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08-01 投稿


festooned 发音

英:[feˈstuːnd]  美:[feˈstuːnd]

英:  美:

festooned 中文意思翻译




festooned 词性/词形变化,festooned变形

动词过去式: festooned |动词过去分词: festooned |动词现在分词: festooning |动词第三人称单数: festoons |

festooned 短语词组

1、festooned vehicle ─── 花车

2、festooned with ─── 饰以花彩结彩于

3、festooned vehicles ─── 悬挂花饰的车辆

4、festooned tree ─── 被装饰的树

5、strips of clothing festooned ─── 一条条挂满花彩的衣服

festooned 相似词语短语

1、festoons ─── vt.结彩于;[建]以花彩装饰;n.花彩;[建]花彩装饰物

2、festoon ─── vt.结彩于;[建]以花彩装饰;n.花彩;[建]花彩装饰物

3、questioned ─── v.怀疑;询问(question的过去分词);adj.怀疑的;有问题的;有争议的

4、festered ─── vi.溃烂;化脓;vt.使……溃烂;使……痛苦;使……恶化;n.溃烂;脓疮,脓疱

5、-stoned ─── adj.(因吸毒或醉酒)飘飘然,精神恍惚,极度兴奋;烂醉的;v.向……扔石头;去除果核;用石头铺(建)(stone的过去式和过去分词);n.(Stone)(美)斯托内(人名)

6、bastioned ─── adj.具备棱堡的

7、festooning ─── vt.结彩于;[建]以花彩装饰;n.花彩;[建]花彩装饰物

8、festoonery ─── n.花彩装饰,彩饰

9、fashioned ─── adj.……式的;……样的;v.把……塑成;制作(fashion的过去式及过去分词)

festooned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some are open-air, piled high with canvases, ceilings festooned with paintings strung out to dry, others are huge air-conditioned rooms lined with framed paintings. ─── 油画之村拥有700所画廊工作室。其中一些是露天的,在互相连在一起用画装饰的顶棚下面,堆积如山的油画正在晾干,另外的一些则是放着装框有内衬的画的巨大空调房。

2、Grung, his olive uniform festooned with flashing gold stars. ─── Grung,颇有威严,橄榄色制服上挂满闪闪发亮的金星。

3、cable festoon ─── 拖链装置

4、The Hindu ceremony takes place under a canopy of brocade or some other richly decorated material, festooned with flowers. ─── 印度教的婚礼是在一个由锦缎,或其他装饰华丽的布料织成并饰以鲜花的华盖下举行。

5、Fa Hin, who visited Sri Lanka in the fifth century A.D. recorded that festival times the city of Anuradhapura was festooned with paintings from jataka stories. ─── 据公元五世纪访问斯里兰卡的法赫因记载,节日期间,阿努拉德普拉城处处装饰着本生故事绘画的花彩。

6、The room was festooned with gay paper chains. ─── 房间里挂上了色彩鲜艳的花彩纸链条。

7、Below the tree, they've installed a tarp-covered freezer, festooned with blue wires and silver tubes that run up into the branches. ─── 在枫树下面,他们安装了一个防水冷冻器,并用蓝色的线和银色的管子连到树枝上。

8、It was a dim, old-fashioned chamber, festooned with cobwebs, and besprinkled with antique dust. ─── 它是黯淡,陈旧厅,挂满了蛛网、灰尘besprinkled与古董。

9、She was staring at the pewter oil lamp whose stem was festooned with cedar twigs and clusters of peanuts. ─── 她呆呆地望着灯盘上缠了柏枝和长生果的锡灯盏出神。

10、Mecarll's festoon ─── [医] 梅卡耳氏突彩

11、The tree trunks and the creepers that festooned them lost themselves in a green dust thirty feet above him. ─── 在他头上三十英尺光景,树干以及垂挂下来的藤蔓在绿蒙蒙的暮色中混成一片。

12、Visitors have removed artifacts, and the hull is festooned with rusticles: icicle-shaped accretions of iron oxide, otherwise known as rust. ─── 工艺品被移走后,发现船体上结满了一团团的锈:冰柱般的铁氧化物,不像是已知的铁锈。

13、festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as carnival decorations ─── 化装舞会装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制

14、The house were festooned with Christmas decorations. ─── 房内挂满圣诞饰物。

15、Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze ─── 每根悬挂着的细枝和每一串树叶都在燃烧。

