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08-01 投稿


accursed 发音

英:[ə'kɜːsɪd; ə'kɜːst]  美:[ə'kɝsɪd]

英:  美:

accursed 中文意思翻译



accursed 网络释义

adj. 被诅咒的;讨厌的;可憎的

accursed 词性/词形变化,accursed变形

名词: accursedness |副词: accursedly |异体字: accurst |

accursed 短语词组

1、accursed moonlight ─── 诅咒的月光

2、accursed meaning ─── 诅咒的意义

3、accursed visage ─── 诅咒的面容

accursed 相似词语短语

1、accurses ─── 诅咒

2、accrued ─── adj.[会计]应计的;增值的;权责已发生的;v.积累(accrue的过去分词);形成

3、accursedly ─── 诅咒地

4、accused ─── n.被告(一般作theaccused);adj.被控告的;v.指责;控告(accuse的过去式和过去分词)

5、accorded ─── n.符合;一致;协议;自愿;vt.使一致;给予;vi.符合;一致

6、accourted ─── 随行

7、accurst ─── adj.受诅咒的;该死的,可憎的(同accursed)

8、accurse ─── 被咒的

9、accessed ─── [计]存取

accursed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There was one accursed deed done at this spot before now. ─── 从前这块地方发生过一桩骇人听闻的事件。

2、No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. ─── 以后再没有咒诅;在城里有神和羔羊的宝座;他的仆人都要事奉他,

3、It is natural for you to say so; yet do not interrupt me, let me finish my accursed history ─── 你当然会这么说:可是不要打岔,让我把这该死的故事讲完。

4、"A piece of dry bread, since the fowls are beyond all price in this accursed place." ─── “既然这个鬼地方的鸡这样贵,就给我来一块干面包吧。”

5、The journal beari ng dynamics and the original unbalance distribution are not necessary.The accur acy of the new method relies only on rotors model. ─── 新模型无需已知油膜轴承动力特性系数和转子上原始不平衡分布情况,识别结果的准确性仅仅与转子系统模化精度有关。

6、Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? ─── 20从前谢拉的曾孙亚干岂不是在那当灭的物上犯了罪,就有忿怒临到以色列全会众吗。

7、this accursed mud. ─── 可恶的泥浆

8、Meanwhile with the help of modified gain function,the problem of instability caused by the unknowm of statistics of measurement noise is solved,which greatly improves the filter rate and accur. ─── 同时,通过引入修正增益函数,克服了由于观测噪声的统计特性不能精确已知而导致的滤波不稳定问题。

9、Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures. ─── 教会虽然是天主的新子民,但不应视犹太人为天主所摈弃及斥责,一若由圣经所得结论似的。

10、The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comparative analogy to the dog. ─── 就一般情况说来,只有那种可恶的鲨鱼,才可以说是具有跟狗相似的癖性。

11、I despised myself and the voices of my accursed human education. ─── 我鄙视自己,鄙视身上那些可恶的人类教育的声音。

12、When magnetism accurs among the healer, moxa stick and patient, the moxa stick will be led to go along the meridian by the magnitsm to the places and points that need healing. ─── 是施术者、艾条与受术者身体之间产生磁场后,磁场会将艾条牵引到到病所腧穴以及相关经络上之腧穴实施补泻的一种治疗和保健方法。

13、14 Their eyes are full of adultery and insatiable for sin. They seduce unstable people, and their hearts are trained in greed. Accursed children! ─── 他们满眼邪色,犯罪不餍,勾引意志薄弱的人;他们的心习惯了贪吝,真是些应受咒骂的人。

14、showing them how the patriot, Barsad, was a hired spy and traitor, an unblushing trafficker in blood, and one of the greatest scoundrels upon earth since accursed Judas--which he certainly did look rather like. ─── 斯特莱佛先生向陪审团指出,那爱国志士巴萨是个受人雇用的密探和奸细,是个做人血买卖从不脸红的家伙,是个自从受诅咒的犹大以来最无耻的流氓--而他的长相也的确像犹大。

15、But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd never returned to this accursed place. This fetid jungle can't be the fair Kurast I left behind. ─── 但是对这边仍然神圣的东西发誓,我真希望我从来没有回到这个饱受诅咒的地方。这个恶臭的丛林绝对不是我离开库拉斯特时出现的东西!

16、And the sons of Carmi; Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the thing accursed. ─── 7迦米的儿子是亚干,这亚干在当灭的物上犯了罪,连累了以色列人。

17、As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. ─── 9我们已经说了,现在又说,若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅。

18、Between the storm and this accursed adhesive. I can barely concentrate enough to remember my words of power! ─── 由于这场暴雨和这可憎的粘液。我很难专注精力来记住我充满力量的词汇!

