jellyfish 发音
英:[ˈdʒelifɪʃ] 美:[ˈdʒelifɪʃ]
英: 美:
jellyfish 中文意思翻译
jellyfish 词性/词形变化,jellyfish变形
jellyfish 短语词组
1、have you ever seen a jellyfish ─── 你见过水母吗
2、stalked jellyfish ─── 水母
3、pink jellyfish ─── 粉红色水母
4、box jellyfish ─── 箱型水母
5、red jellyfish ─── 红水母
6、stung by jellyfish ─── 被水母蜇了
7、stung by a jellyfish ─── 被水母蜇伤
8、poisonous jellyfish ─── 有毒水母
9、the jellyfish story ─── 水母的故事
10、jellyfish costume ─── 水母服装
11、jellyfish jump ─── 水母跳跃
12、crown jellyfish ─── 冠水母
13、acaleph jellyfish acaleph ─── 水母
14、the jellyfish song ─── 水母之歌
15、jellyfish entertainment ─── 水母娱乐
16、bubble for jellyfish ─── 水母泡泡
17、glowing jellyfish ─── 发光水母
18、jellyfish journey ─── 水母之旅
19、jellyfish finger family ─── 水母手指家族
jellyfish 相似词语短语
1、pollyfish ─── 多头鱼
2、box jellyfish ─── 箱型水母
3、jellified ─── v.使成果子冻
4、billfish ─── n.长嘴鱼
5、jellyfishes ─── n.水母;[无脊椎]海蜇;软弱无能的人
6、elfish ─── adj.如小精灵的;好恶作剧的;小妖精的;顽皮的
7、cellfish ─── 在不合时宜的时间或地点打**
8、fallfish ─── n.风鱼
9、dealfish ─── n.板鱼(大西洋海域的一种鱼)
jellyfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Each genus was characterized and the infection on the fishery of the large jellyfish was elaborated. ─── 并阐述了大型水母对浙江省渔业生产的影响。
2、Waters boil with jellyfish in one of Palau's marine lakes. Surprises hide in each of some 80 such lakes in this Pacific archipelago. ─── 在帕劳群岛其中一个海洋湖中,充满了水母的湖水像沸腾了一样。像这样令人惊奇的景象还隐藏在这个太平洋群岛的大约80个湖中。
3、You can see everything from sharks and jellyfish(8) to giant sea clams(9) and turtles. ─── 您可以一览所有的生物,从鲨鱼、母到巨大海蛤、龟都有。
4、Chefs can always cut the thin jellyfish into three pieces and into very thin thread. ─── 厨师们可以做到切丝如发、切片似纸。
5、You can get a nasty sting from a jellyfish. ─── 你可能会被水母狠狠地蜇一下。
6、A team of marine biologists were astonished to see a dolphin swim under a jellyfish and with a quick flick of its tail shoot it out of the water. ─── 一群海洋生物学家看到一条海豚游在水母下,然后把尾巴向上拨,就把水母射出水面了。
7、The big fish of Dandong, the jellyfish of Yingkou, and the clams of Panjin are known worldwide for their good tastes. ─── 丹东大海鱼、营口海蜇和盘锦蛤蜊都因其味道鲜美而享誉世界。
8、Liaodong peninsula reaped a bumper harvest in the year of 2004.Only in Lushun Salt Pan of Dalian, the yield of jellyfish reached 200,000kg per day. ─── 2004年辽东半岛海蜇喜获丰收,仅大连市旅顺口区盐场一处日捕获海蜇量便达20万公斤。
9、The outer layer of a diploblastic animal, such as a jellyfish. ─── 外层双胚层动物的外层,如海蜇
10、On display there are deadly box jellyfish with four-metre-long tentacles, spiders and scorpions as big as your hand, and a crocodile the size of a canoe. ─── 你可以在展览上见到致命的箱水母,它的触角有四米长;像手掌那么大的蜘蛛和蝎子;还有一条跟独木舟一般大的鳄鱼。
11、The top of the cloud rises into a jellyfish shape and long tentacles known as “trailing virga” form from rain drops that have evaporated. ─── 事实上,往往在暴风雨侵袭得最猛烈的阶段过后,才能看到这种云层。