16、The city government has made methodical preparations for the coming of the art festival. Some high buildings are festooned with colored lights and banners. ─── 市政府为将到来的艺术节做了周密的准备工作,一些高大的建筑物上挂起了彩灯和彩旗。

17、Death Skulls Orks are commonly seen festooned with bone amulets of every kind: pendants, talismans, and cherished bits of long-dead enemies.Such things hold power for the Death Skulls clan. ─── 它们身上也佩戴着各种形制的骨头护符:骨头坠饰、骨头灵符乃至防腐处理过的敌人尸块,这种东西被认为可以护住氏族的力量。

18、In his vision, the place would become a Dutch-style coffee house festooned with Obama memorabilia, such as photos of 'Barry,' as the chubby schoolboy was nicknamed while in Jakarta. ─── 按他的设想,这个地方会成为一家荷兰风格的咖啡馆,以奥巴马的生平作为装点,比如说“巴里”的照片,巴里是奥巴马在雅加达上学时的绰号,当时他还是个胖胖的小男孩。

19、festoon steamer ─── 悬挂式蒸化机

20、festoon lighting ─── 灯彩

21、In a parking lot festooned with red Coke flags, an American dog handler barks commands at journalists being frisked by Afghan security agents. ─── 在一个被红色可口可乐旗子装饰的停车处,一名美国训狗人员对正在被阿富汗安全哨卡人员搜身的记者们咆哮地指挥着。

22、The Festoon ─── 斜纹刺蛾(刺蛾科)

23、festoon ,of paper, paperboard, cotton wool etc., for use as christmas decorations ─── 圣诞节装饰用彩旗,纸、纸板和棉绒等制

24、The tree trunks and the creepers that festooned them lost themselves in a green dust thirty feet above him ─── 在他头上三十英尺光景,树干以及垂挂下来的藤蔓在绿蒙蒙的暮色中混成一片。

25、The city government has made methodical preparation for the coming of the art festival. Many high building were festooned with colored lights and banners. ─── 市政府为将到来的艺术节做了周密的准备工作,一些高大的建筑物上挂起了彩灯和彩旗。

26、festoon light ─── 彩灯

27、The margins of her notebook were festooned with doodles. ─── 她的笔记本的空边上胡乱涂写着一些东西。

28、Memorial sites were festooned with political banners and, at the main site in Gimhae, supporters turned away mourners they considered unfriendly. ─── 各个悼念地点都充斥着大量的政治标语,在金海的主吊唁地,支持者将他们认为不怀好意的悼念者拒之门外。

29、Bid farewell to lazy winter, spring is approaching lightly,Red flowers, green Liu, festooned with a gorgeous spring. ─── 告别慵懒的冬日,春天正轻盈走来。红的花、绿的柳,妆点着春的绚烂。

30、Golden idols of the Buddha, festooned with white votive scarves, gradually materialise, as my eyes grow used to the gloom. ─── 金色的佛像,装饰着白色的哈达,随着我的眼睛适应黑暗,渐渐清晰起来。

31、The Rose Bowl Parade roared down the streets of Pasadena, California.Floats festooned with flowers pay tribute to this year's theme, "Hats off to Entertainment". ─── 加州帕萨迪娜市的玫瑰碗游行的渲闹声充满了整个大街,鲜花装扮的花车表达出今年的主题“向娱乐致敬”。

32、Streets and shops in the district are festooned with green flags. ─── 这个区域里的街道和店铺都装饰着绿色旗帜。

33、Façades have been painted, streets swept and banners festoon the city: “Goodbye, conflict: welcome, development”. ─── 柱子重新喷刷,大街被清理得干干净净,横幅悬挂城中:再见战争,欢迎发展。

34、LED bulb,LED spotlight,LED auto lamp,LED Amusement lamp,LED candle lamp,LED Tailllight,LED indicator lamp,LED festoon,LED signal light,Energy saving lamp, ─── LED球泡,射灯,汽车灯,蜡烛灯,娱乐灯,壁灯,小夜灯,指示灯,仪表灯,刹车灯,转向灯,尾灯,节能灯

