imitators 发音
英:[ˈɪmɪteɪtəz] 美:[ˈɪmɪˌteɪtərz]
英: 美:
imitators 中文意思翻译
imitators 词性/词形变化,imitators变形
imitators 相似词语短语
1、imitates ─── vt.模仿,仿效;仿造,仿制
2、eliminators ─── n.消除器;消除者
3、imitator ─── n.模仿者;[自]模拟器
4、dilatators ─── 扩张器
5、citators ─── 推动者
6、initiators ─── n.发起者(initiator的复数形式);倡议者
7、imitations ─── n.模仿,仿造;仿制品;adj.人造的,仿制的
8、agitators ─── n.[机]搅拌器;挑拨者(agitator的复数)
9、visitators ─── n.视察员
imitators 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Any of several verse forms built around a central choriamb, used especially by Sappho, Alcaeus, and their imitators. ─── 伊奥利亚韵律以一个扬抑抑扬格为中心而写成的散文体,特别被萨福,阿尔凯奥斯以及他们的模仿者所使用
2、This paper used the concepts of l imit capacity and the degree of sequence to get a new method to cal culating the capacity of intersections. ─── 本文引入交叉口极限通行能力和有序度的概念,为交叉口通行能力的计算给出一种简便而又通用的算法。
3、Tennyson commanded a very wide audience and his imitators were numerous ─── 丁尼生拥有非常广大的读者,他的仿效者也是为数众多的。
4、Mozart might have sympathised. His operas were more than the sum of his notes. But even if the great composer had no peers, he has had plenty of imitators. ─── 无疑莫扎特的歌剧绝对不是一堆音符,但即使这位无人可望其背项的音乐大师,也有不少二流模仿者。
5、In Ephesians we are told to be imitators of God and to walk in love (Eph. 5:1-2). ─── 以弗所书告诉我们该效法上帝,并且凭爱心行事(以弗所书5章1-2节)。
6、I exhort you therefore, Become imitators of me. Sebab itu aku menasihatkan kamu: turutilah teladanku! ─── 所以我恳求你们要效法我。
7、technological imitators ─── 技术模仿者
8、They who do not accept this, become envious, jealous, imitators, ultra-competitive, destructive. ─── 不接受这条原则的人变成爱艳羡、妒忌别人,一味模仿别人,争强好胜,或破坏性强的人。
9、Even if you know the star by his real name, Ho Chung-dao, he is better known throughout the world as Bruce Li, the best of the Bruce Lee imitators. ─── 本动作片由林兵编导,被一致公认为模仿李小龙最成功的演员黎小龙主演,拍于李小龙逝世后两年。
10、And, as with any profitable venture, there will be imitators. ─── 并且,作为任何高效益的风险,都将有模仿者。
11、The authors also investigate such properties as liquid absorbability,absorption rate,water retention of the product to distilled water,salt solution and imit... ─── 考察了产物对蒸馏水、食盐溶液以及模拟尿的吸液能力、吸液速率和保水能力等性能。
12、For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, ─── 14弟兄们,你们曾效法犹太中在基督耶稣里上帝的各教会;因为你们也受了本地人的苦害,像他们受了犹太人的苦害一样。
13、And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, ─── 并且你们在大难之中,蒙了圣灵所赐的喜乐,领受真道就效法我们,也效法了主;
14、These imitators play an important role in society. ─── 此外,它还含有比较多的色素。
15、6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Spirit, ─── 帖前一6并且你们在大患难之中,带著圣灵的喜乐,领受了主的话,就效法我们,也效法了主
16、The term particularly applies to the suburban summer residences of the ancient Romans and their later Italian imitators. ─── 古罗马帝国时期,各处均有别墅,作为夏季郊外住宅。
17、imit){ print "[input type=submIT name=next_action width=100 value="Previous"n"]; ─── 作者:佚名技巧来源:不详点击数:更新时间:2005-12-29
18、However, the numerous imitators, including many Japanese businesses, have seldom attained Toyota's high level of labor productivity, quality and variety of products. ─── 但包括日本企业在内的众多模仿者,却很少能达到丰田在劳动生产率、质量和多品种上的高水平。
19、The physical humor and timing of gags were at their funniest here, before a lot of imitators dumbed these types of movies down. ─── 从影片的开场,伴随的是他醉酒醒来的抱怨声和他的室友的说话。佩吉的表演抢尽风头,令人肃然起敬。
