置于坟墓场。
5、t.We had to rely on truth drugs, long interrogations, and training drills designed to show any duplicity. ─── 我们不得不依靠坦白剂,冗长的提问,设计好的训练性练习,以显现你的任何可疑之处。”
6、The duplicity of the double-dealers reignited the hatred of the people. ─── 两面派的欺骗性重新激起人民的仇恨。
7、He stopped, the simplicity of her answers removing a part of the suspicion of artful duplicity which had originally weighed upon him. ─── 他呆了一呆,因为她这些坦率的回答已经把他当初断定她全用骗术的那种疑心消散一部分了。
8、The Philosophical Thought on the "Duplicity" of the Biological Technology ─── 生物技术"两面性"的哲学认识
9、duplicity goods ─── 耐用品
10、expose the duplicity of the double-dealers ─── 揭露两面派的欺骗性
11、But she could not keep up the duplicity. ─── 但她无法一直口是心非地装下去。
12、And with “Duplicity” what we got was someone who used a handheld camera to shoot the film inside the theater. ─── 在“表里不一”的情况下我看到的是某人在影院里手抖的拿着摄像机所拍的电影屏。
13、duplicity interrogation ─── 欺骗性讯问
14、Even if individual cables reveal individual duplicity, the great mass do not. ─── 即使个别的电文揭露出了某些口是心非的嘴脸,但总体而言却没什么好处。
15、When Duplicity comes into play, put the top five cards of your library face down on Duplicity. ─── 当口是心非进场时,取出你的牌库顶上的五张牌,将它们面朝下的放置于口是心非上。
16、11.From Fronto I learned to observe what envy, and duplicity, and hypocrisy are in a tyrant, and that generally those among us who are called Patricians are rather deficient in paternal affection. ─── 从弗朗特,我学会了观察仅仅在一个暴君那里存在的嫉妒、伪善和口是心蜚非,知道我们中间那些被称为上流人的一般是相当缺乏仁慈之情的。
17、expose their duplicity and cruelty and ─── 暴露他们的残暴和欺骗
18、As the title of this film indicates, Gilroy says it is about a field in which alliances,and dalliances.can all too often be built on Duplicity. ─── 正如影片的片名所展示的,吉尔罗伊表示在影片讲述的这个领域里,盟约和玩弄频频建立在"口是心非"之上。
19、Mercy how he turned at the man's shameless duplicity. ─── 老天啊,这个家伙的无耻的欺骗行为,实在让人恶心。
20、We are very good at duplicity and hope each other can be perceived. ─── 我们都很擅长口是心非,又都很希望对方能有所察觉。
21、The insurers and the drug companies are, in effect, betting that Mr. Obama will be afraid to call them out on their duplicity. ─── 事实上,保险公司和制药公司在打赌,认定奥巴马不敢揭露他们两面三刀的行为。
22、Another accused him of his duplicity. ─── 另一家报纸指责他口是心非。
23、What Wickham had said of the living was fresh in her memory, and as she recalled his very words, it was impossible not to feel that there was gross duplicity on one side or the other; ─── 她眨下眼睛就可以看到他出现在她面前,风采翩翩,辞令优雅,但是,除了邻里的赞赏之外,除了他用交际手腕在伙伴之间赢得的敬慕之外,她可想不起他有什么更具体的优点。
24、Due to the duplicity of the religious nationalism, we need to make a dialectic judgment of it. ─── 由于宗教民族主义作用的两重性,我们要对其作辩证的看待。
25、Comments On Sino-America Relationship and Its Duplicity ─── 论中美关系及其两重性
26、Behind the last two items in Tang's notebook hung a story that illustrates the cunning, the daring, perhaps the rashness and even the duplicity of this many-wiled boy. ─── 唐的笔记本中最后两项的内容,说明这个足智多谋的小伙子多么机灵、大胆,他也许有点胡来,甚至会耍两面手法。
27、The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. ─── 正3直人的纯正,必引导自己;奸诈人的乖僻,必毁灭自己。
28、I was a precocious actress in her eyes; she sincerely looked on me as a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit, and dangerous duplicity . ─── 在她眼里我是个早熟的演员,她打心底里认为,我是个本性恶毒、魂卑劣、人阴险的货色。
29、Thiers, a Bonapartist, says that Napoleon's power rested on his virtue and his genius;Lanfrey, a Republican, declares that it rested on his duplicity and deception of the people. ─── 波拿巴派的梯也尔说,拿破仑的权力是建立在他的仁德和天才上的,共和派的朗弗里则说,他的权力是基于他的诡诈和对人民的欺骗。
30、The consummate shapechanger, a doppelganger can bring entire kingdoms to ruin through duplicity and subterfuge without ever drawing a sword. ─── 作为伪装大师的变形怪无需舞刀弄剑,仅仅用谎言与诡计便可以摧毁国家。
31、I thought for a moment. This must be a trick. How can a prisoner have a dual purpose drill in his possession? What a strange case of duplicity! ─── 我想了片刻,认为这一定是个骗局。一个囚犯如何会有一个有双重功能的钻头呢?多么力气的欺诈案呀!
