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08-01 投稿


proves 发音

英:[pruːvz]  美:[pruːvz]

英:  美:

proves 中文意思翻译



proves 词性/词形变化,proves变形

动词第三人称单数: proves |副词: provably |形容词: provable |动词过去分词: proved/proven |名词: provability |动词过去式: proved/proven |动词现在分词: proving |

proves 短语词组

1、time proves everythi ─── 时间证明一切

2、proves self ─── 证明自己

3、the exception proves the rule ─── 例外证明了规则

4、time proves everything ─── 时间证明一切

proves 同义词

leaven | turn out | verify | try out | show | bear out | document | confirm | test | experiment | be | essay | develop | certify | show yourself | justify | grow up | check | corroborate | shew | bear witness | examine | evidence | rise | demonstrate | substantiate | turn up | grow | testify | attest | end up | raise |establish | try

proves 反义词

suppose |disprove

proves 相似词语短语

1、prove ─── vt.证明;检验;显示;vi.证明是

2、proven ─── v.证明;(面包)发酵(prove的过去分词)

3、troves ─── n.(有价值或令人喜爱的)藏品;无主财宝,埋藏物;宝库;n.(Trove)(美、意、瑞)特罗韦(人名)

4、droves ─── n.一群人;畜群(drove的复数);v.买卖;驱赶(drove的三单形式)

5、pooves ─── n.吹熄蜡烛的声音

6、provers ─── n.证人;校准仪

7、Groves ─── n.格罗夫斯(男子名)(女子名)或(姓氏)

8、proved ─── adj.证实的;被证明的;v.证明;检验;表现出;钻探(prove的过去分词)

9、prover ─── n.证人;校准仪

proves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face. ─── 他由於仪表堂堂而当选,但他尚须证明决非徒有其表。

2、Medical evidence was called to prove that the murdered girl had been brutally interfere with. ─── 医学证据用来证明了那个被谋杀的少女曾被残忍地强暴过。

3、She defied her accusers to prove their charges. ─── 她激自己的指控者证实他们的指控

4、Your question proves that you are a careful reader. ─── 你提的问题说明你是个细心的读者。

5、Was it because you couldn't prove an alibi? ─── 不就因为你提不出你不在现场的任何证据吗?

6、If our life together proves half as rosy as you predict, we'll be well content! ─── 如果我们未来的生活能被你的美好的祝辞言中一半,我们也就心满意足了!

7、They go drinking and whoring, just to prove how macho they are. ─── 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。

8、Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener for me. It proves that you can do anything if the need is urgent. ─── 写这些脚本对我来讲是大开眼界的事。它证明如果需求紧迫,人能做任何事情。

9、It prove difficult to disguise her anxiety. ─── 她的忧虑很难掩饰。

10、He tried to prove that the triangle was isosceles. ─── 他想证明那个三角形是等腰的。

11、If she gets ill again it could prove fatal. ─── 如果她再患病,就会有性命之忧。

12、Analysis prove quality well within standard as faq. ─── 分析检验表明质量达到标准,属于上等品。

13、He adduced nothing to prove his theory. ─── 他没能举出例子来证明他的理论。

14、An estimate that is or proves to be too low. ─── 低估估计不足,轻视

15、Her visit to India proves to be a watershed in her life. ─── 她的印度之行成了她一生的转折点。

16、Bitton said the heat, rather than the microwave radiation, likely is what proves fatal to the pathogens. ─── Bitton说加热而不是辐射证明对病原体来说是致命的。

17、It proves to have more permanent value. ─── 后来证明它还有更久远的价值。

18、An examination of the facts proves the contrary. ─── 仔细考察事实,证实情况正好相反。

19、Can you prove where you were on March 2nd? ─── 你能证明你3月2日在什么地方吗?

