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08-01 投稿


halt 发音

英:[hɔːlt]  美:[hɔːlt]

英:  美:

halt 中文意思翻译






halt 网络释义

vi. 停止;立定;踌躇,犹豫n. 停止;立定;休息vt. 使停止;使立定n. (Halt)人名;(德、芬)哈尔特

halt 反义词


halt 常用词组

come to a halt ─── 停止前进;停下来

halt on ─── 出错暂停

system halt ─── 系统中止;系统停止;系统挂起;死机

halt 词性/词形变化,halt变形


halt 短语词组

call a halt

1. 命令停止

The officer called a halt to attacks.


come to a halt

1. 停止前进

The car came to a halt.


1、dead halt ─── [计] 完全停机

2、at a halt ─── 停止, ─── 停顿

3、halt switch ─── [计] 暂停开关

4、display halt ─── [计] 显示暂停

5、bring to a halt ─── 使停止

6、cry a halt ( ─── 命令)停止

7、grind to a halt ─── 慢 ─── 慢停了下来

8、breakpoint halt ─── [计] 断点暂停

9、halt command ─── [计] 停机命令

10、drop-dead halt ─── [计] 完全停机, 突然停机

11、halt instruction ─── [计] 停机指令

12、cry halt ─── 停止, ─── 停下来吧!

13、nonprogrammed halt ─── [电] 非程序停机

14、make a halt ─── 停留, ─── 停顿, ─── 停住

15、halt number ─── [计] 停机号

16、come to a halt ─── 停住, ─── 停下来

17、halt indicator ─── [计] 停机指示器

18、halt between two opinions ─── 拿不定主意,犹豫不决

19、call a halt ─── 停止

halt 同义词

cessation | arrest | check | crippled | hitch | staunch | game | gimpy | lame | halting | bring to a close | termination | stay | end | stanch | quit | finish | cease | pause | block | stem | come to a standstill | kibosh | bring to an end | stoppage | come to an end |stop | break | close | hold | freeze | standstill

halt 相似词语短语

1、halts ─── n.多氯双茂(一种除草剂)

2、dalt ─── 高的

3、alt ─── n.高音,中高音;adj.高音的;最高调的;n.(Alt)人名;(英、德、芬、塞、捷、瑞典)阿尔特

4、Galt ─── n.高尔特(姓氏)

5、haft ─── n.[建]把手;牧场;住处;vt.给…装上柄;使羊群适应新牧场;vi.安顿下来;n.(Haft)人名;(德)哈夫特

6、Balt ─── n.波罗的海地区居民

7、hal- ─── abbr.硬件抽象层;n.哈尔(男子名,等于Henry,Harold)

8、haet ─── n.少量;小数

9、shalt ─── v.将要;必定;应该,必须(shall的第二人称单数现在时)

halt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The leading car came to a halt. ─── 在前面的车停了下来。

2、The bus shuddered to a halt. ─── 公共汽车剧烈地晃动着停了下来。

3、The horses staggered and e carriage shuddered and jerked to a halt. ─── 几匹马摇摇晃晃,马车抖动着,突然停下来。

4、"I order you to halt," I called. ─── “我命令你们站住,”我喊道。

5、They halt to consider their next move. ─── 他们停下来考虑下一步的行动。

6、He slammed on the brakes and the car juddered to a halt. ─── 他猛踩刹车,汽车在剧烈震动中停下来。

7、Halt . Hol einen Teller her . ─── 别走,你拿一个盘子来。

8、They decided it was time to call a halt to the project(= stop it officially). ─── 他们认定该叫停这项工程。

9、He brought the car to a halt. ─── 他把汽车停了下来。

10、Croft shook his head as if to halt the uproarious whirl of his head. ─── 克洛夫特摆了摆头,仿佛脑子里闹得发昏,得赶紧定一定神似的。

11、Instantly, he came to a mental halt. ─── 他心里当即一愣。

12、Halt the engines; Arrest the progress; halt the presses. ─── 使引擎停止;停止前进;停止压迫。

13、The car squealed to a halt. ─── 汽车嘎的一声停了下来。

14、The Russian winter brought the German offensive to a halt. ─── 俄罗斯的冬季阻止了德国人的攻势。

15、The bus shuddered to a halt. ─── 公共汽车剧烈地晃动着停了下来。

16、A move to halt the arms race. ─── 停止军备竞赛的策略

17、Far from speeding up, the tank came to a halt. ─── 坦克不但没有加速,反而停了下来。

18、Don't open the door until the car comes to complete halt. ─── 在汽车没有完全停下的时候,不要开车门。

19、To follow, without halt, one aim: there is the secret of success! ─── 不停顿的向一个目标前进,这就是成功的秘诀!