32、Duplicity or deceit;treachery. ─── 口是心非,欺骗;背信弃义
33、In short, Andrew's history conditioned him to associate authority with duplicity. That's why he feels like a false leader today. ─── 简单说来,安德鲁的过往经历使他认为权威人士往往带有两重性,并且认为今天的他也不例外。
34、"Duplicity" in Baidu's encyclopedia to explain: the surface and not internal, and "duplicity" for more derogatory . ─── “表里不一”在百度百科的解释是:表面与内在不一样,而且“表里不一”多用于贬义。
35、Duplicity of Virtual Economy and Inspiration to Chinese Economic Development ─── 虚拟经济发展的二重性及对我国经济发展的启示
36、and duplicity of impression, which vexed it with a strange disquietude, he recalled and more thoroughly defined the plans, which Hester and himself had sketched for their departure. ─── 为了摆脱那搅得他莫名其妙地心烦意乱的说不清、道不明的印象,他回忆并更加彻底地澄清了一下他和海丝特为出走所安排的计划。
37、Reporters Without Borders has gone on the offensive, accusing governments of "impotence, cowardice and duplicity" in failing to defend freedom of expression. ─── 记者无国界组织发起攻势,指责一些国家的政府“无能、懦弱、言行不一”,未能保障言论自由。
38、When she discovers Alec’s duplicity, she makes her mind up that this will be his final deception of her. ─── 这表明了旧有的小农经济受到了资本主义生产方式的强烈冲击,并走向毁灭。
39、He was cleared of all suspicion of duplicity ─── 他已摆脱了任何欺瞒的嫌疑。
40、she sincerely looked on me as a compound of virulent passions, mean spirit, and dangerous duplicity. ─── 在她眼里我是个早熟的演员,她打心底里认为,我是个本性恶毒、灵魂卑劣、为人阴险的货色。
41、"Duplicity" in Baidu's encyclopedia to explain: the surface and not internal, and "duplicity" for more derogatory. ─── “表里不一”在百度百科的解释是:表面与内在不一样,而且“表里不一”多用于贬义。
42、there is no one to beat - the British! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits! ─── 只骆驼上的跳蚤都寄生在英国人的腋下!
43、When Tanya learned that Mark had been two-timing her, she was furious at his duplicity. ─── 当坦尼娅得知马克与第三者暗中亲热对她不忠时,她对他搞两面派怒不可遏。
44、Duplicity of Virtual Economy and Inspiration to China's Economic Development ─── 虚拟经济发展的两重性及对我国经济发展的启示
45、Sometimes the appearance of the "foolish" not to feature the "foolish", the "duplicity" of the smart machines is also worth seeing large. ─── 有时外表“憨”,功能不“憨”,所以“表里不一”的智能机也大有看头。
46、He stopped, the simplicity of her answers removing a part of the suspicion of artful duplicity which had originally weighed upon him. ─── 他呆了一呆,因为她这些坦率的回答已经把他当初断定她全用骗术的那种疑心消散一部分了。
47、It comes up with characteristics of the neutrality of science: historicity, contextuality, relativity, integrativity and duplicity. ─── 同时归纳出科学中性概念的诸多特点:历史性、与境性、相对性、集成性、两面性。
48、The Structure is full of duplicity, namely, open and unfinished in the content, and close in the structure. ─── 由它们构成的小说结构具有表里不一的特点,即在内容上具有开放性和未完成性,在形式上却呈现闭合性的状态。
49、When it comes to changing a person, duplicity, I think most people do not like contact with such people. ─── 如果说到一个人善变、表里不一,我想大多数人不喜欢与这样的人交往。
50、Li said that many of the aluminum production are some of the Universal Declaration "duplicity", more lip service levels. ─── 李鹏表示,不少铝厂的减产宣言都有些“口是心非”,更多地停留在口头层面。
51、Accordingly, duplicity is the common phenomenon that place of hutch ark industry exists, on certain level, contain beguiling sex. ─── 因此,表里不一是厨柜产业所存在的普遍现象,一定程度上,带有欺骗性。
52、In addition, orchid still is the dissembler of duplicity, because orchid is very few,be that looking look. ─── 此外,兰花还是表里不一的伪君子,因为兰花很少是看上去的那个样子。
53、I concern for a moment. This ought to be a trick. How can a prisoner HAs a dual purpose drill in his possession? What a strange case of duplicity! ─── 我想了片刻,以为这确定是个骗局。唯一囚犯咋样会有唯一有双重功能的钻头呢?多么力气的欺诈案呀!
