degrade 发音
英:[dɪˈɡreɪd] 美:[dɪˈɡreɪd]
英: 美:
degrade 中文意思翻译
degrade 网络释义
vt. 贬低;使……丢脸;使……降级;使……降解vi. 降级,降低;退化
degrade 同义词
take down | disintegrate | decay | deteriorate | mortify | damage | pervert | cheapen | put down | demote | decompose | destroy |reduce | shame | downgrade | perish | lower | abase | break down | rot | demean | humiliate | humble | dishonor | debase | impute | worsen | disgrace | depose | cut down
degrade 反义词
degrade 词性/词形变化,degrade变形
degrade 短语词组
1、degrade sewage ─── 降解污水
2、degrade to ─── 退化到
3、degrade for ─── 因…而使降级
4、degrade oneself ─── 掉价
degrade 相似词语短语
1、degrease ─── v.脱脂;去除……的油污
2、disgrade ─── 度
3、Belgrade ─── n.贝尔格莱德(塞尔维亚共和国首都)
4、degrader ─── n.降能器
5、degrades ─── vt.贬低;使……丢脸;使……降级;使……降解;vi.降级,降低;退化
6、regraded ─── v.重分等级,重新分类
7、degraded ─── adj.退化的;堕落的;被降级的;v.分解(degrade的过去分词);降低…的身份;削减
8、regrade ─── v.重分等级,重新分类
9、regrades ─── v.重分等级,重新分类
degrade 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Specify the maximum number of packets on the wire at one time. Adjusting this parameter can improve or degrade performance. ─── 在同一时间最大数据包数,调整这个参数可以提高和降低性能.
2、Adding message filters to the message pump for an application can degrade performance. ─── 向应用程序的消息泵添加消息筛选器会降低性能。
3、The objective of chemical pulping is to degrade and dissolve ligin and leave behind most of the cellulose and hemicellulose in the form of fibers. ─── 化学制浆的主要目的是降解和溶解木素,留下大部分的以纤维形式存在的纤维素和半纤维素。
4、Also, performance would obviously degrade when multiple items are being added and the site is under load. ─── 同样地,当添加多条数据并且站点时加载方式时,执行效率将明显降低。
5、Eclipta alba apozem can enhance the activity of SOD and GSH-Px and degrade the content of MDA. ─── 墨旱莲水煎剂会显著增强SOD、GSH-Px的活性,降低MDA的含量。
6、Andrew Martin: Rupert. How quickly will the blood degrade my system? ─── 安德鲁说:“血液要多久才会侵蚀我的身体?”
7、It should be obvious that when these parameters become additional unknowns, the performance of loop estimation will necessarily degrade. ─── 很显然如果这些参数变成附加未知数的话,环路估计的性能将必然下降。
8、Dynamic memory: Computer memory that will degrade in time if a power source is not permanently or frequently applied.For example:CRT storage. ─── 动能存贮器:需经常或永久充电的一种电脑存贮器。例如阴极射线管存储器。若电荷逐渐减少,信息就会消失。
9、The amplifier’s linearity starts to degrade long before reaching the output-swing maximums, and the amplifier output never reaches either rail. ─── 在输出摆幅达到最大值之前,放大器的线性就已经开始大幅下降,放大器输出不能达到任何电源电压。
10、At the same time the canard surface creates a downwash which degrade the main wing's performance. ─── 与此同时,鸭翼面产生下洗气流,它使主翼效率下降。
11、Strain AD1 is able to degrade atrazine of 0. 3g/L in minimal medium at a percentage of 99.9%in 72 hours. ─── AD1菌株能使无机盐培养基中的0.3g/L阿特拉津在72h内降解99.9%。
12、A man of learning, if he does not wish to degrade himself, must never cease to participate in public affairs. ─── 一个有学问的人,如果不愿意自己堕落,就绝不应该停止参加社会活动。
13、On the other hand, the non-irrigated farmland, forestland and grassland degrade more seriously among all types of landscape utilization. ─── 就不同土地景观类型而言,旱地、林地、草地生态系统退化较严重。
14、The college will degrade your marks. ─── 大学会降低你的分数。
15、I don't want to see Dorian tied to some vile creature, who might degrade his nature and ruin his intellect. ─── 我不想看到道林跟一个恶毒的东西拴在一起,这会使他的天性退化,还会毁了他的理智。
16、Just as in a mathematical demonstration the least empirical condition would degrade and destroy its force and value. ─── 就象数学证明那样,即使设定最低限度的经验的条件反而会降低证明的力量和价值。
17、He think that telling a lie degrade himself. ─── 他认为说谎有失于他的身份。
18、My left eye though, it seems to continue to very slightly degrade. He wants me to try these new more powerful eye drops. ─── 但是我的左眼看起来还是轻微的退化。他让我去试试这些新的更有作用的眼药水。
19、The DNA molecule will degrade over time, but the hair shaft's keratin material slows the decay and limits bacterial contamination. ─── DNA分子将随时间降级,但是毛发的杆状角质素材料可以缓解衰退并限制细菌污染。
20、Before the proteases can degrade the membrane, they must first be released from the vesicles. ─── 在蛋白酶能降解细胞膜之前,它们必须首先从囊泡中释放出来。
21、Strain mp-4 can grow with triazophos as its sole carbon source and degrade it at a rate of 98.3%. ─── mp-4菌能以三唑磷为唯一碳源生长,对三唑磷的降解率为98.3%。
22、On the first flight takeoff, we received an air data degrade caution message. ─── 在第一次飞行起飞之后,我们接收到了一条大气数据减少的警告信息。
23、The amyloplast envelope began to degrade and released starch granules into cell matrix when amyloplast was full of starch granules. ─── 当淀粉体被淀粉粒所充满,淀粉体被膜降解消失,释放淀粉粒到细胞基质中。
24、How to screen a strain which can degrade cellulose, and to improve the characterics futher? ─── 一.如何从自然界筛选纤维素降解菌株?
