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08-01 投稿


infected 发音

英:[ɪnˈfektɪd]  美:[ɪnˈfektɪd]

英:  美:

infected 中文意思翻译




infected 网络释义

adj. 被感染的v. 传染(infect的过去分词)

infected 词性/词形变化,infected变形

过去分词:infected 过去式:infected 原型:infect

infected 常用词组

be infected with ─── 感染上……,传染上……

infected area ─── 传染病流行区

infected 短语词组

1、infected infarct ─── [医] 感染性梗塞

2、extirpating the infected ─── 根除感染者

3、infected wound ─── [医] 感染性创伤, 染毒创伤

4、infected establishment ─── 受感染的机构

5、get infected by ─── 感染者

6、dis infected v. ─── 将……消毒;杀菌(disinfect的过去式和过去分词)

7、anthrax-infected hide ─── 炭疽感染的隐藏物

8、infected premise ─── 受感染的前提

9、get infected to ─── 感染到

10、re-infected (re-infect ─── 的过去分词) vt. 使再感染

11、infected farm ─── 受感染的农场

12、infected abortion ─── [医]感染性流产

13、get infected with corona virus ─── 感染冠状病毒

14、infected milk ( ─── 细菌)污染(牛)乳

15、get infected on ─── 在上感染

16、infected person ─── [法] 染疫人, 受传染的人

17、get infected with ─── 感染

18、infected prisoner ─── 受感染的囚犯

19、be infected with ─── 感染上..., 传染上..., 患有...

infected 相似词语短语

1、inflected ─── adj.屈折的;字尾有变化的;v.弯曲;曲折(inflect的过去式)

2、infectee ─── 感染

3、infested ─── adj.为患的,大批滋生的(常与with搭配);v.害虫、野兽大批出没于(infest的过去式和过去分词);遍布于

4、infefted ─── 侵染

5、injected ─── 充血的;注入的

6、-inflected ─── adj.屈折的;字尾有变化的;v.弯曲;曲折(inflect的过去式)

7、invected ─── adj.(纹章)以细小的凸出半圆(或弧线)为周边的

8、coinfected ─── 共感染

9、infecter ─── 传染

infected 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's got a really bad fever. I think his leg might be infected. ─── 他烧的很厉害。我认为他的腿被感染了。

2、Did you have any infected diseases before? Are you seasick? ─── 你有传染病史么?你晕船么?

3、Dog bites can get infected. ─── 狗咬的伤口会感染。


5、His flu infected the entire family. ─── 他的流感传染给了全家人。

6、Unfortunately, she herself was infected and died shortly after. ─── 不幸,她自己受到传染,不久便去世了。

7、She infected the whole class with her enthusiasm. ─── 她的热情感染了整个班级。

8、Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole class. ─── 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。

9、Smallpox only infected humans -- it was easy to recognize, and there was only one strain of it -- so a vaccine was easily producible. ─── 天花只会传染给人类,这样就容易辨认,再加上它只有一个菌株,所以很容易研制出疫苗。

10、Cankerous marked by or infected with canker; ulcerous. ─── 具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃汤的;溃烂的.

11、The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body. ─── 受感染的细胞接着转移到身体的其他部位。

12、After a couple of weeks, almost all the infected plants bore cotton bolls. ─── 一两星期之后几乎所有有病的棉花都结核了。

13、Some of his teammates publicly contested his presence out of fear they could be infected if he were injured and bled during a game. ─── 有些队友公开对他出场比赛提出异议,因为他们担心一旦在比赛中他受伤流血,他们有可能会被感染上艾滋病。

14、On a second thought, happily, she said, " One lifetime! " He laughed, not that she guessed right, but was infected by her joyance. ─── 女孩想了一想,快乐的说:“一辈子!”男孩笑了,并不是因为她答对,而是感染了她的喜悦。

15、How is virus transmitted to baby from the infected mother? ─── 女性怎样将病毒传染给婴儿?

