confession 发音
英:[kənˈfeʃ(ə)n] 美:[kənˈfeʃ(ə)n]
英: 美:
confession 中文意思翻译
confession 短语词组
1、admissibility of confession ─── [法] 供词的可接受性
2、judgement by confession ─── [法] 根据招供作出的判决
3、false confession ─── [法] 假坦白, 骗人的供述
4、exact confession by torture ─── [法] 用刑逼供
5、judicial confession ─── [法] 自供, 坦白
6、extor a confession by torture ─── [法] 刑迅逼供
7、letter of confession ─── [法] 自首书, 悔过书
8、confession and avoidance ─── [法] 自认而又持异议
9、confession of judgement ─── [网络] 认罪判决
10、confession admitting guilt ─── [法] 自白
11、alleged confession ─── [法] 口供, 供认
12、Augsburg Confession ─── 奥格斯堡信纲
13、direct confession ─── [法] 直接供认, 直接坦白
14、inducement leading to confession ─── [法] 诱供, 劝诱他人招供
15、confession of extort ─── [法] 逼供
16、confession of judgment ─── [经] 承认判决
17、extrajudicial confession ─── [法] 法院外的招供
18、confession of defence ─── [法] 辩护供词
19、involuntary confession ─── [法] 违反本意的供述, 非自愿招供
confession 词性/词形变化,confession变形
confession 习惯用语
1、make (an) confession ─── 坦白; 交代
2、Open confession is good for the soul. ─── [谚]直认无讳, 身心泰然。
3、confession of faith ─── 信仰声明(获准入教前所作)
4、C-is the first step to repentance. ─── [谚]认罪是悔罪的第一步; 悔过必先认错。
confession 相似词语短语
1、concession ─── n.让步;特许(权);承认;退位
2、confessional ─── n.(教堂内的)忏悔室;坦白;忏悔;adj.自白的;忏悔的;与信仰有关的
3、confusion ─── n.混淆,混乱;困惑
4、confessions ─── n.自白,招供;忏悔录(confession的复数形式)
5、concessions ─── n.让步,让与(concession的复数形式);(票价)优惠
6、confection ─── n.糖果,蜜饯;调制;糖膏(剂);精制工艺品
7、confessing ─── v.忏悔(confess的ing形式);[法]供认
8、confessor ─── n.忏悔者;为信教而被迫害的教徒
9、concussion ─── n.冲击;震荡;脑震荡
confession 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin/purge (away) their sin/purge their souls of sin. ─── 天主教徒透过告解以获得赦罪[净化灵魂]。
2、Will you confess this in the letter? ─── 你能在信中承认这一点吗?
3、He might have been able to confess to Simonetta. ─── 他也许能向西蒙内塔忏悔。
4、I must confess I didn't believe you at first. ─── 必须承认,起初我并不相信你。
5、Father, it has been Two months since my last confession. I have had sex with Nookie Green twice a week for the last two months. ─── 神父,我已经两个月没有忏悔了,在这两个月了,我每周都跟一个绿色的性感女郎做两次爱。
6、She was affected to tears by his confession . ─── 他的悔过使她感动得流泪。
7、The suspect confess to the crime. ─── 嫌疑犯供认了罪行。
8、Carol: A simple confession will do. ─── 卡罗尔:还是自己坦白算了。
9、Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you. ─── 向上帝忏悔,上帝就会宽恕你。
10、Investigators spent more than a year trying to back up the confession, and arrested both men in March 2010. ─── 调查人员用了一年多的时间试图证明汉普顿供词的真实性,并在2010年3月将两人逮捕。
11、Did you confess your love for her? ─── 你有没有向她表白?
12、Open confession is good for the soul. ─── [谚]直认无讳,身心泰然。
13、I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin. ─── 18我要承认我的罪孽。我要因我的罪忧愁。
14、Where there are adoration and confession, there is worship. ─── 哪里有崇拜与忏悔,那里就有信仰。
15、A confession, as of having committed a crime. ─── 供认如承认犯罪事实的坦白
16、Just Evidences,who the Truth confess, . ─── 公道的证物,它道出真诚,.
17、Confession is a private service for individual? ─── 告解是对个人私下的服务吗?
18、A deathbed confession; deathbed pallor. ─── 临死前的忏悔; 临终前的苍白
19、Most people confess to a bad memory. ─── 大多数人都承认记性差。
20、They forced a confession from him . ─── 他们从强迫他招供。
21、He was coerced into making a confession. ─── 他被迫招供。
22、Confession remained the touchstone of guilt or innocence. ─── 供词仍旧是作为有罪与无罪的检验标准。
23、He made a false confession which he later retracted. ─── 他作了假供词,后来又翻供。
24、The police have got a confession out of him. ─── 警方已使他招供。
25、He later recanted his confession. ─── 他后来翻供。
26、Has he made a confession yet? ─── 他招供(或坦白)了吗?
