waged 发音
英:[weɪdʒd] 美:[weɪdʒd]
英: 美:
waged 中文意思翻译
waged 短语词组
1、waged define ─── 下注定义
2、waged definition ─── 下注定义
3、waged on ─── 下注
4、waged job ─── 有酬工作
5、unclaimed waged ─── [经] 未领工资
6、waged work ─── 日薪工作
7、low-waged (low-wage ─── 的过去时) 低工资
8、waged on land ─── 在土地上下注
waged 词性/词形变化,waged变形
原型:wage 过去分词:waged
waged 相似词语短语
1、paged ─── adj.分页的;被寻找的;v.给…标页码;翻阅浏览;喊叫寻找(page的过去分词)
2、waded ─── vi.跋涉;vt.涉水;费力行走;n.跋涉;可涉水而过的地方
3、caged ─── adj.关在笼子里的;vt.把…关入笼内(cage的过去式和过去分词)
4、gaged ─── v.以……为担保,以……为赌注(gage的过去式和过去分词)
5、swaged ─── adj.型锻的;陷型的;vt.锻造;用型铁打成(swage的过去分词)
6、aged ─── adj.年老的;…岁的;老年人特有的;v.老化(age的过去式);成熟;变老
7、-aged ─── adj.年老的;…岁的;老年人特有的;v.老化(age的过去式);成熟;变老
8、raged ─── v.发怒;狂暴;狂欢(rage的过去分词)
9、wagged ─── v.(动物尾巴)来回摇摆;来回摇动(竖立的手指);议论;(非正式)逃学;n.老开玩笑的人;摇动,摆动;(非正式)逃学者
waged 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、For almost a year they had waged a war of nerves on their neighbours; now it was to be war in earnest. ─── 他们同邻居进行精神战已将近一年;现在要郑重开战了。
2、Most wage claims are settled by compromise . ─── 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决.
3、Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of living. ─── 增加的工资被上升的生活费用抵销。
4、The worker's wage was increased across the board. ─── 工人的工资全面提高了。
5、The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001. ─── 反叛者自2001年以来一直进行游击战争。
6、He's discontented with his wage. ─── 他不满于自己的工资。
7、The company's wage system is coming under review. ─── 即将重新考虑公司的工资制度。
8、Real wage costs have risen by 10% in the past year. ─── 在过去的一年里,实际工资成本增加了 10%。
9、Workers requested a raise in the wage. ─── 工人们要求提高工资。
10、But the sushi waged war with his senses. ─── 可是这些寿丝触动着他的进食()经。
11、Santa Fe has a strong living wage ordinance. ─── 圣达菲有着严格的生活工资法令。
12、The workers stick out for higher wage. ─── 工人们坚决要求提高工资。
13、To make it a truly special collectible, we've included sand from the very coast the battle was waged upon(see center section, page8). ─── 为了让它成为一个真实而特别的收藏品,我们特意从当年那片战斗进行的海岸上收集到了这些沙子(见中间部分,第8页)。
14、The workers reduced their wage demands. ─── 工人们降低了他们在工资方面的要求。
15、Everyone should have the right to a decent wage and a decent home. ─── 人人都有权得到体面的工资和拥有一个美好的家庭。
16、The North waged war on the South. ─── 北方发动对南方的战争。
17、He travailed hard for his daily wage. ─── 他为每天的工资而辛劳。
18、They said that their wage increase would be offset by higher price. ─── 他们说他们增加的工资将被上涨的价格抵消。
19、Most wage claims are settled by compromise. ─── 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决。
20、For them, history did nothing, it possessed no immense wealth nor waged battles: "It is man, real, living man who does all that." ─── 对他们来说,历史是无辜的,它没有带来巨大的财富,也没有发动战争:“这一切都是人,真实的、活生生的人带来的。”
21、A wage rise of 10 pounds a week across the board. ─── 全体成员每人每周加薪10镑。
22、If yes, please attach a copy of a Wage Statement. ─── 如果是,请附上工资单复印件。
23、When the rich wage war, it is the poor who die. ─── 富人发动的战争,穷人来抵命。
24、All right men, time to wage to war! ─── 好了,士兵们,发动战争的时机到了!
