swarming 发音
英:[ˈswɔːrmɪŋ] 美:[ˈswɔːmɪŋ]
英: 美:
swarming 中文意思翻译
swarming 短语词组
1、swarming fever ─── 成群的发烧
2、swarming into ─── 涌入
3、swarming with ─── 充满;挤满
4、swarming honeybees ─── 蜂群
5、swarming phenomenon ─── 成群结队的现象
6、swarming impulse ─── 分蜂冲动
7、prevention of swarming ─── 分蜂的预防
8、swarming spore ─── 涌动孢子
9、swarming with people ─── 人山 ─── 人海
swarming 常用词组
swarm of ─── 大群
swarm into ─── 涌入
swarm with ─── 充满;挤满
swarming 词性/词形变化,swarming变形
现在分词:swarming 原型:swarm
swarming 相似词语短语
1、swarding ─── n.草地;草皮;vt.给…铺上草皮;vi.成为草地
2、beswarming ─── 变暖
3、alarming ─── adj.令人担忧的;使人惊恐的;v.使惊恐(alarm的ing形式)
4、upswarming ─── 升温
5、arming ─── n.武装;装备;徽章
6、smarming ─── vt.说奉承话
7、rewarming ─── 复温
8、warming ─── n.加温,变暖;(关系)升温,缓和;adj.让人感到温暖的;v.(使)变暖,加温;(使关系)升温,变友好;(对某人)产生好感,(对某事)开始感兴趣(warm的现在分词);n.(Warming)(丹、瑞、美)瓦明(人名)
9、charming ─── adj.迷人的;可爱的;v.使陶醉(charm的现在分词)
swarming 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At the mention of Tientsin a swarm of doubts had assailed his over-wrought mind. ─── 他的敏活的神经从“天津”二字陡然叠起了一片疑云来了。
2、Never again would she give aid to anyone if it meant having the Yankees come down on her like a swarm of hornets. ─── 她再也不愿帮任何人的忙了,因为这似乎意味着让北方佬像一窝蜂似地拥来向她勒索。
3、The contractor's house is seething like a swarming hive. ─── 一个穿着和时节不相称的拷绸衫裤的男子大声地呼喊:
4、Nothing is more lugubrious than the contemplation thus in its nudity, in the broad light of thought, of the horrible swarming of slang. ─── 在思想的光辉下正视着公然大说特说着的骇人的大量的黑话,再没有什么比这更凄惨的了。
5、It was like a small swarm of bees. ─── 人群就像是一群蜜蜂。
6、The people were swarming around the furnishings. ─── 人们都聚拢在那些家俱的周围。
7、Swarm: v. ( of bees and other flying insects) to move around together in a large group. ─── (指蜜蜂或其它昆虫)成群飞行。
8、"Not even a swarm of flies disturbs a cheetah's after-dinner catnap. ─── “甚至没有成群的苍蝇扰乱一猎豹的晚宴后,打瞌睡。
9、A swarm of tourists were passing through the gates of the castle. ─── 一群游客正在通过城堡的大门。
10、Inside every solitary machine one day will be a swarm of non-mechanical things. ─── 将来有一天,每一台单独的机器内也会有一大群非机械的东西。
11、The crowd was swarming out through the gates . ─── 人群一窝蜂地从门口涌出。
12、The infestor replaces the defiler. It can cast dark swarm. ─── 另外,此单位是钻地且可以移动的,其他技能有一种可在地下释放。
13、If a nearby beekeeper is lucky, the swarm settles on a branch that is easy to reach. ─── 如果附近的养蜂人运气好,这群蜜蜂会落在一根容易够得着的树枝上。
14、Situation analysis method is validated by an example of UCAV swarm carrying out mission of SEAD. ─── 以无人作战飞机编队对抗敌地对空防御系统为例,对所研究的态势分析方法进行了验证。
15、Make a mistake, and a swarm of furious pyjama-clad scribes will pounce. ─── 一旦出错,就会有一群穿着睡衣横眉竖眼的写手冲来。
16、When he passed through a village, the ragged brats ran joyously after him, and surrounded him like a swarm of gnats. ─── 他从一个村庄经过时,那些衣服破烂的孩子们都欢天喜地跑到他身边,就象一群小飞虫似的围着他。
17、Well, it was noble to see Launcelot and the boys swarm up onto that scaffold, and heave sheriffs and such overboard. ─── 哎,郎斯洛特带领着众儿郎,如蜂似蚁的上了那个绞刑架,把郡长之类的人一个个从上面扔下来,颇为壮观。
