deceptively 发音
英:[[dɪ'septɪvlɪ]] 美:[[dɪˈsɛptɪvlɪ]]
英: 美:
deceptively 中文意思翻译
deceptively 词性/词形变化,deceptively变形
名词: deceptiveness |
deceptively 短语词组
1、deceptively difficult ─── 看似困难
2、deceptively delicious ─── 貌似美味
3、deceptively simple ─── 看似简单的
deceptively 相似词语短语
1、decretively ─── 逐渐减少。
2、preceptively ─── 先例
3、decoratively ─── adv.装饰地
4、inceptively ─── 令人不快
5、perceptively ─── adv.知觉地;有洞察力地;敏锐地
6、deceptive ─── adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的
7、descriptively ─── adv.叙述地
8、defectively ─── adv.有缺陷地;缺乏地
9、receptively ─── adv.容纳地;感受
deceptively 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It also shows Jane Austen’s skill at dealing with complex emotions and timeless themes in her deceptively simple stories. ─── 达西先生代表了小说标题中的“傲慢”,而“偏见”则表明了伊丽莎白对达西先生的态度。
2、The questions are clear, and deceptively simple. ─── “土地召唤他回来。”
3、Tax payers using the fraudulent means mentioned in preceding paragraph to deceptively reclaim their paid taxes shall be convicted and punished according to provisions of article 201, ─── 纳税人缴纳税款后,采取前款规定的欺骗方法,骗取所缴纳的税款的,依照本法第二百零一条的规定定罪处罚;
4、Never before has such a large load of silks come from such a deceptively small production item. ─── 以前从未有过一个如此小的魔术制造装置可以容纳如此多的丝巾.
5、The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. ─── 我们一直在走的这条路容易使人误以为很好走,这条路是一条平坦的高速公路,我们可以高速前进,但灾难却在尽头。
6、deceptively simple spectrum ─── 假象图谱
7、The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. ─── 我们一直在走的这条路表面上很好走,是一条平坦的超级公路,
8、a deceptively simple idea ─── 貌似简单的想法
9、COMPARED with the hydra-headed fight against terror, the cold war seems to have been deceptively easy. ─── 相比于错综复杂的“反恐”战争而言,冷战看起来似乎更令人容易理解。
10、The light-hearted text and almost comical illustrations present a deceptively powerful and very topical message of how we have allowed television to take over our lives. ─── 轻松愉快的文本和几乎可笑例证提出一则欺骗地强有力和非常典型消息怎样我们允许电视接收我们的生活。
11、Moon-lit night by a spring river. A deceptively simple dance, pure beauty. ─── 分类:影视娱乐创建于:2007-01-07被查看:2670次来源:未名交友[回复
12、His mouth looked deceptively gentle. ─── 他说话时装作很温柔。
13、As I have obeserved it,great advertising writing,either in print or TV,is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has the common touch wihout being or sounding patroizing. ─── 我唯一的警告是,公司的成长绝对不能以正直为代价;我认为正直是广告代理商的灵魂和前进的动力。
14、The Court also stressed that the deceptively simple phrase "energy conservation" involves a vast number of possible actions that might in one way or another ultimately reduce projected demands for electricity. ─── 最高法院还强调,简单得令人迷惑的术语“能源保护”涉及到了数目众多的可能行动,这些行动最终可能以某种方式削减规划了的电力需求。
15、like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple. ─── 像所有的好点子一样,它简单到就像是虚假的一样。
16、A deceptively attractive external appearance; an outward show. ─── 虚饰,外表骗人的吸引人的外表;外在的表现
17、EIGHT years after the deceptively swift toppling of the Taliban, the prospects for the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan seem worse than ever. ─── 在塔利班政权“名亡实存”倒台的八年后,以北约为首领导的阿富汗行动前景一片黯淡。
18、4. His inner tensions and some of his insecurities persist behind a deceptively casual facade of geniality,self-deprecation,easy humor and aphoristic conversational skill. ─── 表面上他装得和蔼可亲,十分谦逊,轻松幽默,谈起话来满口警句,然而在这一切的背后,他的内心一直是紧张的,还是有些缺乏自信。收藏指正
19、The internationally renowned engineering firm of Arup also played a strategic part in solving the deceptively simple, yet complex equation. ─── 国际知名工程公司Arup能够简单的处理让人困惑的难题,尤其是复杂的综合体。
20、A mark used in respect of goods and services that is substantially identical with or deceptively similar to a registered trade mark will be an infringement. ─── 对已注册的商品,以同一或类似性商标使用于商品或服务,即构成对商标的侵权。
21、It seems deceptively simple to establish galvanic isolation with the help of optocouplers between circuits that operate at different ground potentials. ─── 有不同潜路工作的电路中,用光耦建立电流隔离看上去似乎很简单。
22、And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple. ─── 像所有的好点子一样,它简单到就像是虚假的一样。
