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08-01 投稿


underfoot 发音

英:[ʌndə'fʊt]  美:[,ʌndɚ'fʊt]

英:  美:

underfoot 中文意思翻译




underfoot 短语词组

1、underfoot to do ─── 在脚下做

2、underfoot vk ─── 脚下vk

3、keep sth underfoot ─── 把某物踩在脚下

underfoot 相似词语短语

1、undercool ─── vt.使过冷;vi.过冷

2、under foot ─── adv.在地面;在脚底

3、tenderfoot ─── n.新手,新来者;无经验者

4、underfelt ─── 地毯垫毡

5、underboob ─── 书底

6、underfloor ─── adj.(尤指供暖系统)在地板下的

7、undercoat ─── n.底漆;上衣;下层绒毛;内层油漆

8、undercook ─── vt.轻煎,微煎

9、undershoot ─── vt.脱靶;未达到目标;飞机未抵达跑道即著陆;n.[电子]负脉冲信号;vi.未达到目标;飞机未抵达跑道即著陆

underfoot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr Updike's lodestar was Stendhal's definition of a novel as “a mirror that strolls along the highway”, taking in both the “blue of the skies” and “the mud puddles underfoot”. ─── 厄普代克先生写作的指导思想则是司汤达对小说的定义“公路上的一面镜子”,既描写“天空的蔚蓝”,又描写“脚下的泥泞”。

2、Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses. ─── 摔下来的骑手遭飞奔马群践踏。

3、moist, cool, soft grass growing underfoot. ─── 湿润,冰凉,柔软的草在脚边生长

4、She wanted to inflict physical injury on the whole male sex,to spit in the face of every man who came her way,to trample him underfoot. ─── 她真想痛打男人们一顿,唾他们一脸,是他们干扰了她的生活,该把他们踩在脚下。

5、you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. ─── 又将我们的一切罪投于深海。

6、keep someone underfoot ─── 把某人长期踩在脚下,使某人长期处于从属地位

7、crush locusts underfoot ─── 用脚踩死蚂蚱

8、Moon gone plowing underfoot no stars; ─── 月亮不见了,她在脚下潜行。

9、People were trampled underfoot in the rush for the exit. ─── 有人在拼命涌向出口时被踩在脚下。

10、Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. ─── 不要把圣物给狗,也不要把你们的珍珠丢在猪前,恐怕他践踏了珍珠,转过来咬你们.

11、To crush underfoot all prisoners in the land, ─── 人将世上被囚的踹(原文作压)在脚下,

12、He saved a little girl from being trampled underfoot in the rush for the fire exit. ─── 他从冲向安全出口的人群脚下救出了一个小女孩。

13、Rostoptchin was describing how the Russians had been trampled underfoot by the fleeing Austrians, and had had to force a way with the bayonet through the fugitives. ─── 拉斯托普钦谈到俄国官兵遭受逃跑的奥国官兵的践踏,溃不成军,不得不用刺刀穿过逃跑的人群给自己开辟一条道路。

14、34 When anyone tramples underfoot all the prisoners in the land, ─── 将世上所有的俘虏,都践踏在脚下,

15、Indoor underfoot paint as finish ─── 室内地坪涂料面漆

16、Her three children are always getting underfoot. ─── 她的三个孩子老是碍手碍脚。

17、You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. ─── 弥7:19必再怜悯我们,将我们的罪孽踏在脚下,又将我们的一切罪投于深海。

18、Now it was pale shrimp-colour, with a Bluish-white hoar of frost. It always pleased Connie, this underfoot of sifted, Bright pink. It's an ill wind that Brings nobody good. ─── 现在这条小路是呈着淡谈的虾色,上面铺着灰白带蓝的薄霜、康妮很喜欢这条铺着细沙的鲜玫瑰色的路径。天下事有时是有弊亦有利的。

19、Pets, toys, and children underfoot. ─── 碍手碍脚的宠物,玩具和孩子

20、Jesus has given His Church the power and authority to crush Satan underfoot. ─── 耶稣给了祂的教会能力和权柄,可以把撒但踩在脚下。

21、Plastic stabilizer is used to provide ankle stability and torsional control underfoot - placed between the midsole and outsole, it is designed to flex and support in LOWA light hiking footwear. ─── 大底与中底之间加入塑料稳定片,用来提供脚踝稳定性和控制脚下的扭转,它在LOWA轻便型徒步鞋中承担弯曲和支撑作用。