35、Huge banners festoon the warehouse walls listing the company's Six Core Values( " Customer obsession, ownership, bias for action, frugality, high hiring bar and innovation "). ─── 仓库四周彩旗飘扬,公司的六大经营宗旨映入人们的眼帘(一心为客户、共同拥有、实干、节约、聘用高素质人才、创新)。

36、festoon drying ─── 吊挂干燥

37、festoon drier ─── 悬挂式干燥室

38、THE streets of Iran are festooned this week with revolutionary bunting. ─── 本周伊朗的大街小巷挂满革命彩旗。

39、Festooned with a canopy of lights, a night market is visible from the main road and features utilities for impromptu stalls, music performances, and dancing. ─── 夜市饰有各种树状灯饰,从主路的位置清晰可见。夜市里有很多临时摆摊卖货的、表演音乐的和表演舞蹈的。

40、Crater Cluster Festoon Flow Diagram ─── 多火山口岩浆流动素描地图

41、to festoon ─── 结彩

42、THE reception desk is festooned with posters and flyers for local events and London shows. ─── 为了当地风情与伦敦展,接待处被装海报与传单装饰。

43、festoon drapery ─── 带穗花缎窗帘

44、This company mainly deals in the floral import and export trades, garden design, celebration design, indoors floral arrangements, bonsai, floral basket, festooned vehicle and other floral accessories. ─── 公司主要经营花卉进出口、园林设计、典礼设计、室内排花、盆景观赏、花篮花车及各种花的附属品。

45、a wreath or festoon,especially one of plaited flowers or leaves,worn on the body or draped as a decoration ─── 一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品

46、And, of course, the white wedding dress festooned with tiny flowers is still very special. ─── 不用说,用小花结成挂饰的白色婚纱直径仍有非同一般的意义。

47、For example, cars in the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, or NASCAR, are no longer festooned with logos over every square inch. ─── 例如,(美国)全国运动汽车竞赛协会(NationalAssociationofStockCarAutoRacing,NASCAR)[注5]的汽车车身上不再每平方英寸都贴满标志了。

48、festoon; paper garland ─── 纸拉花

49、Control System of Full-automated Vermicelli Festoon Machine ─── 全自动粉丝挂杆机控制系统

50、Spanish Festoon ─── 红星花凤蝶(凤蝶科)

51、a square festooned with electric lights ─── 张灯结彩的广场

52、festoon loop washer for piece-goods ─── 悬环式布匹洗涤机

53、Festooned doors are commonly seen in old style courtyards. ─── 垂花门在旧式宅院中是很常见的。

54、The counters were festooned with rainbow coloured scarves ─── 柜台上挂满了五颜六色的头巾。

55、The house was festooned with Christmas decorations ─── 房内悬挂着圣诞节饰物。

56、"The wintry boughs of the willows and apricot trees above them were festooned with artificial flowers and leaves made of rice-paper and silk, and from every tree hung lanterns. " ─── "上面柳杏诸树虽无花叶,然皆用通草绸绫纸绢依势作成,粘于枝上的,每一株悬灯数盏"

57、It was festooned with Christmas tree ornaments. ─── 它用圣诞树上的装饰品打扮得很好。

58、With majestic trees festooned with orchids, bromeliads, ferns, vines, and mosses, it's home to a multitude of rare animal and plant species. ─── 雨林中宏伟的参天巨木被兰花、凤梨、蕨类、蔓藤以及苔藓类打扮得五颜六色,这片雨林同时也是为数众多的稀有动植物的家园。

59、gingival festoon ─── 牙龈彩突

60、The technology of pipe reactor for sulfuric acid and ammonia consists of a festoon single pipe reactor changed from the TVA embedding double pipe reactor for sulfuric acid and ammonia. ─── 硫酸、氨管式反应器技术是将TVA埋床式硫酸、氨双管改为悬挂式单管道反应器。

61、He comes home at night to a big storage area, where he has gathered a few treasures from his scavengings of the garbage and festooned them with Christmas lights. ─── 晚上他回家,那是一个大的储物区,他从打扫的垃圾中收集了一起宝贝,用圣诞灯泡装饰起来。

62、The streets are festooned with garlands , fairy lights and some religious symbols. It is also attracted many tourists to visit Little India during Deepavali. ─── 当屠妖节来临之前,这里会设立张灯结彩,整条街会挂上和印度宗教有关的饰品,宗教色彩浓郁的小印度也在屠妖节当天吸引游客前来参观游玩。

