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08-01 投稿


aroused 发音

英:[əˈraʊzd]  美:[əˈraʊzd]

英:  美:

aroused 中文意思翻译



aroused 短语词组

1、aroused by ─── 被……引起(aroused是arouse的过去式)

2、aroused curiosity ─── 引起好奇心(aroused是arouse的过去式)

3、aroused motive ─── [医]唤醒的动机

aroused 词性/词形变化,aroused变形

动词过去分词: aroused |动词现在分词: arousing |动词过去式: aroused |名词: arousal |动词第三人称单数: arouses |

aroused 相似词语短语

1、arouser ─── 唤醒器

2、arouses ─── 唤醒

3、groused ─── n.松鸡;雷鸟科的猎鸟;怨言;vi.埋怨;n.(Grouse)人名;(英)格劳斯

4、arouse ─── vt.引起;唤醒;鼓励;vi.激发;醒来;发奋

5、-roused ─── adj.愤怒的;v.唤醒(rouse的过去分词和过去式)

6、roused ─── adj.愤怒的;v.唤醒(rouse的过去分词和过去式)

7、Carousel ─── n.旋转木马;行李传送带;轮播

8、unaroused ─── 未觉醒

9、caroused ─── vi.畅饮;欢宴;n.喧闹的酒会或宴会;一饮而尽

aroused 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The noise aroused the sleeping guard. ─── 响声把睡着了的警卫惊醒了。

2、What he said aroused a blast of guffaw . ─── 他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。

3、A loud bugle aroused everyone from sleep. ─── 嘹亮的号声将每个人从睡梦中唤醒。

4、What he did aroused our anger. ─── 他的所作所为激起了我们的愤怒。

5、His remark not only broke the ice, but aroused everyone's interest. ─── 他的发言不仅打破了冷场, 而且引起了大家的兴趣。

6、The howling winds aroused him from sleep. ─── 呼啸的狂风将他从睡梦中唤醒。

7、Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another. ─── 同情,怜悯对他人所受的不幸或遭遇产生的同情和悲哀

8、They aroused me from my deep sleep. ─── 他们把我从睡梦中叫醒。

9、His book aroused much controversy. ─── 他的书引起许多争议。

10、fares has aroused public indignation. ─── 火车票提价激起了公愤。

11、A pat tale aroused a big laugh. ─── 一个贴切适时的故事引起一阵大笑。

12、She forgot her daughter till a touch from Jane aroused her. ─── 她忘记了她的女儿,直到杰恩碰了她一下,她才醒过来。

13、The sight of the helpless little boy aroused her maternal instinct. ─── 她看见那孤苦无助的小男孩激发了她的母性.

14、His report aroused the interest of all. ─── 他的报告引起了大家的兴趣。

15、Jimmy felt uneasy for the whole day as he was aroused from deep sleep by the ringing of the door bell early in the morning. ─── 一大清等的大门铃声把吉米从沉睡中吵醒后,他整天都无精打采。

16、The results of enterprise reform aroused a lot of controversy. ─── 企改的结果一公布,引来不少争议。

17、This aroused great resentment among the people. ─── 他激起了人民的极度不满。

18、The wrath of the people is now aroused. ─── 人们被激怒了。

19、Liyuan aroused my greatest interest. ─── 它引起了我极大的兴趣。

20、Throughout the winter, nothing aroused the bear from his torpor; he would not emerge from hibernation until spring. ─── 整个冬天,什么都唤醒不了蛰伏的熊。它要到春天才从冬眠中醒来。

21、The study of female characters in modern fiction has always been a hot topic aroused general interests of modern fiction and modern women. ─── 对女性人物形象的探讨一直以来都是现代小说研究和女性研究的共同热点,已有研究可谓既深又广。

22、His wretchedness aroused our sympathy. ─── 他的不幸激起了我们的同情。

23、The father in him was aroused. ─── 他心中的父爱被激了起来。

24、Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage. ─── 他们对犯人的残酷虐待激起了极大的愤怒。

25、In the midst of pleasant dream, I was aroused by the thunder. ─── 一阵雷声把我从愉快的梦中惊醒。

26、It was as though the song had been there all the time and he knew it and aroused it. ─── 仿佛这歌声原来一直潜伏在那儿,他知道这一点,就把它激发出来了。

27、But the hopes Benazir had aroused were swiftly disappointed. ─── 但是,布托带给人民的希望很快就破灭了。

28、I was aroused from my deep sleep by a loud scream. ─── 一声尖叫把我从熟睡中唤醒。

29、She aroused us to shouting, bookwaving discussions. ─── 她激发我们手挥书本、高声嚷叫地进行争论。

30、The odd sight aroused our curiosity. ─── 奇怪的景象激起我们的好奇

31、His strange behaviour aroused the suspicions of the police. ─── 他的怪异行动引起了警察的怀疑。

32、He is aroused by the crash and has been leaped. ─── 他被撞击声所惊醒,一跃而起。

33、His brisk walking aroused our curiosity. ─── 他轻快的步伐引起了我们的好奇。

34、His sufferings aroused our sympathy. ─── 他的痛苦引起了我们的同情。

35、She aroused the children from their nap. ─── 她把午睡的孩子们唤醒。

36、Her pretty clothes aroused us. ─── 她美丽的衣服引起我们的注意。

37、The rejection of this proposal aroused the people to indignation. ─── 对该议案的否决激起人民的愤慨。

