halfway 发音
英:[ˌhæfˈweɪ] 美:[ˌhɑːfˈweɪ]
英: 美:
halfway 中文意思翻译
halfway 网络释义
adv. 到一半;在中途adj. 中途的;不彻底的
halfway 短语词组
1、halfway home ─── 中途回家
2、part company halfway ─── 半途分手, ─── 半途拆伙
3、halfway there ─── 到了一半
4、halfway line ─── [体]半场线; 中线
5、halfway done ─── 完成一半
6、meet sb halfway ─── 对某人让步,迁就某人
7、halfway down the street ─── 沿街走到一半
8、meet trouble halfway ─── 杞人忧天
9、halfway down this street ─── 沿着这条街走了一半
10、halfway houses ─── 中途宿舍
11、halfway measures ─── 折衷措施,不彻底的办法
12、give it up halfway ─── 半途而废
13、halfway path ─── 中庸之道
14、halfway down the hill ─── 半山腰下
15、meet halfway ─── 在半路迎接某人, ─── 在半路迎战某人, 迎合某人, 迁就某人 [法] 折衷, 让步
16、meet sb. halfway ─── 迁就某人, 对某人作出让步
17、go halfway to meet sb ─── 对某人让步,迁就某人
18、halfway through his meal ─── 他吃到一半
19、halfway house n. ─── 两地间中途歇脚的小客栈, 路程之中途地点
halfway 常用词组
give up halfway ─── 半途而废;中途放弃
halfway house ─── n. 路程之中途地点;小客栈
meet halfway ─── 让步;妥协
halfway 相似词语短语
1、half-days ─── 半天工作日
2、half-day ─── 半天工作日
3、half-mad ─── 半疯的
4、half-way ─── 半途中
5、half day ─── 半天工作日
6、half-ass ─── 半屁股
7、halfwit ─── 笨蛋
8、half pay ─── 半薪
9、half days ─── 半天工作日
halfway 习惯用语
1、go halfway ─── 妥协; 向...让步
2、meet halfway ─── 妥协; 向...让步
halfway 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、An old ivy vine climbed halfway up the brick wall. ─── 一棵常春藤爬到砖墙的一半。
2、Shall we meet each other halfway in order to narrow the gap? ─── 为缩小差距,我们双方都做些让步好吗?
3、What's the use of meeting this trouble halfway? ─── 你何必过早地为此担忧呢?
4、It would be a shame to stop the work halfway. ─── 半途而废就太遗憾了。
5、He tried to run twelve miles, but had to give up halfway. ─── 他想跑12英里,但是跑了一半就只得放弃了。
6、They met the guests halfway. ─── 他们在半路迎接客人。
7、Halfway through, it almost lost the race but the rabbit was lucky enough to grab hold of a floating log that later washed him to shore. ─── 半路上它几乎要输掉比赛了,但是很幸运的兔子抓紧了一块父母,然后它被冲上了岸。
8、He was halfway down the ladder when he fell. ─── 他下阶梯时,半路摔倒了。
9、His delay is due to the factthat the car went wrong halfway. ─── 他迟到了是因为汽车半路上出了问题。
10、He tried to swim the English Channel, but had to give up halfway. ─── 他试图游过英吉利海峡,但不得不在中途放弃了。
11、Bill met Mary halfway after their argument. ─── 争吵之后,比尔向玛丽作出了让步。
12、You've got to promise me that you won't stop halfway. ─── 你一定要向我保证,你不会半途而废。
13、How about meeting each other halfway again? ─── 双方再各让一半怎么样?
14、He ought not to have stopped his work halfway. ─── 他本不应该做这项工作时半途而废。
15、To pull this transaction through, suppose we meet halfway? ─── 为了做成这笔交易,我们各让一步如何?