63、the walnuts in the yard had grown, and the hop-vine which he himself had planted now festooned the windows even to the roof. ─── 唯独教室里的凳子、课桌被学生磨光滑了;院子里的胡桃树长高了,他自己亲手种下的那棵啤酒花如今爬满了窗户,爬上了屋顶。

64、The tunnel was nearly featureless, a lonely hole burrowing down into the underbelly of the castle, festooned with pale cobwebs. ─── 这条隧道几乎没有什么显著的特点,只是城堡的腹部下方深凿的一个人迹罕至的洞,到处垂挂着苍白的蜘蛛网。

65、"festoon:a string or garland, as of leaves or flowers, suspended in a loop or curve between two points." ─── "花彩,花环:如叶或花的两端悬挂在圆环或曲状物中的线或花彩."

66、Most of the rear wall was taken up with a duty roster and two bulletin boards festooned with typewritten notices and circulars. ─── 后墙大部份被一个值班花名册和两个广告板占满,上面打字的通知和通告成为花彩形。

67、The margins of his notebook were festooned with doodles. ─── 他在笔记本的空白处信手画了许许多多条条道道。

68、to festoon a hall ─── 给大厅结彩

69、What's more, they are festooned with blinking flat-belly advertisements. ─── 而且,其中还充斥着花花绿绿的减肥广告。

70、We festooned flowers round the picture. ─── 我们用花彩装饰在那张画的周围。

71、The room was festooned with gay paper chains. ─── 色彩鲜艳的纸链装饰着那个房间。

72、The temples are festooned with lights. ─── 该庙宇装有灯饰。

73、CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington, in west London. ─── 一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。

74、A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top of the pillars, seven for each capital. ─── 柱顶上有装修的网子和拧成的链索,每顶七个。

75、festoon curve ─── 尖浪形曲线

76、Slime festooned the walls and the place stank of blood, gore and a tinny, alien smell. ─── 涂上泥 festooned 墙壁和血的地方 stank ,流出的血和一种锡又外国的味道。

77、Sell LED S25,T Series,Festoon,Flux,etc. ─── 出售率领s25,t系列,花彩,通量等。

78、Site Festoon Lighting"," ─── 工地彩灯"

79、A representation of such a wreath or festoon, used as an architectural ornament or a heraldic device. ─── 花冠,华饰此种花环或花圈的象征,用来作为建筑上的装饰品或纹章的小饰物

80、The hall was festooned with flowers. ─── 大厅里结起了花彩。

81、Year approaching, the largest city buildings are festooned in its holiday best.Faction our country is prosperous and peaceful life. ─── 猴年来临之际,申城大街小巷的建筑物都披上了节日的盛装,一派国泰民安的祥和景象。

82、To remember this true love, the Ancient Greeks made crocus garland to festoon marriage feasts and strew on the bridal bed. ─── 为了纪念这一真爱,古希腊人将藏红花做成花环装饰婚宴,点缀婚床。

83、Get off descendant pour into festooned vehicle purchase and spend, take pictures at square hasty again one after another. ─── 下车后人们纷纷涌向花车购花,又匆忙地在广场上照相。

84、festoon rack ─── 挂布架

85、festoon tank ─── 带加强缘条的油箱

86、festoon cooler ─── 悬挂式冷却装置

87、They tend to emerge at dawn and dusk, to feed on the lichens which festoon these forest hideaways. ─── 它们只喜欢在清晨和傍晚露面,以林荫处的苔藓为食。

88、1.The new Shanghai Tang look has included brocaded parkas with fur-trimmed hoods, tweed skirts festooned with crystals in a dragon design and cardigans embellished with pieces of jade. ─── “上海滩”的新设计包括:带有皮草边兜帽的皮制锦缎大衣,用小水晶所串成龙图案装饰的斜纹软呢裙,以及用玉石装饰的开襟羊毛衫。

89、As he crept toward the tree, whose branches were festooned with damp clothes and one rank, sodden blanket, he kept his eye on the shabby, bramble-thatched cabin that stood a few paces away. ─── 他朝那棵树悄悄爬了过去,这棵树的枝条上,挂着几件潮湿的衣服,还有一个有臭味的、湿透的毛毯,他留神地注意着几步远的地方,那个破旧的、屋顶堆着荆棘的小屋。


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .



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