54、Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings. ─── 马尔科姆相信他在为其私底下行为的奸诈内疚着。
55、However I thought you were duplicity. ─── 但我当时怀疑你口是心非。
56、act of duplicity; double-faced behavior; double-dealing ─── 两面派的行为
57、The instrument is of safty and good duplicity. ─── 该仪器使用安全并具有良好的稳定性和重复性。
58、But if I can prove that his duplicity is more than just a rumor. ─── 但如果我能证明他的表里不一并非只是谣言这么简单?。
59、The duplicity engineer doesn't allow Chris to take Kim away unless Chris makes an American passport for him. ─── 第一天晚上她就与头次来西贡吧的美国大兵克里斯一见钟情。
60、duplicity theory ─── 双重作用说双重视觉论二元视学说
61、duplicity theory of vision ─── 双视觉说
62、This shows some developers of duplicity, not to clients of public relations, not good, but it is keen to create dynamic exhibition. ─── 这个问题表明部分开发商表里不一,不重视客户公共关系,不讲诚信,但却热衷于轰轰烈烈参展造势。
63、tangled by his own duplicity; ─── 为他自己的骗局所困挠;
64、With the instinctive, feminine duplicity of love, though she had till then shown not the slightest sign of alarm, she declared she should die of terror if they did not get away that very night. ─── 一直没露出丝毫畏惧的伯爵夫人,现在以女人的出于母爱的本能的狡黠对丈夫说,如果今晚他们不能乘车离开的话,她便会吓死。
65、It was no duplicity in order to increase rehabilitation. ─── 真是口是心非得无以复加。
66、spectral duplicity ─── 光谱成双性
67、Some catalogs provide data on motions, variability, duplicity, etc ─── 有的星表还提供了运动,是否变光以及双星、聚星等等的资料。
68、Armour: In the past my daughter-in-law duplicity. ─── 过去我媳妇表里不一。
69、The structure of social consciousness is unified by the duplicity and dual-structure. ─── 社会意识的结构是两重性和两层性的统一。
70、Akama... your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago. ─── 你的背叛一点也不让我觉得奇怪。我早想要你和你那些畸形的同类消失掉。
71、In addition, orchid still is the dissembler of duplicity, because orchid is very few,be that looking look.In the meantime, most orchid still is bold-faced charlatan and swindler. ─── 当然,无论如何兰花应算作是最富有耐心的植物,作为机会主义者,兰花是懂得等待的,直到理想的“采花大盗”出现。
72、Hwang resigned from his university, and expressed sorrow and shame for his duplicity . ─── 这名科学家辞去了大学教职,并对自亡的欺骗行为表示难过与惭愧。
73、The main problem in selectiving examination has ply measure short jin be short of two, joinery board intensity of duplicity, agglutination does not amount to mark and label non-standard etc. ─── 抽查中的主要问题有厚度尺寸短斤缺两、细木工板表里不一、胶合强度不达标和标识不规范等。
74、His duplicity caused us to distrust him. ─── 他的口是心非使我们不相信他。
75、A strange case of duplicity ─── 离奇的诈骗案
然后,有两个母亲详细的这本**。Pulcheria Alexandrovna,拉斯柯尔尼科夫的母亲,从他身上,我们可以很容易地找到慷慨无私的母亲的爱,这是应该联系
一个又一个,杜尼,姐姐。在开始的时候,杜尼应该是她的美貌留下深刻的印象,她的知识,她的行为和她的无私我们。坦率地说,没有妇女在这本小说吸引了我。不过,我十分欣赏Razumihin,她的工会可能是谁的拉斯柯尔尼科夫和他的家人最无私的守护神。 Razumihin很年轻,充满活力,善良和乐观,不管他的空为首的单词和活动。他的爱杜尼是热心和我从第一时刻知道他们什么时候见面,他们将彼此下降,或者至少是在爱,他们不喜欢对方,这是对婚姻如钱钟书说的基本因素(钱钟书)在围城(“围城”)。
然后,在这部小说中有详细的两位母亲。 Pulcheria亚历山德罗,拉斯柯尔尼科夫的母亲,从他们,我们可以很容易找到的慷慨和无私的母爱,这应该是我们的心联系很大,你怎么想?另一个是卡捷琳娜伊万诺夫娜,索尼娅的继母。最感人的场面是,当她扮演她免受盗窃,诽谤索尼亚。在这种情况下,我所看到的是她的信任,索尼娅和她深深的爱,以及忏悔认罪。她微弱的保护。但是她的爱是伟大的,她的心是血,滴。我什至都觉得我已经听到了她的心,一个哭泣开裂,这触动我的心和心轻轻地,而是必然的开裂声的感觉。
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