22、I was nearly trampled underfoot by the crowd of people rushing for the door. ─── 冲向大门的人群险些把我踩在脚下。

23、It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. ─── 以后无用,不过丢在外面,被人践踏了。

24、trample all difficulties underfoot ─── 压倒一切困难

25、The future of machines lies in the tangled weeds underfoot. ─── 机器的未来就在脚下这片杂乱的草地里。

26、a house with children and pets and toys always underfoot. ─── 房间里的孩子、宠物和玩具永远总是碍手碍脚。

27、They have beaten down the local tyrants and evil gentry, big and small, and kept them underfoot. ─── 他们打翻了大小土豪劣绅在地上,并且踏上一只脚。

28、There was a riotous interlude while posters were ripped from the walls, banners torn to shreds and trampled underfoot ─── 于是大家乱哄哄地把招贴从墙上揭下来,把旗帜撕得粉碎,踩在脚下。

29、a firm mattress; the snow was firm underfoot; solid ground. ─── 硬床垫;脚下的雪是硬的;坚硬的地面。

30、Graves's barn and another year underfoot in the post office. and sometimes it was set on a shelf in the Martin grocery and left there. ─── 有时它被放到马丁杂货店的架子上,然后就一直放在那里了。

31、We are ripe for economic growth and energy independence if we responsibly tap the resources that God created right underfoot on American soil. ─── 我们如果负责任地开采上帝赋予美国大地上的能源,那么,经济重回增长和能源独立的时机已经成熟。

32、For ages they have used their power to tyrannize over the peasants and trample them underfoot; that is why the peasants have reacted so strongly. ─── 土豪劣绅、不法地主,历来凭借势力称霸,践踏农民,农民才有这种很大的反抗。

33、It's good to come home You can put on the slippers of weariness and tread them underfoot ─── 回家真好可以把疲劳踩成拖鞋

34、a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot. ─── 一块潮湿的下沉低地。

35、You can get a feel for the strength of the snow by stomping on the solid snow underfoot and away from the crevasse. ─── 你可以用力踩离开裂缝脚下的硬雪从中感觉雪的强度。

36、Lighting up the night with a massive bonfire, avid TAG cavers gather every fall on Georgia's Lookout Mountain.They celebrate adventure and the lure of the undiscovered country waiting underfoot. ─── 殷切的TAG探穴人每年秋天齐聚乔治亚州的卢考特山,点起熊熊篝火照亮夜空,一起祝贺他们的探险经历和等待发现的乡村地下世界的诱惑。

37、But she could not pray for the trampling of her enemies underfoot, when she had only a few minutes before been wishing she had more of them to forgive and pray for. ─── 但是她不能祈求将自己的敌人踩在脚下,反正在这之前的几分钟,她还希望有更多的敌人,以便去爱他们,为他们祈祷。

38、He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot. ─── 他不小心把瓢虫踩在了脚下。

39、But when nationalism is on the march, even commercial logic gets trampled underfoot. ─── 但是当民族主义在进行中的时候,即使是商业逻辑也被践踏在脚下。

40、You notice that it is rather bumpy underfoot ─── 你会感觉到地上有些绊脚的东西。

41、It's muddy underfoot. ─── 地上很泥泞。

42、The nightly drift of air from theLast Desert of the Sareer carried resin smells and the damp exhalationsof the duff underfoot. ─── 从最后的沙漠萨里尔吹来的夜风满是树脂和湿润的沙漠植物的气味。

43、Both sides struggled to master treacherous conditions underfoot and the early action was more akin to Dancing On Ice than Old Firm derby. ─── 双方都竭力主人奸诈的条件在脚下和早期行动更类似于冰上舞蹈比老企业德比战。

44、To Scarlett, this house cried out for the masculine smells of brandy, tobacco and Macassar oil, for hoarse voices and occasional curses, for guns, for whiskers, for saddles and bridles and for hounds underfoot. ─── 思嘉觉得,这幢房子正要求得到白兰地、烟草和望加锡头油和男性阳刚的气味,要求有粗野的声音和偶尔的咒骂,要求有枪枝和胡子,有马鞍和缰辔以及围走在脚边的猎犬。