20、He gave me chapter and verse to prove the value of this program. ─── 他振振有词,有根有据地向我证明这项计划的价值。

21、What has happened proves that our policy is right. ─── 发生的情况证明我们的政策是对的。

22、He tried to prove that to the court. ─── 他试图向法庭证实那件事。

23、Even so, the motive may prove inscrutable. ─── 即便如此,其动机可能还是令人费解。

24、Why should he have to prove his loyalty to you? ─── 为什么他必须向你证实他的忠诚?

25、He weighed in with information to prove the point. ─── 他提出一些资料以证明这个论点。

26、Through the practical application in ventilation scheme optimization selection of a mine, it proves that this result is reliable. ─── 经过在某矿山通风方案优化选择中的实践应用,证明了该结果是可靠的。

27、The geologist proves up a coal deposits. ─── 地质学家探明了一个煤矿的藏量。

28、The case of Energizer and Nanfu proves this point. ─── 南孚公司与劲量公司的案例正说明了这一点。

29、She will prove a danger to our family. ─── 她将是我们家的祸根。

30、The only reason why he did it was to prove himself to the public. ─── 他做这件事的唯一原因是要向公众证明他有能力。

31、But even if he proves to be great or near-great, Apple may be close to reaching something like corporate maturity. ─── 但是,即便事实证明库克是一个伟大(或近乎伟大)的领袖,苹果可能也将接近达到某种企业成熟期。

32、Experiments prove this relationship to be true. ─── 实验证明这种关系是正确的。

33、Surely the crown lawyers must prove that. ─── 公诉律师肯定会证明这一点。

34、Experiment proves this formular is feasible. ─── 实践证明,该公式是行之有效的。

35、It used to be a good hotel, but that proves nothing- I used to be a good boy. ─── 它过去一直是家好酒店,但这证明不了什么——我过去还一直是个好孩子哩。

36、To her, they might prove very injurious-very. ─── 他们对她可能很不好,很不好。

37、How did you prove that he was the robber? ─── 你如何证明他就是那名强盗?

38、He weighed in to prove the point. ─── 他插手来证实那个论点。

39、This proves (that) I was right. ─── 这证明我是对的。

40、The suspect's breath is sample and the test prove positive. ─── 对嫌疑人的呼吸进行了抽样检查,结果表明是阳性的。

41、She may very well prove to be on the up and up, but it pays to be careful. This burg is full of gold diggers, you know. ─── 她这个人可能是很正直的,但是以小心谨慎为妙。你要知道,这个城里到处是以色相诱骗男人钱财的女子啊。

42、His handling proves to be a harbinger. ─── 对于他的处理被证明是一个预兆。

43、Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. ─── 只要给我个机会,我会证明给你看。

44、Miami proves to be a perfect location for a CSI series with its wild blend of people, culture, nightlife, and criminal landscape. ─── 迈阿密被证明是一个具有其野生沪深系列完美融合了人的位置,文化,夜生活和刑事景观。

45、The speech that he made last week proves exciting. ─── 他上周做的报告证明是鼓舞人心的。

46、Prove thy friend ere thou have need. ─── 在你需要朋友帮助前,先要考验他们。

47、The decision was to prove ruinous. ─── 后来证明这个决定造成了极大的危害。

48、Anyone being considered for such an important job has to take several tests to prove that he is up to snuff. ─── 为这样一份重要的工作物色人选得让他参加几种测试,以证明他是否胜任这项工作。

49、Arguing with a fool proves there are two. ─── 与傻瓜争论,说明傻瓜不止一个。

50、The Danish experience proves this point. ─── 丹麦的经验证明了这一点。

51、This just proves what I have been saying for some time. ─── 这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。

52、All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule. ─── 他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛。

53、She always delights to prove herself right. ─── 她总是喜欢证明她自己是对的。

54、If it proves to be too slow (or otherwise horrible), identify the specific beans that are a problem and surgically replace them. ─── 如果证实它确实太慢了(或不能忍受),那么确定出现问题的特定的bean并替换它们。

55、She claimed that money had been wasted and our financial difficulties seemed to prove her point. ─── 她断定那笔钱用得不是地方,而我们在经济上遇到的困难却也似乎说明她言之有理。

56、Our meeting today proves it's not false. ─── 今日一见果然是名不虚传啊。

57、Each will remove whatever proves to be without a true foundation, and with it an allowance for free expression. ─── 任何被证明没有真实基础的都将被移除,它所带来的都是为了对【自由表达】的认可。

58、She wants to prove my point, you mean? ─── 你的意思是她想证实我们的话?

