scapegoat 发音
英:[ˈskeɪpɡoʊt] 美:[ˈskeɪpɡəʊt]
英: 美:
scapegoat 中文意思翻译
scapegoat 词性/词形变化,scapegoat变形
scapegoat 相似词语短语
1、scapegoatism ─── 归罪于人
2、scapegoating ─── v.(使)成为……的替罪羊(scapegoat的现在分词)
3、scapegoats ─── n.替罪羊,替人顶罪者;替身;vt.使成为…的替罪羊
4、scapegoated ─── n.替罪羊,替人顶罪者;替身;vt.使成为…的替罪羊
5、scapegrace ─── n.饭桶;不可救药的恶棍;流氓
6、scapement ─── 假象
7、to scapegoat ─── 替罪羊
8、sapego ─── 每一个
9、scrapegood ─── 上帝啊
scapegoat 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At such price, any official has to consider the cost as the capital has to factor in the risk that they are going to take of being involved as a scapegoat by the officials after the revelation. ─── 在这种代价下,任何官员都要考虑付出的成本,而资本也要考虑事发之后被官员抛出做为替罪羊的风险。
2、Petrov was initially praised for his cool head but later came under criticism and was, for a while, made the scapegoat for the false alarm. ─── Petrov刚开始因为他冷静的头脑而被表扬但是过了些时候却变成了这次假警报事件的替罪羊来批评。
3、Terrible ideas are like playground scapegoat, given the right encouragement, they grow up to be geniuses. ─── 坏点子就像操场上的替罪羊,你给它们适当的鼓励,它们会成为天才。
4、I don't think I deserve to be made the scapegoat for a couple of bad results. ─── 我认为我不该为出现的一些不良后果充当替罪羊。
5、If the past is any guide, Chinese leaders may find a local scapegoat to imprison or execute, but will be loath to permit a critical examination of the causes. ─── 举例来说,为什么学校倒塌?建筑法规得到执行了吗,或它们不足以把损害降到最小?如果施工有问题,是谁的错?
6、China is a handy scapegoat, but the real blame for the rise in inflation in the rich world may lie with monetary policy closer to home. ─── 中国就像一个信手拈来的替罪羊,但是对于发达国家不断上升的通胀来说,罪魁祸首或许正是其本国的货币政策。
7、To suffer from other's disaster;to be a scapegoat ─── 城门失火殃及池鱼
8、And he that let go the goat for the scapegoat shall wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in water, and afterward come into the camp. ─── 利16:26那放羊归与阿撒泻勒的人、要洗衣服、用水洗身、然后进营。
9、The size of an empty scapegoat tree is also considerably increased. ─── 一个空的替罪羊树的大小也有显著增加。
10、He is not going to be made a scapegoat. ─── 他不会去做替罪羊。
11、“They are just trying to make Sanlu the scapegoat, but there were problems with milk powder from 22 different companies. ─── 他们只是试图让三鹿成为替罪羊,但还有其它22家企业的奶粉都有问题。
12、But the goat on which the lot for the scapegoat fell shall be presented alive before the Lord, to make atonement upon it, to send it into the wilderness as the scapegoat. ─── 利16:10但那拈阄归与阿撒泻勒的羊、活著安置在耶和华面前、以赎罪、发人送到旷野去、与阿撒泻勒。
13、"For absolving Song escort department want and the scapegoat are made by him actually. ─── 为了开脱宋押司硬是要把他做替罪羊。
14、Farrar, Jr. "Villain or Scapegoat? Nationalism and the Outbreak of World War I." ─── 《罪犯或代罪羔羊?国家主义与第一次世界大战的起因》。
15、"As ties with the South worsened after the change of government, he became the scapegoat who took all the responsibility for misjudgement in the South's new policy on the North," the source said. ─── “当韩国政府更迭后,双方关系趋紧,他成了要对误判韩国对朝新政策负全责的替罪羊”,该消息人士还说。
16、"We became the scapegoat for all the losers, but now we can hold our head up high and I'm not sure that goes for everyone else," added the world champion. ─── "我们变成了所有失败者的替罪羊,不过现在我们可以把我们的头颅抬高而不管其他人想什么,"世界冠军补充说.
