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08-01 投稿


remembers 发音

英:[[rɪˈmembəz]]  美:[[rɪˈmembərz]]

英:  美:

remembers 中文意思翻译




remembers 同义词

dredge up | bring to mind | call back | consider | learn | recollect | retain | recognize | evoke | remind | take into account | review | commend | think | think back | recall | retrieve | call up | commit to memory | summon up | keep in mind | reflect | commemorate | think of | memorize | reminisce | bear in mind

remembers 词性/词形变化,remembers变形


remembers 短语词组

1、remembers day ─── 记住这一天

2、remembers me ─── 记得我(歌曲名)

remembers 反义词


remembers 常用词组

remember oneself ─── 约束自己;检点;(犯过失后)反省;仔细想一想;恢复镇定

remember someone to someone ─── 代某人向某人致意(或问好)

remember to do ─── 记得要做某事;记得去做某事

remembers 相似词语短语

1、remember ─── vt.记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好;vi.记得,记起

2、remembered ─── vt.记得;牢记;纪念;代…问好;vi.记得,记起

3、misremembers ─── vt.记错

4、crew members ─── 机组人员,机上工作人员

5、Decembers ─── 十二月

6、renumbers ─── vt.重编号(等于renumerate)

7、members ─── n.(社团等)成员;(特定种类的)人,动物,植物;(Member)议员;(政治的)会员(国);(尤指最低级)勋章获得者;(复杂设备的)构件;(句子)成分(member的复数);n.(Members)(美、印、澳)墨姆伯尔(人名)

8、rememberer ─── 回忆者

9、disremembers ─── vt.忘记,忘却

remembers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tiger remembers what, when, and how often to synchronize, so you don't have to. ─── Tiger能够记住同步的内容、时间和频率,因此您无需记住这些事项。

2、BEIJING Ada Dong, 27, remembers a time when having a curvaceous figure was unfashionable. ─── 27岁的董埃达仍记得凸凹有致的身材并不时髦的日子。

3、He remembers his mother, and he has a picture of her. ─── 他记得他的母亲,他有他母亲的一张照片。

4、Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. ─── 但是,只要一个人时刻想着点亮灯火,即使在最黑暗的岁月,幸福还是可以预期的。

5、A young man remembers a childhood with a blind father and his own temporary sightlessness. ─── 一个年轻人关于他孩童时代,与他失明的父亲和他自己短暂视障时候的回忆.

6、He remembers how one of them later laughed while being tortured by police. ─── 他还记得,后来这帮家伙中的一个在警察对他进行 拷问的 时候竟然哈哈大笑。

7、As Samantha remembers more and more of her previous life, she becomes deadlier and more resourceful. ─── 但现在,谁都以为早已不在人世的她再次出现,这引起伯吉斯的极大恐慌。

8、After you have introduced the children to the rest of the class mix them up and see if the class still remembers who they were. ─── 在你依次把他们的角色介绍给小朋友们,然后把他们打乱次序,看小朋友们是否还能认出谁是谁。

9、She often remembers the old and the poor in her prayers. ─── 她在祈祷中经常为老人和穷人祈祷。

10、But nobody outside his native Leicester remembers any of them. ─── 可除了他的家乡莱斯特外无人记得其中的任何进球。

11、He still remembers the village pageant moving through the streets on floats. ─── 他仍旧记得那次通过街道的乡村花车巡游。

12、She learns quickly, and what is more, she remembers what she has learnt. ─── 她学得很快,而且所学的全都记得。

13、A few: We had heaps really, only they slip away into the background, and one only remembers the bad ones. ─── 一些?其实我们有成打的好时光,只是不知不觉就溜到了脑后,念念不忘的却是那些坏的。

14、Looks back on past events' time, remembers these like meteor to delimit the life love. ─── 回首往事的时候,想起那些如流星般划过生命的爱情。

15、For he who avenges blood remembers, he does not ignore the cry of the lowly. ─── 你们该歌颂上主,他住在熙雍,在万民中宣扬他的一切化工:

16、Everyone remembers the day which is a memorable day. ─── 人们记得这是一个难忘的日子

17、He remembers that his father would often travel to Luoyang to sell food. ─── 他记得,他的父亲经常前往洛阳出售食粮.