25、His wage is 60 yuan a month less 2 yuan for rent. ─── 他的工资是每月60元,但要扣去2元的房租。
26、How do they manage to subsist on such a low wage? ─── 他们这点工资怎么糊口?
27、People are beginning to wage war on pollution. ─── 人们开始向污染宣战。
28、For almost a year they had waged a war of nerves on their neighbours; now it was to be war in earnest. ─── 他们同邻居进行精神战已将近一年;现在要郑重开战了。
29、No country wants to wage a nuclear war. ─── 哪个国家也不想打核战争。
30、The unfair wage system must be reformed as soon as possible. ─── 不合理的工资制度必须尽快改革。
31、Over the past few decades, Americans have waged political war as if all that matters is the amount of money going into federal coffers. ─── 过去几十年,美国人发动了一些政治斗争,对他们来说似乎除了进入国库的金钱数额之外,其他什么都不重要。
32、We wage earners are all in the same boat during these hard times. ─── 在这些艰难的岁月里,我们干活挣工资的人命运相同。
33、How do they manage to subsist(on such a low wage)? ─── 他们(区区这点工资)怎样口?
34、His father worked under the capitalist for a wage. ─── 他的父亲为挣一份工资,在资本家手下干活。
35、Finally, let's take a look at the war of words waged by Microsoft and Google as they try to win the battle of public perception. ─── 最后,让我们看一看为了赢得公众的认可,微软和谷歌发表的一些言论。
36、The dialogue deadlocked over the wage issue. ─── 对话由于工资问题而搁浅了。
37、Any increase in wage costs is bound to be passed on to the consumer. ─── 任何工资成本提高必定转嫁到用户头上。
38、Until now, wage increases have always kept pace with inflation. ─── 到目前为止,工资的增长与通货膨胀始终保持同步。
39、Most compensation is set to meet local minimum wage. ─── 大部分工资是根据当地的最低工资标准确定的。
40、The battle is waged whenever and wherever laws are made. ─── 任何时候、任何地方只要制定法律,就会发生这种斗争。
41、The conventional wisdom is that high wage rise will increase inflation. ─── 人们普遍认同的看法是工资增长过快会加剧通货膨胀。
42、Paul tells us "the wage is death" (Romans 6:23). ─── 保罗告诉我们“罪的工价乃是死”(罗马书6:23)。
43、A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration. ─── 少量津贴很少一部分金钱补助、工资或津贴
44、Iost the war and prepared to wage the next one. ─── |然后准备发动下一场战争.
45、And wage growth is outstripping productivity gains. ─── 另外工资的增幅也高于收益率。
46、The company's wage bill is over a million pounds a year. ─── 公司在工资方面的开支一年达一百万镑以上。
47、Wage earners are liable to income tax. ─── 劳动者应交纳所得税。
48、War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. ─── 密谋、欺诈和谋杀已经把一场战争摆到了我们面前。
49、They waged a campaign against nuclear tests. ─── 他们开展了反核试验运动。
50、The worker is demanding to be paid a living wage. ─── 工人要求得到能够维持生活的工资。
51、In our family both my husband and I are wage earners. ─── 在我们家里,丈夫和我都挣工资。
52、The party is resolving the wage problem of the intellectual people. ─── 党正在解决知识分子的工资问题
53、The meeting deadlocked over the wage issue. ─── 会议因工资问题而停顿下来。
54、In the Middle Ages England waged war on France. ─── 在中世纪,英国向法国发动了战争。
55、He waged a long war against poverty. ─── 他对贫穷作长期的挑战。
56、The company's wage system is coming under review next week. ─── 下周将检讨公司的工资制度。
57、They were waged by levies of common people . ─── 它们是靠征募普通人来进行的。
58、The Students' Union waged a compaign against waste on the campus. ─── 学生会在校园里发起一场反对浪费的运动。
59、How do they manage to subsist (on such a low wage)? ─── 他们(区区这点工资)怎样餬口?
