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08-01 投稿


battering 发音

英:[ˈbætərɪŋ]  美:[ˈbætərɪŋ]

英:  美:

battering 中文意思翻译




battering 词性/词形变化,battering变形


battering 短语词组

1、battering charge ─── 最大装药量

2、battering ram ─── 攻城槌

3、assaulting and battering ─── [法] 暴力殴击罪, 殴打罪, 威胁和暴力行为

4、battering-rams (battering-ram ─── 的复数) 破城槌(等于ram);撞车

5、battering-ram ─── 破城槌(等于ram);撞车

6、battering device ─── 打击装置

7、battering shield 5e ─── 撞击防护罩5e

8、battering away ─── 痛打

battering 相似词语短语

1、nattering ─── n.唠叨;瞎扯;抱怨;v.瞎扯(natter的ing形式)

2、mattering ─── n.物质;事件;vi.有关系;要紧;n.(Matter)人名;(英、法)马特;(西)马特尔

3、bartering ─── n.以货易货;v.[贸易]物物交换(barter的ing形式)

4、bettering ─── adj.更好的;更熟练的;更合适的;(病势)好转的;adv.更好地;更多地;较大程度地;更恰当;n.较好者;能力更强者;上司们;打赌者;v.胜过,超过;(社会地位)改善;n.(Better)(美、法、俄)贝特尔(人名)

5、batterings ─── 殴打

6、bittering ─── n.苦味;v.使变苦(bitter的现在分词)

7、buttering ─── n.奉承;涂灰浆;隔离层;预堆边焊;v.用黄油涂抹;巴结(butter的ing形式)

8、bantering ─── adj.风趣的,诙谐的;v.(和某人)开玩笑(banter的现在分词)

9、battening ─── v.用板条固定(某物);钉牢;(以他人代价为前提的)茁壮成长(batten的现在分词)

battering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He pronounced the batter" too runny,"which accurately described my experience. ─── 在我准确描述了制作甜点的过程后,他说我的配料“太粘软了”,真是一语道出了我以前制作甜点的经历。

2、Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups and bake for about 30 minutes. ─── 将面糊分到备好的麦芬模子,烘焙大约30分钟。

3、The batter swung and struck out. ─── 击球员挥棒击球,三击不中出局了。

4、Drop 1 rounded tablespoonful batter into each muffin liner. ─── 在每一个松饼模中加入一荡勺的混合物。

5、Severe winds have been battering the north coast. ─── 狂风一直在北海岸肆虐。

6、But a bit of better butter - that would make my batter better. ─── 如果有些较优质的牛油,我的面糊便会更好味。”

7、Batter:The player at bat in baseball and cricket. ─── "打击手:棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手。"

8、But it was powered by batter ies . ─── 不过,它是由电池提供能量的。

9、A survey released on Monday shows that the brand is holding up to its recent recall-related battering better than initially feared. ─── 周一公布的一项调查报告显示,近期召回事件对丰田品牌的打击程度并没有起初担心的那么严重。

10、Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes. ─── 和好面糊,搁二十分钟。

11、The batter with the butter is the batter that is better. ─── 带黄油的油面糊是比较好的油面糊。

12、The center fielder shifted his position for the next batter. ─── 中坚手为应战下一位打击手而改变防守位置。

13、Oh, the batter hit the ball - but not very well. ─── 啊!击球员打中球了。不过打得不十分好。

14、The batter hit a line drive to left field for a single. ─── 击球手击出一支左外野平飞球。

15、George: we had batter go back to station, ken. ─── 乔治:肯,我们现在最好回车站去。

16、Oh,the batter hit the ball - but not very well. ─── 啊,击球员打中球了,不过打得不十分好。

17、Take out 2 tbsp of batter and mix with cocoa powder. ─── 取2汤匙面糊加入可可粉拌匀。

18、Come. Batter the gate once more! ─── 喂!重新打门呀!

19、How does the batter score a home run? ─── 击球员击出什么样的球才叫本垒打?