23、For South Koreans 2007 was the Year of Living Deceptively, according to a survey published Monday in the wake of scandals involving fake academics, the nation's top conglomerate and politicians. ─── 周一公布的一项调查称:2007年是韩国“自欺欺人”年。该调查是针对“学术造假”,“大财团及政客丑闻”等事件进行的。
24、To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to. ─── 虚饰,粉饰通常是给人一种不可靠的欺骗性吸引力或较好的外表
25、I started Tiny Two's vaccinations, tested him for worms and discussed his care, diet, and future needs with his deceptively tough-looking owner. ─── 我开始给蒂尼二号注射疫苗,检查它有没有寄生虫,和它貌似粗野的主人讨论如何照料它,以及它的食谱和以后的需要。
26、4. His inner tensions and some of his insecurities persist behind a deceptively casual facade of geniality ,self-deprecation,easy humor and aphoristic conversational skill. ─── 表面上他装得和蔼可亲,十分谦逊,轻松幽默,谈起话来满口警句,然而在这一切的背后,他的内心一直是紧张的,还是有些缺乏自信。
27、Mondrian's works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed, and that simply rotating a piece radically changes the way we view it. ─── 德里安的作品看似简单,但眼球追踪研究证实它们是经过精心创作的,而且简单地旋转下一件作品,就会从根本上改变我们看待它的方式。
28、Deceptively simple in plot and singularly musical in its voice, it is a study of the place where our past becomes our present. ─── 情节看似简单,却充满不同寻常的韵律,对我们的过去成为现在一探究竟。
29、It is located in a prime scenic location, surrounded on three sides by towering green mountains and on the other side winds a turquoise and deceptively shallow river. ─── 她风景秀丽,三面青山环抱,另一面是迂回曲折的碧绿小河(译者注:秋浦河)。
30、The game of momentum trading appears deceptively easy. ─── 动力交易看起来似乎简单。
31、The APA is deceptively simple; ─── 《行政程序法》容易使人误解地简单;
32、The idea was of its time, arriving at the end of the dotcom boom. And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple. ─── 必发的构想诞生于网络泡沫结束之际,和其他创意一样,它似乎简单得令人难以置信。
33、the deceptively smooth surface of the glacier ─── 看似光滑的冰川表面
34、Tobacco companies should not be able to hide behind the federal government to deceptively market their deadly products. ─── 烟草公司不能藏在联邦政府的背后利用致命性产品欺骗市场。
35、Under its kid-friendly, thick sugary coating lies a deceptively deep and addictive design that encourages players to create collections of highly marketable creatures of various species. ─── 凭借着对孩子友好的,可爱的外表,他让很多玩家中毒似的去收集其各种各样的妖怪。
36、It's deceptively compact, so you don't feel overburdened on small-load days, yet it easily swallows a full array of backcountry gear. ─── 外表简洁明快,但容积很大,所以不必担心会装载不下,它能很轻松地装下一大堆冬季户外装备。
37、The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy,a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed,but at its end lies disaster. ─── 如果我们总结出要承担一些无意义的风险,则不应该再接受那些人的建议用有毒的化学物品去实现我们的目的;
38、Little Angels received a latest task: to reach the Rainbow Bridge, a deceptively simple way not easy oh. ─── 小天使收到一个最新的任务:到达彩虹桥,看似简单的路可不简单哦。
39、To be brilliantly, often deceptively, attractive. ─── 有魅力有魅力,常指虚假地,华而不实地
40、SIEBEN LINDEN, a hamlet in former East Germany, half-way between Hamburg and Berlin, looks deceptively normal. ─── Sieben Linden是前东德一个小村庄,坐落于汉堡和柏林之间,表面看来不过是个普通的村庄。
41、There are many satanic gimmicks, which deceptively present only part of the truth, and they are always bestsellers, because Satan knows that undiscerning people always gravitate toward evil. ─── 撒旦的诡计有很多,其手法是只讲出部分真理,并且他们往往是最畅销的,因为撒旦知道没有辨别能力的人们总是容易堕向邪恶。
42、At the core of this deceptively simple book is the question of the nature of cruelty. ─── 本看似简单的书的核心,是残忍的本质问题。
43、At their training camp in Melbourne, things are deceptively quiet, though the goose feathers which make up the best shuttlecocks are flying. ─── 在墨尔本他们的训练基地,尽管鹅毛做的最好的羽毛球在飞舞,但一切都貌似静悄悄的。
44、The idea was of its time, arriving at the end of the dotcom boom.And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple. ─── 必发的构想诞生于网络泡沫结束之际,和其他创意一样,它似乎简单得令人难以置信。
45、Even those deceptively cheap weekend breaks cannot be exempt. ─── 即使那些看似无伤大雅的周末度假也无一例外要被取消。
46、4. 原文:The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed , but at its end lies disaster . ─── 译文:我们一直在走的这条路容易使人误以为很好走,这条路是一条平坦的高速公路,我们可以高速前进,但灾难却在尽头.