16、The carpet only reached halfway across the room. ─── 地毯只够覆盖半间屋。
17、It's in Aisle 3, on the right [halfway down on the left]. ─── 在3货道的右边[往前走到中间的左边]。
18、All right, we agree to meet you halfway in order to start the ball rolling. ─── 好吧,为了开始做生意,我们同意各让一步。
19、Harder Mark a line halfway up the wall and concentrate on kicking the ball so it hits below the line and comes back to you. ─── 较难在墙上画一道线,发力射门要让球击在线下并弹回来。
20、You shouldn't give up halfway. ─── 你最好不要中途放弃。
21、The halfway point was reached at 12 o'clock. ─── 十二点到达了中途地点。
22、He just met trouble halfway. ─── 他不过是杞人忧天。
23、He said: "There's an onus on the reviewer to be halfway fair. ─── 他还说:“评论家肩负着一种要做到中肯公正的责任。
24、I'm afraid we're not even halfway there yet. ─── 恐怕我们连一半的路都还没走完。
25、Halfway up the hill, we sat down to catch our breath. ─── 到了半山腰,我们坐下来舒舒气。
26、He was halfway up the ladder. ─── 他梯子上到了一半。
27、We won't give up halfway no matter what happens. ─── 不管发生什么情况,我们都不会半途而废。
28、He lost his way halfway to the shop. ─── 他在去商店的半道儿迷路了。
29、Another development related to the electronic cottage is the emergence of electronic "halfway houses" which are beginning to crop up across the country. ─── 与电子业有关的另一项新发展是电子“中间站”的出现,这种中间站正开始在全国各地涌现出来。
30、Halfway along the vent, the two glasses met one another. ─── / 半路地沿著排气口,二副眼镜遇见了彼此。
31、If you can meet me halfway, I think we can reach an agreement. ─── 如果你能做些让步话,我想我们能够达成一项协议。
32、He was halfway up the stairs. ─── 他爬到楼梯的一半。
33、Halfway measures won't solve the problem. ─── 不彻底的措施将不能解决这一问题。
34、Take a mini-vacation when you're halfway to your goal. ─── 以小当你中途休假到你的目标。
35、Probably the sun is now about halfway through its career. ─── 太阳可能正处于它生命旅程的中途。
36、Halfway along, he found the puncture site. ─── 半路地向前,他发现破坏位置。
37、Halfway up the tower appeared a window with a lamp burning at it. ─── 一扇窗开在塔的半腰里,窗上悠悠忽忽燃着一盏灯。
38、"Let him enter you only halfway in the beginning, simulating the shallow penetration from his mouth or hands, " suggests Kerner. ─── 科纳博士建议“一开始,让伴侣缓缓进入,停在半路,模拟他口腔或手指的浅浅渗入。”
39、Having indentations that extend about halfway to the center, as in certain leaves. ─── 半裂的有锯齿状边缘的,延伸到距中心一半的距离,例如某些叶片
40、He'll be halfway to Timbuctoo by now. ─── 他如今已经在去廷巴克图的路上了。
41、Consider the reflecting point halfway between geophone positions 10 and 11. ─── 反射点的位置在第10和第11道检波点之间。
42、Her zipper stuck halfway up. ─── 他的拉锁拉上一半时卡住了。
43、You thanked her by moving halfway across the country. ─── 你报答她,安家离她千万里。
44、He swam halfway across the river at a stretch. ─── 他一气儿游到河的半中间。
45、I'm halfway through(= reading)her second novel. ─── 她的第二部小说我看了一半了。
46、He left halfway through the ceremony. ─── 他在仪式进行到一半时离开了。
47、Any halfway decent map will give you that information. ─── 任何一张像样的地图都能提供那些信息。
48、Man, I was halfway through the Emerald Dream when I had to pee. ─── 啊我刚跨进翡翠梦境,就又得起来方便。
49、It was a steep climb, so we rested for a while halfway up the hill. ─── 因山势高峻,乃在山腰休息片时。
50、Halfway down she heard footsteps behind her. Jo was following her. ─── 她跑了一半,听到身后有脚步声,是乔跟上来了。
51、Halfway there he picked up 200 Tungpei troops. ─── 他在半路上带上200名东北军。
52、You may not find his friend when you set off, but keep walking, he might be there for you halfway. ─── 出发的时候这个朋友可能还没找到,不用怕,继续走,它也许就在半路等待你们。