59、She defied him to prove her guilty. ─── 她量他不敢证明她有罪。

60、They will prove worthy of the Party's trust. ─── 他们不会辜负党对他们的信任。

61、But is captiv'd, and proves weake or unture. ─── 但我懦弱又虚伪,被敌人掳走。

62、But having overslept the film proves her undoing... ─── 但是电影无情的证明着睡过头的她一切努力的徒劳!

63、He cited the encyclopedia to prove his statement . ─── 他引用百科全书来证明自己的说法。

64、Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well. ─── 他们的首领要他们奋勇作战,以此显示男子汉气概。

65、His effort to woo her to his side prove fruitless. ─── 他试图说服她站到自己一边的努力徒劳无功。

66、You'd better cite an example to prove your opinion. ─── 你最好举出一个例子来证明你的观点.

67、It will not prove as true as touch. ─── 它将无法坚如磐石。

68、A rumour does not always prove (to be) a fact. ─── 传闻弄到最后不一定是事实。

69、Can you prove where you were to the police? ─── 你能向警方证明当时你在哪儿吗?

70、The very fact of your hesitating proves it. ─── 你的犹豫的事实正好证明了那一点。

71、History may prove that in Dec.1944, the Germans shot their bolt at the Battle of the Bulge; after that, their defeat was just a matter of time. ─── 历史可以证明,德国人在1944年12月的反攻巴尔吉之战中使出了最后的力量,从那时起,他们的失败只不过是时间问题而已。

72、He thinks it is necessary to prove a man's worth . ─── 他认为考验一个人的价值是必要的。

73、The hardest task of a girl's life is to prove to a man that his intention is serious. ─── 女孩子生命中最困难的任务是去证实一位男士(对她)的意思是认真的。

74、The doctors will operate if it proves necessary but it may not come to that. ─── 医生认为必要时便动手术--但可能不致如此。

75、If you know your defect,it proves that you has progressed. ─── 如若你能感到自己有不足之处,那就证明你进步了。

76、He has no way to prove his own innocence. ─── 他没有办法证明自己的清白。

77、If you prove your innocence you can be free. ─── 如果你能证明自己的清白,就可以获释。

78、They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics. ─── 他们谈到人们如何在政治问题上使用及滥用数字来混淆视听。

79、You must prove you can deliver the goods. ─── 你必须证明你能不负众望。

80、She would prove a very light young person. ─── 她说不定终究是个非常轻佻的年轻女子。

81、She was determined to prove everyone wrong. ─── 她决心证明大家都错了。

82、Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies. ─── 也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。

83、The task prove inconceivably more difficult than we have imagine. ─── 任务的困难程度超过我们的想像,确实难以置信。

84、Are you just doing this to prove a point? ─── 你这么做就是为证明自己对吗?

85、He is determined to prove his friends rs innocence. ─── 他决心替他的朋友洗清罪名。

86、It suffices to prove the second assertion. ─── 只要证明第二断言即可。

87、If you want to be one of my people you must prove that you're good at out trade. Come, you shall steal from George. ─── 如果你想成为我的人,你得证明你是擅长我们这一行的。来,你去偷乔治。

88、Therefore any attempt at a universal tool set also proves futile. ─── 因此,任何建立一个通用工具集的尝试被认为是徒劳的。

89、She proves that it is pure that herself is. ─── 她证明她自己是清白的。

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