19、49 But this crowd, which does not know the law, is accursed. ─── 但是,这些不明白法律的群众,是可诅咒的!

20、Compared with the other water detectors,the coaxial line water detector based on phase is high in measurement accur... ─── 与其它测井仪器相比,该仪器测量精度高,应用范围广.

21、Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and that man perished not alone in his iniquity. ─── 从前谢拉的曾孙亚干、岂不是在那当灭的物上犯了罪、就有忿怒临到以色列全会众麽.那人在所犯的罪中、不独一人死亡。

22、It is natural for you to say so; yet do not interrupt me, let me finish my accursed history. ─── 你当然会这么说:可是不要打岔,让我把这该死的故事讲完。

23、they turn their backs before their enemies, for they have become accursed. ─── 他们在仇敌面前转背逃跑,是因成了被咒诅的。

24、But this crowd which does not know the law is accursed. ─── 但这不明白律法的群众,是被咒诅的。

25、When, therefore, St Francis had endured that conflict a long time, he began to cry aloud: "O accursed spirits, you can do nothing save by the divine permission; ─── 圣方济忍受了很长地时间的痛苦,他开始喊道:“噢,可憎的精灵,除非上帝允许,你们不能做任何事;

26、Allah) said: "Then get thee out from here: for thou art rejected, accursed. ─── 主说:“你从乐园中出去吧!你确是被放逐的,

27、But by all that's still holy, I wish I'd never returned to this accursed place. This fetid jungle can't be the fair Kurast I left behind. ─── 但是对这边仍然神圣的东西发誓,我真希望我从来没有回到这个饱受诅咒的地方。这个恶臭的丛林绝对不是我离开库拉斯特时出现的东西!

28、A blasphemer is he who despises his father; accursed of his Creator, he who angers his mother. ─── 16因为,对父亲所施的怜悯,是不会被遗忘的,天主必要赦免你的罪过,复兴你的家庭。因你容忍母亲的过失,必获赏报;

29、Israel must conquer idolatrous cities and destroy all the spoil, regarding all that had been polluted by idolatry as an accursed thing to be burned with fire. ─── 上帝要以色列人征服拜偶像的城镇,并摧毁一切沾染污秽之物,因上帝视为可憎之物,当用火焚烧。

30、an accursed system ─── 可恶的制度

31、"No one is so accursed by fate,/No one so utterly desolate,/But some heart, though unknown,/Responds unto his own" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow). ─── “没人注定交厄运,/没人如此悲伤以至无法安慰,/但是某个心灵,尽管不为人知,/对着自己回应” (亨利·华兹华斯·朗费罗)

32、those accursed neighbours of ours ─── 我们那些可恶的邻居

33、If anyone does not love the Lord, let him be accursed! The Lord comes! ─── 22若有人不爱主,他就是可咒可诅的。主来了!

34、The equivalent load observed is fed back for resisting force load disturbance and raising the accur acy of the hydraulic position servo control. ─── 利用观测出来的等效负载进行反馈控制,抑制力负载干扰的影响,提高液压位置伺服控制的精度。

35、And ye, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest ye make yourselves accursed, when ye take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. ─── 18至于你们,务要谨慎,不可取那当灭的物,恐怕你们取了那当灭的物就连累以色列的全营,使全营受咒诅。

36、8 but the handmade idol is accursed, and its maker as well: he for having produced it, and it, because though corruptible, it was termed a god. ─── 但是,人手造的木偶和木偶的制造者,却是可诅咒的:制造者,因为他造了木偶;木偶,因为虽是腐败的东西,竟被称为神。

37、They believe that the history of their people will end on this accursed isle of mad wizards and wretched experiments. ─── 他们认为自己会因这座岛屿上受诅咒的疯狂巫师与卑劣实验,而结束种族的传承。

38、I will teach these misbelieving, thieving sorcerers to interfere with the King's justice, when it has visited any of their accursed race. ─── 我将教训这些不信上帝,偷鸡摸狗的巫师巫婆:他们竟敢在国王的法律惩罚他们可恶的同伙时破坏国王的法律。

39、1.hateful; abominable; detestable; loathsome; accursed; 2.culpably; detestably; hatefully ─── 可恶

40、1 Most people have no real loves and no real hatreds.The most acclaimed is love,less is hatred,and the accursed is indifference which is neither love nor hatred. ─── 1大多数人既没有真正的爱,也没有真正的恨,爱最值称贺,其次是恨,最该诅咒的是冷漠,因为它既不是爱也不是恨。