17、Instead, happiness advocates make a scapegoat out of GNP and argue that economic growth is irrelevant or detrimental to happiness. ─── 因此,幸福感倡导者把GNP当作替罪羊,主张经济增长与幸福无关,甚至有害。
18、A person who smiles in the face of adversity ... probably has a scapegoat. ─── 一个面对灾难微笑的人......可能找到了一个替罪羊。
19、be made the scapegoat for ─── 做承担
20、The Scapegoat ─── n. 《替罪羊》,霍尔·凯恩(Hall Caine)著
21、However, the minister didn't answer the question but instead make Petagas folks as a scapegoat. ─── 但是,部长没有回答他,反而是使指责该处的居民污染该河流。
22、to make sb a scapegoat (for sth) ─── 使某人成为(某事的)替罪羊
23、"The government showed no clemency towards Zhao, who was a scapegoat in an affair of state in which he was not involved," it said in a statement. ─── “政府对赵没有显示任何仁慈,赵是一个他并没有涉入的事件的一只替罪羊。”在一个声明中,这个组织说。
24、The businessman, so often lauded as the hero of the1929, became the scapegoat of the1930 s. ─── 兰
25、They ask me to join the party so that I'll be their scapegoat when trouble comes. ─── 他们想叫我入伙, 出了乱子, 好让我替他们垫背。
26、Never ascribe to conspriracy that which is adequately explained by incompetence. Incompetence is an easy scapegoat. ─── 唔好当一样可以用蠢解释嘅嘢做阴谋.蠢只是替罪的羔羊.
27、Eg. She felt she had been made a scapegoat for her boss's incompetence. ─── 她觉得,本来是老板无能,但她却成了代罪羊。
28、Estrada: the Outcome and Scapegoat of Philippine Featured Democracy ─── 埃斯特拉达:菲律宾特色民主的产物与替罪羊
29、Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called looking for scapegoat. ─── 通过把过错转嫁到别人身上把问题抹得一干干净,常常被称为寻找替罪羊。
30、The politicians would try to make a scapegoat of him. ─── 政客们要把他当作替死鬼。
31、Yet this President Bush is not a good scapegoat. ─── 但这位布什总统却并非一只顺从的替罪羊。
33、Bernie Ecclestone told the SID news agency he could not believe Dave Ryan had been suspended, admitting he suspects the McLaren veteran is a "scapegoat". ─── 伯尼伯尼说的SID通讯社他简直不敢相信戴夫瑞安已经暂停,承认他怀疑迈凯轮老将是“替罪羊".
34、Golden Scapegoat ─── 代身金人
35、This means to be the scapegoat, to be blamed for something that someone else did ─── 它的意思是“替罪羊”,也就是替人受过。
36、You're just looking for a scapegoat. ─── 你们这是在找替罪羊。
37、And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat. ─── 为那两只羊拈阄,一阄归与耶和华,一阄归与阿撒泻勒。
38、But I suspect that the nuclear weapon is only the scapegoat for our fears. ─── 但我怀疑,核武器不过是我们害怕的替罪羊。
39、Media scapegoat, who they can be mad at today ─── 媒体的替罪羊,他们指责的对象
40、They're just looking for a scapegoat. ─── 他们不过是在找一只替罪羊。
41、But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the LORD to be used for making atonement by sending it into the desert as a scapegoat. ─── 但那拈阄归与阿撒泻勒的羊要活着安置在耶和华面前,用以赎罪,打发人送到旷野去,归与阿撒泻勒。
42、Search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions. ─── 寻找替罪羊是所有狩猎探险中最容易的一种。
43、9. The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism. ─── 古代宗教狂热的本质,就是代罪羔羊的机制。
44、Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon insists they were made a scapegoat in the summer by Calciopoli investigators. ─── 尤文图斯的守门员吉吉.布丰坚持,这个夏天电话门调查员将他们当成了替罪羊.