25、By not degrade Chinese currency. ─── 坚持人民币不贬值
26、Jays prefer crickets, but crickets degrade more quickly. ─── 松鸡喜欢蟋蟀,但蟋蟀退化得更快。
27、Non-conforming product is accepted by concession or degrade only if regulatory requirements are met. ─── 不合格品仅在达到常规要求时才能被让步接收或降级使用。
28、Wathing TV excessively can make you brain degrade. ─── 多看电视会使你的头脑退化。
29、The other various powder bleaches are somewhat gentler , but can degrade the fibre if used excessively. ─── 另一个各种不同的粉漂白略微比较温和 , 但是能降低纤维人格如果过度地用。
30、Using white rot fungus to decolorizeand degrade dyestuff is viewed an economical and efficient method of eliminating these pollutants. ─── 利用白腐菌进行染料的脱色和降解被认为是去除这些污染物的经济有效的方法。
31、However the vinyl of the skin of the body will degrade if a oil-based soap is applied. ─── 不过,地毡式的皮肤该机构将降解,如果石油为基础的肥皂是应用。
32、Sub jade Sub jade mean that is caught ores to degrade the malachite carried by the flowing water in the river originally. ─── 子玉又名子儿玉,是指原生矿经剥蚀被流水搬运到河流中的玉石。
33、It is important to eliminate or degrade the effect caused by the beam width of echo sounders and reflect the true seabed. ─── 为提高海底地形的测量精度,应消除或减弱波束角效应影响。
34、For a portal with a large number of pages, login time could degrade, because of the high volume processing required at login. ─── 对于包含很多页面的门户,由于登录时需要进行大量的处理,因此其登录时间可能会延长。
35、We can degrade the incidence rate of hospital infection effectually in this way. ─── 只有这样才能有效地降低医院感染的发病率。
36、How does joint degrade to treat? With what drug effect remarkable? ─── 关节退化怎么治疗?用什么药效果显著?
37、The performance team should benchmark each release and ensure that the performance of critical areas does not degrade from one release to the next. ─── 性能团队应该对比每一个版本,以确保重要区域的性能在下一个版本中不会降低。
38、They indicate that the application is busy with some internal function and that performance in other areas is likely to degrade. ─── 它们向用户表明当前程序正在忙于某些内部功能,其他功能的处理能力可能会降低。
39、Use of stronger cleaners is not recommended, since they degrade the membranes, particularly cellulose acetate, and decrease the acceptable life. ─── 建议不要使用较强的清洁剂,这是由于强力清洁剂能降解这些膜,尤其是纤维素醋酸酯,而且还降低使用寿命。
40、While touring their four hundred million revolutions around the machine, a number of effects contribute to dilute the beams and degrade the luminosity. ─── 当粒子正在环行4亿圈时,有几种效应会使粒子束变弱,亮度变暗。
41、They degrade into carbon and oxygen. ─── 他们能被降解成碳和氧。
42、Nat also asked about back pressure: "It seems that when data grows out of memory, the performance seems to degrade significantly. " ─── Nat还问了反向压力问题:“看起来当数据的增长超过内存时,性能会明显降低”。
43、But the bone awl such biological material is may degrade the material, then knows its age through the radiocarbon test. ─── 但是骨锥这样的生物材料是可降解材料,通过放射性碳测试即可知道它的年代。
44、With a cunning look, they in China in the first time degrade the grandness of poetry. ─── 在一种狡黠的目光中,他们在中国第一次降低着诗的伟大。
45、But the surface of the frame, not as strong as that, would be damaged after a period of using, which would degrade the quality of raw tile. ─── 但是模框表面可不行,在使用一段时间后表面会出现凹凸不平的现象。
46、Is it proper for appropriative users to take all of a stream's available water for human consumption and degrade or destroy the natural ecosystem? ─── 将一条河的所有可用水都用于人类的消费,退化或破坏生态系统,占用者的这种做法合理吗?