38、His sneaky behavior aroused our suspicion. ─── 你鬼祟的行为令我们生疑。

39、His furtive behaviour aroused our suspicion. ─── 他鬼鬼祟祟的行为引起了我们的怀疑。

40、His behaviour aroused the suspicions of the police. ─── 他的行为引起警方的怀疑。

41、His constant insults aroused my anger. ─── 他不断的侮辱,激起了我的愤怒。

42、She aroused general admiration by her thirty-minute exposition, without a note, of what was a controversial and complex Bill. ─── 她不用稿子,花了三十分钟时间,讲解了一项可以引起论战的,不容易说清楚的议案。这篇演说赢得了一致好评。

43、The initiative of the peasants has been aroused. ─── 农民积极性提高

44、Their curiosity was aroused and so was mine. ─── 大家的好奇心给激起来了,我也不例外。

45、His words aroused no echoes in their hearts. ─── 他的话没有在他们心中引起反响。

46、He had aroused three irreconeilable feuds in Capri . ─── 他在卡普里岛引起了三场不可和解的冕仇。

47、Being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred. ─── 兴奋的处于激动状态的; 兴奋的; 激昂的

48、She finally aroused from her dream. ─── 她终于从睡梦中醒来了。

49、But no suspicion was aroused in me! ─── 可是我没有起任何怀疑心!

50、His surreptitious behaviour naturally aroused suspicion. ─── 他那鬼鬼祟祟的行为自然引起了旁人的怀疑。

51、The book is a big success in terms of the interest it aroused. ─── 就这本书所引起的兴趣而言,它写得极其成功。

52、You aroused them so quickly to action. ─── 你那么快就把他们发动起来投入行动。

53、His words aroused no echo in their hearts. ─── 他的话未能在他们心中引起共鸣。

54、Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions. ─── 她的古怪行为引起了我们的怀疑。

55、The aggressors aroused burning wrath of all Chinese. ─── 侵略者燃起了所有中国人的怒火。

56、Their baby's death aroused great sadness in them. ─── 孩子的死令他们悲痛欲绝。

57、Her indifference aroused perhaps his combative soul. ─── 她的冷若冰霜也许激起了他好胜的灵魂。

58、The incident aroused strong reactions Pakistan, the Pakistani government were to strongly protest against the United States and NATO. ─── 这一事件引起巴方强烈反应,巴政府分别向美国和北约提出强烈抗议。

59、His speech aroused the people to revelot. ─── 他的演说煽动人们叛乱。

60、The curiosity of spit celestial bodies was aroused by Chen Jinglin. ─── 小雨辰的好奇心被陈京琳激发了出来。

61、He was so small and frail; he aroused your instincts of protection. ─── 他非常瘦

62、He have already aroused to a bigger abode. ─── 他已搬到了唯一较大的屋子。

63、At once his suspicions were all aroused. ─── 他一下子满腹狐疑起来了。

64、His speech aroused the workers to revolt. ─── 他的演说煽动工人起而反抗。

65、His words aroused my suspicion. ─── 他的话引起了我的怀疑。

66、He was suddenly aroused by a slight noise. ─── 他突然被一个很小的声音惊醒。

67、His report aroused such a storm in Washington. ─── 他的这份报告在华盛顿掀起轩然大波。

68、Her behaviour aroused no suspicion. ─── 她的举动未受怀疑.

69、His curiosity aroused, he began reading the note. ─── 好奇心驱使他开始读那张便条。

70、Skin-type, mucomembranous fowl pox aroused by poxvirus. ─── 以及痘病毒引起的皮肤型,粘膜型鸡痘。

71、He was aroused from his nap by the doorbell. ─── 他午睡时被门铃吵醒。

72、He tried the art of persuasion with all his powers aroused. ─── 他使出浑身解数,试图说服她。

73、"September 18" incident aroused the people's anti-Japanese tide. ─── “九一八”事变激起了全国人民的抗日怒潮。

74、smell of frying bacon aroused his hunger. ─── 煎咸肉的味道激起了他的饥饿感。

75、He had aroused three irreconcilable feuds in Capri . ─── 他在卡普里岛引起了三场不可和解的冤仇。

76、His behavior had aroused suspicion . ─── 他的行为引起了怀疑。

77、His suffering aroused her compassion. ─── 他的苦难引起了她的爱心。

78、The attack on Pearl Harbor aroused the whold country. ─── 对珍珠港的突袭激励了全国人民。

79、I am sorry for all the trouble aroused by my negligence. ─── 对由于我的疏忽而引起麻烦,非常抱歉。

80、Xiaozhang's equivocal answer aroused everybody's suspicion. ─── 小张隐约其词的回答引起所有人的怀疑。

81、It's coming to an end the moment my interest has just aroused. ─── 兴趣刚被激发起来,比赛就接近尾声了。

82、His action aroused strong feelings among the masses. ─── 他的行动在群众中引起了强烈的反感。

83、The mother in her was aroused. ─── 她的母爱被激起。

84、The execution of political opponents aroused widespread disgust . ─── 处决了政敌引起普遍反感.

85、His point aroused a drastic dispute. ─── 他的观点引起激烈的争论。

86、Her strange behaviour aroused our suspicions. ─── 她不寻常的举动引起我们的猜疑.

87、Carrie heard this with aroused intelligence. ─── 嘉莉听着这些,恍然大悟。

88、Now Netspeak has aroused more and more attention. ─── 如今,网络语言已经引起人们越来越多的关注。

89、Their terrible sufferings aroused his pity [sympathy]. ─── 他们深重的苦难引起了他的伶恤[同情]。

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