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08-01 投稿


uprightly 发音

英:[['ʌpˌraɪtlɪ]]  美:[['ʌpˌraɪtlɪ]]

英:  美:

uprightly 中文意思翻译



uprightly 同义词

law-abiding | column | pure | straight | jamb | respectable | perpendicular | righteous | side | post |honorable | conscientious | support | doorpost | plumb | aboveboard | ethical | standing | just | honourable | honest | erect | upstanding | worthy | moral | upright piano | high-minded | unsloped | vertical | good | virtuous | piano | reputable

uprightly 词性/词形变化,uprightly变形

副词: uprightly |名词: uprightness |

uprightly 短语词组

1、uprightly vertically ─── 垂直 ─── 垂直

2、sit uprightly ─── 端坐

uprightly 反义词


uprightly 相似词语短语

1、rightly ─── adv.正确地;恰当地;公正地;合适地

2、upright ─── adj.正直的,诚实的;垂直的,直立的;笔直的;合乎正道的;n.垂直;竖立

3、outrightly ─── 赤裸裸地

4、unsightly ─── adj.难看的;不雅观的

5、airtightly ─── 气密的

6、uprighted ─── adj.正直的,诚实的;垂直的,直立的;笔直的;合乎正道的;n.垂直;竖立

7、uprights ─── n.支柱;跳高架;直立的东西(upright的复数形式);vt.使竖立(upright的第三人称单数形式)

8、sprightly ─── adj.活泼的;愉快的;adv.活泼地

9、brightly ─── adv.明亮地;鲜明地;生辉地

uprightly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A young widow is hardly capable of standing upright in India. ─── 一位年轻的寡妇几乎无法站立。

2、He was a tall upright old man. ─── 他是一个个头高大,腰杆笔挺的老人。

3、He is upright in his dealings. ─── 他在交易上很公正。

4、He pulled himself upright and began to run along the roof; his foot struck against a piece of stone and he fell, outwards from the roof. ─── 他马上站起来,沿着楼顶逃跑; 因脚碰在一块石头上,他从楼顶跌到外面去了。

5、Mrs. Ferrars was a little, thin woman, upright, even to formality. ─── 佛纳斯太太是个矮小干瘦的妇人,腰背挺直,以致显得举止生硬。

6、Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. ─── 他们得享(原文作进入)平安,素行正直的,各人在坟里(原文作床上)安歇。

7、I shall find the set time, I will judge uprightly. ─── 我到了所定的日期,必按正直施行审判。

8、No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly. ─── 他未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。

9、He is an upright man who is honest and credible. ─── 他为人端方,诚实守信。

10、Usually the walls are upright. ─── 墙通常是垂直的。

11、Act uprightly,and despise calumny.Dirt may stick to a mud wall,but not polish'd marble. ─── 为人正直的就不惧诽谤:污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不上光滑的大理石。

12、My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart. ─── 上帝是我的盾牌;他拯救心里正直的人。

13、An upright posture in bed also aids lung expansion. ─── 以直立姿势躺在床上也有助于肺部舒展。

14、When I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly. ─── 我到了所定的日期,必按正直施行审判。

15、Act uprightly, and despise calumny; dirt may stick to a mud wall , but not to polished marble . ─── 污垢可以黏住泥墙,但是黏不住擦亮的大理石。站着做人,不理毁谤;

16、Why did humans evolve to walk upright? ─── 人类为何进化到了直立行走的姿态?

17、Those who have practised uprightly form the order of disciples of the Exalted One. ─── 修行正直诸弟子,世尊僧团得久住。

18、Paul Sherman Yale was small, spry and upright. ─── 保罗·谢尔曼·耶尔身材矮小,动作敏捷,站得笔挺。

19、He managed to pull himself upright. ─── 他设法站直了身子。

20、Be honest and upright; do not abuse power for personal gains. ─── 坚持清正廉洁,反对以权谋私

21、The act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position. ─── 假定或维持一种直而垂的动作。

22、A prop placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright. ─── 书档放在一排书的末端以使书本直立的支撑物

23、Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge uprightly among men? ─── 世人哪,你们默然不语,真合公义吗?施行审判,岂按正直吗?

24、Stand upright when you're being spoken to! ─── 别人对你说话时你要站直!

25、Supporting seedling mechanism with reasonable structural parameters and movement parameters is the key for transplanting seedling uprightly. ─── 移栽机扶苗机构结构参数和运动参数设计合理是保证移栽钵苗直立的关键。

26、Act uprightly, and despise calumny.Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polish'd marble. ─── 为人正直的就不惧诽谤:污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不上大理石。

27、Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polished marble. ─── 正直就不惧诽谤:污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不到光滑的大理石上。

28、NIV] They made upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle. ─── [和合]他用6皂荚木作帐幕的7竖板。

29、Nature gave humans the ability to walk upright. ─── 大自然赋予人类直立行走的能力。

30、The soul of commerce is upright dealing. ─── 商业的灵魂在于规矩经营。

31、Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polish the marble. ─── 为人正直的就不惧诽谤,污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不到大理石上。

32、He has an upright and outspoken character. ─── 他的特性(=人格,性格,品性)很剛直。

33、Any person waking from a nightmare will sit upright and pant hard. ─── 任何人从恶梦中惊醒时会突然坐起来喘气。

34、He was upright and righteous. ─── 他是一个诚实正直的人。

35、Stand on end; To be kept upright. ─── 保持直立。

36、He was upright, hearty, and robust. ─── 他身材笔直,精神饱满,体魄壮

37、Risen people must stand up with head upright. ─── 复活的人要站起来,抬起头!