18、A swarm of would-be suitors danced attendance on the best-looking girls. ─── 一大群求婚者向漂亮的姑娘们献殷勤。
19、The girls were swarming and humming like mosquitoes at dusk. ─── 女工们就好像黄昏时候的蚊子,成堆起哄。
20、A mere 100 variables create a humongous swarm of possibilities. ─── 仅仅100个变量,就可以创造出一群数量巨大无比的可能性。
21、She left a swarm of photographers behind her. ─── 她把一大群摄影记者甩在身后。
22、They entered the lobby already swarming with patrons, and then, after divesting themselves of their wraps, went into a sumptuous dining-room. ─── 他们走进已经宾客满堂的门厅,脱下外衣后,进了豪华的餐厅。
23、There are difference in conditions which subgroup cooperate and swarm cooperate depending on. ─── 小群体合作与大群体合作所依存的条件是有差异的。
24、People came swarming into the square from all directions. ─── 四面八方的人向广场蜂拥而来。
25、In general, small variations in input in an interacting swarm can produce huge variations in output. ─── 一般来讲,投入相互影响群体的某些小变化,会引起巨大的变化。
26、already swarming with patrons, and then, after divesting themselves of their wraps, went into a sumptuous dining-room. ─── 他们走进已经宾客满堂的门厅,脱下外衣后,进了豪华的餐厅。
27、A big swarm of bees started following Claire who ran away terrified. ─── 一大群蜜蜂开始尾随惊慌逃跑的克莱尔。
28、On the far farm the army's arms are kept warm by a swarm of bees. ─── 在远方的农场上,陆军的武器被一群蜜蜂保暖。
29、But she had nothing to say to him. Her face crimsoned, her eyes swarm and her chest heaved violently. ─── 她的脸色现在又飞红了,她的眼光迷乱,她的胸部很剧烈地一起一伏。突然她伸开了两臂。
30、Projects an insect egg that emits a purulent swarm on impact. Inflicts damage on the target and his nearby allies. ─── 召唤虫卵,对接触到它的人散发充满毒脓蜂群,使敌人及其周围的盟友受到脓液伤害。
31、"In the beginning, it was just a lot of kids swarming all over the place, " says Michael. ─── 迈克尔说:“开始的时候不过是凑在这儿玩的一帮孩子。”
32、She just walked slowly behind them, seeing them swarming out of the school gate. ─── 她慢慢地走在后面,看着大家拥挤着走出门外。
33、A swarm of planets absorbed most of the available angular momentum. ─── 一大群行星吸收了大部分有效角动量。
34、He'd not got the words out of his mouth before the mountain was swarming with rats from top to bottom. ─── 他的话还没说完,从山顶到山脚到处是一群群的老鼠在蠕动。
35、The area is swarming with famous star-level hotels, they draws in large amounts of businessmen tourists. ─── 云集荟萃的星级酒店,吸纳了数量庞大的商旅人士。
36、At midnight we see the theatre break up and discharge its swarm of hilarious youth and beauty. ─── 在半夜里,我们看到戏馆散场,涌出一大群欢天喜地的少年男女。
37、People were swarming out of the club. ─── 人们正拥出俱乐部。
38、The first day of the swarm period was 15th April and the last day of that was 16th September. ─── 在广州 ,该种白蚁的分飞期一般在每年的 4月中旬至 8月下旬 ,分飞始期的第 1次分飞日最早为 4月 1 5日 ,分飞末期的最后 1次分飞日在 9月 1 6日。
39、The sacks of rice were swarming with bugs. ─── 一袋袋的米里长满了虫子。
40、SK: On command, they swarm out and puncture the eardrums of everyone within sight. ─── 发出指令,它们就会跑出来把视野中每个人的耳膜戳个洞。