20、Hitler's sudden attacks come to a grinding halt at the water's edge in Dunkirk. ─── 希特勒的突击部队在敦刻尔克港(法国)海边完全停止不前了。

21、Bruce charged at it, but in the middle, the car came to a grinding halt. ─── 布鲁斯向水塘冲去,但车开到水塘当中,嘎吱一声停住了

22、"Kids" and "pandas" swing toward the center, coming to a halt in a double line. ─── “小山羊”和“熊猫”队队员迅速走向球场中央,止步成双行站立。

23、They must campaign to repair the ozone shield, halt the greenhouse effect, preserve soils and save the tropical rainforest. ─── 他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说。

24、His car came to a halt in the middle of the road. ─── 他的汽车停在了路中间。

25、We had no alternative but halt [suspend] the project at the time. ─── 当时不下马不行。

26、Understanding how the bacteria grow and avoid lysosomes might suggest new ways to forestall or halt the infection. ─── 了解披衣菌如何生长及避开溶小体,将可能提供预防或阻挡感染的新方法。

27、China urges Japan PM to halt shrine visits. ─── 中国敦促日本首相停。

28、'The design of the market should halt [trading], and there should be an orderly reopening, ' he said. ─── 他说,市场应设计成能停止交易,并能有秩序地重新开始。

29、He came to a sudden halt in the middle of the raod. ─── 他在马路当中突然停了下来。

30、The taxi skidded to a halt just in time. ─── 出租车滑行了一段路后,及时停了下来。

31、He slammed on the brakes and the car shuddered to a halt. ─── 他猛踩刹车, 车颤抖着停住了。

32、Don't halt here.Move on, move on! ─── 不要停留在这里, 往前走, 往前走!

33、University departments will grind to a halt. ─── 大学院系会渐停运转。

34、He came to an abrupt halt at the end of Privet Drive. ─── 他在女贞路的路口突然停住了脚步。

35、It was a halt, too, in my association with his affairs. ─── 在我和他的交往之中,这也是一个停顿。

36、To follow, without halt, one aim; that's the secret of success. ─── 坚定不移地认准一个目标,这就是成功的秘诀。

37、The order was given to halt and take off their knapsacks. ─── 发出了停止前进,取下背囊的命令。

38、Bruce changed at it,but in the middle,the car came to a grinding halt. ─── 布鲁斯向它冲去,但是到了中间,车子有气无力地停了下来。

39、Halt the resupply! Prepare for immediate dive! ─── 中止补给!准备立即下潜!

40、Secretary Paulson says this market has basically come to a halt. ─── 保尔森说到这个市场基本上到了一个停顿点。

41、When the children's play got too noisy, their mother called a halt. ─── 当孩子们的游戏过于吵闹时, 他们的母亲叫他们停下来。

42、Set the property to false to indicate that you wish to halt processing. ─── 将此属性设置为false,则指示希望暂停处理。

43、A passing car eventually braked to a halt. ─── 一辆路过的车辆最终刹车并停了下来。

44、Don't halt here. Move on, move on! ─── 不要停留在这里。往前走,往前走!

45、So in those prophecies, do you think for a moment that all creation on Earth is going to come to a crashing halt? ─── 因此在那些预言里,难道你曾认为地球上所有造物都会崩溃?

46、The horse does not halt before or after the turn. ─── 在迴旋之前与之后马的不能立定。"

47、The dispute has led to the blockade of a bridge between the two countries, and a halt to construction work on the mills. ─── 这场争论导致连接两国的一座桥梁被封锁,纸浆工厂的建设工作也被迫停止。

48、The driver clapped on his brakes and the car came to a screeching halt. ─── 司机急忙踩刹车,车子嗄地一声停住了。

49、On the 31st, OKW ordered a halt to regroup its armies. ─── 10月31日,德军最高统帅部OKW命令对军队进行重整。

50、As it was getting late, we decided to call a halt to our game. ─── 因为天色已晚,我们决定停止比赛。

51、Fahr halt mit dem Bus, das geht schneller! ─── 干脆乘公共汽车吧,那要快一些!