45、We were wrong. Then Makarov turned the U. S. into his scapegoat. Next thing you know there's flames everywhere. ─── 我们错了。马卡洛夫把美国变成了他的替罪羊,接下来你也明白战火将四起。
46、Bankers had become a "convenient scapegoat" for politicians, regulators, central bankers and the media, he said. ─── 他表示,对于政客、监管者、央行高管和媒体而言,银行家已成为一只“现成的替罪羊”。
47、What it really sounds like is some official(s) is/are trying to divert attention away from the poor state of building regulations in the country and they are using this guy as a scapegoat. ─── 听起来更像是某些政府官员想让老百姓的注意力从学校建筑质量问题上转移开来,他们把这个家伙当成替罪羊。
48、But if in fact the president is just another French politician who is happy to make Europe the scapegoat whenever it suits his domestic purposes, it is a question hardly worth asking at all. ─── 但是如果事实上这位总统先生只不过又是一位每当符合其国内的目的时就非常乐意让欧盟充当替罪羊的法国政客的话,那么这个问题就一点都不值得问了。
49、She felt she had been made a scapegoat for her boss's incompetence. ─── 她觉得,本是老板无能,但她却成了替罪羊。
50、Author:Li Hong Zhang is the " scapegoat" general in modern times of china, what is your point of view? ─── 学者:李鸿章是中国近代“背黑锅”冠军,谈谈您的观点。
51、He is to cast lots for the two goats-one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat. ─── 为那两只羊拈阄,一阄归与耶和华,一阄归与阿撒泻勒。
52、S. relationship.Hong Kong needs neither be killed with kindness nor made a scapegoat by the United States in its dealings with China. ─── 作者因此呼吁:美国在处理中美关系的过程中,既不应把香港宠坏,也不应使香港成为一只替罪羊。
53、They ask me to join the party so that I'll be their scapegoat when trouble comes. ─── 他们想叫我入伙,出了乱子,好让我替他们垫背。
54、A scapegoat ─── 代罪羔羊
55、Yet it also deprives the government of its scapegoat for the country's woes, leaving the coalition to deliver on the promise of better governance in a new democratic era that Mr. ─── 不过,穆沙拉夫的离去也让联合政府面对国家眼下的困境失去了一个替罪羊,它要在一个新的民主时代实现改善国家治理的承诺。
56、A scapegoat refers to a person who is made to bear the blame of others. ─── 出了这么大的事故,他之所以还能笑的出来是因为他总是能找个替罪羊。
57、Khien Samphan Refuses to Be a Scapegoat for the Kmer Rouge ─── 乔森潘拒绝替红色高棉背黑锅
58、The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out. ─── 那个老守财奴找到一个新的替罪羊,这样我就脱身了。
59、Soo who's the next scapegoat CFans? ─── 下一个替罪羊是谁!
60、Don't be so hard on him, he is just a political scapegoat. ─── 不要难为他, 他也只不过是政治的牺牲品罢了。
61、Generally, when a person makes a mistake, he would look around to find a scapegoat to point the finger at. ─── 一般情况下,当我们犯了错误,我们会转移错误而逃避被指责。
62、Three biblical and mythical motifs are embodied in Sula, namely the quest motif, the sacrificial scapegoat motif, and the rebirth motif. ─── 《秀拉》主要表现了三个圣经神话主题:追寻主题、替罪羊主题及再生主题。
63、Lev 16:10 But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the LORD to be used for making atonement by sending it into the desert as a scapegoat. ─── 但那拈阄归与阿撒泻勒的羊,要活着安置在耶和华面前,用以赎罪,打发人送到旷野去,归与阿撒泻勒。
64、3. A Laker peace offering just to get Bryant to the table may start with some Laker staffer as scapegoat? ─── 也许当湖人下定决心要留住科比的时候,他们是否将成为替罪羊呢?