47、A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance. ─── 假象,虚饰表面地或虚假的吸引人的形象
48、To talk misleadingly or deceptively. ─── 欺骗胡说来欺骗或欺诈
49、“As I have observed it ,great advertising writing,either in print or TV, is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has the common touch without being or sounding patronizing.” ─── 我相信广告最大的危险之一,不在误导群众,而是让他们觉得要命地无聊。
50、Tying all these segments together is the deceptively complex rhythm of nature. ─── 将这些片断连接起来是大自然令人迷惑的复杂韵律。
51、It also shows Jane Austen's skill at dealing with complex emotions and timeless themes in her deceptively simple stories. ─── 在看似简单的故事里,简·斯汀处理复杂情感及永恒主题的技巧,在此也展露无遗。
52、Nader brought a damage action for fraudulent misrepresentation, claiming that the airline had deceptively failed to disclose that it might "overbook" its flights and deny boarding to passengers with confirmed reservations. ─── 纳德提起欺骗性误导的赔偿诉讼,声称航空公司利用欺骗手段没有披露公司可能"超额预定"其航班机票,并且拒绝已确认了机票的乘客登机。
53、Problem solving is a deceptively simple process that enables you to come up with creative solutions for managing your stress. ─── 解决难题是一个看似简单的过程,它能使你想出有创意的解决问题的方法,以便应对压力。
54、This was a land of multicolored vegetation, small pretty lakes, and deceptively quiet fields of flowers, ferns, and crops. ─── 赞斯到处都有五颜六色的植物,许多美丽的袖珍湖泊点缀其间,看似宁静的土地上长满了鲜花、蕨类植物和庄稼。
55、Yet highly complicated processes and pages can look deceptively simple with the right styling. ─── 即使是程序高度复杂的网页,外观上也必须要相对简单,样式要恰当。
56、This deceptively simple answer was the inspiration behind Dr. ─── 比较放之四海而皆准的一个道理是:越贵的越好。
57、His voice was deceptively smooth, almost silky, but she did not notice. ─── 他的口气很圆滑,甚至有讨好的意思,可是她不在意。
58、Smooth wing scorer ...Slippery quick on his penetrations, deceptively explosive hitting the hole ... ─── 侧翼稳定的得分点,突破时脚底抹油,痴迷于轰炸篮筐。。
59、Records with variant parts are complicated syntactically but deceptively simple semantically. ─── 含有变体部分的记录在语句构成上比较复杂,但在语义上比较简单,具有欺骗性。
60、Politics still looks deceptively like business as usual.Indeed, in the end, it was a belated attempt to pursue reform and take on some of the LDP's vested interests that did for Mr Fukuda. ─── 虽然日本的政策看起来似乎与平时无异,但为时已晚的改革以及对其政党既得利益的触碰,使得福田焦头烂额,也是最终导致他下台的原因。
61、The Rewards of Day-Trading Day-trading seems deceptively easy, and beginners flock to it like moths to a flame. ─── 日内交易的回报日内交易看起来很轻松,新手飞蛾扑火般地做日内交易。
62、The title appears deceptively simple. ─── 这个标题似乎很简单。
63、something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares. ─── 用来趁人不防捕捉人或物的东西(通常外观诱人)。
64、The most fatiguesome thing in the world is nothing but to live deceptively. ─── 世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。
65、As I have observed it, great advertising writing, either in print or TV, is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has the common touch without being or sounding patronizing. ─── 伟大的创意或平面广告,总是出其不意地单纯,触动人心而不凿斧痕。
66、To determine what the tigers kill, my trackers and I collected scats -a deceptively neat name for the smelly excreta deposited by the carnivores-and also looked for their kills. ─── 为了确定老虎捕食了什么物种,同事们和我收集老虎的排泄物,并寻找它们杀死的猎物。
67、That's the deceptively simple premise behind a project currently coming to fruition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ─── 简单地说,这似乎就是麻省理工学院一项科研项目的前提,该项目近来已取得成果。
68、based on pretense; deceptively pleasing. ─── 建立在虚假的基础上;虚假的赞美。