47、A procedure of screening dominant white-rot fungi which could degrade avermectin wastewater was established. ─── 建立了白腐真菌处理阿维菌素废水优势菌种的筛选方法。
48、With these images foolish with their beauty and degrade our souls. ─── 她们摆弄美丽构成的幻想使我们的灵魂堕落。
49、For an extended image, SA would reduce the contrast and degrade the details. ─── 对于一个扩展的图象,球差会减少反衬度并使图象的细节模糊。
50、I will permit no man to degrade my soul by making me hate him. ─── 我不会以憎恨他人的方式来亵渎我的灵魂。
51、Eventually, though, system performance will degrade, albeit perhaps in a subtle way. ─── 但是,系统性能最终将下降,虽然这种下降的方式不易被察觉。
52、He had listened till he heard Catherine say it would degrade her to marry him, and then he stayed to hear no further. ─── 他一直听到凯瑟琳说嫁给他就会降低她的身份,就没再听下去。
53、Don't degrade yourself by answering such foolish accusations against you. ─── 不要回应这种无聊的指控而贬低自己。
54、Can behave in children degrade phenomenon, be like enuresis, babyish utterance or suck the form such as big toe. ─── 在儿童可表现退化现象,如尿床、幼稚言语或吸拇指等形式。
55、All foregoing non-ideal effects degrade the performance of the UWB transceivers severely. ─── 以上所提到的缺点都会严重地影响系统的效能。
56、Then four molds were used to degrade bagasse.The influence of different fermentation modes on enzyme activitity and contents of protein was studied. ─── 利用霉菌对蔗渣进行微生物降解,并讨论了不同发酵方式对产物中蛋白含量的影响。
57、Since you're transferring at least substantial portions of a hard drive during a backup, backups can degrade network performance for other users. ─── 因为你正在硬式磁盘机在一个备份期间传递至少可观部分,备份能降低其他的使用者的网络绩效人格。
58、This can be accomplished by giving the cells extra enzymes that can degrade the relevant material. ─── 完成这项工作的办法,是给予细胞以能够降解相应物质的额外酶。
59、"To degrade you?" said Mr. Creakle. ─── “寒碜你?”克里克先生说。
60、Jolin and I are in the same company. I would not degrade myself to think any less of her so as to put me in a prettier light. ─── 现在Jolin和我同属同一家公司,我不会降低我的人格去贬抑她,来让我成为。
61、Do not degrade yourself by responding to such nonsense accuse. ─── 回应这种无聊的指控而贬低自己。
62、The main reason was that steel cables degrade very, very quickly in contact with saltwater. ─── 主要原因是钢索与盐水接触后降解非常快。
63、The amyloplast envelope began to degrade and released starch granules into cell matrix when amyloplast was full of starch granules. ─── 当淀粉体被淀粉粒所充满,淀粉体被膜降解消失,释放淀粉粒到细胞基质中。
64、A bacterial strain DW1 that could degrade DEHP was isolated from activated sludge of wastewater treatment plant from a chemical factory. ─── 从某化工厂的活性污泥中分离到一株能高效降解DEHP(邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯)的细菌DW1,该菌株能够以DEHP为惟一碳源和能源生长。
65、Certain irrigation practices degrade soil quality and reduce agricultural productivity. ─── 某些灌溉措施会降低土壤质量,降低农业生产力。
66、A variety of microorganisms are able to degrade chlorinated solvents through cometabolism. ─── 多种多样的微生物能够通过共代谢途径降解有机氯溶剂。
67、Pentachlorophenol(PCP)is one of the most toxic organic pollutants that are difficult to degrade in chloropenoxies. ─── 五氯酚是氯酚族中最具毒性和最难降解的有机污染物,其废水的处理一直受人关注。
68、You can save, restore, and resave a PNG image and that will not degrade its quality. ─── 您可以保存、还原和重新保存PNG图像,这不会降低其质量。
69、In sound recording, interference, such as ambient noise and reverberation, degrade the quality. ─── 录音时,环境噪声和回响之类的干扰使录音质量劣化。
70、Such contamination, if not removed, can degrade the electrical characteristics of the devices. ─── 如果不除去这种污染,就会恶化器件的电性。
71、Don't degrade yourself by answering him. ─── 不要自贬身分去搭理他。
72、In analog and digital circuits, crosstalk between coupled microstrip lines can degrade the performance of equipment. ─── 在模拟和数字电路中,耦合微带线间的串扰会降低设备的性能。
73、I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. ─── 我不会允许任何人通过让我恨他以缩小并拉低我的灵魂。
74、A man of learning, if he does not wish to degrade himself, must never cease to participate in public affairs. ─── 一个有学问的人,如果不愿意自己堕落,就绝不应该停止参加社会活动。
75、Zylka and his colleagues are now searching for additional proteins that degrade nucleotides in these neurons. ─── Zylka和他的同事们正在这些神经元中寻找其他降解核苷酸的蛋白质。
76、The activated sludge is domesticated in the membrane bioreactor(MBR) to degrade bromamine acid biologically. ─── 在膜生物反应器(MBR)中驯化活性污泥对溴氨酸进行生物降解实验。
77、These bacteria can resist high temperature, produce biosurfactant and organic acid, and can degrade crude oil and paraffin. ─── 实验证明这些细菌能够耐高温、产生表面活性剂和有机酸、时原油和石蜡具有强降解能力。