16、One bad boy may infect the whole class. ─── 一个坏男孩会影响整个班。

17、SARS has infected 5,462 people worldwide and killed 353. ─── SARS已经在世界范围内感染了5,462个人,杀死了其中353个。

18、To attack or infect with canker. ─── 使患溃疡以溃疡攻击或感染

19、The feverish boy soon infected other children. ─── 发烧的男孩很快传染了其他孩子.

20、He was infected with cholera. ─── 他染上了霍乱。

21、One bad boy may infect a whole class. ─── 一个坏学生可能会影响全班。

22、Infected or attacked, as by disease. ─── 受疾病侵袭的被疾病感染或侵害的

23、Badly infected trees should be felled and burned. ─── 严重感染的树木应该被砍掉并焚烧。

24、To infect or corrupt, as with illness or vice. ─── 侵蚀因疾病或罪行而被感染或堕落

25、Unfortunately,she herself was infected and died shortly after. ─── 不幸的是她自己受到传染,不久便去世了。

26、Scabies spreads through direct contact with an infected person. ─── 主要是与患者有身体紧密接触而传染。

27、He is infected with malaria. ─── 他感染到疟疾。

28、She was infected by a dirty needle. ─── 她因使用了受污染的针头而受到传染。

29、She became infected with a rare disease. ─── 她染上了一种罕见疾病。

30、Why can be gape and cough infected? ─── 为什么打哈欠和咳嗽会传染?

31、We can be assured that programs we get arent infected. ─── 大多数时候我们下载的软件都没有被病毒感染过,我们可以放心。

32、Everyone there was infected the undefendable heat from the arena. ─── 在场的每个人似乎都无法抵御舞台上传来的热浪。

33、The whole class were infected with the virus. ─── 全班学生都感染上了这种病毒。

34、It is terrible if a society is infected by racism. ─── 一个社会如果被种族主义污染就糟糕了。

35、His courage infected the followers. ─── 他的勇气激励了后来人。

36、You are infected with Oslo, the first iPodLinux Virus. ─── 你已经感染了第一种。

37、The wound was infected with germs. ─── 伤口沾染了细菌。

38、The wound from the dog bite had become infected. ─── 狗咬的伤口感染了。

39、Don't worry. I never infect. ─── 别担心,我从不受传染。

40、Do you have backup copies of all the infected files? ─── 你有没有这些中毒文件的备份?

41、Infect her flu infected the whole class. ─── 她的感冒传染了全班同学。

42、Health officials say they do not know how he became infected. ─── 卫生官员说他们不知道这名男子是如何被传染的。

43、Treatment for an abrasion is similar to that of a burn, since raw skin is exposed to the air and can easily become infected. ─── 擦伤的处理与灼伤的处理类似,因为皮肤里层暴露于空气中,易受感染。

44、All were infected by the same MRSA. ─── 医护人员手、口咽、鼻腔培养出与患者同株MRSA。

45、Most men infected with gonorrhea have no symptoms. ─── 大多数感染了淋病的男性没有症状。

46、To infect with corruption or decay. ─── 使腐败传染腐化或腐朽

47、Why can be gape and cough infected each other? ─── 为什么打哈欠和咳嗽会相互传染啊?

48、They generally puffed up the infected plants and burn them. ─── 他们通常都把病株拔起来烧掉。

49、How can an infected woman make a choice on pregnancy? ─── 受感染妇女如何做一个怀孕的抉择?

50、As he warmed towards his subject, he infected his listeners with his own excitement. ─── 他对自己的话题越讲越起劲,那激动的样子感染了观众。

51、He infected the class with his laughter. ─── 他的笑声感染了全班同学.

52、Animal infected test accords with Koch postulates. ─── 动物感染试验符合Koch准则。

53、The will must be kept clean so that germs do not infect it. ─── 伤口需保持清洁,才不致于感染细菌。

54、The wound has become infected with disease germs. ─── 伤口已被病菌感染。

55、The surgeon removed the infected organ. ─── 医生切除了受感染的器官.