38、To fix in an upright position. ─── 使直立,使竖立使固定于一个竖直的位置

39、Once the species stood upright, visuals took over. ─── 一旦该物种直立,视觉效果接管。

40、Being upright, honest and selfless, he is respected by people. ─── 他廉正无私,受人尊敬。

41、He sat bolt upright in bed and looked at her. ─── 他在床上一下坐直了,眼睛一直瞅着她。

42、Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polish'd marble. ─── 为人正直的就不惧诽谤:污物可以沾到泥墙上,却不能附在磨光的大理石上。

43、He looks handsome and upright in a worsted coat. ─── 他穿着将校呢制的大衣,很是英俊挺拔。

44、His back is so crooked that he can not stand upright. ─── 他的背弯得他站不直。

45、He squinted at the bedside clock and sat bolt upright. ─── 他眯着眼看了看床头的钟,笔直地坐着。

46、Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polish the marble. ─── 为人正直的就不惧诽谤,污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不到大理石上。

47、Be brave and upright, so God may love these! ─── 勇敢诚信,无愧于神!

48、They did not creep far, before they stopped and stood upright. ─── 他们没有爬多远便停住步子站了起来。

49、He sat very upright on the stool. ─── 他笔直地坐在凳子上。

50、He made the children sit bolt upright. ─── 他让孩子挺胸坐直。

51、He was sitting upright, as stiff as a poker. ─── 他正襟危坐,纹丝不动。

52、He gave human upright stature. ─── 他使人呈站立的姿势。

53、He opened his eyes, and sat upright fiercely. ─── 他睁开眼来,使劲把身子挺了挺直。

54、Only humans have a natural upright posture. ─── 只有人类才有自然直立的姿势。

55、the anchor hole and the anchor lockhole intersect uprightly in concrete. ─── 锚孔与锚锁孔在混凝土中垂直相交。

56、Act uprightly, and despise Calumny ; Dirt may stick to a Mud Wall, but not to polish'd Marble. ─── 身正影直,不怕诽谤;泥巴糊得上土墙,但玷污不了大理石的光亮。

57、Awful. You can't walk upright. ─── 别扭死了,走路挺不起腰来。

58、Act uprightly, and despise calumny. Dirt may stick to a mud wall, but not polish' d marble. ─── 为人正直的就不惧诽谤:污物可以沾到泥墙上,却附不上大理石。

59、An upright post with a transverse piece near the top, on which condemned persons were executed in ancient times. ─── 十字架一根在接近顶端地方横梁的立柱,在古代用来处死被判有罪的人

60、Be brave and upright, so me may love thee. ─── 与勇敢并肩而立,因此我门会爱你。

61、He stood in an upright position. ─── 他直直地站着。

62、He grew maudlin, could hardly see the cards or sit upright. ─── 他变得沉醉了,不拘束了,几乎看不清牌,也坐不端正了。

63、fear the Lord, but one who is devious in conduct despises him. ─── 敬畏耶和华,行事乖僻的,却藐视他。

64、Be brave and upright, so God may love thee. ─── 与勇敢并肩而立,因此上帝会。

65、A medal, emblem, or insignia in the form of an upright post with a transverse piece near the top of it, or a modification thereto. ─── 十字勋章用接近顶部的地方横梁上的一根立柱的形状制成的勋章或徽章或由此加以装饰的饰物

66、Eg: Soldiers stand upright, waiting for review. ─── 例:士兵们直立着等待检阅。

67、He was a famous upright statesman. ─── 他是一位著名的、正直的政治家。

68、Several columns among the ruins still stood upright. ─── 在废墟中依然挺立着几根柱子。

69、He had to hold himself upright with both hands. ─── 他的双臂必须拚命支撑着,才能保持挺直的姿势。

70、Then the converter is put upright again. ─── 再把炉子转回直立位置。

71、He was a strong-minded, upright young man. ─── 他是一个刚毅正直的青年。

72、He sat upright in the chair. ─── 他端坐在椅子上。

73、By the next morning our dying seedlings were standing upright. ─── 到第二天早上,我们那些快死的秧苗又挺立起来。

74、So "chuli" means to stand tall and upright. ─── “矗立”就是指又高又直地立着。

75、"And weigh with scales true and upright. ─── 你们应当以公平的秤称货物。

76、He enters into peace; They rest in their beds, Each who walks uprightly. ─── 2他们进入平安;素行正直的,在他们的坟墓里安歇。

77、This teacher is upright and always cheerful. ─── 他身体虚弱,年纪也老了。

78、Err, fall, sin if you will, but be upright. ─── 你们尽管在歧路徘徊,失足,犯错误,但总应当做个正直的人。

79、Being or situated at right angles to the horizon; upright. ─── 垂直的与水平面成或处于直角的;竖立的

80、To raise to a rigid or upright condition. ─── 举起抬到一个竖直、直立的位置

81、Hold yourself upright when you walk . ─── 你走路时要挺直身子。

82、The guards stood upright at the gate. ─── 卫兵笔直地站立在门前。

83、Capable of being raised to an upright position. ─── 可竖直的可以被抬升到竖直位置的

84、Be brave and upright that God may love them. ─── 上帝爱护那些勇敢的顶天立地的人。

85、My father sat upright, straight as a ramrod, while the doctor explained to him the serious nature of his illness. ─── 医生向我父亲讲明他的严重病情时,我的父亲直挺挺地坐在椅子上,一动也不动。

86、Anything in a leaning position is not upright. ─── 偏置的任何物体都不是垂直的。

87、Move the machine in an upright position. ─── 垂直地移动机器。

88、A selfless man is upright and high-minded. ─── 人不自私,顶天立地。

89、An empty sack cannot stand upright. ─── [谚]空袋子,立不直。

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