20、Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children; ─── 所以你们要效法神,好像蒙爱的儿女一样;
21、"In the field of mobile billboards, the new media is the biggest move, although there are some small Jiaoju of imitators, but the new move will not pose a threat to the media. ─── “在移动看板领域,新动传媒是最大的,虽然有一些小的模仿者搅局,但还不会对新动传媒构成威胁。
22、I exhort you therefore, Become imitators of me. ─── 16所以我恳求你们要效法我。
23、imit cycle ─── 极限环
24、Aldi and Lidl and their imitators will gain more ground in 2009. ─── 而在2009年,越来越多的人会这样做。
25、This does not mean tariffs, which protect all domestic companies to the same extent; rather, it implies finding ways to help innovators against domestic imitators. ─── 这并不是指关税,关税只对国内所有企业提供相同程度的保护;而是说要找到一些方式保护创新者免受模仿者的损害。
26、Usually will trying to imitate the imitators hardware, that'll let them take some time. ─── 通常的仿造者会努力模仿硬件,这会让他们耗费一些时间。
27、He doesn't take chances; that's why he's survived and most of his imitators haven't. ─── 他不去碰运气;这就是为什么他得以幸存下来,而他的大部分仿效者却没有。
28、What strategies of imitators help overcome the innovator's advantage? ─── 模仿者什么样的战略可以帮助克服创新者的优势?
29、Music Television (MTV) and its coun-try music and soul music imitators; ─── “音乐电视”(mtv)是乡村音乐和黑人音乐模仿者;
30、The success of our event in China has led to many imitators attempting to copy the model, with some even taking the name. ─── “买得起的艺术 - 北京”在中国的成功也招来许多效仿者。他们不仅防效我们的模式,更有甚者使用我们的活动名字。
31、The band's success has inspired hundreds of would-be imitators. ─── 乐队的成功激励了数以百计未来的追随者。
32、Business philosophy: Design simple yet stylish clothing, and do it fast enough to stay ahead of imitators. ─── 运营理念:设计出式样简单但有风格的服装,并且其市场运营要尽可能快地赶在仿造者的前面。
33、This regime called itself Communist, as did its puppets and imitators in Eastern Europe, China, etc. ─── 这种政权自称是共产主义的,恰如其在东欧、中国等国的傀儡和仿效者所做的那样。
34、Unfortunately, the imitators had improved on the original, and Williams stole Lotus’ crown to take their first title. ─── 不幸的是,模仿者在原来的基础上做了改进后,威廉姆斯夺走了莲花的冠军头衔。
35、so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. ─── 并且不懈怠,总要效法那些凭信心和忍耐承受应许的人。
36、Be imitators of me, as I also am of Christ. Jadilah pengikutku, sama seperti aku juga menjadi pengikut Kristus. ─── 你们要效法我,像我效法基督一样。
37、Once again the best imitators (the most articulate individuals) would acquire higher status, the best mates and the most offspring. ─── 用不著说,最佳模仿者(最能言善道的人)会登上较高的地位,拥有最好的配偶,生养最多的子女。
38、It was an innovation that immediately spawned imitators in London and Frankfurt. ─── 这项创新在伦敦和法兰克福立即出现了大量效仿者。
39、Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me. ─── 林前4:16所以我求你们效法我。
40、or (3) the imitators may represent the whole story dramatically, as though they were actually doing the things described. ─── 或者(3)模仿者以戏剧的方式呈现整个故事,仿佛所描绘的事情真的发生了。
41、Until now, the West has tended to dismiss China's scientists as imitators rather than originators. ─── 直到现在,西方总是认为中国的科学家还不算不上是原创者,他们只是模仿者而已。
42、Be imitators together of me, brothers, and observe those who thus walk even as you have us as a pattern. ─── 弟兄们,你们要一同效法我,你们怎样以我们为榜样,也当留意那些这样行的人。