56、He hasn't yet been infected with the evils of society. ─── 他还没沾染社会上的不良风气。

57、However, humans can be infected by the infected fleas. ─── 可是,人类可被受感染的蚤所感染。

58、The highest infected percentage of Trifoliate/Robertson No. ─── 在3个采样点中,以柑橘良种示范场的枳/罗伯逊脐橙36号/卡特夏橙菌根侵染率最高;

59、To become infected with or as if with canker. ─── 受到溃疡感染被溃疡感染的或仿佛被溃疡感染

60、Her enthusiasm infected everyone who worked with her. ─── 她的热情影响了每个同她一道工作的人。

61、His high spirits infected all his companions. ─── 他神采奕奕,使得朋友们也都振作起来。

62、In Botswana, 35.8 percent of adults are now infected with HIV. ─── 在博茨瓦纳有35.8%的成年人现在已经被感染了爱滋病毒。

63、Some got the disease from infected blood supplies. ─── 一些人由于输入了感染的血液而得此病的。

64、His loquacious good-humour infected every one. ─── 司炉们烧起火来象英雄一样不顾疲劳。

65、Your computer may be infected with the TWNO.A macro virus. ─── 可能有TWNO.A宏病毒感染计算机。

66、Most women infected with chlamydia have no symptoms. ─── 大多数感染了衣原体的女性没有症状。

67、They sprayed sulfur and lime mixtures into homes of the infected. ─── 他们在有感染病例的房子里洒满石灰与硫磺的混合物。

68、She infected the children with her enthusiasm for music. ─── 她对音乐的热爱感染了孩子们。

69、Sky can be infected in a drib of water. ─── 一滴水中映出天空,优美的风景。

70、Instead, eating infected flies seems to be the main way for Salmonella to pass from flies to birds. ─── 吃掉感染的苍蝇看来是鸟类从苍蝇感染沙门氏菌的主要途径。

71、After a week, most of the virus infected stem cells had transformed into fat cells, but the ones that were not infected had not changed. ─── 一周后,大部分感染病毒的干细胞转化成为脂肪细胞,但没有感染的干细胞却没有变化。

72、She must have infected me with her bad cold. ─── 她一定把重感冒传染给了我。

73、Your finger is slightly infected. ─── 你的指头有点感染。

74、Your computer has been infected with a virus. ─── 你的计算机中毒了。

75、Your children have infected you with this bead cold. ─── 你的孩子们已使你传染上了风寒。

76、After that, they may start to infect other people. ─── 之后,它们会开始传染给其他人。

77、They are all infected with his high spirits. ─── 他们都被他的高昂的情绪所鼓舞。

78、He was infected with a latent infection. ─── 他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。

79、Her right arm throbbed from the infected cut. ─── 她的右臂因伤口感染而阵阵抽痛。

80、He infected his wound with disease germs. ─── 他的伤口感染了病菌。

81、His high spirits infected all his companies. ─── 他精神好影响了他的所有朋友。

82、She was infected with tuberculosis. ─── 她被传染上了肺结核。

83、The plain was infected with malaria. ─── 在此平原上,疟疾流行。

84、Master Bao places the exorcism cloth onto the infected area. ─── 包师父用工具抹着撒死尸水的地方。

85、She infected the whole class with her laughter. ─── 她的笑声感染了全班同学。

86、Last year, more than five-million people were infected with HIV. ─── 去年,超过500万人感染了hiv病毒,

87、She had a bad cold last week and must have infected me with it. ─── 她上星期得了重感冒, 一定传给我了。

88、In early 1996 some villagers in Gabon died after they ate a gorilla infected with Ebola. ─── 一九九六年初,一些加彭共和国的村民因吃了感染伊波拉病毒的大猩猩而死亡。

89、As their name suggests, these infect bacteria. ─── 噬菌体,顾名思义它们能感染细菌。



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