41、Also, Our Lady said to us, "Those who bring harm without provocation to the least of His children are hated and accursed by the Maker. " ─── 我们的女士还说:“那些无缘无故对他的子民做出侵害的人,将会受到造物主的怒火和诅咒。”

42、Now you are accursed,and banished from the ground which has opened itsmouth wide to receive your brother's blood,which you have shed. ─── 你受到控诉,你要被流放,逐离这块吞噬被你残杀的兄弟的鲜血的土地。

43、The accursed Demon Sovereign has forseen everything. ─── 如果雷拉格想要阻止魔王抓住伊莎贝尔,他必须抓紧时间。

44、Oxen and wain-ropes would not bring me back again to that accursed island; ─── 就是用牛来拖,用绳来拉,都不能把我带回那个该死的岛上去。

45、He who for so long a time had forgotten God, began to think that miracles were possible--that the accursed cavern might be discovered by the officers of the Papal States, who would release him; ─── 上帝有时会创造奇迹的,教皇的巡官或许会发现这个该死的洞窟,把他释放出去,那时他就还可以用剩下五万法郎,保证他此后不致挨饿。

46、Thus a concept that an appropriate strategy should be applied to a special numerical simulation case to obtain most accur... ─── 提出针对具体模拟对象,选择适当的模拟方法,以提高计算精度。

47、T he software synchronism sampling method based on real-time pa rameter self-optimizing minishes pe riod t runca tion e r ror, and the meas urement accur acy is improved . ─── 基于软件查表功能的设计,按照有关标准进行被测变压器的容量判别[1-2]。该仪器集多种试验方式于一体,提供了二表法和三表法试验。

48、But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! ─── 加1:8但无论是我们、是天上来的使者、若传福音给你们、与我们所传给你们的不同、他就应当被咒诅。

49、The simulation-experiments have shown,it can be effectively used for online detecting tasks with higher accur... ─── 实验表明:此方法能够有效地实现高准确率在线检测任务。

50、But if even we or an angel out of heaven should announce to you a gospel beyond that which we have announced to you, let him be accursed. ─── 8但即使是我们,或是从天上来的使者,若在我们所传给你们的福音之外,另传一个福音给你们,他就该受咒诅。

51、"Not crush that accursed race?" ─── “让我不去毁灭这个家伙!”

52、It is natural for you to say so; yet do not interrupt me, let me finish my accursed history. ─── 你当然会这么说:可是不要打岔,让我把这该死的故事讲完。

53、Friendli fireisn't.Th onli thing more accur than incom enemi fire is imcom friendli fire. ─── 不是吗?唯一比敌火还准确(而且会宰掉你友军炮火.友军伤害.

54、Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? ─── 从前谢拉的曾孙亚干岂不是在那当灭的物上犯了罪,就有忿怒临到以色列全会众吗?

55、As we have said before, now also I say again, If anyone announces to you a gospel beyond that which you have received, let him be accursed. ─── 9我们先前说过,现在我再说,若有人在你们所领受的之外,另传一个福音给你们,他就该受咒诅。

56、As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! ─── 加1:9我们已经说了、现在又说、若有人传福音给你们、与你们所领受的不同、他就应当被咒诅。

57、And to the man he said"Because you have listened to your wife and have eaten from the tree which I forbade you,accursed shall be the ground on your account. ─── 他对那男人说:“由于你听你的妻子的话,偷吃了我禁吃的树上果实,土地也因你而受累,你要在它上面辛劳一辈子才能勉强糊口。”

58、It is very important to relocate the real positions of the hydrophones on seabed.First break second positioning technique can provide accur... ─── 初至波二次定位方法 ,能够利用准确的速度模型和大量的数据进行冗余计算 ,从而提供准确的检波器位置 ,为后期的资料处理和解释增加可信度。

59、Gal. 1:8 But if even we or an angel out of heaven should announce to you a gospel beyond that which we have announced to you, let him be accursed. ─── 加一8但即使是我们,或是从天上来的使者,若在我们所传给你们的福音之外,另传一个福音给你们,他就该受咒诅。

60、you cannot stand before your enemies until you take away the accursed thing from among you. ─── 因为以色列的神说,在你们中间有被诅咒之物,,以色列,如果不把他们从你们中间赶走,你就无法站立”。

61、The Samaritans are accursed. ─── 撒玛利亚是受到诅咒的地方。

62、Gujestan may be derived from Alexander's pejorative title Guzastag , "the accursed". ─── Gujestan 可来自亚历山大的贬义标题 Guzastag , “该诅咒的” 。