43、So the entrepreneur who first decides to export cut flowers from Colombia to America, for example, cannot hope to stay ahead of imitators for long. ─── 打个比方说,第一个决定将鲜花收割技术从哥伦比亚出口到美国的无法指望其能长期领先于模仿者。
44、Be imitators of God.....live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ─── 所以你们该效法神...也凭爱心行事,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,当作馨香的供物和祭物献与神当。
45、The Opel Zafira followed a year later as did a slew of other imitators. ─── 欧宝赛飞利是在一年后一样了一系列其他的模仿者。
46、imitators n. ─── 模仿者;
47、imit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism. ─── 应该采取适当的措施限制外国旅游者的数量,努力保护当地环境和历史不受国际旅游业的不利影响。
48、And IKEA hopes the PS range will distinguish it from its competitors and imitators, both aesthetically and financially. ─── 宜家希望它将从美学上和经济上把自己同竞争者和模仿者区别开来。
49、rather, it implies finding ways to help innovators against domestic imitators. ─── 而是说要找到一些方式保护创新者免受模仿者的损害。
50、History shows us that many wars have been waged because "one country was robbing another country", and there have certainly been no lack of subsequent imitators. ─── 翻开历史的篇章就不难发现,很多战争都源于“一个国家去抢劫另一个国家”开始,继而“群起效尤”者不乏人在。
51、We are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. ─── 我们不是模仿者,相反,我们是别人的楷模。
52、His operas were more than the sum of his notes. But even if the great composer had no peers, he has had plenty of imitators. ─── 无疑莫扎特的歌剧绝对不是一堆音符,但即使这位无人可望其背项的音乐大师,也有不少二流模仿者。
53、You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit, ─── 并且你们在大难之中,蒙了圣灵所赐的喜乐,领受真道,就效法我们,也效法了主。
54、In the absence of intellectual property rights, imitators could more rapidly exploit the efforts of innovators and investors without compensation. ─── 如果没有知识产权,模仿者就可以更快地利用创新者和投资者的成果,而不付出任何报酬。
55、Reporter : Do you think the "imitators" do not understand "personal funds to buy building cooperation" to this matter and that in your view, is a matter what? ─── 记者:你认为全国“模仿者”并不了解“个人集资合作买地建房”这件事情,那在你看来,这件事是一件怎么样的事?
56、"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ─── 所以你们该效法神,好像蒙慈爱的儿女一样。也要凭爱心行事,正如基督爱我们,为我们舍了自己,当作馨香的供物,和祭物,献与神。
57、Imitators began to sprout up all over the country, ─── 模仿者开始在全国迅速出现,
58、Dooce's mix of serious and silly, profane and profound, has found a lot of would-be imitators. ─── Dooce的混杂着严肃和轻松、世俗和深刻,已经发现了许多相似的模仿者。
59、"taste" soft targets are not familiar with this fashion imitators original intractable. ─── “品味”这一软指标是不谙时尚的模仿者原难以驾驭的。
60、Yet MTV and its imitators continue to thrive. ─── MTV和它的模仿者继续兴旺。
61、Be imitators of me, as I also am of Christ. ─── 1你们要效法我,像我效法基督一样。
62、You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. ─── 并且你们在大难之中,蒙了圣灵所赐的喜乐,领受真道就效法我们,也效法了主;
63、The spot spawned spoofs and imitators who organized similar events, including one that shut down Liverpool Street Station a few weeks later. ─── 这段广告片引起了恶搞,效仿者组织了类似的活动,包括几周之后把利物浦大街车站弄得要关闭的一次活动。
64、Well-intentioned imitators have only had success recently -- after years of dominance from Starbucks. ─── 用意良好的模仿者只取得过成功,最近-经过多年的主导权从星巴克。
65、Any imitators may have to suffer for their new style. ─── 前的受欢迎,他的模仿者可能会因为这个新发型遭到嘲笑。
66、Already Sonja Henie imitators were springing up, wherever figure skating was appreciated. ─── 只要哪儿有花样滑冰,哪儿就能看到宋佳·海涅模仿者如雨后春笋般涌现。