69、Anna's army gives her a reach that far exceeds her grasp as a magazine editor, not to mention a deceptively potent economic punch. ─── 安娜军团使她掌控的领域远远超出了一位杂志主编所能触及的范围,包括极其强大的经济影响力。
70、Koontz does escalating tension and events better than anyone, and does it with such deceptively simple writing that his stories feel like terrifying roller-coaster rides. ─── 库恩兹在层层营造紧张气氛和制造事件上的确要强于他人,而且运用了一种貌似简单的写作方法,令他的故事犹如过山车一般惊险。
71、Deceptively simple, this computer media storage device provides not just the basic function of keeping disks together but introduces a dynamic action that is both fun and functional. ─── 这个存储设计不仅简单的提供了将磁盘保管在一起的功能,还引入了一种将趣味与功能结合在一起的动态行为。
72、Change-up: A pitch thrown deceptively slowly to surprise the batter. ─── 变线球:用虚假慢动作投球,奇袭击球员。
73、She would have a sense of the undercurrents that flowed beneath the deceptively calm surface. ─── 她能够感觉到在那骗人的平静表面下流动着的许多暗流。
74、To conceal,as something common or crude,with a deceptively attractive outward show. ─── 虚饰用欺骗的诱人外观掩饰普通的或粗陋的东西等。
75、Blood may flow through many arteriovenous shunts bypassing capillaries and causing deceptively good venous blood levels of various blood constituents. ─── 血液可以通过很多动静脉短路,绕过毛细血管而造成一种假象,似乎静脉血是处于含有各种血液成分的良好水平。
76、Politics still looks deceptively like business as usual. ─── 表面看上去,政坛局势一如既往。
77、It was as if individuals were being punished for being inappropriately silent, for deceptively withholding information about a rich food source. ─── 似乎,那些猴子受 攻击,是因为它们不适当地保持沉默,隐瞒了一个丰富的食物资源的信息。
78、To conceal, as something common or crude, with a deceptively attractive outward show. ─── 虚饰用欺骗的诱人外观掩饰普通的或粗陋的东西等
79、" But Jehu was acting deceptively in order to destroy the ministers of Baal. ─── 耶户这样行,是用诡计要杀尽拜巴力的人。
80、DzSoft Perl Editor is deceptively simple, but it is really a very powerful tool. ─── 它简单得有些奇怪,但是它真的是一款强大的工具。
81、"What else does he offer? Well he's deceptively mobile and has a bit of pace, which is so important for modern strikers. ─── “他的才能有哪些?好吧,他可以做出很多迷惑性的跑位,同时速度非常快,这对现代前锋非常重要。”
82、This task proved deceptively easy in the dire emergency of 1933 ─── 在1933年极端紧急状态中,这个任务出乎寻常容易。
83、“As I have observed it ,great advertising writing,either in printor TV, is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has thecommon touch without being or sounding patronizing.” ─── 伟大的创意或平面广告,总是出其不意地单纯,触动人心而不凿斧痕。
84、As I have observed it, great adverting writing, either in print of TV,is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has the common touch without being or sounding patronizing. ─── 伟大的创意或平面广告文案,总是出其不意的单纯,触动人心而不凿斧痕。
85、As I have obeserved it, great advertising writing, either in print or TV, is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has the common touch wihout being or sounding patroizing. ─── 伟大的创意或平面广告,总是出其不意的单纯,触动人心而不露斧痕。
86、The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster . ─── 但是并不像我们所熟习的罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗中所说的两条路是同样的好,这两条路并不一样好。
87、The diverse Eastern Cape landscape ranges from the dry, deceptively desolate Great Karoo to the steamy forests of the Wild Coast and the Keiskamma Valley. ─── 东开普省风景多样,有干旱且貌似荒凉的大卡鲁高原,也有狂野海岸那潮湿闷热的森林和凯斯卡玛谷。
88、His voice was deceptively mild. ─── 他的语调令人误以为很平和。
89、The storyline is deceptively simple. ─── 故事情节看似简单。
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