63、m accur ─── (=misce accuratissme) (拉)充分混合

64、If he did, he was accursed. ─── 如果他这样做,他便是受咒诅的。

65、He would remember that it was the color with which the hangman smeared "accursed"edifices; ─── 他会想起,那是刽子手用来粉刷恶贯满盈建筑物的颜色;

66、accursed thing ─── 可憎的事

67、Making their mock at our accursed lot; ─── 它们在嘲笑我们受诅咒的命运;

68、And the son of Carmi: Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed by what was accursed. ─── 7迦米的儿子是亚割珥,这亚割珥在当灭的物上犯了罪,叫以色列人遭祸。

69、But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. ─── 8但无论是我们,是天上来的使者,若传福音给你们,与我们所传给你们的不同,他就应当被咒诅。

70、The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comprarative analogy to the dog. ─── 就一般情况说来,只有那种可恶的鲨鱼,才可以说是具有跟狗相似的癖性。

71、an accursed house ─── 一座受到魔法诅咒的房子

72、If I can channel enough of the Dark Templars' energy through the hull of the Gantrithor, I should be able to bring swift death to the accursed abomination. ─── 如果我能将足够的黑暗圣堂力量注入到加雷索尔的船体中,我将能给那可恶的生命以致命一击。

73、When early faults accur, the background noise is heavy, it is difficult to extract the latent periodic components successfully using second order cyclostationary analysis alone. ─── 摘要由于噪声的严重干扰,在滚动轴承早期故障时,仅仅利用二阶循环平稳分析方法往往较难成功提取出信号中潜在的有用周期信息。

74、"Oh, those Villeforts are an accursed race!" ─── “噢,维尔福这一家人真都该天诛地灭!”

75、’Then the Lord God said to the serpent: ‘Because you have done this you are accursed more than all cattle and all wild creatures. ─── 于是,天主上帝对蛇说:“妳因为诱惑了她,就要比其他牲畜和野兽更倒霉。

76、As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. ─── 我们已经说了,现在又说,若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅。

77、" Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. ─── 但愿他们的手被拘束,但愿他们因为自己所说的恶言而被弃绝!

78、The model's reasonableness and accur ac y have been proved by the experiment. ─── 在此基础上,开发了环形加热炉在线优化控制系统。

79、the other six will be turned into the horns of oxen, and these horns will rouse the three islands of Britain with their accursed bellowing. ─── 其余六个会变成了公牛的角,这些角会用可憎的咆哮唤醒不列颠的三个岛屿。

80、Am I still to forget, O wicked house, your ill-gotten treasures and the short ephah, which is accursed? ─── 10恶人家中不仍有非义之财,和可恶的小升斗吗?

81、Results show that severe accumulations of noncondensable gases in condensers do accur,which hamper flow and deteriorate heat transfer. ─── 对此提出了改进方案,即将抽气口处的挡板开口,从而将积聚的不凝结气体引出,通过数值计算证实该措施有效。

82、Then the Lord God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this you are accursed more than all cattle and all wild creatures." ─── 于是,天主上帝对蛇说:“你因为诱惑了她,就要比其他牲畜和野兽更倒霉。”

83、* manager supplier system in china.* be responsible for all orders from headquarter. ensure accur... ─── 岗位要求:欧美外资公司,工艺品或家纺系列产品行业,招聘总经理职位。

84、As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. ─── 我们已经说了,现在又说,若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅。

85、Others claim that Queen Azshara was not drowned, but transformed into a hideous aquatic thing that will someday lead her accursed followers to retake the surface world. ─── 其他暗夜精灵声称女王艾萨拉并没有溺水而亡,而是变成了一种丑恶的水生物,有朝一日将带领她被诅咒的仆从重新夺回她的世界。

86、So be it, I must descend into darkness and reclaim that accursed power once more...Heed my words. ─── 是的,我只能重返黑暗,重新取回那被诅咒的力量了...听着我的话!

87、Gal. 1:9 As we have said before, now also I say again, If anyone announces to you a gospel beyond that which you have received, let him be accursed. ─── 加一9我们先前说过,现在我再说,若有人在你们所领受的之外,另传一个福音给你们,他就该受咒诅。

88、Then you condemn me to live wretched and to die accursed? ─── 那么你就是判定我活着受罪,死后要受诅咒了?

89、nasb: For I could wish that I myself were accursed, {separated} from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, ─── 为我弟兄,我骨肉之亲,就是自己被咒诅,与基督分离,我也愿意。

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