78、A unique two-stage process is being used to degrade PCBs in the river's sediments. ─── 在河水沉积物中,降解PCBs是通过2个独特的步骤进行的。
79、Entropy increases as matter and energy in the universe degrade to an ultimate state of inert uniformity. ─── 宇宙中的质和能降级到最终的不活动的均匀状态,熵值就增高了。
80、Dynamic memory Computer memory that will degrade in time if a power source is not permanently or frequently applied.For example: CRT storage. ─── 动态存贮器需经常或永久充电的一种电脑存贮器。例如阴极射线管存储器。若电荷逐渐减少,信息就会消失。
81、How to screen a strain which can degrade cellulose,and to improve the characterics futher? ─── 如何从自然界筛选纤维素降解菌侏,并进一步提高其降解特性?
82、Packet loss over IP network can degrade the quality of video data. ─── IP网络中,分组丢失是影响视频数据恢复质量的重要因素。
83、Operators could block access or degrade the quality of their data services, but that would antagonise subscribers. ─── 当然,运营商可以阻止此类接入或给他们的数据服务质量降级,但这种行为可能会使他们与自己的客户敌对。
84、You should not degrade yourself by telling lies. ─── 你不应该说谎来贬低自己。
85、You should not degrade yourself by telling such a lie. ─── 你不该说那样的谎话降低自己的人格。
86、It may not improve, and may even degrade tool performance. ─── 它可能不会改善,甚至完全分解工具表现。
87、PE pipe is suitable for many chemical solutions. Naturally occurring chemicals in the soil will not degrade the pipe. ─── 可耐多种化学物质的腐蚀,土壤中存在的化学物质不会对管造成降解作用。
88、Nobady could degrade us but ourselves. ─── 2 除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。
89、Securing distributed applications poses a problem that is difficult to overcome without resorting to measures that degrade performance. ─── 加强分布式应用程序的安全给我们带来一个难题,如不求助于将会降低性能的手段,很难将其克服。
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In today's world where environmental pollution has been increasingly serious, heavy metal pollution has drawn attention of the whole society, given its distinctive harm to human body. In light of increasing number of polluting incidents triggered by heavy metal, there have been more and more research focusing on polluting sources of heavy metal. Heavy metal's apparent biological toxicity can't be degraded or disappear; rather, it can stay inside organism's body and do much harm to human body through food chain. The article analyzes some of the main sources of heavy metal pollution, such as heavy metal sedimentation, irrational use of agricultural material like pesticide, fertilizer, plastic film, irrigation by waste water, accumulation of waste heavy metal from mineral or industrial source, and acid waste water from metal mines. Meanwhile, targeting these polluting sources, this article also introduces some of counting measures to heavy metal pollution, such as engineering, chemical, biological, agricultural treatment and some latest technology. Different measures should be applied to different polluting sources in order to control or reduce metal pollution.
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Nowadays, environmental pollution is becoming worse and worse.Because of the great harm of heavy metal on the human body, this kind of pollution has aroused widespread concern in society as a whole.Faced with the high momentum of the heavy metal pollution incidents, the analysis of heavy metal pollution in the environment increase day by day .Heavy metal has significant biotoxicity, which can't degrade or disappear in the environment, but can accumulate in the body of the creature, causing harm to human health through the food chain. In this passage, the author analyzes some major sources of the heavy metal pollution comprehensively,such as the irrational use of pesticides, fertilizers, plastic film, sewage irrigation, mining, heavy metals accumulation of industrial waste, metalacid mine drainage pollution.At the same time, for these pollution sources, the article tell us the repairing measures, including engineering control methods, chemical treatment methods, bioremediation countermeasures, agricultural control measures as well as some new technologies for different sources of pollution, taking different mending treatment so as to achieve the purpose of controlling or mitigating the pollution of heavy metal in the environment.
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