41、A swarm of bees are following the queen-bee to find a suitable place to establish a new home. ─── 一群蜜蜂跟着蜂王去寻找个合适的地方建立新家。
42、"It's exactly what the swarm bees do, which gives a group time to let the best ideas emerge and win. ─── “这是蜂群具体所做的事情,这样让所有人都有时间从而得出最好的想法并赢得成功。
43、Such sentiments are shared by at least some of the hundreds of Chinese visitors swarming Hallstatt daily during the summer months. ─── 这种情绪的形成至少部分来自夏季每天蜂拥而至的上百中国游客。
44、The guest swarm round the table where the food is set out. ─── 客人聚集到摆好饭菜的餐桌周围。
45、They swarm her in a frenzy, releasing sperm as she releases her eggs. ─── 在雌鱼排出卵的同时,它们蜂拥而上围在她身边疯狂地释放精子。
46、Tourists were swarming all over the island. ─── 岛上到处是旅游者熙来攘往。
47、The beekeeper hived the swarm. ─── 养蜂人把蜂群装入蜂箱。
48、She left amid a swarm of photographers. ─── 她离开时一群摄影记者围着她。
49、Within minutes the area was swarming with officers who began searching a nearby wood. ─── 几分钟之内这个地方挤满了警官,他们开始搜查附近的一片树林。
50、The French seemed to be ants swarming about their cannons. ─── 他觉得栖在大炮周围的法国官兵他一群蚂蚁。
51、People came swarming over to see the fun. ─── 人们一窝蜂地跑过去看热闹。
52、A swarm of bees surged over. ─── 一群蜜蜂蜂拥而至地扑了过来。
53、He is hiving a swarm with care. ─── 他正小心地把一群蜂移入蜂房。
54、A place swarming with activity. ─── 喧闹繁忙的场所
55、On Monday, the patient's family saw a gaping hole with swarming ants in it when they lifted the bandage on her left eye. ─── 周一当病人家属打开病人左眼的绷带时,发现眼洞里爬满了蚂蚁。
56、He spoke, and the swarming locusts came, And the licking locusts, even without number. ─── 34祂说一声,群蝗和舔蝗就来,不计其数,
57、But complex swarm systems with rich hierarchies take time to boot up. ─── 但层次丰富的复杂群系统要花时间才能启动。
58、Like bees in a swarm, these stars move on ever changing orbits. ─── 好比蜂群内的蜜蜂那般,球状星团内的恒星运行在不断变化的轨道之上。
59、To my great surprise, a dozen heads with black hair were swarming everywhere. ─── 使我惊讶不已的是,十几个黑头蜂拥而动。
60、capital city is swarming with police. ─── 首都到处是警察。
61、A second later, the entire swarm veers west and away, as if steered by a single mind. ─── 不一会儿,整群野鸭逐渐转向西方,飞走了,仿佛受到某种单一想法的控制。
62、They were swarming around the stonework near the roof of the garage. ─── 它们靠近石造物的住宅汽车库被蜂群环绕。
63、A swarm of people surrounded the car to see the famous actress in it. ─── 一群人围绕在车旁边,看车里那位著名的女演员。
64、They swarm and swoon around him. ─── 他们围着他团团转,百般勾引他。
65、pierre shook his hands and head , as though flies or bees were swarming upon him. ─── 皮埃尔挥了挥手,晃了晃脑袋,好像有蚊蚋或蜜蜂向他袭来似的。
66、But foreigners swarming over the mainland face two big problems. ─── 但是,涌入中国市场的海外私人股本面临两大问题。
67、A wave of blazing energy radiates from Gusaka's body, damage the enemy who swarm too closely. ─── 一股炽热的能量波从古萨卡的身体爆出,杀伤太过靠近的敌军。
68、The streets were swarming with people trying to escape the flames. ─── 大街上挤满了企图逃避大火的人们。
69、All flying insects that swarm are unclean to you; do not eat them. ─── 凡有翅膀爬行的物是与你们不洁净,都不可吃。