45、Lady Thatcher was a devotee of Mr.Wiener's, and she led a crusade to revive the "entrepreneurial culture" which the liberal elite had allegedly trampled underfoot. ─── 撒切尔夫人是维也纳先生的追随者,她倡导复兴“企业家文化”,而这正是自由主义精英人士所不屑的。

46、trampled the beans underfoot; green grass growing underfoot. ─── 把豆子踩在脚下;长在脚下的绿草。

47、EVA midsole for increased underfoot comfort ─── EVA中底增强了穿着的舒适性

48、It is no longer good for anything except to be cast out and trampled underfoot by men. ─── 既无任何用处,只好丢在外面,任人践踏了。

49、I hate my self-esteem you have been trampled underfoot. ─── 我讨厌我的自尊被你们践踏在脚下.

50、trample all difficulties underfoot; surmount all difficulties ─── 一切困难踩脚下

51、"Throw her down!" Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot. ─── 33耶户说,把她扔下来。他们就把她扔下来。她的血溅在墙上和马上。于是把她践踏了。

52、The snow scrunched underfoot. ─── 雪在脚下发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音。

53、But, having been taken from place to place, getting moistened and damaged, tortured and trampled underfoot, they eventually had come back to me. ─── 但它们辗转多处,经受折磨潮湿践踏撞破,终于还是回来了。

54、He had done this thing before, somewhere in that other and dimly remembered world, and he was doing it again, now, running free in the open, the unpacked earth underfoot, the wide sky overhead. ─── 以前曾在另外那个隐约的记忆中的世界里做过这样的事,现在他又在做:自由自在地奔跑在旷野上,脚下是未开垦的土地,头上是辽阔的天空。

55、was still wet underfoot. ─── 脚下仍是湿的。

56、It has been used to keep you in your place; in their eyes - preferably underfoot. ─── 这被用于控制你在自己的地方,在他们的眼界中--用被踩在脚下形容更适合。

57、On the dance floor, which is designed to bounce underfoot, hundreds of sweaty men and women wriggled to deafening Mandarin pop remixes under a downpour of bubbles. ─── 在为脚下震动效果设计的舞池里,几百名汗流浃背的男男女女,随著震耳欲聋的重新编曲国语流行歌曲扭腰摆臀,无数泡泡从天而降。

58、even now she will be trampled underfoot like mire in the streets. ─── 他必被践踏,如同街上的泥土。

59、A rubber toe bumper increases grip for wedging up chimneys or ascending super-steep slopes, and a TPU shank gives you unending, solid support underfoot. ─── 橡胶脚趾保险杠增加抓地力楔入了烟囱或升序超陡坡,和聚氨酯小腿让你无休止的,坚实的支持在脚下。

60、The ground was dry and firm underfoot. ─── 脚下踩的土地又干又硬。

61、He kept his subjects underfoot. ─── 他把他的臣民踩在脚下。

62、And as he sowed, some seed fell beside the way, and it was trampled underfoot, and the birds of heaven devoured it. ─── 撒的时候,有的落在路旁,被人践踏,天空的飞鸟又来吃尽了。

63、Frustration can be a hat, a pair of shoes can also be weak to it on his head, the strong will it underfoot. ─── 挫败可以是一顶帽子,也可以是一双鞋。弱者将它戴在头上,强者将它踩在脚下。

64、You're single -- a heat-seeking bachelor, committed to no one in particular, able to party like John Belushi and sleep until noon with no one underfoot to tell you to do otherwise. ─── 单身理由之一,你可以等待,直到真正的心灵伴侣出现(如果存在的话)。

65、Hill a little bit of being trampled underfoot, around shrouded in clouds, as if within reach. ─── 山一点儿一点儿的被踩在脚下,云雾在身边缭绕,仿佛伸手可及。

66、The thunders just stroke underfoot, with flashes of lightning chopping the sky. ─── 惊雷就象从脚底下打过来,一道道闪电,就象要把天劈开一样。

67、We were at my grandparents' farm and I remember how cold the tiled floor felt underfoot. ─── 那天我们在祖父母的农场上,我记得脚下瓷砖地板有多冷。

