bereavement 发音
英:[bɪ'riːvm(ə)nt] 美:[bɪ'rivmənt]
英: 美:
bereavement 中文意思翻译
bereavement 网络释义
n. 丧友,丧亲;丧失
bereavement 词性/词形变化,bereavement变形
动词过去式: bereaved/bereft |动词现在分词: bereaving |名词: bereavement |动词第三人称单数: bereaves |动词过去分词: bereaved/bereft |
bereavement 短语词组
1、bereavement leave ( ─── 因家里有丧事而请的)丧(亲)假,奔丧假
2、bereavement and grief ─── 丧亲之痛
3、bereavement pay ─── 丧亲工资
4、complicated bereavement ─── 复杂的丧亲之痛
bereavement 相似词语短语
1、releasement ─── 释放
2、interweavement ─── 交织
3、erasement ─── 擦除
4、agreement ─── n.协议;同意,一致
5、bereavements ─── 亲人丧亡;丧失亲人;丧亲之痛(bereavement的名词复数)
6、depravement ─── 堕落
7、depravements ─── 堕落
8、retrievement ─── 检索
9、basement ─── n.地下室;地窖
bereavement 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、She achieves this by relaying her own experience of depression, abortion, bereavement, alcoholism, and sex. ─── 她成功的转播了自己的忧郁、堕胎、丧亡、酒瘾和性的经历。
2、Reality: Survivors of disasters are commonly overcome by shock, trauma and bereavement for loved ones who have died. ─── 事实:灾难的生还者一般都会被遭受恐惧、外伤以及失去亲人的痛苦。
3、"I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement" (Abraham Lincoln). ─── “我祈祷我们的上帝能缓和你们丧失亲人的痛苦” (亚伯拉罕·林肯)。
4、Accounts of NDEs have also been shown to be very helpful to people undergoing bereavement. ─── 对于“濒死体验”的讲述也显示出会对人们经历死亡有极大的帮助。
5、During the process of modernization in China, we not only clap eyes on the brilliant achievement of economic construction, but also see the burdensome price of bereavement of humanism that we cost. ─── 在我国现代化进程中,一方面我们瞩目于经济建设的辉煌成就,另一方面也要看到我们确实付出了人文精神丧失的沉重代价。
6、I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your Bereavement ─── 我祈祷我们的上帝能缓和你们丧失亲人的痛苦
7、Rooney returned against Newcastle after virus disrupted his pre-season, but Tevez missed the match to fly home following a family bereavement. ─── 布朗相信鲁尼和特维斯可以在下周一对阵朴茨茅斯的比赛取得进球。
8、She was absent because of a recent bereavement. ─── 她因最近丧亲而缺席。
9、Partake of my Scornful Bereavement ─── 分享我可鄙的亲人之丧吧
10、And for your loving family and friends, who would suffer instant bereavement, your sudden death would be a cruel loss. ─── 而且对于你的挚爱的家人和朋友来说,你突然死亡的噩耗会让他们遭受残酷的损失,并在一瞬间承受巨大的痛苦。
11、The family of bereavement employs professional criers in the funeral ceremony.Criers' wails raise the roof so as to let all people in the village know it. ─── 在丧礼进行中,丧家们也往往会招请一些职业哭手在葬礼中大哭特哭,哭得价天震响,非得让全村人都听见,绝不罢休。
12、Her daughter is a great solace to her in her bereavement ─── 在她丧夫之时,她的女儿是她的极大的安慰
13、She was saddened by illness and bereavement. ─── 她痛失亲人,况又疾病染身,因而十分悲伤。
14、In the midst of danger we were calm, under bereavement we were resigned, in slander we were self-contained, and in sickness we were patient. ─── 在危险时,我们保持镇静;在病中,我们忍耐等候;亲人亡故时,我们不怨天尤人;遭受毁谤逼迫时,我们默然不语。
15、He is patient,forbearing, and resigned,on principles,he submits to pain,because it is inevitable,to bereavement,because it is irreparable,and to death,because it is destiny. ─── 他承受痛苦,因为这是不可避免的。他忍受丧亲之痛,因为这是无法挽回的,它直面死亡,因为这是他最终的命运。
16、perinatal bereavement care ─── 丧婴护理
17、When Mary died Anne did not share her brother's sense of bereavement. ─── 玛丽死后,安妮并没有同她哥哥一样的丧亲之痛。
18、cultural bereavement ─── 文化的别离之苦
19、Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement ─── 悲伤,悲痛由于失去而导致的精神上的极度痛苦
20、Stress or even a fit of laughter can trigger asthma symptoms, as can other situations such as depression, financial problems, bereavement and extreme work-related stress. ─── 大笑时的肌肉痉挛可能会引起哮喘,同样,精神沮丧,经济问题,家庭变故和工作压力也有可能。
21、We were deeply grieved at your bereavement. ─── 你失去了亲人,我们为你深感悲痛。