65、A Laker peace offering just to get Bryant to the table may start with some Laker staffer as scapegoat? ─── 也许当湖人下定决心要留住科比的时候,他们是否将成为替罪羊呢?
66、He has been made a scapegoat for the company's failures. ─── 他成了公司倒闭的替罪羊。
67、But making Mr Dahlan a scapegoat would give Hamas an easy way out of the stand-off, and Fatah has decided not to give it one. ─── 但是把德哈兰当作替罪羊将让哈马斯更容易决出胜负,而且这也不是法塔赫的决定。
68、He will not become a scapegoat. ─── 他不会做替罪羊。
69、If a person face public animadversion a smile still from such as, so he may have already found out a scapegoat very much. ─── 一个人如果面对众人批评仍微笑自如,那么他很可能已经找到了替罪羊.
70、Two days ago I thought "they" will use Ju Ji Hun as a scapegoat in this scandal. And now it comes true. ─── 两天前,我就猜测"他们"将会利用朱智勋成为这件丑闻里的'代罪羔羊'.现在果然都成真.
71、He was made a scapegoat of the ruling circles and compelled to resign. ─── 他成了统治集团的替罪羊,被迫辞职。
72、People is informed in pertinent information, regard as in 10 thousand lis tegument " scapegoat " the also has Jierda brand of commit to the flames. ─── 人们在相关消息中得知,在万里之外被当成“替罪羊”付之一炬的也有吉尔达的品牌。
73、Blanche as Scapegoat Archetype ─── 布兰奇的“替罪羊”形象
74、Why should i be the scapegoat? ─── 为何要背负一个民族的罪?
75、The businessman, so often lauded as the hero of the 1929, became the scapegoat of the 1930s. ─── 20世纪20年代被奉为英雄的企业家们在30年代瞬间转变为替罪羊。
76、Christ became our scapegoat that we might escape sin's penalty. ─── 基督成为我们的替罪羊,使我们免了罪的惩罚。
77、He is nearly a scapegoat. ─── 他几乎是个替罪羔羊。
78、He got what he wanted and left me in the lurch as a scapegoat. ─── 他倒称心如意了, 却叫我一人背黑锅。
79、Gurus offer convenient excuses to sleepwalking traders who need a scapegoat for their losses. ─── 对于一相情愿的交易者,如果他们要求赔偿亏损,老师们可以找到很轻松的借口。
80、I can not let my boys be the scapegoat. ─── 我不能让我的孩子当替罪羊。
81、They ask me to join the party so that I'll be their scapegoat when trouble comes ─── 他们想叫我入伙,出了乱子,好让我替他们垫背。
82、"Not dating to reprove Qin Zhong he made a scapegoat of Sweetic, abusing him roundly for being a trouble-maker." ─── "虽不好呵叱秦钟,却拿着香怜作法,反说他多事,着实抢白了几句."
83、Therefore the Venetian world makes him their scapegoat. ─── 因此,威尼斯的世界将他当替罪羔羊。
84、4. The old curmudgeon found a new scapegoat and that let me out. ─── 他意识到要是出了什么差错,老板会让他去做替罪羊。
85、Now at Ninian Park, Ridsdale claimed to have been made the scapegoat for the turmoil at his previous club. ─── 在利尼安公园球场,里兹代尔说自己已经成了利兹联俱乐部动荡不安的替罪羊。
86、He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the luftwaffe ─── 他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。
87、B: Definitely not. He is just the scapegoat. ─── 当然不是,他只是个替罪羊而已。
88、She felt she had been made a scapegoat for her boss's incompetence. ─── 她觉得,本是老板无能,但她却成了替罪羊。
89、"They're very easy to scapegoat. ─── “他们很容易沦为替罪羊。”
这可能不能直译。汉语有些词语不便直译,否则洋人看不懂。比如早年将“走狗”译为"Running dogs”,洋人说,跟着主人脚边跑的狗,好可爱啊!哈哈。
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