20、The batter did not swing at the pitch but it was in the strike zone so the umpire called it a strike. ─── 击球手没有对投来的球挥棒,但球在好球区,所以裁判叫它为好球。

21、A play in which a batter or base runner is retired. ─── 出局的一击击球者跑垒者被罚出局的一击

22、Radical Iraq, he thought, would be used as a battering ram against all moderate pro-Western regimes in the area. ─── 他认为奉行激进方针的伊拉克将被人利用成为攻击该地区一切持温和方针的亲西方政权的急先锋。

23、A left-handed batter; a left-handed golfer. ─── 左撇子的击球员;左撇子的高尔夫球手

24、To deliver a pitch so close to(the batter) as to make the batter back away. ─── 发近身球向击球手发近身球,以使其向后退

25、The batter hit a pop fly to the shortstop. ─── 击球手击出一记离本垒不远的高飞球,被二三垒间的游击手接住。

26、He has been thrown into prison for battering his wife about. ─── 他因虐待妻子而被投进了监狱。

27、Combine the corn starch and baking soda, add in egg and water to make a batter. ─── 将玉米淀粉和小苏打粉混合匀,打入鸡蛋,加入水调匀成比较黏的面糊。

28、The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram. ─── 在破城槌不停的攻击下城门被打开了。

29、The batter sent the ball to left field. The slap on my back sent me staggering. ─── 击球手把球打到左边场地。拍在我背上的一掌使我摇晃晃

30、He is literally a battering ram with those elbows. ─── 当他挥舞起他的两个铁肘时,就完全象是一头横冲直撞的公羊。

31、We're due for some rain.This batter is due for another hit. ─── 很快就会下雨了。击球手已经准备好再挥棒

32、He will direct the blows of his battering rams against your walls and demolish your towers with his weapons. ─── 他必安设撞城锤攻破你的墙垣,用铁器拆毁你的城楼。

33、The batter fouled out to the first baseman. ─── 击球员击出界外球被对方一垒手球接住而出局。

34、Combine the egg yolk and egg white batter carefully . ─── 将蛋黄面糊与蛋白面糊轻手混合。

35、Sterling takes a batter as worry grows about the state of Britain's economy. ─── 对英国经济状况忧虑的增长,使英镑受到沉重打击。

36、Pour the batter into the mould. ─── 将面糊平均地倒入已预备的电饭煲内胆内。

37、Mussina walked three, struck out four and hit a batter in his 2007 debut. ─── 2007年首战先发,老穆保送三次,三振四个人,并投出一次触身球。

38、The storms that routinely batter ships on the Bering Sea are legendary. ─── 在白令海上不时有将船只砸个粉碎的暴风雨出现,传为奇谈。

39、Milk and eggs bind the flour in the cake batter . ─── 在蛋糕面糊中,牛奶、鸡蛋把面粉粘合在一起。

40、But a bit of better butter -- that would make my batter better. ─── 但如果用一块好些的黄油,我的面包兴许会好吃些。”

41、He is battering the boy about . ─── 他在痛打那个男孩。

42、Folks sweating out the heat wave battering parts of the country may just have to get used to it. ─── 那些在肆虐美国部分地区的热浪中汗流浃背的人们也许只好逐渐适应这种天气了。

43、The batter drilled a single through the infield. ─── 击球员单枪匹马直入内野

44、Illegal pitches will be called immediately; batter has option to swing. ─── 不合法的投球会被立刻判坏球,而不管击球手是否有挥击动作。

45、The 155mm had taken the place of the battering ram. ─── 155大炮发挥出城墙冲撞机作用。

46、A high pitch that is lobbed to the batter. ─── 击出高飞球一个过高的冲向击球员的高飞球

47、His romance and adventure were battering at the conventions. ─── 他的传奇和冒险故事粉碎着传统。

48、To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing. ─── 乱切,乱打用击打、压、切或撕的方式使残缺不全或形状破损

49、The batter swung at and missed a fast ball. ─── 击球员挥棒击一个快球,但没有击中。

50、The batter knocked the ball out of the park. ─── 击球手把球击出球

51、To allow(a batter) to go to first base by pitching four balls. ─── 保送上垒通过投出四坏球而使(击球手)可进到第一垒去

52、High winds were battering the ship. ─── 大风损坏了海船。

53、The batter has hit the high in the air. ─── 击球员把球打到高高的空中去了。

54、The batter was fooled by the pitcher and let it go past for a called strike. ─── 击球手受投手的愚弄,让球过去了,算一次好球。

55、A hit by which a batter reaches first base safely; a one-base hit. ─── 一垒打击球手安全到达一垒的一击; 一垒打