12、It is virtually impossible to see and is tiny enough to pass through nets meant to keep jellyfish away from popular swimming spots. ─── 人们几乎看不见它。它的身型十分微小,可以穿过阻挡水母的网,进入人多的游泳区域。
13、Although most of us believe that all jellyfish are clear blobs in the water, which is far from true. ─── 尽管大多数人以为所有的海蜇在水中是透明的斑点,但这离真实的情况差得很远。
14、Vlad, 47, captured the jellyfish's habitat with an underwater camera while on a family holiday with his wife and daughter. ─── 47岁的弗拉德是在和妻女度假时用潜水相机拍下这些照片的。水母湖里约有1000万条不蜇人的无毒水母。
15、Mingjiaoboni small goldfish, she is the daughter of the Queen Mermaid, sneaking out of jellyfish secretly driving crashed into play when the bottle. ─── 小金鱼名叫波尼,她是人鱼女王的女儿,偷偷驾著水母溜出来玩的时候撞进了瓶子里。
16、A large jellyfish glides past you. ─── 一只巨大的水母滑过你的身边。
17、To know that the B cells have actually gone into action, the researchers plug into B cells another gene -- from a jellyfish called Aequorea. ─── 为了掌握B细胞发生反应的情况,研究人员在B细胞中**入了另外一种取自水母体内的基因。
18、One of the stranger dive spots in Palau is Jellyfish Lake, a saltwater lagoon containing thousands of small jellyfish. ─── 帛琉更奇特的潜水地点之一便是水母湖,是一个有成千上万只小水母的咸水礁湖。
19、you want to dive with jellyfish? ─── 你想和水母一起潜水吗?
20、I mean, the jellyfish were glowing. ─── 我的意思是,水母都在发光。
21、For instance, some jellyfish, when feeding on a lot of larval crustaceans that are high in certain pigments, are usually pink to purple in color. ─── 如一些海蜇以许多含色素较高的幼体甲壳类为食时;在色彩上通常是粉红色到紫色。
22、Ouch! A jellyfish sits on my knee. ─── 哦!一只水母坐在我的膝盖上。
23、"My slight knock was enough to tell me that it's not something to be messed around with," Southall wrote of the jellyfish. ─── 我根本没想到会这样,退一步讲,我也放松了警惕。在汉密尔顿岛的最后几天,我本应该好好放松一下。”
24、Why Don't Jellyfish Look Like Fish? ─── 为什么水母看起来不像鱼?
25、Last October,scientists field-tested a cotton pest called the pink bollworm moth,carrying a test gene for a glowing jellyfish protein. ─── 去年10月,科学家对一种叫红棉铃虫蛾的棉花害虫做了野外试验,它带有一个发光的水母蛋白测试基因。
26、There was no sign of the jellyfish on Wednesday, but since Sunday at least 700 people have been stung. ─── 星期三,我们并没有发现水母的踪迹,但是,从上周星期天以来,已经有700多人被蛰伤。
27、When triggered, these cells eject poison-tipped barbs that help the jellyfish catch food in the ocean. ─── 当受到触发时,这些细胞喷射出有助于海蜇在海洋中捕捉食物的有毒倒钩。
28、Fromthe aspects of cli matic suitability,the priority order of jellyfish breeding was Lianyungang,Nantong and Yancheng. ─── 从气候相对适宜性看,江苏沿海养殖海蛰的优先顺序为连云港、南通、盐城;
29、The cellar-dweller yelled, Fell the jellyfish burglar! ─── 住地下室的人喊道打倒海蜇窃贼!
30、A tiny jellyfish has killed hundreds of thousands of salmon at fish farms in Scotland. ─── 一种小型水母已经把苏格兰沿海渔场中成千上万的大马哈鱼置于死地!