22、After analyzing different disorders of jurisdiction,it is pointed out that the deprivation or bereavement of party s right of program control is one of the important causes. ─── 在分析了种种管辖无序现象后指出,当事人程序控制权被剥夺或丧失是重要成因之一。
23、The rite of five sons crying before tomb actually is five daughters crying.The family of bereavement employs professional criers in the funeral ceremony. ─── 如果不在死者下葬的那一刻跪倒在地,痛哭失声,高叫夫婿的名字,那她可能会被别人批评为不孝,不爱先生;
24、When I was a medical student, I had never experienced a major bereavement. ─── 当我在攻读医科时,我从未经历过重大的丧亲之痛。
25、Children who have suffered like this should see a counsellor experienced in bereavement. ─── 遭遇这种事情的孩子应该去看在丧亲之痛方面很有经验的心理咨询师。
26、bereavement and mourning reaction ─── 居丧反应
27、Thy bereavement and thy loss in life ─── 你的逝去与你生命中的失落
28、As absent because of a recent bereavement. ─── 层舱可为六位乘客提供卧铺。
29、The pair say they were once drowned in bereavement after the death of their son, but Master Cheng Yen's dharma gradually led them out of the sorrow. ─── 他们说,遭遇丧子之痛、曾经极度哀伤,是上人的法,让夫妻俩走出悲伤。
30、You have my sincere condolences at this time of bereavement. ─── 在这悲伤的时刻,请接受我最深切的同情。
31、A family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference. ─── 他家里有人去世了,所以不能出席会议。
32、10.It was all dark; it was all full of drug-addicts and unofficially declared insignificant old people waiting for no one but the angel of bereavement. ─── 它是阴暗的,到处是不可自拔的吸毒者,还有那些被非正式的宣告为毫无价值的老人们,除了死神,他们没有什么好等。
33、bereavement pay ─── 丧假工资
34、Prince William, at a reception for the Child Bereavement Charity, describing what the word mummy means to him since the death of his mother Princess Diana in 1997. ─── 在丧子及早年丧失父母家庭的慈善机构招待会上,威廉王子讲述自1997年他的母亲戴安娜王妃去世后,“妈咪”一词对他意味着什么。
35、I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost ─── 我祈求我们的天父减轻您丧失亲人的悲痛,使您只怀有对于已故亲人的美好回忆。
36、So the break up of a relationship, arguably is a form of bereavement and all that goes with it, if not more. ─── 那么可以证明,关系的破裂是丧失亲友及其一切的一种形式,亦或更甚。
37、I sympathize with you in your bereavement. ─── 我对你痛失亲人表示同情。
38、For a foreign mother whose child enhances her connection with her new land, one question that arises is whether there are any differences associated with such a cross-cultural bereavement. ─── 孩子强化外籍母亲与新移民国家庭、社会与文化的联系,当异文化母亲丧失孩子后的哀恸经验是否显露文化的异同呢?
39、You really must tell me if condolences at this time of bereavement. ─── 在这悲伤的时刻,请接受我这真诚的哀悼。
40、Bereavement includes grief, the psychological reaction of the individual, and mourning, the social expression of grief ─── 丧失包括悲伤,这属于个体的心理反应,还包括哀悼,这是悲伤的社会表现。
41、An interdisciplinary and compulsory course in death, dying and bereavement was developed in the National Taipei College of Nursing in 1994. ─── 摘要国立台北护理学院从民国83年开始发展死亡、濒死和哀伤的跨学科且是必修的课程。
42、Depression is related to the normal emotions of sadness and bereavement, but it does not remit when the external cause of these emotions dissipates, and it is disproportionate to their cause. ─── 抑郁症是关于正常忧愁和哀伤的情感,即使这些情感消散,外部原因驱除,它也并不缓和。
43、In addition, the foundation supports a select number of programs focused on childhood bereavement and programs helping older adults to be active and engaged in their communities. ─── 另外,这项基金还帮助丧失亲人的孩子和年长一点的成年人重归社区,开始新的生活。
44、It is with the deepest regret that we learn of your bereavement. ─── 惊悉你亲人逝世,深切悲痛。
45、Loss and bereavement can remind you sharply of what can happen when in life you do not show your love and appreciation, or ask for forgiveness, and so make your loved ones. ─── 当你失去最爱的亲人时,才深刻体会到自己从不曾好好爱他,从未对他怀着感恩和宽恕之心,你才会对他如此冷漠。