53、Halfway measures will no longer avail. ─── 不彻底的措施将不再有用
54、Fill the hole halfway with soil and then add some water. ─── 中途补洞,然后用泥土加一些水。
55、She agreed to meet him halfway. ─── 她同意向他妥协。
56、In study the worst danger is give up halfway. ─── 在学习上, 最忌讳的是有始无终。
57、He halfway surrendered to their demands. ─── 他快要屈服于他们的要求了。
58、He failed because he gave up halfway. ─── 他失败了因为他中途放弃了。
59、Adapting yourself to circumstances is halfway along the road to happiness. ─── 好好适应你的生活环境,就快要离幸福不远了。
60、If you can meet us halfway, it is a deal. ─── 如果你们能让我们一半,交易便可达成。
61、About halfway down this aisle, row 22. ─── 大约在这条走道中间,第22排。
62、The particle is never to be found halfway between the walls. ─── 在两壁间的中点永远找不到粒子。
63、You can't go halfway when you're painting the walls. ─── 你刷墙不能只刷一半。
64、He left halfway through the ceremony. ─── 他在仪式进行到一半时离开了。
65、When there is wind, my mood, like the falling leaf in the wind, is floating halfway in the air, yet to settle on the ground. ─── 当有风的时候,心情也就和那风中的落叶一般,半浮于空,半落于尘。
66、Excuse me, may I get off the train halfway? ─── 外宾: 请问,我可以在中途下车吗?
67、He was halfway through his breakfast. ─── 他早餐才吃了一半。
68、The centre mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. ─── 中线的中间点标志为球场的中心点。
69、She ought not to have stopped her work halfway. ─── 她不该半途停止工作。
70、A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow. ─── 中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合
71、I am sure you'll be sorry if you give it up halfway through. ─── 假如你半途而废,我相信你会后悔的。
72、And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert. ─── 那一刻,就在演唱会才进行了一半的时候,担忧爬上了我的心头,我害怕着因为这样的坏天气,大家都会提早离开。
73、You will succeed in the end unlessyou give up halfway. ─── 如果你不半途放弃,你最终会成功。
74、He met his Boss halfway after their discussion. ─── 他与他老板讨论过后向他妥协了。
75、He gave up halfway because he didn't see any prospect of success. ─── 他半途而废,因为他看不到成功的希望。
76、Your idea is that we should meet him halfway. ─── 你的意思是咱们应当和他妥协。
77、He was halfway across the river. ─── 他已经游到了河中心。
78、The black horse began to move ahead halfway through the race. ─── 如果想在工作上不落后,那就听从我的忠告。
79、You'd better not give up halfway! ─── 你最好不要半途而废!
80、We won't give up halfway, happen what may. ─── 不管发生什么情况,我们都不能半途而废。
81、The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north. ─── 东北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正东中间,或正北偏东45度
82、He got halfway up the stairs and stopped dead in his tracks. ─── 他上楼梯上到一半,突然停了下来。
83、Because of the dense fog, we have to stop our journey halfway. ─── 因为雾很大,我们不得不在中途停下来。
84、They wouldn't stop halfway however great the difficulties might be. ─── 不管困难多大, 他们也不会半途而废。
85、A first-quarter moon is halfway between new moon and full moon. ─── 上弦月是新月和满月的中间状态。
86、It is not right for them to stop the test halfway . ─── 他们中途停止试验是不对的。
87、The bus broke down halfway . ─── 半路上公共汽车坏了。
88、They got halfway up the hill. ─── 他们走到半山腰。
89、You should have some perseverance. Don't give up halfway. ─── 你做事要有长性,不能总是半途而废。
but only if you go halfway with me on that sandwich怎么翻译= =
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