31、Please don't talk me into eating this jellyfish. ─── 不要说服我去吃海蜇。
32、Her hairstyle will be a blue jellyfish,a head of full orange sunflowers,a rainbow cake, even a big lollipop and so on. ─── 她的发型有可能是蓝色的水母,有可能是满头橙色的向日葵,有可能是彩虹蛋糕,甚至有可能是一个巨大的棒棒糖等等。
33、He's displaced and unglued, scared that faith in God could be misconstrued, but the cross makes him wish that his spine was more than a school of jellyfish. ─── 他的流离失所,害怕对上帝的信仰可能被误解,但十字架使他希望他的脊椎不只是一群水母。
34、Media people were held in a reception area with a drink and watched a laser light show as the guests were served with roast suckling pig, marinated jellyfish, spring roll and fried sharks fin with crabmeat and egg. ─── 传媒工作人员在一旁的招待处喝着水和看着激光表演而来宾则享用烧猪,腌水母,春卷和鱼翅炒蟹肉及鸡蛋。
35、A file photo taken on October 4, 2006 shows a diver attaching a sensor on a large Echizen jellyfish off the coast of Komatsu in Ishikawa prefecture, northern Japan. ─── 图为2006年10月4日的档案照,照片中可见一潜水人员正在日本北部百峰村小松岸外海域帮一只大型越前水母装感应器。
36、You can see everything from sharks and jellyfish to giant sea clams and turtles.Palau is a wonderful place to go for all of your underwater adventures. ─── 您可以一览所有的生物,从鲨鱼、水母到巨大海蛤、乌龟都有。帛琉是您海底探险的绝佳去处。
37、Nomura's jellyfish first arrived in Japanese waters in 2005 when fisherman out looking for anchovies, salmon and yellowtail began finding large numbers of the gelatinous creatures in their nets. ─── 2005年,渔民出海捕捞凤尾鱼、鲑鱼以及黄尾鱼时,开始发现渔猎之中出现了越前水母这种巨大的生物。
38、In fact, a humble jellyfish seems to have discovered the keys to eternity. ─── 事实上,一种不起眼的水母似乎发现了长生不老的秘诀。
39、A transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish in the waters around Hawaii. ─── 夏威夷水域,一个透明的虾幼依附在一个同样透明的水母身上。
40、Before Lukyanov, no one had looked for GFP-like proteins in corals because they do not glow in the dark like fireflies and jellyfish. ─── 在Sergey Lukyanov之前,由于珊瑚虫在黑暗中不能像萤火虫和水母发光,没有人在珊瑚虫寻找GFP类似的蛋白。
41、Three "jellyfish" hopped around, and one small sharkish fish circled the area. ─── 三只“水母”在周围游来荡去,还有一只长得像鲨鱼的小鱼在四处巡游。
42、The annual output of the aquatic product reaches 250,000 tons including sea cucumber, prawn, clam, sea worm, oyster, conch, crab, Spanish mackerel, jellyfish etc. ─── 主要产品有海参、对虾、蛤子、沙蚕、牡蛎、海螺、蟹子、鲅鱼、海蜇等,全市年水产总产量达25万吨。
43、Leedsichthys was a giant fish that would have dwarfed every other animal in the sea, but it was a gentle giant that lived on the tiny shrimps, jellyfish and small fish that make up plankton. ─── 利兹鱼是一种巨大的鱼,能使海洋中所有其它动物都显得矮小,但它是一位温和的巨人,靠小虾、水母和小鱼这些浮游动物过活的。
44、Don't worry about getting stung.These jellyfish have no natural enemies and their stingers are harmless. ─── 别担心会被水母螫到,这些水母没有天敌,所以牠们的螫刺是无害的。
45、Given impressive-sounding names like "Portuguese man-of-war," jellyfish are certainly respected and feared by humans. ─── 拥有“葡萄牙军舰”这个听起来就让人印象深刻的名字,水母的确让人类又敬又怕。
46、Crown jellyfish live in all the world's oceans, usually at significant depths. Here, a bright-red specimen samples the shallow waters around Papua New Guinea. ─── 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。皇冠海蜇居住所有的人的海洋,通常在重要的深海。在这里,一个明亮的--红色标本例子在浅水区在巴布亚新几内亚周围。
47、The Grand Greenhouse has been planted with more than 1.4 thousand plants, including jellyfish, Gentian, Corydalis and so on. ─── 在大温室里,就培植了植物1400多种,有水母、龙胆、紫堇等。
48、At the Nigata Institute of Technology in Kashiwazaki, Japan, that mindset has spurred scientists to give new life to spoiled milk and rotting jellyfish. ─── 在日本柏崎的新泻技术学院,这种意向促使科学家们为变坏的牛奶和腐败的水母赋予新的生命。