18、Gill is so quick on the uptake that you only have to tell her something once and she remembers it for ever. ─── 吉尔学得非常快,你只要告诉她一次,他就永远记住了。

19、When you stay at the Benjamin Franklin for a day or two, the operator remembers where you live. ─── 只要你在本杰明?弗兰克林住上一两天,电梯操作员就会记得你所住的楼层。

20、One of his students remembers him proudly showing off a new idea on automatic strobe flashing. ─── 一名学生记得自己曾向他炫耀过一个有关自动电子闪光灯的新点子。

21、Auntie Jill always remembers my birthday. ─── 吉尔姨总记得我的生日。

22、He is excessively thrifty Because he rememBers the Depression. ─── 他还记得大萧条时期的穷困,因此他现在格外节俭

23、There is never a friend but he remembers the birthday of. ─── 他记得每个朋友的生日。

24、In you suffers, remembers, you can get up. ─── 在你受折磨的时候,记住,你能起来。

25、The girl remembers meeting him before. ─── 女孩记得以前遇到过他。

26、He remembers you. He says that he remembers you. ─── 他记住你了。他说,他记住你了。

27、Carl still remembers one afternoon in his first year when the professor took the students to the chem.-istry lab. ─── 卡尔仍然记和一年级时教授带学生们到化学实验室去的那个下午的情景。

28、The Hurd and the NetBSD kernel would work just as well, provided the Debian project remembers to update the packages. ─── 使用Hurd和NetBSD内核也可以正常工作,前提是Debian项目没有忘记更新数据包。

29、He remembers the courage of his parents, of Sirius and of Dumbledore. ─── 他想起他父母,小天狼星,邓不利多的勇气。

30、He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany. ─── 他记得有一次在前往参加一个会议的飞机上,曾经有过一个顿悟。

31、No one remembers you when he is dead. Who praises you from the grave? ─── 因为在死地无人记念你,在阴间有谁称谢你。

32、When you loses, remembers, you are most joyful. ─── 在你失落的时候,记住,你是最快乐的;

33、After 10 minutes West stands up."That's it, I've seen enough," Ridder remembers West saying. ─── 10分钟后,维斯特站了起来:“好了,足够了,我已经看的足够了。”

34、Chong remembers passing his physical, written and aptitude tests with high scores. ─── 他记得他的体能测验、试及性向测验都拿到高分。

35、"We'll never be able to lift this off him," Shelton remembers thinking. ─── “看起来我们似乎怎么也不能把这些东西从他身上扒掉”谢尔顿当时这样想到。

36、He remembers his mother or grandmother would make noodles and hang them to dry. ─── 他还记得他的母亲或祖母会制造面条,并将他们挂起来晾干.

37、His wife was a pretty woman, he said spontaneously when he remembers the day they got married. ─── 他的妻子是位美丽的女人,当想起他们成婚的那一天时他不禁自语道。

38、Cart still remembers one afternoon in his first year when the professor took the students the Chemistry lab. ─── 卡尔仍然记得一年级时教授带学生到化学实验室去的那个下午的情景。

39、He still remembers it against me. ─── 他还在对我记恨那件事。

40、He still remembers vividly how they celebrate the victory. ─── 他还清晰地记得他们是怎样庆祝胜利的。

41、He remembers vividly when he first saw VeriChip on the Today show. ─── 他清晰地记得第一次在《今日》上看到有关绝对芯片消息时的情景。

42、But Pop's house is a lot darker than Paddy remembers, and a lot spookier, too. ─── 不过外公的房子比他记忆里黑很多。而且还有很多奇怪的声音。

43、She always remembers me with a Christmas card. ─── 她总是送我一张耶诞卡。

44、She always remembers me at Christmas. ─── 在圣诞节他总是给我礼物。

45、Because the sandglass remembers the time we lost. ─── 因为沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。

46、He distinctly remembers telling you not to do it. ─── 他非常清楚地记得曾嘱你不要做那事。

47、Brian remembers learning to fish in the Colorado River. ─── 布莱恩记得在科罗拉多河学过钓鱼。

48、Zachariah means God remembers! ─── [精] 撒迦利亚---神记住你!

49、"He remembers thee a little babe, my child," answered Hester. ─── “他还记得你是个小小的婴儿的样子呢,我的孩子,”海丝特回答说。

50、Marlboro:Man Always Remembers Love Because Of Romance Only. ─── 其实男人天生就是浪漫的种子,呵呵。

51、A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. ─── 外交家,是总记得女人的生日而又决不记得她的年纪的人。

52、He remembers how one of them later laughed while being tortured by police. ─── 他还记得,后来这帮家伙中的一个在警察对他进行拷问的时候竟然哈哈大笑。

53、Don't excite him. He remembers nothing but his daughter. ─── 不能让他太激动,他现在只记得跟他女儿有关的事。

54、She remembers: "When my father first came to visit me, he was mortified.The place was crawling with cockroaches. ─── 她回忆:"当我父亲头一次来看我时,他十分地难过,整个屋子都爬满了蟑螂"。

55、McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humour, his whimsical side. ─── 麦格拉思记得他非同寻常的幽默感,和他异想天开的一面。

56、You hardly ever remind him ; he always remembers. ─── 你几乎从不提醒他;他总是记得。

57、Was inferior seals it in the heart, fondly remembers, or discards it, greets the new section of lives. ─── 不如把它封在心里,怀念,或者扔掉它,迎接新的一段生活。