68、That's several pounds' worth I'm crunching underfoot. ─── 所以说,我脚下碾碎的是好几英镑呢。

69、Excellent Shock-resistance .Superior stability ,no shiftng underfoot .Good energy return for extended activities. ─── 垂直闭孔泡沫背层,把反弹性能发挥到极致,抗冲击稳定性和运动性能出众。

70、keep sth underfoot ─── 把某物踩在脚下

71、They were in a clearing, completely surrounded by bushes, the turf underfoot was clean and springy ─── 他们来到一片空地,四周是灌丛,脚下是干净、松软的草坪。

72、” Actually “the level” is falling constantly, the lessons of Bolshevism are forgotten, distorted, and trampled underfoot. ─── 事实上“这个水平”正在不断下降,布尔什维主义的教训被遗忘了,被歪曲了,被践踏在脚下。

73、underfoot, a pavement in alternate squares of black and white. ─── 我们脚下是黑白相间的大理石地面。

74、There's no cure for sorrow but to put it underfoot. ─── 忧伤是无法治疗的,唯有把它踩在脚下。

75、He trod the golden beetle underfoot. ─── 他把一只金色的甲虫踩在脚下。

76、Then, what about this giant stone underfoot? ─── 大牛:那就说说我们脚下的这块巨石。

77、I didn't realize it would be so muddy underfoot. ─── 我不明白脚底下怎么会这么泥泞。

78、Rostov, in danger of being trampled underfoot or carried away to attack the French, galloped along before their line as fast as his horse could go, and still he was not in time to escape them. ─── 罗斯托夫担心自己会被压倒,或被拖进一场攻击法军的战斗中,于是沿着战线使尽全力地催马疾驰,仍旧来不及避开他们这些人。

79、And for that moment, at least, it seemed as if he could feel the plush grass underfoot and hear the buzz of the crowd. ─── 至少在那一刻,他彷佛感觉到脚下绵密如绒的草皮,也听到了场上球迷的吵杂声。

80、That wreath, the pride of Ephraim's drunkards, will be trampled underfoot. ─── 以法莲高傲的酒徒,他的冠冕,必被踏在脚下。

81、3. For ages they have used their power to tyrannize over the peasants and trample them underfoot;that is why the peasants have reacted so strongly. ─── 土豪劣绅、不法地主,历来凭借势力称霸,践踏农民,农民才有这种很大的反抗。收藏指正

82、' Then a wild beast in Lebanon came along and trampled the thistle underfoot. ─── 后来利巴嫩有一个野兽经过,把蒺藜践踏了。

83、All through the years, nameless wild flowers have been mowed down by peasants and trampled underfoot by shepherds, but Wordsworth saw in them the wonder of nature. ─── 无名之野花,田夫刈之,牧童蹈之,而华茨华斯于此中见造化之微妙。

84、The beach was strewn with countless shells, and they crumbled underfoot. ─── 海滨贝壳密集,它们在脚下被踩得粉碎。

85、get underfoot ─── 碍手碍脚

86、The leaves crackle underfoot. ─── 树叶在脚下沙沙作声

87、The Romantic Movement was already underfoot in Europe, as men began to look for a warmer, more involved "God. " ─── (注:这是自然神论的观念)浪漫主义运动在欧洲已经式微,人们开始寻找一个较有感情,较参与人类事务的「神」。

88、But to renounce such enlightenment completely, whether for his own person or even more so for later generations, means violating and trampling underfoot the sacred rights of mankind. ─── 只要他注意使一切真正的或号称的改善都与公民秩序结合在一起,那么此外他就可以把他的臣民发觉对自己灵魂得教所必须做的事情留给他们自己去做;

89、We looked down at the snow underfoot, and to our amazement it seemed to be aglow. ─── 我们看着脚下的雪,但令我们诧异的是,它们似乎发出红光。

托福阅读 The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans lands trampled ……如何翻译

the answer 指代这篇阅读的上一段最后一句话的问题:How had they survived?

The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans had trampled underfoot in their haste to cross the "Great American Desert" to reach lands that sometimes proved barren.

你看的版本中句子有点错误,lands 应该是 had。


that 从句是定语从句,修饰 resource;第二个 that 也是定语从句,修饰 lands。要更好的理解句子,可以多做一点句子分析哦。




How much soil there is under your feet will precipitate how much truth in your heart



soil; earth; clay; muddy soil



Despite the mud outside, the earthen floor was clean.

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