49、This species of box jellyfish, the largest, can have as many as 60 tentacles. ─── 其最大的盒状形水母的触角可以达到60条触须。
51、On one beach, I found a lot of jellyfish. ─── 在一处海滩发现海水中有很多的水母。
52、Her husband is a perfect jellyfish. ─── 她丈夫是个典型的优柔寡断的人。
53、Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore, jellyfish near the Ryukyu Trench near Japan. ─── 在日本附近的琉球海沟,研究者们发现了栉水母的一个可能新种。
54、Perhaps the jellyfish is indeed nature's perfect beast. ─── 也许水母真的是自然界中真正的霸主。
55、It was an omnivorous grazer, sweeping up drifting fish, jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants. ─── 它是一种什么都吃的动物,清扫漂浮的鱼、水母、腐肉和植物。
56、Uric the Oddball (Medieval, dates unknown) Highly eccentric wizard who is famed, among other things, for wearing a jellyfish for a hat. ─── 怪人尤里克(中世纪,年份不详)不正常巫师,在诸多怪行中,尤以戴一个水母当帽子最为著名。
57、A lone bag made a break for freedom and buoyed by the swish of air it lifted across the room like a jellyfish. ─── 一条袋子没关好,随着透过房间的风像水母一样飞了起来。
58、Known as a sprite, this lightning appears in the sky often in the shape of a huge carrot or jellyfish in groups of two or more. ─── 这些被称为“精灵闪光”的闪电常会在天空中以一个巨大的胡萝卜或三两成群的水母的形状出现。
59、Marine invertebrates, jellyfish are found in every ocean in the world. ─── 在世界上的各大海洋里都可以找到水母这种海洋无脊动物。
60、The sea nettle,, for example, often has an orange or light brown coloring, octopus jellyfish have a blue or gray tint,, and the lion's mane jellyfish has a golden tint to it is like its namesake. ─── 例如,海荨麻常常具有橙色或浅褐色色彩,章鱼海蜇具有蓝灰色色彩,狮于鬃海蜇就像它的名字一样具有金**的色彩。
61、Some jellyfish are vegetarians that grow their own food and carry it with them. ─── 一些海蜇是能培育自己所需食物并随身携带的食草动物。
62、Last October, scientists field-tested a cotton pest called the pink bollworm moth, carrying a test gene for a glowing jellyfish protein. ─── 去年10月科学家对一种叫红棉铃虫蛾的棉花害虫做了野外试验,它带有一个发光的水母蛋白测试基因。
63、The box jellyfish has killed more people in Australia than stonefish, sharks and crocodiles combined. ─── 在澳大利亚,箱水母蛰死的人比石头鱼、鲨鱼和鳄鱼的使人致死的总和还多。
64、Do not eat jellyfish. Or fish that have spikes. Or fish that have parrot like beaks. Of that puff up like balloons. ─── 不要吃水母、有刺的鱼、像鹦鹉那样有钩形嘴的鱼,否则你的嘴会肿的像气球一样。
65、In the adult, or medusa stage of a jellyfish, they can reproduce sexually by releasing sperm and eggs into the water, forming a planula. ─── 在海蜇成体或水母体阶段,它们通过将精子和卵于释放到水中形成浮浪幼体而进行有性繁殖。
66、In all cases, the gene for the dye was borrowed from a luminescent marine organism, typically a jellyfish that makes the so-called green fluorescent protein. ─── 两个团队都借用了发光性海洋生物的萤光蛋白做为染料(通常使用水母的绿色萤光蛋白)。
67、According to conventional thinking, simple animals, including sponges, jellyfish and corals, evolved step-by-step in a linear fashion into those with more complex bodies, such as mammals. ─── 按照传统的见解,包括海绵、水母和珊瑚在内的简单动物按部就班发生演变,以线性方式形成像哺乳动物一样的更加复杂的生物体。
68、A stinging jellyfish, especially a scyphozoan (Dactylometra quinquecirrha) of the tropical Atlantic. ─── 刺水母:带刺的水母,尤指热带大西洋的(海刺)的钵水母纲动物
69、Do not buy bags or drums have been turbid liquid bag of ready-to-eat products jellyfish. ─── 不要购买已鼓袋或袋内液体已混浊的即食海蜇产品。
70、Photo Gallery: Translucent Creatures A transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish in the waters around Hawaii. ─── 意译:透明生物图片集。一只透明的幼虫虾骑在一只同样的能够贯穿通透的海蜇在围绕夏威夷的海域。
71、Kate: Oh, I got stung by a jellyfish! What happened to your eye? ─── 凯特:噢,不小心被海蜇给咬了一口,你眼睛怎么了?