52、If trade doesn't improve soon, the industry will grind to a halt. ─── 如果商业不迅速恢复景气,工业就要陷入停顿。

53、The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us. ─── 哨兵看到我们时,大呼“站住”。

54、In computing, an unwanted or unforeseen halt in a program run, due to faulty coding, hardware errors or operator mistakes. ─── 在计算机程序运行过程中发生的一种不希望有的或意料之外的停机,一般是由于编码失误、硬件故障或操作者的错误而引起的。参阅run。

55、He reined in his horse to a halt. ─── 他勒紧缰绳让马停下来。

56、If China continued to halt shipments, it would be extremely difficult to switch to other sources, the Japanese trader said. ─── 如果中国继续停止发货的话,我们将会很难转而购买其他货源,这位日本商人说。

57、During the halt he got some lunch. ─── 他在工作暂停时吃了午餐。

58、The tilted salt filters halt alternately floating altering. ─── 倾斜的盐滤掉器交替地停下以便改造.

59、He ignored the sentry's challenge to halt. ─── 他不理睬哨兵喝令止步的盘问。

60、Alles wird klappen,halt die Ohren steif! ─── 一切都会好起来的,好好干吧!

61、A low population is not sufficient to halt a decline. ─── 低的种群密度不足以立即阻止种群下降。

62、You've been working all day, why don't you call a halt? ─── 你们一直工作了一整天,为什么不歇一歇呢?

63、The tilted salt filters halt alternately for altering. ─── 倾斜的盐过滤器交替地停下以便改造。

64、The patrolman signed for them to halt. ─── 巡逻警察做手势要他们停下。

65、During which the Soviets managed to halt the SS-but only just. ─── 在此期间,苏联人只是暂时成功阻止了SS师推进。

66、He tried to bring that debate to a halt. ─── 他试图使这场辩论停止。

67、He exercised his legal right as Prime Minister to halt the investigation. ─── 他行使首相的法定权力去阻止这场调查。

68、P20. The tilted salt filters halt alternately for altering. ─── 倾斜的盐过滤器交替地停下以便改造.

69、In the quiet of the halt, Caral could hear a horse kicking his stall. ─── 四周一片寂静,卡萝尔可以听到有一头马正在马厩里踢蹶子。

70、Don't halt here; move on, move on! ─── 不要停留在这里,往前走,往前走!

71、The district court had ordered an immediate halt to discharges. ─── 地区法院已经命令,立即停止排放。

72、India stuns world champions Australia 3-0 to halt 42 game winning streak. ─── 印度队爆出冷门,以3:O击败世界冠军澳大利亚队,打破了澳大利亚队连赢42场比赛的纪录。

73、Platoon, halt! ─── 全排注意,立定!

74、Fully inserted into the reactor, the control rods halt the chain reaction. ─── 完全插入反应堆中,控制棒使链式反应暂时停止。

75、The thought brought her to an abrupt halt. ─── 她一想到这个便猛地停下了。

76、They felt the rush of the sap in spring, they knew the wave which cannot halt. ─── 他们感到春天的活力在冲撞,他们也明白那不可遏制的骚动。

77、The sentry cried "Halt"as he saw us. ─── 哨兵看到我们时,大呼“站

78、The advance of the enemy troops was halt by a heavy snow. ─── 一场大雪阻止了敌军的进攻。

79、He was a sort of almost irritating ubiquity; no halt was possible with him. ─── 他几乎是一种激奋的化身,有了他,便不可能有停顿。

80、That led to a quick thaw in these markets, where a week earlier trade had almost ground to a halt. ─── 一周前这三个市场的交易几乎停滞,这笔资金使这三个市场迅速回暖。

81、Every effort should be made to halt the arms race. ─── 应当竭尽一切努力制止军备竞赛。

82、To halt an intended action. Often used in the imperative. ─── 停止本想做的事。常用于命令式

83、You should teach a young horse the halt in hand to start with. ─── 开始你应该在平地上教年轻马如何立定。

84、He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration. ─── 他呼吁停止近期的移民潮。

85、The director called a halt to the filming for a lunch Break. ─── 导演叫大家停止拍片去吃午餐。

86、The sentry cried “Halt” as he saw us. ─── 哨兵看到我们时高呼“站住!”

87、Halt! Or I'll shoot you with my pawn shop ticket! ─── 不许动!不然我要用当票向你射击了!

88、Let' s call a halt ( to the meeting ) and continue tomorrow. ─── 咱们暂停(会议), 明天接着开.

89、After they had walked 20 miles, they decided to call a halt. ─── 他们走了20英里后,决定停止前进。


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