60、During their placement they will be paid a trainee wage. ─── 在养老院工作期间,员们会被支付培训人员级别的工资。
61、But then in 1979, the tide began to turn when Paul Volcker took over the U. S. Federal Reserve and waged war against inflation. ─── 在1979年,当保罗沃克尔(PaulVolcker)成为美联储主席之后,他开始同通货膨胀进行斗争。
62、The Armed Forces must be able to wage war online. ─── 军队必须能够在网上作战。
63、Joshua waged war a long time with all these kings. ─── 书11:18约书亚和这诸王争战了许多年日。
64、His wage nowadays increased twenty times from that in 1960. ─── 他目前的工资比1960年时长了20倍。
65、The battle is currently being waged on land, in greenhouses at the University of Barcelona. ─── 这场战斗目前正在巴塞罗那大学的温室里进行。
66、He could barely exist on such a low wage. ─── 他很难靠这么低的工资生存。
67、He was sad for the wage - pegging efforts that failed . ─── 他为业已失败的稳定工资的努力而难过。
68、A people's war, however, is always waged right around a man's home and close to what he holds most near and dear in life. ─── 而且,人民战争总是在人们的家乡一带进行,离人们生活中最亲近和最珍贵的东西很近。
69、In the past, the great powers would wage war against helpless little countries so as to gain their land. ─── 以前,势力强大的国家常同弱小无助的国家发动战争以获得土地。
70、Do contract workers receive the same wage rates as local workers? ─── 合约劳工是否享有与当地劳工一样的薪酬?
71、Do you use piece rates or an hour wage? ─── 你们采用的是计件工资还是计时工资?
72、A wage agreement in line with current inflation. ─── 和先行通货膨胀相配合的工资协议。
73、They waged a protracted war to rid their land of these aggressors. ─── 他们进行了长期战争,把这些侵略者赶出国土。
74、The inevitable result was the ten years'war waged by the Red Army. ─── 于是不得不有十年的红军战争。
75、His nominal wage is fifteen pounds a week, but he makes a few pounds more on the side. ─── 他的名义工资是每周15英镑,但是他还有几英镑的额外收入。
76、The rebellion waged for three months. ─── 叛乱持续了三个月。
77、They jumped at this opportunity to wage a war on us. ─── 他们抓住了这个机会对我们发动了战争。
78、The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week. ─── 他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求,但每周工时要缩短。
79、In that situation, a wage freeze, whether voluntary or imposed by the Government, deals with a symptom of inflation rather than with inflation itself. ─── 在那种情况下,工资冻结,无论是自动还是国家强制进行的,是对付通货膨胀的症状,而不是通货膨胀本身。
80、We wage earners were in the same boat during those hard times. ─── 在那艰苦的岁月里,我们这些靠工资生活的人都处境相同。
81、They were waged by levies of common people. ─── 他们的工资支付是靠征募普通人来进行的。
82、Joshua waged war against all these kings for a long time. ─── 18约书亚和这诸王争战了许多年日。
83、Those who had waged a long fight against “Big Tobacco” rejoiced. ─── 发动反对”大烟草”计划的人欢欣鼓舞。
84、Doctors wage war against disease . ─── 医生与疾病作斗争。
85、The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow. ─── 他应得的工资明天付给他。
86、The allies waged war on Hitler. ─── 同盟国向希特勒展开战争。
87、He alleged that a press campaign was being waged against him. ─── 他声称有人正在对他发起新闻攻势。
88、He is the sole wage earner in his family. ─── 他是家中唯一挣工资的人。
89、As a rule the war was waged between very realistic interests. ─── 一般地说,这些战争原是各种很实在的利益间的斗争。
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