72、In Israel a huge swarm of jellyfish recently clogged up the seawater supply used for cooling purposes in a nuclear power station in Hadera. ─── 近日有大量水母“来势汹汹”,进入以色列哈代拉的一座核电站,阻塞用于冷却核反应堆的海水供应系统。
73、A jellyfish crop circle in Kingston Coombes, Oxfordshire. ─── 一水母状麦田怪圈出现在牛津郡金士顿库姆斯。
74、In most jellyfish, these stinging cells are so small that they can't penetrate human skin. ─── 在大多数海蜇中,这些蛰刺细胞非常小,以至于无法穿透人类的皮肤。
75、Please don't talk me into eating jellyfish. ─── 妳可别说服我去吃海蜇皮。
76、That cloud you see is in fact a colossal swarm of thimble jellyfish - each no bigger than your thumbnail. ─── 你看见的那片云实际上是一大群灯罩(顶针)水母,每个的体型都小于你的大拇指甲。
77、Record numbers of jellyfish are appearing in coastal waters. ─── 创历史纪录的水母正大量出现在沿海水域。
78、I felt like a jellyfish nailed to a plank.Above all, I felt hungry.The hands were moving slowly. ─── 我又觉得自己像一只钉在木板上的海蜇,但我最明显的感觉是饿。
79、Found in the in the waters around Hawaii, this transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish. ─── 图片中的这只透明幼虾是在夏威夷周围水域发现的,此时的它正“骑”在一只身体同样呈透明状的水母背上。
80、How many jellyfish can you see? One, two, three! ─── 你可以看见多少水母?一、二、三只!
81、Huge swarms of stinging jellyfish and similar slimy animals are ruining beaches in Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mediterranean, Australia and elsewhere, U.S. researchers reported on Dec.12. ─── 据12月12号美国研究人员报道一大群蛰人水母以及类似的粘滑动物正在毁坏夏威夷,墨西哥湾,地中海,澳大利亚等其他地方。
82、Larger migrators include the shrimp-like krill, animals that resemble small shell-less snails and jellyfish, and other fascinating creatures. ─── 大一点的迁徙者小虾,就像**虾,还有类似无壳的蜗牛和水母的动物,和其他的一些令人惊奇的生物。
83、Ouch! A jellyfish sits on my knee. ─── 嗷!一只水母坐在我的膝盖上。
84、The annual output of the aquatic product reaches250,000 tons including sea cucumber, prawn, clam, sea worm, oyster, conch, crab, Spanish mackerel, jellyfish etc. ─── 主要产品有海参、虾、子、蚕、蛎、螺、子、鱼、蜇等,全市年水产总产量达25万吨。
85、Wobbling like little jellyfish as they rise. ─── 它们晃悠悠地上升,仿佛水母一样。
86、Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells (cnidocytes) that can sting or kill other animals: most jellyfish use them to secure prey or for defence. ─── 它的触须从体内伸出,每根触须上都带有可以伤害甚至杀害其他动物的毒刺。水母大都用这些刺来捕食或自卫。
87、Along the way defeat dynasties, what power jellyfish, Spitfire dragon, alien robots so that they are sidelined, we are the masters, moving the thumb can move you unlimited access to the game fun. ─── 一路上过关斩将,什么发电水母,喷火飞龙,外星机器人都让他们靠边站,我们就是主人翁,动动拇指就能让你获得无限的游戏乐趣。
88、Otherwise, the hordes of jellyfish will be the least of our problems. ─── 否则,水母群将会是我们最小的麻烦。
89、Flanked by two yellow-tinted stars, Mu and Eta Geminorum, at the foot of a celestial twin, the Jellyfish Nebula is the brighter arcing ridge of emission with dangling tentacles right of center. ─── 在两颗泛**姐妹恒星井宿一 和钺之间,水母星云就是影像中央右侧具有较明亮弧状隆起的发射星云,并向外伸出摆动的触手。
〈动〉触手, 触角, 触须
Many molluscs have tentacles.
Jellyfish tentacles
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