67、Eph. 5:1 Be therefore imitators of God, as beloved children; ─── 第五章弗五1所以你们要效法神,好像蒙爱的儿女一样;
68、Shenkar argues that the best imitators don't lose sight of this. ─── 申卡尔认为最好的模仿者不该忘记这一点。
69、Abstract: Borrowing the economic concepts of leaders and imitators, the paper builds a leader - imitator structure model to study the innovation diffusion. ─── 文章摘要: 本文借用经济学中领导者、追随者的概念,建立领导者-追随者混合结构模型来研究创新扩散的行为模式。
70、Reporters should follow certain guidelines to reduce the risk of inspiring imitators, he said. ─── 记者应该遵循一定的准则,以减少被风险所激励的模仿者,他说。
71、Later, as I have the task of increasing that number of people, with many imitators will gradually lose their effectiveness. ─── 后来随着我发布的任务增多,明白的人增多,模仿者跟多也就渐渐失去了效果。
72、1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. ─── 你们该效法我,如我效法了基督一样。
73、Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ. ─── 林前11:1你们该效法我、像我效法基督一样。
74、This point must be agreed by all the imitators. ─── 这点是所有模仿者都应该认识到的。
75、The monopoly profits collected by a successful entrepreneurial firm attract imitators and competitors, many of which are financed by fresh credit. ─── 成功企业家的企业所获得的垄断利润,会吸引模仿者和竞争者,许多由新的贷方提供资金。
76、With a staff of zealous journalists, many of them Palestinians, it went on to do so with gusto and quickly spawned many imitators and competitors. ─── 半岛电视台有一帮狂热的记者,其中许多是巴勒斯坦人,电视台以极大的热情投入阿拉伯世界的报导工作,并迅速引来大批模仿者和竞争者。
77、The band's success has inspired hundreds of would-be imitators. ─── 乐队的成功激励了数以百计未来的追随者。
78、In a final twist, it would pay for people to mate with the most proficient imitators, because by and large, good imitators have the best survival skills. ─── 最后,我讨论另一个意想不到的发展,那就是:与模仿高手交配的人有福了,因为大体上模仿高手都拥有最佳的生存技能。
79、upper bound imit analysis ─── 极限分析上限法
80、Be imitators together of me, brothers, and observe those who thus walk even as you have us as a pattern. ─── 弟兄们,你们要一同效法我,你们怎样以我们为榜样,也当留意那些这样行的人。
81、Doyle's success brought imitators by the score(= very many). ─── 多伊尔取得成功后,仿效者群起。
82、Apple, which encourages customers to try out its devices in its stores, is considered a pioneer of this strategy, and has attracted many imitators. ─── 苹果公司率先鼓励客户到商店里体验自己的产品,成为了这一策略的开拓者,竞相效仿者无数。
83、Because the products 838p and the inside layer structure closely, so many imitators are unparalleled. ─── 本产品由于做工精细,内外层结构紧密,这让许多模仿者都望尘莫及。
84、325.Once you start,there'll be soon imitators. ─── 一旦你们开始生产,很快就会有人仿制。
85、In the ads started building the Focus Media in 2007 after the Nasdaq market, there have been imitators entered, and equally look forward to Focus on the Nasdaq staged the "Model Operas. ─── 在以楼宇广告起家的分众传媒2007年在纳斯达克上市以后,又不断有模仿者进入,并且同样期待在纳斯达克上演分众的“样板戏”。
86、1 Cor. 4:16 I exhort you therefore, Become imitators of me. ─── 林前四16所以我恳求你们要效法我。
87、Mustang inspired the term pony car and prompted many imitators. ─── 福特刺激了整个“小马车”时代,并引起了大量的模仿。
88、Diffusion in a mixture of leaders and imitators can exhibit a "chasm" between the early and later parts of the diffusion curve; ─── 扩散过程中存在“高科技裂谷”现象;
89、And her quest to fuse pop and classical elements has won her fans, critics, and imitators. ─── 但是,对她融合流行与古典音乐的追求,既有人追捧,也有人批评,还有人模仿。
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