58、She remembers being a rather bossy little girl. ─── 她记得自己曾是个爱支使人的小女孩。

59、Then he remembers his deeds of heroism. ─── 他马上又记起了自己的英雄行为。

60、She often remembers you in our talks. ─── 她常常念叨着你。

61、Christopher remembers his first meeting with Alice. ─── 克里斯托弗记得他和艾丽斯的第一次会面。

62、She remembers the entire Laplasse family as 'les noirs '- the blacks, the collaborators, the enemy. ─── 她一想起拉普拉斯一家,就认为他们是黑鬼、叛国者、敌人。

63、The dream that man the most possibly remembers is the dream that he just before going to bed before does. ─── 人最可能记住的梦是他临睡前做的梦。

64、Till now, the world remembers her as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear. ─── 直到现在,世界上的人民记住她是一个勇敢的、奇妙的人。

65、He remembers: "My father tried keeping me in line, but I was a rebellious little kid. ─── 他记得:“我父亲想要我循规蹈矩,可是我是个桀骜不驯的小孩子。

66、He remembers "climbing all over the Sphinx like the Lilliputians on Gulliver, and mapping it stone by stone. " ─── 他记得,“他像格列佛笔下的小人国臣民一样,爬遍狮身人面像,一块石头一块石头地绘制地图。”

67、Outlook remembers and stores the e-mail addresses you type in the From, To, Cc, and Bcc boxes. ─── Outlook能够记住并存储您在“发件人”、“收件人”、“抄送”和“密件抄送”框中键入的电子邮件地址。

68、SUPERPAD remembers its window position from the last time you ran it. ─── SUPERPAD记住您上一次运行它的窗口位置。

69、Yes, he is. He's very conscientious and always remembers important occasions. ─── 他相当体贴细心,而且总是记得重要场合。

70、He always remembers those days when he was toiling at his studies. ─── 他永远忘不了苦读的日子。

71、"For the first month, first month and a half, you are OK," Calderon remembers. ─── “在第一个月或着一个半月,你没问题,”卡尔德隆回忆。

72、You hardly ever remind him,he always remembers. ─── 你几乎从不提醒他,他总是记得。

73、He remembers the Soviet leader wearing the some pair of parts every day year in and year out. ─── 他记得这位苏联**,当时一年四季每天都穿着同一条裤子。

74、He even remembers with pride how he put up Hillier for his richly deserved knighthood. ─── 他甚至还骄傲地记得,他如何推举希利尔获得了完全应得的爵士身分。

75、At the Bauer house, Teri notices a box and remembers that Kimberly made it for her. ─── 在鲍尔的家宅,泰瑞注意到了一个盒子,她记得这是金伯利为她做的。

76、D.S., who attended the 1977 protest, remembers the panic that erupted as the gunfire rang out. ─── 参加1977年抗议的D.S.仍记得开**射击时造成的恐慌。

77、Auntie Jill always remembers my birthday, eg with a card or present. ─── 吉尔姨在我的生日总送给我礼物.

78、When you fall behind , remembers, you are strongest. ─── 在你落后的时候,记住,你是最强的;

79、And he fondly remembers loving Cap'n Crunch and Cocoa Krispies as a kid. ─── 他很天真地回忆起小时候是如何喜欢“克朗奇船长米粉”和可可脆饼。

80、The publication remembers which data file you connected it to so you can jump ahead to the previewing step. ─── 出版物会记住所连接到的数据文件,从而使您可以直接跳到预览步骤。

81、If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers what I did for him. ─── 倘若我们再次见面,我希望他还记得我为他做的事。

82、But the captain insists to think logbook remembers is a fact, cannot alter. ─── 但是船长坚持认为航海日志记得是事实,不能改动。

83、Not only did he read the book,but he also remembers what he has read. ─── 他不但读过此书,而且还记得所读的内容。

84、A commoner who remembers nothing about her past. ─── 后来,她怀上了尤米尔的孩子。

85、Fondly remembers with you in the together day, does not have your day, I can treasure you to leave my missing! ─── 怀念和你在一起的日子,没有你的日子,我会珍惜你留给我的思念!

86、"That was pretty hardcore," remembers McAvoy of the scene. ─── “这个动作相当费力,”麦卡沃伊回忆道。

87、He only remembers holding his daughter's hand and trying to run. The powerful sheets of water dragged them apart. ─── 他只记得抓住女儿的手使劲跑,但威力无比的巨浪将他们冲开。

88、She left home at 11 and remembers climbing out of bed at 5 a.m. to study gymnastics and never sleeping until 11 p.m. ─── 她11岁就不住家里了。她记得每天早上5点钟就起床练习体操,晚上11点才睡觉。

89、If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers to thank me. ─── 倘若我们再有见面之时,希望他不会忘记谢我。

she still remembers the year_____she spent in Chaozhou用什么关系词

she still remembers the year_which/that_she spent in Chaozhou.

解释:本句是定语从句,先行词the year 在从句中做宾语,所以which 、that 均可。



she still remembers the year_____she spent in Chaozhou用什么关系词



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