70、Their cohesive offense, deadly shooting, unselfish passing, and swarming defense boosted to Lakers to a 39-20 lead at the quarter-break. ─── 团队进攻,致命的投篮,无私的传球还有快速移动的防守使得湖人在第一节以39:20大比分领先。
71、The soldiers began swarming across the countryside trying to occupy the height . ─── 战士们漫山遍野地奔跑,去占领这个高地。
72、A swarm of honeybees absconds from the hive and then dangles in a cluster from a tree branch. ─── 一群蜜蜂逃出蜂巢,然后悬在一根树枝上聚成一群。
73、A swarm of ants are moving busily. ─── 一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家。
74、A strong earth- quake swarm of magnitude 6 or over occurred in Ethiopia. ─── 埃塞俄比亚发生6级以上强震群。
75、"It is the white bees that are swarming," said Kay's old grandmother. ─── “那是白色的蜜蜂在集合。”年老的祖母说。
76、Kill 12,000 Swarm Scarabs with spikes in 10-player mode. ─── 大叛徒(10人):在10人模式下,杀死12000只群生刺甲虫。
77、If we were all to be judged by our thoughts, the hills would be swarming with outlaws. ─── 如果我们都按我们自己的想法判别问题,那么这个违法者将数不胜数。
78、He has received a swarm of letters. ─── 他已经收到了一大批信件。
79、Does razor swarm damage both ground and air? What about friendlies? ─── 剃刀虫群同时对地对空么?对友军呢?
80、THE economy is sizzling and foreign businessmen and investors are swarming to Bangalore and Mumbai to grab a piece of the action. ─── 印度经济如火如荼!各国商人与投资者纷纷拥往班加罗尔与孟买,想分得一杯羹。
81、Their mutual gravity binds stars into galaxies, every one a complex swarm of moving stars. ─── 它们相互的引力把它们约束成星系,每一个(星系)都是一个复杂的运动恒星集团。
82、Your plunder, O nations, is harvested as by young locusts; like a swarm of locusts men pounce on it. ─── 你们所掳的,必被敛尽,好象蚂蚱吃(文作“敛”)禾稼。人要蹦在其上,好象蝗虫一样。
83、A swarm of journalists followed the film star's car. ─── 一大群记者跟在电影明星的汽车后面。
84、The crowd was swarming out through the gates. ─── 人群一窝蜂地从出口涌出。
85、He is co-author of Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems. ─── 他是《虫群智慧:从自然系统到人工系统》的作者之一。
86、A swarm of people surround the car to see the famous actress in it. ─── 一群人围绕在车旁,看车里那位著名的女演员。
87、Kennedy J. ,Eberhart R.C. and Shi Y. Swarm Intelligence, Morgen Kaufmann,New York (2001). ─── 任震,张征平,黄雯莹,等.基于最优小波包基的电动机故障信号的消噪与检测[J].中国电机工程学报,2002,22(8):53-57
88、A swarm of new questions emerges from every problem they solve. ─── 在他们解决的每一个难题中常能引出一连串新问题。
89、The children came swarming round. ─── 孩子们一窝蜂地拥过来。
今天我的姨姨来了,她带着她的女儿.还给我带了许多书,我非常热情的招待了她们.下午,我领着她们去了 花卉市场,那很热闹.好景不长,晚上,她们便回家了.
Today my aunt has come, she led her daughter. to return to give back to me to bring many books, I extremely warm entertainment theyIn the afternoon, I got them to go to the flowers and plants market, that very lively. prosperity was not long, evening, they then went home.
My aunt and her daughter paid a visit today. They brought me a lot of books. They got my warm welcome and greetings. In the afternoon I led them to the flower market, a popular and crowded place. They didn't stay long however. They went back home in the evening.
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