56、If your mixture is more like a batter, add flour one tablespoon at a time. ─── 如果你搅拌好的东西更像是面糊,那就加入面粉,每次一茶匙。

57、The batter skied to the center fielder. ─── 击球手打出一个高飞球到中外野手。

58、If I put it in my bater,That wouold make my batter better. ─── 但是如果放一点好一些的奶油,我的面糊就会更好。”

59、He kept battering (away) at the door. ─── 他接连不断地砸门。

60、The first batter grounded out and the second one popped up. ─── 头一名打击手打了个滚地球被触杀出局,第二名打击手打了个高飞球被接杀。

61、A pitched ball that curves away from the batter. ─── 外曲线球击球员投的曲线球

62、They dash in on the attack, battering-ram style, leaving it up to the chairman to restrain them before serious damage is done. ─── 他们是进攻的排头兵,就像用大木桩子去撞城门,要董事长出手约束他们才能避免造成严重破坏。

63、I will batter you unrecognizable if you verbally abuse him. ─── 如果你辱骂他的话,我会把你打的认不出来。

64、They got a battering ram to smash down the door. ─── 他们用一个攻城木粉碎了大门。

65、Towards the battering and rise of the tide. ─── 平静面对潮起潮落。

66、He kept battering at the door. ─── 他不断地捶门。

67、BP's share price, which had already taken a battering, dived to its lowest level in 13 years. ─── 早已被重创的英国石油公司股票,应声跳水至13年来最低。

68、Pour the batter into a cake mould. ─── 将面糊平均地倒入蛋糕模内。

69、Mix tempura flour with egg yolk and water. Stir into a batter. ─── 天妇罗粉与蛋黄及水拌成浆。

70、Pour the batter into greased cups carefully. ─── 将面粉糊放入已涂上牛油的?h杯中。

71、Let' s batter the door down. ─── 咱们把这门砸掉吧.

72、If the batter is able to circle the bases on one hit,it is a home run. ─── 击球员将球击出后能跑完各垒回到本垒的球,叫本垒打。

73、They use their tremendous strength to batter their enemies. ─── 它们用巨大的力量猛击敌人。

74、i'm trying to pick the lock, and the door won't budge. break it down. okay, genius, let me grab my battering ram! ─── 我正在撬锁,不过好象没什么用撞坏来听着天才我去拿我的工具!

75、Sterling took a battering as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy. ─── 对英国经济状况忧虑的增长,使英镑受到沈重打击。

76、Looking for someone to draw one of our robots (picture attached) with a battering ram taking down a portion of the Berlin Wall. ─── 寻找一个能为我们的机器人吸引了殴打正在拆了柏林墙的一部分内存(图片附后)之一。

77、Change-up: A pitch thrown deceptively slowly to surprise the batter. ─── 变线球:用虚假慢动作投球,奇袭击球员。

78、Johnny Damon, the new leadoff batter, started scoring rallies in the third and sixth innings. ─── 大门,生鲜到位的开路先锋,在第三局和第六局展开得分场景。

79、To allow (a run) to be scored by walking a batter when the bases are loaded. ─── 强迫取分:当垒已满时通过跑垒员跑垒而允许(跑回本垒)得分。

80、Put a small quantity of sugar into the batter. ─── 在面糊里放少量的糖。

81、An area on a diamond marked by lines designating where the batter may stand. ─── 击球区用线标示出来指示击球手站立的球场区

82、The batter bounced out to the shortstop. ─── 击球手越位击球

83、To put out(a batter) in cricket. ─── 在板球中迫使(打者)出局

84、Severe winds have been battering the coast. ─── 狂风一直在海岸肆虐。

85、If a pitcher throws four balls the batter gets on base for free. ─── 如果一个投球手投出四次坏球,那么击球手则会自动到垒上去。

86、If the batter is able to circle the bases on one hit, it is a home run. ─── 击球员将球击出后能跑完各垒回到本垒的球叫本垒打。

87、The batter blasted the ball to right field. ─── 击球手挥出一个右外野球

88、Waiting to take one's turn, especially as a batter in baseball. ─── 准备下一个上场击球员准备下一个上场的,尤指在棒球运动中

89、To be the first batter in an inning. ─── 一局中的第一位击球手





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