46、Down through the centuries in times of trouble, temptation, trial, bereavement, and crisis , God has brought courage to the hearts of those who love Him. ─── 我们已经成了惊弓之民了,历世历代以来,在困苦,试探,剥夺,在危机的时候,上帝总是把勇气放在那些爱他的人心中。
47、You have my deep sympathy at this time of bereavement. ─── 在这居丧的时刻我向您表示真诚的慰问。
48、The actions or expressions of one who has suffered a bereavement. ─── 悲痛痛失亲人或朋友的人行为或表情
49、owing to a recent bereavement ─── 因最近有亲人去世
50、It is stipulated that during period of Public Holidays and Marriage or Bereavement Leaves and legal participation in social activities, Party A should pay wages. ─── 乙方在法定休假日和婚丧假期间以及依法参加社会活动期间,甲方依法支付工资。
51、7 I winnowed them with the fan in every city gate. I destroyed my people through bereavement; they returned not from their evil ways. ─── 我要在这地的城门口,用簸箕将他们簸散,使他们丧失子女;我要消灭我的人民,因为他们不离开自己的行径。
52、Someone told me about a children's bereavement charity called Winston's Wish, which knew what to do with the children of suicides. ─── 有人告诉我说有一间丧亲儿童慈善组织,于是我打去电话,说了自己的困扰。
53、Uncomplicated bereavement ─── 无麻烦的居丧
54、Moreover, in the case of a bereavement, people will at least send gifts.The meager gifts for a divorce or a second marriage bring in nothing, and then there are still the legal fees to be paid. ─── 并且悼亡至少会有人送礼,离婚和重婚连这点点礼金都没有收入的,还要出诉讼费。
55、Here are some suggestions on how to find solace during bereavement and keep the spirit of your loved one alive: Plant a tree, bush, or flowers as a living memorial to the person who died. ─── 以下是在痛失亲人期间如何找到慰藉,并让心爱之人的精神永驻心中的几点建议:种一棵树、一丛灌木或花卉以生命寄托对逝者的思念。
56、In the light of her bereavement over willie's death, can we put serious blame...on Mary for succumbing? ─── 从玛丽对威利之死的伤恸这一点来看,我们能对她为此而陷于唯灵论加以苛责吗?
57、One looks mournful as if in Bereavement ─── 哭丧着脸
58、'For me, it is a special bereavement,' said Princeton University economist Avinash Dixit. ─── 普林斯顿大学经济学家迪克西特(AvinashDixit)说,对我来说,这是一个巨大的损失。
59、She died of sorrow at her great bereavement ─── 家里死了人,她悲伤得要命。
60、Bereavement can force you to look at your life directly, compelling you to find a purpose in it where there may not have been one before. ─── 亲人的死亡会迫使你直接面对生命,强迫你去发掘以前从未发现的人生目的。
61、The family of bereavement employs professional criers in the funeral ceremony.Criers' wail raise the roof so as to let all people in the village know it. ─── 丧家招请一些职业哭手来丧礼中大哭特哭,哭的价天震响,非让全村人都听见,绝不罢休。
62、Frost says his family and friends have gone through many stages of bereavement since the bombings on October 1st, 2005. ─── 弗罗斯特说从2005年12月1日后,他的家庭和他的朋友已经参加了许多丧葬。
63、I had lived a lonely childhood and a boyhood straitened by war and overshadowed by bereavement ─── 我度过了寂寞的童年,少年时代备受战争苦难,又由于丧母而变得黯淡无光。
64、Bereavement is often a time of great grief. ─── 丧失亲人常常是最悲痛的时刻。
65、Loss and bereavement can remind you sharply of what can happen when in life you do not show your love and appreciation,or ask for forgiveness,and so make your loved ones. ─── 当你失去最爱的亲人时,才深刻体会到自己从不曾好好爱他,从未对他怀着感恩和宽恕之心,你才会对他如此冷漠。
66、One of his jobs is to visit schools and teach about bereavement. ─── 他的工作之一是拜访学校,讲授有关丧亲的内容。
67、The Judiciary joins me in extending our most sincere condolences to his wife and family on their bereavement. ─── 本人及司法机构仝人谨向他的夫人及家人致以最深切的慰问。
68、Abstract: After analyzing different disorders of jurisdiction, it is pointed out that the deprivation or bereavement of party's right of program control is one of the important causes. ─── 文章摘要: 在分析了种种管辖无序现象后指出,当事人程序控制权被剥夺或丧失是重要成因之一。
69、1.Recalling the dear, benign look of the deceased during her lifetime, I tender my sincere condolences on your sad bereavement. ─── 我能回想起她生前亲切、慈祥的面容。我谨对您丧失亲人之痛致以深切的慰问。