27、You had better make a full confession. ─── 你最好坦白交待。
28、All it took to confess was a word. ─── 它所代表的只有一个词。
29、Where there are adoration and confession, there is worship. ─── 哪里有崇拜和忏悔,哪里就有信仰。
30、His conscience compelled him to confess . ─── 他的良心迫使他承认。
31、Her confession was simply tantamount to a casual explanation. ─── 她的自白简直等于一篇即席说明。
32、He signed the confession under duress. ─── 他被迫无奈在供状上签了字。
33、I do not see our confession bringing much re-lief. ─── 尽管如此,我们的这番自白看不出能带来多大的帮助。
34、I have a confession to make. ─── 我要作个坦白。
35、Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt. ─── 她的供述等于认罪。
36、This new confession threw me for a loop. ─── 这份新口供使我很震惊。
37、They wrung a confession from the prisoner. ─── 他们从犯人口中逼取了口供。
38、A priest visited her to confess her every day. ─── 一位神父天天前来听她忏悔。
39、If you confess your sins to God, he hears you. ─── 如果你跟上帝承认你的罪过,他听到你。
40、His flight amounts to a confession of guilt. ─── 他之逃亡不啻自认犯罪
41、His words may have been intended as a confession of personal error. ─── 他的话也可能是在为自己的错误现身说法。
42、Worst of all is to turn a secret crush into a bold public confession by carelessly making a mistake entering your crush. ─── 最糟的莫过于,因不小心在标记“暗恋”时出了差错,而让暗恋成为“勇敢”的公开表白。
43、I must confess, it was a tense time for me. ─── 应该说那段时期我很紧张。
44、The traitor refused to confess and was racked at last. ─── 叛徒拒不招供,最后被拖到拉肢刑架上施刑。
45、They wrung a confession from her . ─── 他们千方百计逼她招供。
46、His anger was, to a degree, a confession of defeat. ─── 他发怒,多少是承认了自己的失败。
47、A formal statement of religious belief; a confession of faith. ─── 宗教信条一种关于宗教信仰的正式条文;关于宗教信仰的表白
48、He was shocked into a confession of guilt. ─── 他被吓得认罪了。
49、She alone could accuse her lover,and destroy him by her confession. ─── 只有她一个人能告发她的情人,送他的命。
50、They extorted a confession from him by torture. ─── 他们对他进行刑讯逼供。
51、The results of confession were not contingent, they were certain. ─── 供认的结果不是偶然的,而是必然的。
52、By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession. ─── 他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。
53、Belgic Confession: General revelation = call. ─── -- 比利时信仰告白:普遍启示也是呼召。
54、In the civil procedure a confession is a formal admission. ─── 在民事诉讼程序中,供认是一种正式的承认。
55、He had a chance to confess and expiate his guilt. ─── 他有认错和赎罪的机会。
56、In those under interrogation it can lead to confession. ─── 在那些被审讯的人身上则迫使其招供。
57、Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess. ─── 他被当场抓住,除了招供别无出路。
58、Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin. ─── 天主教徒通过告解以获得赦罪。
59、Confession to a charge, but suggest it shall be cancelled. ─── 回避,躲避; 对指责表示认罪,但暗示应取消。
60、You must confess that I am right. ─── 你得承认我是对的。
61、They saw compromise as a confession of weakness. ─── 他们认为妥协就是自认孱弱。
62、What he said could be construed into a confession. ─── 她的话可以看成是一份自供。
63、They confess to murders they haven't committed. ─── 他们供认了自己未犯的谋杀罪。
64、He was thinking of his long, humiliating confession. ─── 他正想着他那篇长长的,羞辱的自供。
65、Did he spill Hoah's confession? ─── 他讲了挪亚忏悔的内容吗?
66、They squeezed a confession from him. ─── 他们逼他招供。
67、If you want to do better, you'd better confess to your weakness at first. ─── 如果你要做得更好,你最好先承认你的弱点。
68、His confession of ignorance of French is, ipso facto, a confession of unfitness for his present office. ─── 他承认不懂法文,事实上就等于承认不适合担任他现在的职务。
69、His confession that he had stolen my wallet shocked me. ─── 他承认偷了我的皮包,这使我大吃一惊。
70、The suspects will do their usual number -- protesting innocence -- and then confess. ─── 嫌犯们总会来他们的老套,先说他们是无辜的,然後才供认罪行。
71、He was shocked into a confession of guilt. ─── 他被吓得认罪了。
72、His confession lent credit to the report. ─── 他的供词使此篇报导可信。
73、Never confess to past infidelities. ─── 不要承认过去的不忠。
74、Following her confession, the IOC stripped her of her medals. ─── 供认后,国际奥委会随即没收了她的奖牌。
75、The suspect was flogged into confession. ─── 嫌疑犯被鞭打而承认。
76、To fess up is to confess or admit something. ─── fess up就是承认,坦白的意思。
77、He claimed that he signed the confession under duress. ─── 他说他是被迫在认罪书上签字的。
78、Rodriguez said Castro is an illegal immigrant and that he gave investigators a confession that implicated himself in the girl's death. ─── 罗德里格斯说,卡斯特罗是非法移民,而他自己向警方招供与女孩的死亡有关。
79、They tortured the prisoner until he made a confession. ─── 他们给犯人施酷刑,直至他招供为止。
80、She was reluctant to confess her ignorance. ─── 她不愿承认她的无知。
81、She is a good Catholic and goes to confession regularly. ─── 她是个虔诚的天主教徒,按时作告罪。
82、The police have got a confession out of her, ie have made her confess. ─── 警方逼她招了供。
83、At the convent, she went to confession twice a week. ─── 她在修道院里每星期做两次忏悔。
84、He made a voluntary confession to the police. ─── 他主动向警方坦白。
85、Confession is one mark of repentance. ─── 坦白是悔悟的一个标志。
86、He was not man enough to confess the truth. ─── 他没有足够的勇气去承认事实真相。
87、His confession surprised everyone. ─── 他的供词使大家都感到意外。
88、He refused to confess to his crime. ─── 他拒绝认罪。
89、He claims that police forced him to sign a confession. ─── 他声称警方强迫他签下自白书。
“陪伴是最长久的告白” 用英语怎么翻译
1、翻译:Company is the longest confession of love
Company is the most long love, forever is the most lasting answer。
To accompany lifetime is the deepest confession of love.
To accompany lifetime symbolizes a confession with eternal of love.
I love thee to the level of everydays
I shall but love thee better after death.
陪伴是最长情的告白 相守是最浪漫的情话 英语翻译
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