70、Pray for strength and consolation from the Lord for Mayda, Richard and their girls during this time of bereavement. ─── 教会拓展:求主为我们预备地方,人力,金钱,俾能在教会拓展上经历神丰富的供应。
71、Her daughter is a great solace to her in her bereavement. ─── 在她丧夫之时,她的女儿是她的极大的安慰。
72、I pray that our heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement(Abraham Lincoln. ─── 我祈祷我们的上帝能缓和你们丧失亲人的痛苦(亚伯拉罕 林肯)。
73、She said: "It is just disaster after disaster after disaster." She described her local party members as "headless chickens. They are really in bereavement". ─── 她说:“这是一个灾难,彻头彻尾的灾难。”她说本地政党党员都是些“没头脑的呆鸡,都像死了亲娘似的。”
74、I suggest that the best place to address these issues is not in organizations devoted to autism, but in parental bereavement counseling and support groups. ─── 因此,我建议父母们最好是向丧子安抚机构和支持团体寻求帮助,而不应求助于专为孤独症服务的机构。
75、Bereavement includes grief, the psychological reaction of the individual, and mourning, the social expression of grief. ─── 丧失包括悲伤,这属于个体的心理反应,还包括哀掉,这是悲伤的社会表现。
76、I wanted to say how sorry I was to hear of his bereavement but the words stuck in my throat. ─── 我本想说听到他痛失亲人我是多么的难过,但是话到嘴边却未能说出来。
77、"The Judiciary joins me in extending our most sincere condolences to his wife and family on their bereavement. ─── 本人及司法机构仝人谨向他的夫人及家人致以最深切的慰问。
78、In the light of her bereavement over Willie's death, can we put serious blame upon Mary for succumbing? ─── 从玛丽对威利之死的伤恸这一点来看,我们能对她为此而陷于唯灵论加以苛责吗?
79、Loss and bereavement, and wish happiness, mutual phase grounding, so that we will be a sad one will be happy. ─── 丧亲之痛和幸福祝愿,彼此相接,使我们一会伤心一会高兴。
80、The children born during your bereavement will yet say in your hearing, 'This place is too small for us; give us more space to live in.' ─── 21那时你心里必说、我既丧子独居、是被掳的、漂流在外、谁给我生这些、谁将这些养大呢.撇下我一人独居的时候、这些在那里呢。
81、"Darron Gibson went to Wolves last season and injuries, as well as a family bereavement, derailed his time there. ─── “吉布森上赛季被租借到狼队并且受伤了,而且他的一位家人去世了,这打乱了他的时间安排。
82、family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference. ─── 他家里有人去世了,所以不能出席会议。
83、We all sympathize with you in your bereavement. ─── 我们对你丧亲之痛表示同情。
84、Pray for God痴 grace and consolation to sustain Joan, Jemia, Ariella as well as the Fong family during this time of bereavement. ─── 建堂异象:求神继续在教会扩建上引导我们,盼望众肢体不断祷告,求神带领教会牧者、长执及各事工之负责人,一同领受神给予的异象;
85、It had drawn him and Bloggs together, this common bereavement ─── 丧失亲人的相同处境使他和布罗格斯变得接近了。
86、It was a like reliving a nightmare but at the same time I knew I would be able to help them through my recent bereavement. ─── 这就像是噩梦的重现,但同时,我知道我可以以我最近离别的经历去帮助他们。
87、Ever had someone encourage you to push out a great worker while they were on bereavement leave? ─── 有没有过这样的同事---他们鼓励你出头而自己却闪到一边?
88、For example, the Holidays Act 1981 (repealed) provided a joint sick leave and bereavement leave entitlement called "special leave". ─── 例如,“假日法1981”(现已废止)将病假和丧假合并称为“特别假”。
89、"arents can use the deaths in Harry's life as teachable moments to begin conversations about grief and bereavement with their children. ─── 她说,“家长们可以把哈利生活中的死亡事件当作一个契机,来教育孩子,开始与孩子有关忧伤和(亲人)死亡的谈论。”
1. 是存在的。
2. 林肯写信给比克斯比夫人是因为他想表达对她在丈夫亚伯拉罕·林肯遇刺身亡后的悲痛和同情。
3. 这封信不仅仅是一封慰问信,它也是对亚伯拉罕·林肯的致敬和对他的工作和领导才能的赞美。
Executive Mansion,
Nov.21, 1864
Mrs. Bixby,
Boston, Massachusetts,
Dear Madam,
I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save. I pray our heavenly father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.
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